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[Fanfic] MKPC fantasy

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
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United Kingdom
Episode 0: xrunner:

In a far away dimension, in an old computer...

xrunner48: Why is the internet so boring today? Usually it's fille-
xrunner48: Yes?
Advert: THEN GO TO https://touchgrass.store/!
xrunner48: Yet another scam *[...
Slightly more trustworthy advert: Looking for cool art? Go here!
xrunner48: Alright...

He goes to the site...

xrunner48: huh, this place is pretty cool honestly. Lots of... fantasy art? Well I'm still bored, so I guess I will accelerated backhop to a fantasy dimension.

Back in the fantasy land...

Chef Guy: I'm selling bread for 2 gold a piece!
Koopa: What's that in the sky..?

The object lands...

xrunner48: Oh hey, this place looks like Rougeport! They even have a no-

How will xrunner48 meet up with the rest of the heroes? Find out some other time I guess.
This was made by Xrunner48.

Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
I have been considering ending this fanfic. Should I?
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 0: StarSplizz

Starsplizz stepped out of his front door onto the cloud his house resides on and continued walking because of Mario physics because I have a unique setting because he lives on a cloud. He then walks to his mailbox and gets a letter out of it. He begins to read it aloud.

StarSplizz: (reading) Does your cloud have insurance? If not, get some now!

Starsplizz: Why do I constantly get ads like this?

StarSplizz: (reading letter)
Dear Starsplizz,
I want to meet up at the tavern near the walls of shy guy city. Get there for 9:00
Cheers, Fiery

StarSplizz: Well I know where I'm going.

StarSplizz checks the time and finds he has 3 hours to get there. Luckily he can fly for 3 hours straight and shy guy city is only 2.4 hours away. He flies away towards the city.

How did the letter get to the cloud?birdWho will get the next prologue? Find out the last question in the next prologue and the first one later.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
I'll release the next one (Starsplizz) soon.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 0: K:

K walked out of his room in the dwarven hold and entered the smithy. He was prepared to continue forging weaponry for his fellow dwarfs.

Dwarf: Hey lord K
K: Yes?
Dwarf: A human messanger came by and told you to march towards Toad Town.
K: who sent it?
Dwarf: someone called Illuzhion.
K muster the armies.

2 days later:

K: we're nearly there, chins up lads.

A human with a scroll is seen approaching them.

K: hold fire. Let him approach.

The human unravels the scroll and reads:

Messenger: Hello friend, I have been sent to alert you of some trouble causing "heroes". If you see an elf, shy guy, Toad, paratrooper and cat, capture them. I want them to suffer.
Regards, IlluZhion

K: Oh I'll make sure they suffer.

What have the first group of heroes done in 4 days to get all armies of destruction against them?insult lemonsWill any of them get captured? Where is Xrunner, Lely, Max and Ssg? (In another group) find out later.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 0: Jenwren:

Jenwren woke up in a cage. Jenwren could see some people.

Bartender: how much is the cat. I've been having some rat problems.
Seller: 10 gold
Bartender: 10 gold! Fine. Only because I need it.
Jenwren: Meow (no let me out)
Seller: shut up cat.
Jenwren: Meow (let me out)
Seller: shut up.
Jenwren: Meow (let me out then)
Seller: just take it for free.

At the tavern after Jenwren killed lots of rats. A group of 3 people, a Toad, a shy guy and an elf.

Noob: that's a cute cat. Could I have it.
Jenwren: Meow ( don't let them take me)
Bartender: yeah sure why not, 5 gold.
Jenwren: Meow (I'm worth more than 5 gold, I'm worth like 15)
Dietsoda: don't buy it mayfly its annoying.
Noob: No I'll take it for 15 gold.
Bartender: Ok then.
Jenwren: Meow (no I don't want to go with them)
Noob: (whispering) then where do you want to go.
Jenwren: Meow (shy guy city)
Noob: Let's go to shy guy city.

Edit: I forgor 💀 to add the end part so... why is Jenwren a cat? Find out by going to page 1.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 0: Popplio:

Popplio swam through the hallways of the sunken city. He had recently been given full military command of the underwater wierdo society. He was beginning to formulate plans on how to wreak havoc on the surface dwelling species.

Fish person: Hey Popplio!
Popplio: Yes?
Fish person: you have a message from one of the surface dwellers.
Popplio: who?
Fish person: some guy called Illuzhion sent a messanger.
Popplio: ah yes, my good friend IlluZhion. What does it say?
Fish person: it tells you to make war in 3 days. It also says leave the dwarfs with anvil icons?
Popplio: I suppose that could work. Muster our forces.
Fish person: right away sir.

3 days later:

Popplio: underwater wierdo army. Today we go to war with the surface dwellers. We shall attack at 3 towns with 3 armies. Our group here will be going to a fishing town called HidalPort in the centre of the attck. The other towns shall be taken by these forces. Make haste!

The armies go towards their respective towns preparing to conquer then easily with few casualties.

Will there be any adventurers in the towns?yesDid Popplio get an education in the underwater wierdo University which I forgot to mention?yesI think we all know the answers.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Ssg-132 wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
People can still join. Also I guess I should do a people who may want to join so.

People who may want to join:

Sure hap
Color white
Personality very smart and nice but can get rude if needed

You need to join order or destruction.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
People can still join. Also I guess I should do a people who may want to join so.

People who may want to join:
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 0: Noob

Noob walked out of his house in Shy Guy City, near Toad Town. The castle was imposing and its defences seemed good. He felt safe.

Noob: Hello!
Shy guy: Hello noob. How are you?
Noob: fine how are you?
Shy guy: not that great. I need some rare fungi that only grow in Toad Town. Could you get some?
Noob: sure. I will go now.
Shy guy: WAIT! It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.

Noob takes a sword.

Noob: Cheers.

Noob is walking along a path. He sees a Toad with fangs also walking towards Toad Town with a hoard of zombies behind him. Noob hides in a Bush and waits for them to pass once almost all of them are past 3 zombies rush him.


A Zombie lunges at noob and he uses his sword to slice its arm off. He then spears his sword through another zombie killing it.

Noob: you can't kill me.

Noob slices through the last Zombie killing it.

2 hours later:

Noob: So, I hear the more 'evil' people are gathering.
Dietsoda: You think I care lumberfoot?
Noob: That word doesn't sound good.
Dietsoda: Am I supposed to care mayfly? What are you talking to me about?
Noob: Do you want some gold?
Dietsoda: What would I do to earn it?
Noob: Rebel against the 'rulers' of this land.
Dietsoda: Eh, why not? I'll join you mayfly.
Noob: Stop saying that.
Dietsoda: no

A few minutes later a Toad walks in and starts drinking.

Fiery: Why did they have to take my melons? And my money too.
Noob: so you want to make coin?
Fiery: Yes why?
Noob: are you good with a blade?
Fiery: Yeah I'm good with an axe
Noob: welcome aboard
Dietsoda: Another mayfly? Why do I have to be in company of lumberfoots such as you?
Fiery: I have no idea what that means but it doesn't sound good so, could you just shut up?
Noob: Oh the elves like that, just ignore them. Anyway we need to find more people to fill our ranks.
Fiery: I may know a paratrooper.

When will this paratrooper join? Will the zombies and IlluZhion take then by surprise? Find out later.

Also @senkokichi and @senko are going on order.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Major spoiler for a plot point:
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There is no queen and its just something IlluZhion imagines exists and everyone else also does.  Basically there had been a queen but IlluZhion, believing them to be a vampire, thought they were still alive, and the fact he has light mind control on the civilians to make them not freak out when he kills other civilians, causes the civilians to believe it too.

Edit: subversion of expectation is good for shock value so will I do thisyesor will I not?
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
FieryToad wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Dietsoda wrote:
Episode 0: Fiery:

Fiery walks out if his house and towards the food vendor

Fiery: Hey could I take this melon?
Vendor: What? Yes of course just pay me the 3 gold and be on your way.
Fiery: I can't.
Vendor: Why not you have a wallet right there?
Fiery: I'm sorry but your gold is in another wallet.
Vendor: you want conflict? I challange you to a duel. You win, you get all the melons you want for free, I win you get a head shorter.
Fiery: Ok...

Fiery pulls out his axe as the Vendor grabs his rapier, preparing for an easy victory. He charges at Fiery and the fight begins.

Fiery: you could surrender at any time.
Vendor: as could you, not that it would help, either way you die.

The Vendor stabs at Fiery, but misses by an inch.

Fiery: you really don't want to continue

The Vendor lunges towards Fiery but his attack is blocked by the axe.

Vendor: ah but you see I do, I want your head on my mantlepiece.
Fiery: your death

Fiery jumps at him pushing the axe through his head and killing him.

Fiery: well now to take those melons home.

A messenger walks into the town square with a message.

Messenger: here the, here the, Toad Town is now ruled by the conveniently named Toad. You owe a majority of your food to him now.
Fiery: Oh bother.
Messenger: Hey you with the big sack full of melons! You can keep one but you must give all the others to us. Fail to do so and the town guard will execute you.

Fiery hands over the melons and goes to the local bar to drink away his problems.

Fiery: Why did they have to take my melons? And my money too.
Noob: so you want to make coin?
Fiery: Yes why?
Noob: are you good with a blade?
Fiery: Yeah I'm good with an axe
Noob: welcome aboard
Dietsoda: Another mayfly? Why do I have to be in company of lumberfoots such as you?
Fiery: I have no idea what that means but it doesn't sound good so, could you just shut up?
Noob: Oh the elves like that, just ignore them. Anyway we need to find more people to fill our ranks.

What's this about? How did Toad takeover? Find out later I guess.


Seriously, it happened in MKPC Heroes, MKPC Galaxy: The Uprising and now HERE! Could someone please explain?

I want it to happen. I started to say my character would call most people mayflies.

The heck is a mayfly?

Animal with short lifespan.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Episode 0: Fiery:

Fiery walks out if his house and towards the food vendor

Fiery: Hey could I take this melon?
Vendor: What? Yes of course just pay me the 3 gold and be on your way.
Fiery: I can't.
Vendor: Why not you have a wallet right there?
Fiery: I'm sorry but your gold is in another wallet.
Vendor: you want conflict? I challange you to a duel. You win, you get all the melons you want for free, I win you get a head shorter.
Fiery: Ok...

Fiery pulls out his axe as the Vendor grabs his rapier, preparing for an easy victory. He charges at Fiery and the fight begins.

Fiery: you could surrender at any time.
Vendor: as could you, not that it would help, either way you die.

The Vendor stabs at Fiery, but misses by an inch.

Fiery: you really don't want to continue

The Vendor lunges towards Fiery but his attack is blocked by the axe.

Vendor: ah but you see I do, I want your head on my mantlepiece.
Fiery: your death

Fiery jumps at him pushing the axe through his head and killing him.

Fiery: well now to take those melons home.

A messenger walks into the town square with a message.

Messenger: here the, here the, Toad Town is now ruled by the conveniently named Toad. You owe a majority of your food to him now.
Fiery: Oh bother.
Messenger: Hey you with the big sack full of melons! You can keep one but you must give all the others to us. Fail to do so and the town guard will execute you.

Fiery hands over the melons and goes to the local bar to drink away his problems.

Fiery: Why did they have to take my melons? And my money too.
Noob: so you want to make coin?
Fiery: Yes why?
Noob: are you good with a blade?
Fiery: Yeah I'm good with an axe
Noob: welcome aboard
Dietsoda: Another mayfly? Why do I have to be in company of lumberfoots such as you?
Fiery: I have no idea what that means but it doesn't sound good so, could you just shut up?
Noob: Oh the elves like that, just ignore them. Anyway we need to find more people to fill our ranks.

What's this about? How did Toad takeover? Find out later I guess.


Seriously, it happened in MKPC Heroes, MKPC Galaxy: The Uprising and now HERE! Could someone please explain?

I want it to happen. I started to say my character would call most people mayflies.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 0: IlluZhion:

Illuzhion wakes from his coffin to a flashback of being bitten in the neck.

IlluZhion: Why do I have to see this again?
Servant: what sire?
IlluZhion: nothing Servant. Continue doing your job or whatever.
Servant: I was told to come here and remind you that you have to go to Toad Town for diplomacy.
IlluZhion: I hate diplomacy. It makes me so annoyed I'll have to kill someone to get over it.

IlluZhion appears in front of the Servant in a second and grabs him by the throat.

Servant: Ple...as...n..o..si..r.e

IlluZhion snaps the servants neck. Killing them instantly.

IlluZhion: Guess I have to get the caravan ready.

IlluZhion drops the corpse and goes to assemble a caravan.

2 hours later:

The caravan was boring. The closet thing to fun was the rabbit hopping by and hiw much it screeched when it got bitten. He let it free. An elf had recently joined the caravan, seemed in a rush. The elf was extremely rude though. He decided to follow the elf.

Person: So what brings an elf towards Toad Town
elf: Could you shut up mayfly? I just joined for coin ok!
Person: Why are you so rude? I should get the king to kill you.
elf: Ha, you think your king can kill me mayfly? Odds are he'd die.
Person: I'm going to go tell him.
IlluZhion: Do you really think I'll care about something so menial?
Person: If you were a good ruler...
IlluZhion: so I'm not a good ruler?
Person: No...
IlluZhion: what about our true ruler?
Person: They don't do anything...
IlluZhion: so now you insult the queen?
Person: Yes. And what are you going to do about it.

IlluZhion gasps

IlluZhion: I do this I the name of the queen.

IlluZhion rips the person to shreds.

IlluZhion: and don't think I forgot about you elf..

The elf was already long gone.

IlluZhion made it to Toad Town and found it had been taken by his good friend Toad.

Zombie duke: Braaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnsss
Toad: Yes you can go have fun at the pub with your friends when it gets dark.
IlluZhion: I see you got a new slave.
Toad: Ah IlluZhion,
just who I wanted to see, about those peace treaties we agreed to. Want to break some of them with our allies?

IlluZhion: *laughs* ah but of course I do my fungi friend.
Toad: good we can get the alliance together again.
IlluZhion: could I go to the bar with your slaves?
Toad: Eh sure, why not?

What will happen to the heroes at the bar? Who is the queen? Find out some other time.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 0: Dietsoda

After following the target for days Dietsoda finally had the chance to kill.

Target: Ah how lovely the residents of this village are painting the walls red, a shame the colour will fade.
Zombie: Brauuuhghhh
Target: Silence

Dietsoda took the shot as the zombie moved right where it was going. The zombies head exploded on impact and the target ordered the zombies to hunt him. A nearby citizen who was hiding in the bushes screamed as they died. Dietsoda ran as towards the closest town and joined a caravan from a local kingdom.

Person: So what brings an elf towards Toad Town
Dietsoda: Could you shut up mayfly? I just joined for coin ok!
Person: Why are you so rude? I should get the king to kill you.
Dietsoda: Ha, you think your king can kill me mayfly? Odds are he'd die.
Person: I'm going to go tell him.
IlluZhion: Do you really think I'll care about something so menial?
Person: If you were a good ruler...

Dietsoda runs away, knowing it will go bad, and gets into the treeline. Once Dietsoda makes it to Toad Town he goes to the local bar and gets forced into social interaction.

Noob: So, I hear the more 'evil' people are gathering.
Dietsoda: You think I care lumberfoot?
Noob: That word doesn't sound good.
Dietsoda: Am I supposed to care mayfly? What are you talking to me about?
Noob: Do you want some gold?
Dietsoda: What would I do to earn it?
Noob: Rebel against the 'rulers' of this land.
Dietsoda: Eh, why not? I'll join you mayfly.
Noob: Stop saying that.

When will this rebellion finally start? What happened to that annoying citizen? DeathFind out later.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
xrunner48 wrote:
Who gets the next prologue?

I don't know I've been doing it with order then destruction so me, noob, jenwren or StarSplizz.

Edit: I'm going to do me next then IlluZhion.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
People have until the last prolouge to join. Also I'm going to assume Lely would choose order and Max is going to choose what Lely chooses but I'm still going to wait for a solid answer.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 0: Toad:

Toad walked out of the doorway as it burnt to the ground. Around him zombies were clawing their way out of the ground and ripping civilians apart. There was nothing like the chaos of destroying a village.

Toad: Ah how lovely the residents of this village are painting the walls red, a shame the colour will fade.
Zombie: Brauuuhghhh
Toad: Silence.

The zombies head suddenly explodes as an arrow passes through it. Blood covers toad's face and he licks his lips to taste it.

Toad: Zombies! Go to the trees. Hunt down this interloper.
Zombies: Braaaaaiiiiiinhhs

Blood red particles swirled around Toad as he empowered the zombies and granted them the ability to sprint. The zombies ran into the treeline and screams could be heard from the bushes. The interloper was not dead and would not bother him. He walked along the path towards Toad Town.

3 hours later:

Toad: Now you know why I would be the best ruler of Toad Town.
Duke: but I don't see why.

Toad stared into his eyes and made him follow his commands.

Duke: ah but of course you are the best ruler we could ever have here in Toad Town
Toad: of course I am. Now leave this mansion in the next 5 seconds or die.

It was impossible for the Duke to leave as Toad had command of him. Toad then killed the Duke in one sweep of his sword. Using the blood covering the blade he cast a spell to kill most the Dukes servants. All but one of them died. The corpses the  rose.

Toad: you messenger!
Messenger: ye- ye- yes
Toad: of course your a cowering wretch. Listen, if you act as my messenger I will give you everything you want. You can become a ruler of some nearby land.
Messenger: O- o- ok
Toad: You like a girl? You can have her.
Messenger: you killed her.
Toad: Oh, you can have a different one then. You know, there's plenty more corpses in the graveyard.
Messenger: that's not how the saying...
Toad: go tell the people that they're under my rule now, and tax them of their food as well, that'd be funny.
Messenger: ok

The messenger runs off towards the town center where a Toad with
an axe can be seen over the corpse of a man with a crowd formed around them.

Zombie duke: Braaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnsss
Toad: Yes you can go have fun at the pub with your friends when it gets dark.
IlluZhion: I see you got a new slave.
Toad: Ah IlluZhion,
just who I wanted to see, about those peace treaties we agreed to. Want to break some of them with our allies?

IlluZhion: *laughs* ah but of course I do my fungi friend.

How much fun will the zombies have at the bar/pub? Where does IlluZhion rule? Find our some other time.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
If you haven't joined order or destruction yet could you please choose one or I'll put you on a team. I'll release another prequel later today.
Messages 1359 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Episode 0: Fiery:

Fiery walks out if his house and towards the food vendor

Fiery: Hey could I take this melon?
Vendor: What? Yes of course just pay me the 3 gold and be on your way.
Fiery: I can't.
Vendor: Why not you have a wallet right there?
Fiery: I'm sorry but your gold is in another wallet.
Vendor: you want conflict? I challange you to a duel. You win, you get all the melons you want for free, I win you get a head shorter.
Fiery: Ok...

Fiery pulls out his axe as the Vendor grabs his rapier, preparing for an easy victory. He charges at Fiery and the fight begins.

Fiery: you could surrender at any time.
Vendor: as could you, not that it would help, either way you die.

The Vendor stabs at Fiery, but misses by an inch.

Fiery: you really don't want to continue

The Vendor lunges towards Fiery but his attack is blocked by the axe.

Vendor: ah but you see I do, I want your head on my mantlepiece.
Fiery: your death

Fiery jumps at him pushing the axe through his head and killing him.

Fiery: well now to take those melons home.

A messenger walks into the town square with a message.

Messenger: here the, here the, Toad Town is now ruled by the conveniently named Toad. You owe a majority of your food to him now.
Fiery: Oh bother.
Messenger: Hey you with the big sack full of melons! You can keep one but you must give all the others to us. Fail to do so and the town guard will execute you.

Fiery hands over the melons and goes to the local bar to drink away his problems.

Fiery: Why did they have to take my melons? And my money too.
Noob: so you want to make coin?
Fiery: Yes why?
Noob: are you good with a blade?
Fiery: Yeah I'm good with an axe
Noob: welcome aboard
Dietsoda: Another mayfly? Why do I have to be in company of lumberfoots such as you?
Fiery: I have no idea what that means but it doesn't sound good so, could you just shut up?
Noob: Oh the elves like that, just ignore them. Anyway we need to find more people to fill our ranks.

What's this about? How did Toad takeover? Find out later I guess.

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