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MKPCian Dictionary

Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
AVEOPdev97 wrote:
Robophobic - Someone who is homophobic to robots.

Altsegaritutoisumackea - A fancy word for "hi"

Stunny - Stupid funny

altsegaritutoisumackea fellow account
are you certain that this isn't too fancy for a simple greeting?
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Cyclops516 wrote:
Wargor: the one person who should go to hell

sir he created the site
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Fiery wrote:
Just doing words that aren't in this topic that are in the google doc
Abandoned Project: A project / multi-cup that someone starts but abandons a few weeks or months after they have started it
Alt Account: A second, third, fourth, etc account that a member has created (also known as an AA or an Alternative Account)
MKArtist: A member that only sends messages on the topic “Upload your drawings”
MKPC Scratcher: Someone who uses Scratch that joined MKPC
Permanent IP Ban: The act of suspending someone’s IP from MKPC permanently.
Ban: The act of suspending someone from MKPC
Permanent Ban: The act of suspending someone from MKPC permanently
IP Ban: The act of suspending someone’s IP from MKPC
Controphobia: Fear of debates (this might be here correct me if wrong)
Daisists: individuals who adopt daisism
Deleted Account: Someone who is just taking a break and will be back in a month or longer
Forumism: the hatred for the forums
New Leaver: A random member that talks on the forums for 3 weeks minimum to 2 months maximum and deletes their account after
Quicklover: Somebody who likes Quick Mode
Reactionbomb: When a message or topic gets an excessive amount of reactions (either in numbers of people reacting or the number of reactions people are doing)
Revive: When a topic hasn’t been talked on for months or years and gets a message many months / years later
Rommer: A member that creates rom hacks but also spends time on MKPC
Singular reactionbomb: When people reactionbomb with one reaction
Snifberg the Unfeeling: A member that randomly says hurtful messages to people for no reason
Snowflake: A word that describes someone that is currently emotional
Squarian: Someone who makes square tracks
Squarism: Constantly making square tracks
Stereophobia: Fear of stereotypes
Toxichallenger: A person that has completed a challenge who makes fun of someone because they haven’t completed it yet
Websitopic: A topic that is based on a website different from MKPC
Unfeeling: Randomly saying “kill yourself” to an MKPC member
Unban: When a members ban time is up and they come back to MKPC
YoshiLOVER: The member of all time (joke)

croassung wrote:
Controphobia: Fear of debates
Stereophobia: Fear of stereotypes
Wompwomper: One who has absolutely no care on critical events

Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Maxonianism - A societal compass in which one complains over track ratings that aren't a perfect 5/5 and gets stressed out easily (no but Max I do understand your pain, here I'm jesting)
Antifreezing - The act of attempting to alleviate an argument while being toxic yourself
Toadism - Being racist toward Toads
Yoshism - Being racist toward Yoshis
Konekoism - Being racist toward femboys and/or catgirls
Koopism - Being racist toward Koopa Troopas (Yelloy wil had me arretested for this.)
Banana peeling - Being a nuisance completely randomly
Bloopering - Hiding insecurities by being a nuisance
Bullet Billing - Being a nuisance during lounges, online matches etc. due to losing
Nyanism - Adopting the way that femboys and catgirls talk nya~ :3
Badlands - A place where MKPCians who are banned or have deleted their accunt are fabled to enter
Accunt - The online identity of an MKPCian
The funni - In relation to a prank, meme or jest
Itemboxing - Being completely random
Fakeboxing - Being completely random but meaning to do so as a jest

why does itemboxing fit my personality
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
i just made the dictionary in google docs
ill be adding more words in about 6:00pm - 7:00pm (if i have school, otherwise its earlier)
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Controphobia: Fear of debates
Stereophobia: Fear of stereotypes
Wompwomper: One who has absolutely no care on critical events
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
welp I guess I’ll do a few

Alphism: Hatred towards Generation Alpha
Alphist: One who has hatred towards Generation Alpha
Liviophobia: Fear of grass or nature

What would be needed for Mario kart 10?

Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
ill just make a retro cup prediction here

first i'll set the ones i want and probably expect
uhhhh imma try shortening it
i guess its better?
ill remove the ones that already got a remake (except for tour remakes to make it a bit fair) (not including tour tracks)
had to add n64 wario stadium cuz i wanted at least one from each game
anyways lemme shorten it a bit more
now i can select the 16 tracks
and presto, my prediction for next retro selection
the full list here

Everything you say is the opposite

Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
im sure why this topic is still inactive??
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
You guys can say "(Dose Not Count/Doesn't Count to say Something that won't be counted as the Opposite.  

how else cant we say what wernt trying to say
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
DS Rainbow Road's music ts the worst

that ain’t nostalgic to me
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Coolmonkey wrote:
opposite huh?

i dont like my character = i like my character

that’s definitely the same thing
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
i actually interact with people in roleplays

Suggestions For MKPC

Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
croassung wrote:
difficulties in grand prix
I already said it

i didnt know
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
difficulties in grand prix

Let's make QM tiles for every official MK Track together

Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Yoshizilla wrote:
Daisy Hills And Cheep Cheep Beach!:p

did you listen to a word Dudzi just say?
are you fucking blind!?
i feel like you r acting like this on purpose
PLEASE stop acting like a nuisance in this community
and don't you DARE ignore this message


check first page
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
first city track 👍 new york minute
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
croassung wrote:
Rmx Vanilla Lake 1:p

why are you quoting them if the ey didn’t make it
should you give @MyGraveStone's MK8 styled buses, cars and trucks in piravte chat?

I didn’t understand that message
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Rmx Vanilla Lake 1:p

why are you quoting them if the ey didn’t make it
Messages 1000 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
croassung wrote:
[/yt]]Anterclata Raceway, and Greeny Raceway!

official Mario Kart tracks


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