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Raconte tes meilleures blagues ! Tell your best jokes !

Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
SuperCop1 wrote:
Savez-vous comment on fait une radio?

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Si vous pensez que c'est en venant chez le radiologue pour vous refaire les tibia, perdu. Mais avez-vous essayé de faire une radio de radio? Vous verrez que les os n'existent pas.

ah , je suis tombé sur un os mdr
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
J'ai une blague mdr

C'est deux personnes perdues dans le désert et l'une d'entre elles dit :
"Il parait que les cailloux calme la soif , séparons-nous pour en trouver"
Elles se séparent et marchent toutes les deux plusieurs minutes et l'une revient en criant :
"Plus la peine de chercher des cailloux , j'ai trouvé un ruisseau !!!!!banane"
L'autre répond :
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Mais oui , il y a plein de caillou dans un ruisseau mdr
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
/!\Blague avec humour noir/!\
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Savez-vous pourquoi on crie "les femmes et les enfants d’abords" quand un bateau coule ?
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Car comme ça , si il y a des requins ils seront rassasiés au passage des hommesbananemdrlolrire

[Fanfic] SuperMega7 Party

Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
SuperMega7 wrote:
Skeleton Key Park!
(i used PartyPlanner64)

J'ai pu faire "Donut of fire" :p

Cases "?" : Le volcan rentre en irruption ! Des boules de feux sont envoyées aléatoirement sur la map ! Le malheureux qui s'en prendra une perd trois pièces et atterrit sur la case départ , sans gagner de pièces .

Case bordée d'un "Toad" : Boutique Toad , achetez ou passez votre chemin !

Ps : Est-il possible de la mettre dans la fanfic ?? :o

J'adore! Je ne sais pas comment je pourrais l'adapter dans ma fanfic, puisque j'utilise le design des cases Mario Party moderne (je sais que la case bleu avec un point d'exclamation est une case chance time, mais je ne sais pas par quoi remplacer les cases champignons et les cases minijeu 1 joueur)

Case "!" devient case "chance" : Le joueur gagne ou perd quelque chose au hasard ( objet , pièces ... )
Case Champignon devient case objet : Un mini-jeux débute dans lequel il est possible de gagner un objet
Case mini-jeu devient "duel" : choisissez un adversaire et un montant , le gagnant du mini jeu gagne ses pièces misées et les îèces misée de l'adversaire :)
Box "!" becomes “chance” box: The player wins or loses something at random (object, coins, etc.)
Mushroom box becomes object box: A mini-game begins in which it is possible to win an object
mini-game box becomes "duel": choose an opponent and an amount, the winner of the mini game wins his staked coins and the opponent's staked coins :)
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Skeleton Key Park!
(i used PartyPlanner64)

J'ai pu faire "Donut of fire" :p

Cases "?" : Le volcan rentre en irruption ! Des boules de feux sont envoyées aléatoirement sur la map ! Le malheureux qui s'en prendra une perd trois pièces et atterrit sur la case départ , sans gagner de pièces .

Case bordée d'un "Toad" : Boutique Toad , achetez ou passez votre chemin !

Ps : Est-il possible de la mettre dans la fanfic ?? :o
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
SuperMega7 wrote:
Episode 3: Skeleton Key Park (First Time)

SuperMega7 and his 4 chosen party-goers (Daisanko, Twilight, Limey and Wogser) enter the painting leading to Skeleton Key Park. They all land on a rocky platform and they all look at the landscapes that they have seen in the painting. The unchosen players (Parachute Paper, Kirby64 and a newcomer RedPikmin) were sitting on a bench, spectating the others

SuperMega7: Alright folks! Since the suggestions for the settings for the game were incomplete, I decided to do the myself... So there are 15 turns and bonus stars! Skeleton Key Park is a natural park where Skeleton Keys reside! Since Skeleton Keys are all around the park, you cannot buy them in the shop! The only ways to get a skeleton Key is to either land on a happening space or to buy a Skeleton Key's service from Mama Key! Where is the first star you may ask? Let's find out!

LuigiBoi parachutes next to the 26th space. What used to be a blue space became a star space.

LuigiBoi: It's here! You better get 20 coins before you meet me! It could be easy, since it's quite far!

SuperMega7: Before we start, I'll give to each of you 10 coins!

Daisanko, Twilight, Limey and Wogser each get 10 coins from SM7, happy to get money at the start.

SuperMega7: Alright, let's roll the dice to see the order of players!

4 dices appeared above the players. They all jumped. Daisanko got 6, Twilight got 8, Limey got 10 and Wogser got 7

SuperMega7: Alright, Limey starts, Twilight is 2nd, Wogser is 3rd and Daisanko ends the turn. Now, let's get started!

Turn 1/15

Limey: Alright, me first!

Limey hits the dice and got 3. He moves 3 spaces and lands on a red space, losing 3 coins!

Limey: Awww man... I have 7 coins now...

Twilight: It's my turn now!

Twilight hits the dice and got 3. They land on the same space as Limey, also losing 3 coins!

Twilight: Hi Limey! I have 7 coins remaining...

Wogser: My turn now, bwahahahaha!

Wogser hits the dice and got 7. He moves 7 spaces and lands on a red space, losing 3 coins!

Wogser: Dang it! I have 7 coins now, but I'm going to win the upcoming minigame!

Daisanko: Alright, my turn...

Daisanko hits the dice and got 8. He moves 8 spaces and lands on a blue space, winning 3 coins!

Daisanko: Great! I have 13 coins now!

1vs3 Minigame time!
Limey, Twilight and Wogser vs Daisanko

Minigame selected: Hazard Hold from Mario Party 9
Demo of the minigame (this is for the purpose of knowing what the minigame is):

Time for a break, I don't know how minigames could work in the fanfic for now...

Persos je choisirai aléatoirement parmis 4 mini-jeux 3 vs 1 , puis tu raconte l'histoire à travers le mini-jeu :p

Ceci est un exemple pour expliquer mon idée :)

Rocher Badaboom a été choisi , Waluigi Yoshi et Daisy jouent à trois , DK joue solo .

Le présentateur : Le but est pour DK de balancer des rochers sur ses adversaires afin d'éviter qu'ils montent tout en haut . L'équipe de trois joueur doit monter tout en haut dans le temps imparti ! Bonne chance !

DK : Je vais vous écrabouiller !

Waluigi : MOUHAHAHA ! C'est gagné d'avance !

DK lance un premier rocher mais celui-ci est esquivé par nos trois joueurs , Waluigi tape alors un sprint pensant être invincible mais se fait écraser à 30 cm du sommet et tombe en bas . Daisy monte plus lentement et esquive les rochers . Daisy est à la hauteure de Yoshi , Yoshi est entre Daisy et le mur alors qu'un rocher arrive . Yoshi se prend le rocher en pleine face et tombe avec Daisy .

DK : UHUHUHUH ! Je suis le plus fort !

Yoshi : Ca ne va pas ! Il faut monter en équipe !
Daisy : T'as raison ! EH , Waluigi !
Waluigi ( monte encore ) : HEIN QUOI ??? ( se tourne et reçoit un rocher de dos ) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!

DK : Plus que 10 secondes les minables !

Daisy : Montons en équipe , DK sera débordé !
Waluigi : Ok , c'est gagné !

Yoshi Waluigi et Daisy montent en ligne , assez vite mais sans taper de sprint . DK lance plusieurs rochers aléatoirement mais aucun ne les touche !

DK : Mais c'est pas vrai !

Soudain , un rocher touche Yoshi qui dégringole , DK entamme une danse de la victoire puis relance des rochers . Waluigi et Daisy montent encore .

DK : Mais c'est pas vrai , mais c'est pas vrai !

Daisy ( touche l'épaule de DK par derrière ) : Si , c'est vrai !
Waluigi : WAHAHAHAHAH!!! On a gagné !

DK : NON ! J'ai perduuuuuu

Les dix pièces reviennent donc à Daisy , Waluigi et Yoshi .
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
SuperMega7 wrote:
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Episode 1: The hub world

SuperMega7, his guests (Parachute Paper, Daisanko, Twilight, Limey, Wogser and the newcomer Kirby64) and his team (Wal68, Bentley, Brint and LuigiBoi) arrived in front of some sort of theme park with 6 kiosks, Wal68 ran into a kiosk that had a sign with "Shop" written on it.

Wal68: From where I am, you can buy minigames, music and even items that can help you in boards! All you need is coins of course! You also need to play a minigame at least once to buy it here.
SuperMega7: Thank you for explaining the Shop Kiosk, Wal68! The kiosk with a dice is the Mario Party Kiosk, it allows you to play any boards freely! The kiosk with a book is the Story Kiosk, it allows you to play through Story Mode! The kiosk with a star is the Special Kiosk, it allows you to play minigames that don't play during normal gameplay! The kiosk with a vs sign is the Minigame Kiosk, it allows you to play minigames you bought from the Shop Kiosk! The kiosk with a trophy is the Champion Kiosk, it allows you to go in an adventure where you play every minigames available! The Champion Kiosk, the Minigame Kiosk, the Story Kiosk and the Special Kiosk are under construction, so you can't enter these kiosks right now...
Kirby64: I cannot wait to start the party! What do we do first?
Parachute Paper: What about the Mario Party Kiosk? We can compete to see who wins!
Daisanko: I'd say the Shop Kiosk... We could probably buy useful items!
Twilight: I'm not really sure... I think Mario Party Kiosk is a good start!
Limey: Shop Kiosk, I want to say hello to Mr. Shopkeeper!
Wogser: I want to go to the Mario Party Kiosk! I will crush you all!
SuperMega7: Hmmm... I'm not sure either... It's up to you, readers of the fanfic, to choose where our party-goers are going to go! Don't forget that the Minigame Kiosk, the Story Kiosk, the Special Kiosk and the Champion Kiosk are not open yet! So it's either the Mario Party Kiosk or the Shop Kiosk! It's your choice!

End of Episode 1, the choice starts now!

Mario kiosk because BOUHAHAHARARA!!!!!

no, I have no idea to argue
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Role: player
Name: Wogser (Bowser's evil :p)
Color ; purple
Personality: Bad loser, loves mistreating toads and cheating by stealing currency from merchants... without promised success and intelligence...
Victory cry: BOUHAHAHARARARA!!!!! I'm the best!
Cry of defeat: WHAT???!!! It's impossible!! You cheated!!!

Super Mario 64 - Deep Dive

Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Helloween wrote:
Helloween wrote:
Bob-Omb Battlefield

Something was always pretty crazy to me when I looked at Bob-Omb Battlefield. It felt so unique, for a first level. It wasn't groundbreaking ; the setting was still grassy with a blue sky, but something felt different.

The first thing you know when arriving in Bob-Omb Battlefield is that the Pink Bob-Ombs are at war with the Black Bob-Ombs. The name of the first star is 'King Bob-Omb on the Summit' which lets you guess what the task at hand is gonna be.

You start making your way to the summit, meeting a few interesting elements on your way, such as a Chomp, a closed cannon, elevators, seesaw bridges, or rolling balls.

The layout of the stage is very particular ; it is a very linear pathway surrounded by different elements that will be explored later on. You can see large chunks of rocky ground. These are pretty empty, with only some Bob-Ombs milling around. There is also a cage, which can be opened by a purple switch. Above all of that, you can find most of the level ; there is a cannon which will be used in the level's third star, there is a cage behind the Chain Chomp that has a star inside, a section with bushes, Goombas and red coins, and finally, the entrance to the mountain.

So, BOB is pretty much a mountain surrounded by a plain. Now, let's climb the mountain, which notably has some shortcuts, such as the slope that can be found at the left extremity of the level when entering the mountain ; and a warp zone that almost takes you to the highest point of the map, which, for now, will be King Bob-Omb's arena.

Fighting him is quite simple. You have to get behind him, grab him, and throw him. When you do that, however, be careful. The battle resets if you throw him out of the arena, since he sees that as cheating (even though he does the same thing. Is this proving the hypocrisy of many authority figures?) The battle finishes and there you go, you have your first star.

The second star has you racing against Koopa the Quick, which you will meet again, some time later... The third star has you using the cannons to eeach a floating island, that's visible since it's floating in the sky. The fourth star has you exploring the stage for eight red coins ; the fifth has you flying into the sky to collect the central coin of several golden rings ; and the sixth concludes the level by requiring you to stomp on the Chain Chomp's log in order to free him and destroy the cage behind.

Now, what do I think of the level? I am gonna rate the stage in 4 categories : aesthetic, theming, layout, and the stars themselves.

Tbh, BOB looks quite nice and unique. It is a battlefield ; it has cannons, rolling balls, enemies, a Chomp, it overall is distinct from all of the other levels in this game. It is a nice beginning. 4/5

While BOB isn't groundbreaking, it has a really nice and original theming that had not really been explored before. It mixes a grassy setting, and airship-like elements. It deserves a 5/5, for a beginning stage.

I think BOB has a nice layout. As I said, it is a mountain which you have to climb, surrounded by a plain which you have to explore. It has large fields where not much is going on, but overall the space is used well, with a few shortcuts and a few warp zones to travel across the plain or climb the mountain faster. It deserves a 3.5/5.

1-1 : Nice, basic star with an easy boss that introduces the situation and level well. 4/5.

1-2 : An even better star, as it has you going the same road as before, but much faster. KTQ only allows some shortcuts like the slope or the warp zone (and he takes one himself since he can walk on the side of the Chomp's cage) but you cannot use cannons or the wing cap which I thought was well thought. 4.5/5.

1-3 : Introduces you to cannons. It is very easy, and very quick. It's pretty nice. 3/5.

1-4 : It has you exploring the entire stage to find eight red coins. While I'm not a fond of this type of mission, it's not inherently bad. 2.5/5

1-5 : Now this is the worst mission of the bunch for sure, it is tedious, especially with draw distance. You have to use the wing cap, and you can help yourself with the cannon, but even then. It takes time, precision, patience and skill, which I honestly don't like for this kind of star. 2/5.

1-6 : While it's short, it's also creative, well thought, and a bit dangerous as 3 hits from the Chomp can kill you. 4/5.

Stage Average : 3.94/5

It is, as I said, a pretty solid stage. Sure, it does have its flaws, but I think that as a beginning stage it was executed well.

Now, the lore of the stage. Well I don't think there is much here actually. KBO seems to have been reduced to the state of a rolling metal ball, and the war between the Black Bob-Ombs and the Pink Bob-Ombs seem to go in favor of the PBO as the BBO just lost their leader. There isn't much else to say.

With that, I'll be wrapping up this episode for now, and I'll see you all next time for a deep dive into one of the best Mario 64 levels!

Il y a aussi des îles flottantes qui ont 2 étoiles .


Les canons servent à atteindre ces îles flottantes :
- au dessus du "parc" à droite du Chomp
- Et c'est tout enft
- Réflexion faite , CETTE île :p

Une étoile se situe dans un bloc ? sur l'île , une autre à travers des cerceau de pièces
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Helloween wrote:
Bob-Omb Battlefield

Something was always pretty crazy to me when I looked at Bob-Omb Battlefield. It felt so unique, for a first level. It wasn't groundbreaking ; the setting was still grassy with a blue sky, but something felt different.

The first thing you know when arriving in Bob-Omb Battlefield is that the Pink Bob-Ombs are at war with the Black Bob-Ombs. The name of the first star is 'King Bob-Omb on the Summit' which lets you guess what the task at hand is gonna be.

You start making your way to the summit, meeting a few interesting elements on your way, such as a Chomp, a closed cannon, elevators, seesaw bridges, or rolling balls.

The layout of the stage is very particular ; it is a very linear pathway surrounded by different elements that will be explored later on. You can see large chunks of rocky ground. These are pretty empty, with only some Bob-Ombs milling around. There is also a cage, which can be opened by a purple switch. Above all of that, you can find most of the level ; there is a cannon which will be used in the level's third star, there is a cage behind the Chain Chomp that has a star inside, a section with bushes, Goombas and red coins, and finally, the entrance to the mountain.

So, BOB is pretty much a mountain surrounded by a plain. Now, let's climb the mountain, which notably has some shortcuts, such as the slope that can be found at the left extremity of the level when entering the mountain ; and a warp zone that almost takes you to the highest point of the map, which, for now, will be King Bob-Omb's arena.

Fighting him is quite simple. You have to get behind him, grab him, and throw him. When you do that, however, be careful. The battle resets if you throw him out of the arena, since he sees that as cheating (even though he does the same thing. Is this proving the hypocrisy of many authority figures?) The battle finishes and there you go, you have your first star.

The second star has you racing against Koopa the Quick, which you will meet again, some time later... The third star has you using the cannons to eeach a floating island, that's visible since it's floating in the sky. The fourth star has you exploring the stage for eight red coins ; the fifth has you flying into the sky to collect the central coin of several golden rings ; and the sixth concludes the level by requiring you to stomp on the Chain Chomp's log in order to free him and destroy the cage behind.

Now, what do I think of the level? I am gonna rate the stage in 4 categories : aesthetic, theming, layout, and the stars themselves.

Tbh, BOB looks quite nice and unique. It is a battlefield ; it has cannons, rolling balls, enemies, a Chomp, it overall is distinct from all of the other levels in this game. It is a nice beginning. 4/5

While BOB isn't groundbreaking, it has a really nice and original theming that had not really been explored before. It mixes a grassy setting, and airship-like elements. It deserves a 5/5, for a beginning stage.

I think BOB has a nice layout. As I said, it is a mountain which you have to climb, surrounded by a plain which you have to explore. It has large fields where not much is going on, but overall the space is used well, with a few shortcuts and a few warp zones to travel across the plain or climb the mountain faster. It deserves a 3.5/5.

1-1 : Nice, basic star with an easy boss that introduces the situation and level well. 4/5.

1-2 : An even better star, as it has you going the same road as before, but much faster. KTQ only allows some shortcuts like the slope or the warp zone (and he takes one himself since he can walk on the side of the Chomp's cage) but you cannot use cannons or the wing cap which I thought was well thought. 4.5/5.

1-3 : Introduces you to cannons. It is very easy, and very quick. It's pretty nice. 3/5.

1-4 : It has you exploring the entire stage to find eight red coins. While I'm not a fond of this type of mission, it's not inherently bad. 2.5/5

1-5 : Now this is the worst mission of the bunch for sure, it is tedious, especially with draw distance. You have to use the wing cap, and you can help yourself with the cannon, but even then. It takes time, precision, patience and skill, which I honestly don't like for this kind of star. 2/5.

1-6 : While it's short, it's also creative, well thought, and a bit dangerous as 3 hits from the Chomp can kill you. 4/5.

Stage Average : 3.94/5

It is, as I said, a pretty solid stage. Sure, it does have its flaws, but I think that as a beginning stage it was executed well.

Now, the lore of the stage. Well I don't think there is much here actually. KBO seems to have been reduced to the state of a rolling metal ball, and the war between the Black Bob-Ombs and the Pink Bob-Ombs seem to go in favor of the PBO as the BBO just lost their leader. There isn't much else to say.

With that, I'll be wrapping up this episode for now, and I'll see you all next time for a deep dive into one of the best Mario 64 levels!

Il y a aussi des îles flottantes qui ont 2 étoiles .

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Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Hey ! J'ai énormément avancé sur mes futures créations si bien que j'ai fait une mini-map façon Mario Kart 8 deluxe :D

Sauriez-vous deviner quel est ce circuit ? :o

Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
je n'ai rien publié depuis longtemps , et pour cause !

Je vais publier plusieurs circuits le même jour :p

en attendant , petit spoiler d'un de mes circuits :

ouais c'est petit mais , peut être , arriveriez-vous à reconnaître le tracé :p
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Voici à quoi ressemblera les futurs noëls noel

J'ai prévu de le faire en complet :p
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
mon futur circuit ressemblera à ça ( en beaucoup moins flou :p ) : https://i.goopics.net/f7pkbr.png

Le circuit sera à peu près 10 fois plus grand et 10 fois moins flou ! Et ce n'est pas tout
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J'ai prévu de faire des effets météorologiques ! :d

Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Hi community, I (re) come to advertise my circuits on this beautiful topic! :D

Since I'm sadistic (and I want to become famous again but shhh!:p), I made a complete circuit that I haven't published yet!fou
However, I published its simplified version so that you have ideas of this brand new circuit! :)

If people want to try to draw a complete version of the circuit it would be fun (especially since I would like to see the differences with my version :p)

I repet , know that the complete map is already ready...

Come on, I'll let you cry with impatience! MOUHAHAHAHA!!! banane
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Oui , j'ai fait le circuit Cool cool mountain ;)

Cool cool mountain paraîtra dans Mario Kart Toto ! :p
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
je n'ai pas fini ma multicoupe mais je compte faire une multibataille en mode complet , donc voici les différentes coupes qui seront présentent avec leurs arènes :

Arènes nitro
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Coupe pièce
Arène waluigi
Place wiggler
Arène cyclone rocheux
Tuyauterie luigi

Coupe soleil

Stade chomp
Jardin pyranhas
Arène givrée d'harmonie
Arène pac-man

Arènes retro

Profitez-en pour voir mes arènes déjà crées ! ;)
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Je viens tout juste de découvrir ce superbe forum ( 5/5 à son créateur super ) , et je me suis dit que j'allais vous dévoiler la liste de circuits à venir de Mario Kart Toto :p( ainsi que les circuits déjà présents pour commencer :))

Circuits basiques

Circuits nitro
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Coupe champignon
Circuit mario 1
Park super mario 1
Champ de battaille bob-omb
Château mario 64

Coupe banane
Piscine champignon
Circuit mario 2
Manoir du désespoir
Archipelles volcan

Coupe fleur
Circuit park mario 2
Route des pyramides
Piscine bowser
Lac champignon

Coupe étoile
Vallée canyon
Forteresse Twhomp
Forêt champignon
Désert arc en ciel

Coupe spéciale
Château de bowser 1
Marécage boo
Îles paradisiaques

Coupe boomerang
Square tuyau
Bateau de kamek
Circuit wario
Circuit waluigi

Coupe cloche
Circuit du flocon rapide
Ruines bowser
Manoir du roi boo
Snowbite stadium ( merci à @Lely pour ce remake ;) )

Coupe mini champi

Îles fury
Cité gateau-fort
Château de bowser 2
Route arc en ciel

Circuits rétro

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Coupe carapace verte
Circuit mario 2 snes
Autodrome luigi gcn
Quartier delfino ds
Mont éboulis 3ds

Coupe carapace rouge
Chapidrome switch
Plaine donut 2 snes
Circuit peach gba
Circuit daisy wii

Coupe feuille
Park baby gcn
Égout pyranhas 3ds
Manoir de luigi ds
Royaume sorbet n64

Coupe champi géant
Temple ka-bang switch
Gorge champignon wii
Circuit luigi gba
Montagne choco n64

Coupe éclair
Pont champignon gcn
Jardin volant gba
Station glagla switch
Galion wario 3ds

Coupe Oeuf
Arène d'exitebike switch
Jardin peach ds
Pic DK wii
Château de bowser 2 snes

Coupe fleur de glace
Lac boo gba
Ponton lugubre n64
Bateau volant ds
Château de bowser gcn

Coupe champi or
Forêt DK 3ds
Volcan grondant wii
Château de bowser n64
Route arc en ciel snes

Circuits additionnels

Grand prix Saisonnière
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Coupe automne
Vallée fantôme 1 snes
Manoir trempé switch
Bois vermeil wii
Stade waluigi gcn

Coupe hivers

Royaume sorbet gba
Route glagla n64
Monde glacé d'harmonie 3ds
Alpes DK ds

Coupe pringtemps
Vallée daisy 3ds
Passage feuillage switch
Jungle DK n64
Montagne DK gcn

Coupe été
Plage koopas 1 snes
Désert du soleil ds
Plage maskass gba
Cap koopas wii

Grand prix retro
A venir ... ( 8 coupes à l'appel ! )

Grand prix mkpc

A venir ... ( 4 coupes à l'appel )

Grand prix multigame
A venir ...
Coupe sonic

Coupe zelda

Coupe kirby

Coupe pac-man

Coupe animal crossing

Coupe splatoon

Coupe pokémon

Coupe Donkey Kong

Le Club Informatique / The Computer Club

Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion


merci de votre compréhension :)

ptn quel message pourri


thank you for your understanding :)

f*** what a rotten message
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Salut bande de geeks :D

Aujourd'hui j'ai le bonheur de vous annoncer le premier concours lié à notre club informatique banane

/!\ Prend fin le 31 octobre /!\

Objectif : Créez sur scratch le meilleur Pong que vous ne puissiez imaginer ! :D ordi
Le gagnant remportera de nombreuses récompenses! :p

Pensez à signalez ici que vous participez ! :)

Voici les "prix" :
1er prix
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"Oscar du meilleur Chat informatique"

Possibilité de voir sur nos profils ( Moi, Onix et Wal98 ) le lien de votre jeu ! ( ou le cas échéant, un screenshot de votre programmation avec le titre du jeu )
Gains de nombreux personnages customs bananetoadyoshiparatroopa

2e prix
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"Oscar du second sprite du chat"

Gains de quelques personnages customs supertoad

3e prix
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Lot de consolation oui mais aussi j'ai pas d'idées

Oscar du bloc Quand ... est cliqué

un-curieux wrote:
Quels sont les critères pour gagner ? :o

Justement, parlons-en : :d

Votre jeu doit être un remake du célèbre jeu "Pong"

Son gameplay doit être riche et plein de surprises

Les sprites et les backgrounds doivent être jolis

La présence de modes seront valorisés

Tout rapports avec Halloween seront valorisés

Une fois votre jeu réalisé, envoyez sur ce topic le lien de votre jeu et nos jugent établiront une note sur 20 à partir des critères ci-dessus! :)

Nos juges :

/!\ IMPORTANT: ce concours n'est pas officiel, sauf si un admins ou un animateur ne s'en charge, les oscars devront être mis sur les profils des gagnants par eux-mêmes! Nous comptons sur votre maturité pour ne pas tricher! :d/!\

Lien de Scratch

Vidéo du jeu Pong:

Hello geeks :D

Today I have the pleasure of announcing the first competition linked to our computer club banane

/!\ Ends October 31 /!\

Objective: Create on scratch the best Pong you can imagine! :D ordi
The winner will win many rewards! :p

Remember to indicate here that you are participating! :)

Here are the “prices”:
1st prize
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"Oscar for Best Computer Cat"

Possibility of seeing the link to your game on our profiles (Me and Onix)! (or if applicable, a screenshot of your programming with the title of the game)
Gains from many custom charactersbananetoadyoshiparatroopa

2nd prize
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"Oscar for the second cat sprite"

Gains of some custom characters supertoad

3rd prize
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Consolation prize yes but also I have no ideas

Oscar of the Block When... is clicked

un-curious wrote:
What are the criteria for winning? :o

Exactly, let's talk about it :d

Your game must be a remake of the famous game "Pong"

Its gameplay must be rich and full of surprises

Sprites and backgrounds must be pretty

The presence of modes will be valued

Everything related to Halloween will be valued

Once your game is made, send the link to your game to this topic and our judges will establish a score out of 20 based on the criteria above! :)

Our judges:

/!\ IMPORTANT: this competition is not official, unless an admins or facilitator takes care of it, the Oscars will have to be put on the winners' profiles by themselves! We are counting on your maturity not to cheat! :d/!\

Link from Scratch

Pong game video:

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