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Le bazar de Jey
On 2022-09-28 at 16:20:57
Je vais bientôt fermer ce topic et vous savez pourquoi ? Car au bout d'un moment, c'est les modérateurs qui vont s'en charger, je vais faire un blogger ou un Google Site pour ce topic
Après comme je l'ai dit sur le topic de PopStar, je pense faire un topic bazar pour tout le monde, en gros un Space for Anything français, car là avec moi, toi, DaisyPeachAndKeeby, DaisyAndToad (DaisyFan), et d'autres, ouais un topic général serait bien, je pense faire un topic pour demander l'avis général
On 2022-09-01 at 15:31:12
ANECDOTE : Ce circuit à été fait sur le Windows 98 de mon grand-père, un vrai, hein !
ANECDOTE : J'ai utilisé ma musique préféré pour ce circuit
ANECDOTE : Mon seul circuit ou la couleur de fond n'est pas la bonne
ANECDOTE : Les murs fait avec des bumpers, c'est une idée que j'ai pris sur un autre circuit
Can you feel the sunshine 🎶
Is there any competition for this game and other fan games?
On 2022-09-27 at 21:59:40
I was wondering if there was any other fan games better than this. And I mean good tracks and that.
I don't know of any other fangame of this kind, but at the same time I've been there almost all the time for months, and then I'm a moderator now, so well
Say funny things
On 2022-09-28 at 12:02:12
This spam is useless, and gives you free messages, you take a warning (if I manage to do it XD), and I delete the 7 messages in excess
Also this topic is useless, I lock it
CPUs are cheating
On 2022-09-27 at 21:28:00
Avoid bringing up old topics, if you do this several times you will get a warning, if you are careful you won't get any
Topic locked
Topic locked
On 2022-09-27 at 20:14:14
Quel est l'intérêt de ce topic ?
Je sens qu'il va finir locké, donc pourquoi tu l'as fait ?
Why not just lock it yourself?
Basically I wanted to wait for an answer from pingouin, but in the end I think it's better to lock up, and if he doesn't agree,well we will discuss it
Topic locked
EDIT : En plus le topic français dans Blabla International bruh
On 2022-09-27 at 20:04:33
Quel est l'intérêt de ce topic ?
Je sens qu'il va finir locké, donc pourquoi tu l'as fait ?
Queen Elizabeth ll is died
On 2022-09-27 at 08:18:08
We will have to accect our fate.
Don't bring up old topics, and then it's no longer relevant, I lock
Characters with the same stats
On 2022-09-26 at 21:37:53
Peach and Daisy have similar stats. Mario and Yoshi do too. Note the characters with the same stats if you unlocked all characters.
Mario = Yoshi
Luigi = Shy Guy
/!\ Application for MKPC moderation team
On 2022-09-26 at 19:01:58
Les candidatures sont terminées, je lock le topic
The applications are over, I lock the topic
On 2022-09-25 at 19:04:36
Woah, merci
J'avoue avoir un peu stressé, mais maintenant c'est fait
J'espère qu'avec BowserJr03 on va combler l'inactivité de la modération
J'avoue avoir un peu stressé, mais maintenant c'est fait
J'espère qu'avec BowserJr03 on va combler l'inactivité de la modération
On 2022-09-24 at 19:31:57
Je me demande où ça en est
On 2022-09-22 at 20:50:20
why not let me ban rule breakers? I have good intentions.
Just stop, the world doesn't revolve around you, if we had to make an exception for you, why not for Lely, and everyone else?
It's clearly said that you need a Discord account, so stop insisting, we've been debating for 4 pages without seeing the end, so stop insisting
And then if you would ban someone on MKPC, but they are on Discord while you are not, well that would become problematic
On 2022-09-22 at 20:37:01
2. i am not against that
3. there is no limit to mods I know of
4. i want to apply and cant use discord
5.i could moderate forums but not discord and when i become one I will do my job
also invu, i forgive your comments about me being arrogant
(no proboking intended
1 - In this case don't act as if you should be the only one who should be a moderator
2 - I never said the opposite
3 - As Nudge said, it would be counterproductive to have too many moderators, and then I see 3 that could be, and I think 2 moderators are going to be taken
4 - In this case you can't apply, because you need Discord, or you do it but knowing that you won't be taken, like Lely (Invu) did
5 - But suddenly we don't moderate half of the things to moderate, InfiMK is active on Discord but almost no longer on the site itself, and that's not correct, because Ahmad finds himself alone, and even on Discord, Ahamd is often alone
And don't say it like you're gonna be, well at the same time Nudge and I kinda did it, but implying it's not safe
On 2022-09-22 at 20:20:48
Euh ............ pourquoi ca parle de religions tout ke monde a une religion
Euuuuuuuuuuh non, pas moi, et puis on ne parle pas de ça dans MKPC
On 2022-09-22 at 15:46:22
Im simply requesting I moderate this site only. I am a good community member. I could moderate the forums. I am a great candidate.
Uh, the thing is that it's not that simple, I don't doubt your good intentions, but unfortunately for you the conditions are clear, you need Discord, and problem or no problem, you don't have Discord, so you can't be a moderator, I know it must be hard, but unfortunately it's like that, sorry, in addition we give you valid arguments to say that you can't be a moderator, but you insist
On 2022-09-22 at 15:30:18
I cant get the app. Data limitations as well. Is it so unreasonable I can help with stuff without discord. I would prefer you be calm about me wanting to help. (Not in a rude tone, no provoking intended)
The problem is that a lot of things are happening on Discord
And @Wargor and @BFDI_Ahmad15 you can explain to him, because here I repeat myself and he still doesn't understand
On 2022-09-22 at 14:35:00
Like I said I cant use discord.
You said you can't use Discord because your computer isn't powerful enough if I understood correctly
But you don't have a phone?
There is an app for
On 2022-09-22 at 14:08:21
If Im inactive, how am i responding. I only want to help. Also, if it seems like i am trolling, it is not intentional and I am not trying to provoke you.
But outside of this topic you haven't said anything in months, that's what I mean by inactive, and I'm not saying you're trolling, but be real, if you don't have Discord, you don't can't be a moderator, Hampter just joined Discord to be able to be a moderator, and then you don't have a phone?
There's a phone app for that.