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7 Mario Kart PC Deadly Sins

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
good to know that these are the things that spawn forum kids and crivility
I'm gonna avoid these sins AWAP (as well as possible)

Me too

I'm back!

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Welcome back!welcome

What is the best Mario game in your opinion

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Super Mario 64, I gained extreme rage when trying to beat some of the levels, Rainbow Ride was the hardest one. And now I've replayed a little bit of it, It gave so much nostalgia.

(FANFIC) MKPC University

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
tendokiddo wrote:
It's been a while since I have made a Fan Fiction of MKPC, and now I feel like I could make actual Fanfics (that don't suck)
If you wanna join, list your:
What you are learning in the University
and Skill.
We need at least 12 members to join the fanfic!
it will be in French for the french members :D

Members so far:

Color: Red
Personality: Annoying, but tries to be better
What I am learning at the University: Cabinetry
Skill: Coding

Name: Joshy
Color: Cyan green
Learning: Proeid (a brazilian anti-drugs program teached in schools)
Personality: energetic, calm(when not energetic) and nice
talks everthing without thinking

light blue
Slow-learning and sort of introverted (doesn't really like to talk much)
Learning: Programming
Skill: Technology

Calm but questioning.
Taking geography (more specifically mapping) and filming, plus field hockey

Name: Everlynn
Color: Green
Personality: every single personality on earth,(i call it omnipersonality)
What I am learning at the University: Programming
Skill: Programming

Kind and shy
Name: Marido
Backstory: A clone of Mario that E-Gadd experiemented in his lab before eventually escaping in at midnight in the middle of a dark forest.
Personality: Has traumatic moments. Is a cyborg (one side is robot, the other is cloned human)
E-Gadd (formerly)
Dr. Eggman (in his universe, the Sonic TV series and games exist, but not Sonic and his friends theirselves.)
all of Bowser's friends or minions
All of Mario's friends
Looks the same as Mario, BUT...
· Has two mouse like ears
· Hat says "MD" instead of "M"
· Has the classic 1995 Mario design
Might make more info on him soon.
Skill: Smart in Science and Robotic abilities
so for me its hexcode=#ab3095
math and coding
Game Developer

and also i like cacti
Ça fait un moment que je n'ai pas fait de Fan Fiction de MKPC, et maintenant j'ai l'impression que je pourrais faire de vraies Fanfics (qui ne sont pas nulles)
Si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre, indiquez votre :
Nom d'utilisateur
Ce que vous apprenez à l'université
et Compétence.
Nous avons besoin d'au moins 12 membres pour rejoindre la fanfic !
ce sera en français pour les membres français :D
Membres jusqu'à présent :

Couleur : Rouge
Personnalité : Ennuyeux, mais essaie d'être meilleur
Ce que j'apprends à l'Université : l'ébénisterie
Compétence : Codage

Nom : Joshy
Couleur: vert cyan
Apprentissage : Proeid (un programme brésilien de lutte contre la drogue enseigné dans les écoles)
Personnalité : énergique, calme (quand il n’est pas énergique) et gentil
parle de tout sans réfléchir

bleu clair
Apprentissage lent et plutôt introverti (n'aime pas vraiment parler)
Apprentissage : Programmation
Compétence : Technologie

Nom : Everlynn
La couleur: verte
Personnalité : chaque personnalité sur terre (j'appelle cela l'omnipersonnalité)
Ce que j'apprends à l'université : la programmation
Compétence : Programmation

Calme mais interrogateur.
Prendre de la géographie (plus précisément de la cartographie) et du tournage, ainsi que du hockey sur gazon
Gentil et timide
La programmation
Nom : Marido
Histoire : Un clone de Mario qu'E-Gadd a expérimenté dans son laboratoire avant de finalement s'enfuir à minuit au milieu d'une forêt sombre.
Personnalité : A des moments traumatisants.  Est un cyborg (un côté est un robot, l'autre est un humain cloné)
E-Gadd (anciennement)
Dr Eggman (dans son univers, la série télévisée et les jeux Sonic existent, mais pas Sonic et ses amis eux-mêmes.)
tous les amis ou serviteurs de Bowser
Déteste :
Tous les amis de Mario
Il ressemble à Mario, MAIS...
· A deux oreilles de souris
· Le chapeau indique "MD" au lieu de "M".
· A le design classique de Mario de 1995
Je pourrais bientôt donner plus d'informations sur lui.
Compétence : Intelligent en sciences et capacités robotiques
donc pour moi c'est hexcode=#ab3095
mathématiques et codage
Développeur de jeu

et aussi j'aime les cactus[/fr

Name: BigBabyM64

Color: Blue

Personality: Introvert, Funny, Scared of people who seem stronger than me.

Learning: How to reverse drift, and acomplimish purple spark

Skill: Jumping

can I be like, the new kid that comes to the school 2 day later?


The letter E isn't allowed

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Uhhhhh, Its a M33hjdkk8782bnsdljakdhal333∃  Mario!genial

BREAKING NEWS! Toad crashes his kart in his own circuit

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Okay What is even the point of this topic?

I really dont know
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Meanwhile toadette:


The Yoshi Story

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
And then wakes up to realize it was all a dream...Yoshi wakes up to the smell of....
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
"Where is everyone?" says Yoshi
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Yoshi after he stops eating everyone: https://64.media.tumblr.com/4bee5f6c2ab9a5c304206b30c8a86571/tumblr_pkmn62pg5h1wnhojco1_500.jpg
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
All the other Ghost Yoshis:

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
But something that will question what yoshi will do...Shigeru Miyamoto appears:$:$
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Gojo didn't have time to activate his infinity💀
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
But then...This mf appears....https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQaznvpy9OA-kWU0iKlBkC2PIusXDJbGT0yiQ&s

What happens next is crazyhttps://media.tenor.com/_y80uUbVt-8AAAAM/one-piece-gear-5-luffy-eyes-pop-out-luffy-one-piece.gif. yoshi got up and....
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
And then, Luigi tries to bail him out to save daisy, his pookie wookie...
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
And then Daisy came to Yoshi, Telling him not to do that crap, You can probably guessed what happened next.
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
And then Blue Yoshi came out, and started confronting Yoshi for eating Nabbit.
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
yoshiOne day in the Mushroom Kingdom, Yoshi was hungry so he...

(You can continue the story, Just make sure it makes sense and it is appropiate to whats going on)

Spoiler [ShowHide]
Here are some characters you CAN also add to the story
-Bowser Jr
-All the partners from Paper Mario 64

The Countryball Show

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Name: USA

Gender: Male

Personality: Always alone and mean, But gets kind when he feels like it

Power: Having ciggarattes all over Texas

leaving? maybe?

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
We're gonna miss you hey

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