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(Roleplay) MKPC City

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
If you find him I can assist in the issuing combat to apprehend him.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
What happend here?

What do you mean?

What happend when I was not here

More RPing happened when you weren’t here.

Oh ok so?

Well, there was more RPing, what else do you want me to say? lol

Yes, what happend in the RP

I’m not bothered to explain, lol

Ahah not really funny :s...

No offense, but it’s my sense of humor, not yours.

I know, but I was asking my question in the RP

I told him to get a coffin pretty much.

Thanks, coffin?


Sorry idk what is a coffin, im good in english but idk what is this

where bodies are put. Also I can sell my services for like £15 a hour.

Seems legit to me. *pays £15*

Cheers. You may need my help. Remember when you could smell smoke after leaving the hotel. That was because a bomb got planted by a killer.

Wait, how the hell did you know that? Were you stalking me this entire time?

From the treeline, yes. And a great location to go to seeing as there are trees.

Do you know the name of the bomber?

Yes it's Nudg...
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
What happend here?

What do you mean?

What happend when I was not here

More RPing happened when you weren’t here.

Oh ok so?

Well, there was more RPing, what else do you want me to say? lol

Yes, what happend in the RP

I’m not bothered to explain, lol

Ahah not really funny :s...

No offense, but it’s my sense of humor, not yours.

I know, but I was asking my question in the RP

I told him to get a coffin pretty much.

Thanks, coffin?


Sorry idk what is a coffin, im good in english but idk what is this

where bodies are put. Also I can sell my services for like £15 a hour.

Seems legit to me. *pays £15*

Cheers. You may need my help. Remember when you could smell smoke after leaving the hotel. That was because a bomb got planted by a killer.

Wait, how the hell did you know that? Were you stalking me this entire time?

From the treeline, yes. And a great location to go to seeing as there are trees.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
What happend here?

What do you mean?

What happend when I was not here

More RPing happened when you weren’t here.

Oh ok so?

Well, there was more RPing, what else do you want me to say? lol

Yes, what happend in the RP

I’m not bothered to explain, lol

Ahah not really funny :s...

No offense, but it’s my sense of humor, not yours.

I know, but I was asking my question in the RP

I told him to get a coffin pretty much.

Thanks, coffin?


Sorry idk what is a coffin, im good in english but idk what is this

where bodies are put. Also I can sell my services for like £15 a hour.

Seems legit to me. *pays £15*

Cheers. You may need my help. Remember when you could smell smoke after leaving the hotel. That was because a bomb got planted by a killer.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
What happend here?

What do you mean?

What happend when I was not here

More RPing happened when you weren’t here.

Oh ok so?

Well, there was more RPing, what else do you want me to say? lol

Yes, what happend in the RP

I’m not bothered to explain, lol

Ahah not really funny :s...

No offense, but it’s my sense of humor, not yours.

I know, but I was asking my question in the RP

I told him to get a coffin pretty much.

Thanks, coffin?


Sorry idk what is a coffin, im good in english but idk what is this

where bodies are put. Also I can sell my services for like £15 a hour.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
What happend here?

What do you mean?

What happend when I was not here

More RPing happened when you weren’t here.

Oh ok so?

Well, there was more RPing, what else do you want me to say? lol

Yes, what happend in the RP

I’m not bothered to explain, lol

Ahah not really funny :s...

No offense, but it’s my sense of humor, not yours.

I know, but I was asking my question in the RP

I told him to get a coffin pretty much.

Thanks, coffin?

Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
What happend here?

What do you mean?

What happend when I was not here

More RPing happened when you weren’t here.

Oh ok so?

Well, there was more RPing, what else do you want me to say? lol

Yes, what happend in the RP

I’m not bothered to explain, lol

Ahah not really funny :s...

No offense, but it’s my sense of humor, not yours.

I know, but I was asking my question in the RP

I told him to get a coffin pretty much.

Yeah but I don’t have anything dead yet. YET.

If you don't want to perish perhaps you should hire a bodyguard, I can help, for a price of course.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
What happend here?

What do you mean?

What happend when I was not here

More RPing happened when you weren’t here.

Oh ok so?

Well, there was more RPing, what else do you want me to say? lol

Yes, what happend in the RP

I’m not bothered to explain, lol

Ahah not really funny :s...

No offense, but it’s my sense of humor, not yours.

I know, but I was asking my question in the RP

I told him to get a coffin pretty much.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
CG_osc-omb wrote:
CG_osc-omb wrote:
SSTMC1H68 wrote:
CG_osc-omb wrote:
Another day, all the same. I work to destroy stuff and construct racetracks. 'Tis so boring. (Well, let's see... what could I do? I'll look.)


Oh look at that! A park to play around in. This could be fun!
...Chain Chomp Park tour on 18th December
..by The Hamster Co.
Those Chomps look cute! I think I'll go.
phoning The Hamster Co.'s number

H: Hello, Hamster Co. How can I help?
O: I saw your Chain Chomp Park tour attraction. Know where I could get a ticket?

*flies up to Osc-Omb, looking confused*
What Chain Chomp Park tour attraction?

Oh, hey. Was just looking for stuff to do and found this. Have a look, wanna come with?

*takes a taxi to get to chain chomp park* Hi osc!

Hey! Guessing you want to go too?

Definitely. A place to see Chain Chomps? Count me in!

Any trees there?
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Yeah OK, I’ll pass. Don’t kill me yet…

I won't.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Oh what a bummer. The house didn’t even have a bathroom, I’m not going to a public bathroom just to do a number 1.

I could find someone who can add one for you and kill him or her.

Oh thanks! That’s very nice of you. Where is the house they’re selling?

I don't know. They do own a coffin business though. Perhaps that could be your home?

If you’re thinking of killing me, I’d gladly report you to the police.

Um no thanks.

Anyway what’s their coffin business called?

CoffinsRus? No they went out of business. I think it was coffins 4 cool kidz

Well, let’s go there.

But HHDeadd is better.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Oh what a bummer. The house didn’t even have a bathroom, I’m not going to a public bathroom just to do a number 1.

I could find someone who can add one for you and kill him or her.

Oh thanks! That’s very nice of you. Where is the house they’re selling?

I don't know. They do own a coffin business though. Perhaps that could be your home?

If you’re thinking of killing me, I’d gladly report you to the police.

Um no thanks.

Anyway what’s their coffin business called?

CoffinsRus? No they went out of business. I think it was coffins 4 cool kidz
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Oh what a bummer. The house didn’t even have a bathroom, I’m not going to a public bathroom just to do a number 1.

I could find someone who can add one for you and kill him or her.

Oh thanks! That’s very nice of you. Where is the house they’re selling?

I don't know. They do own a coffin business though. Perhaps that could be your home?

If you’re thinking of killing me, I’d gladly report you to the police.

Um no thanks.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Oh what a bummer. The house didn’t even have a bathroom, I’m not going to a public bathroom just to do a number 1.

I could find someone who can add one for you and kill him or her.

Oh thanks! That’s very nice of you. Where is the house they’re selling?

I don't know. They do own a coffin business though. Perhaps that could be your home?
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Oh what a bummer. The house didn’t even have a bathroom, I’m not going to a public bathroom just to do a number 1.

I could find someone who can add one for you and kill him or her.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Anyone got a pet?
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
xrunner48 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
xrunner48 wrote:
Joining so that I can kill everyone in the city

I'm going to put a dog outside my house just in case.

I second that.

What if I join him, shoot the dogs with a bow, dispose of the corpses and help him in the kill?

Then I might as well join him.

Yeah me too

Murder team?
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
xrunner48 wrote:
Joining so that I can kill everyone in the city

I'm going to put a dog outside my house just in case.

I second that.

What if I join him, shoot the dogs with a bow, dispose of the corpses and help him in the kill?
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Joining so that I can kill everyone in the city

Need a friend? I can help.
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Interesting Idea.

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