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Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Who hπšŠπ•§π•– 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝒔𝒏𝒆𝒔 π’Šπ’…π’Œ α΄›ΚœΙͺα‘ŽΙ’s ᴏɴ 𝓼𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱 ᡐᡃᡐᡃᡐⁱᡃ?
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Senko wrote:
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Is It Just Me Or Does Anyone Else Feel Like Funky Stadium From Mario Kart Wii Looks And Feels Like A Test Course? It Has Lots Of Halfpipes And Dash Panel Ramps As If It Was A Place To Test How Tricking And Halfpipes Worked... And I Kinda Like How Funky Stadium Feels Like That... Its Very... What's The Word For It...  Funky

I Have A Question. Why Do You Always Capitalize Every Word

I Actually Don't Remember Why :s Probably Because If Every Word Wasn't Capitalised Is Would Look Like It Was Typed My A 8-Year-Old

I don't see the link between Writing Like That and writing like an 8-year-old kid, does that mean we write like 8-year-olds kids ?

I Just Think It Looks A Bit Lazy But Only If Every Word Isn't Capitalized. Also I Don't Remember If That Was The Reason... Also People Talked Like That On Roblox So It Kinda Annoys Me Because Of R-Bloks

So? It is a real reason, I mean :
Also I Don't Remember If That Was The Reason... Also People Talked Like That On Roblox So It Kinda Annoys Me Because Of R-Bloks

Roblox, seriously? ROBLOX? That not because someone talk like that on pixels that you can do the same thing right?
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Pianta wrote:
Happy easter y'all wish you a good time;):D
(hope i'm the first)

πŸ₯šHappy easter egg !!!!!1!! The little chicken in his egg on this day will be 🍳'ed
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Is It Just Me Or Does Anyone Else Feel Like Funky Stadium From Mario Kart Wii Looks And Feels Like A Test Course? It Has Lots Of Halfpipes And Dash Panel Ramps As If It Was A Place To Test How Tricking And Halfpipes Worked... And I Kinda Like How Funky Stadium Feels Like That... Its Very... What's The Word For It...  Funky

I Have A Question. Why Do You Always Capitalize Every Word
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Coopa2-64 wrote:
What If Someone Who Is Banned (Like Tendo) Got The Information Needed For Someone Else's Account (Like The Password) And Was Able To Use It with Permission From The Account's Owner? Would The Account Be Banned Although It Isn't A Alt? How Would It Work? Have I Figured Out A New Way Of Ban-Evasion?
Actually I Guess That The Account Would Be Banned For Letting A Banned User Use A Account facepalm
That Would Be Great Though... I Really Miss Tendo snif

already 1 day you are there, you have sent 45 messages on the forum or I am delirious πŸ’€
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
YouTube is a dangerous place because it's filled with Mario Movie spoilers.

Then dont watch πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
What does kys mean?
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
So I want to make my own emoji guessing game. This time it's for Mario Kart tracks.

πŸ¦§β˜ƒοΈ DK Pass

πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ› Dry Dry Ruins

πŸ„πŸ€– Toad's Factory

🦨🐢🏝 Animal Crossing

πŸ„πŸŒ† Mushroom City


πŸ€ πŸš‚πŸœ






idk for my life

Rainbow road


DK Mountain

Tick tock clock

Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Duper Smash People
Choose your character.
Troopa the Parakoopa
Koopa Paratroopa
Kopa Tararooka

Im choosing Kopa Tararooka
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Frenchy wrote:
Frenchy wrote:
I think things should calm down. PLEASE.:s
im not enjoying myself with this happening. I might have to report someone.

no need to exaggerate either
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
So I want to make my own emoji guessing game. This time it's for Mario Kart tracks.






The only thing I know here is DK mountain?
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Gonna giv 5 MKPC mebers, with 3 hints for each.

- Default pfp
- 100+ followers
- Hated by Jey

- Survived MKPC Danganronpa 1 (MKPC Gore)
- Was part of the Incel drama
- Not a moderator

- Won an official tbc
- Upside-down
- Has a track in Super Nudge Kart hint inside of a hint

- Has been iron in lounge (sorry non discord users)
- King Mario on forum
- Owner of an official topic

- Worst MKPC Member
- Worst MKPC Member
- Worst MKPC Member

5) Coopa
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Noob68 wrote:
Today was one of the first days this year that the weather where I live was actually pleasant. I know spring started earlier but todays the first day that actually feels like it’s spring time for me, so I’m happy to say that spring is here! magicfetemagic

I remember it was snowing in the spring in France
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
xrunner48 wrote:
Attempt to guess the users by the emojis (I hate emojis)!









Lazy to search




My turn :



Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Pianta wrote:
Huen1er wrote:
March was a terrible month. Now let me explain why. I said, at the end of February, that the forum was getting quite boring, and that some spice wouldn't bother. Well this is not spice, this is literally an hellfire. Ralsei doing crazy bullshit despite having blew up many chances and broke many rules since July 2022 now, KirbyBoy arguing about everything and nothing and creating lots of topics just because the eshops got shut down. Coopa spamming, having an unreasonably high amount of messages this month, to the point almost everyone wanted him BANNED, and even becoming more and more provocative as we reached the end of the month and more and more arguing and annoying... the forums are getting worse by the minute. The glow down was visible in 2022, but 2023 is a whole another step. I mean, even people who started to be here in 2023 realize how horrible it is. And by horrible I am not kidding. This is literally horrible. The family that MKPC felt like until 2020-2021 became a group of friends in 2022, now it's becoming a class. So now we don't have that close link between us, we don't have any link. It's crazy. Like in 2022, the glowdown couldn't be noticed by new users or recent users, unlike 2023's one. 2022 was boring. 2023 is outright problematic. This website is becoming terrible. I don't see any solution in sight. Hiring new moderators for MKPC would be good, and that's about it. Because there's nothing else we can possibly do. We can't let it slide. Despite the message cool down and stuff that has been added due to the DDos attack, the overall ambiance just feels toxic. So is it gonna improve after Coopa and Ralsei ? We can't say for sure. What we can say is that the two previous months were terrible. Terrible. An enormous amount of toxicity. There's no fun anymore. April Fools was okayish. Where are the gameshows, the fanfics, the cool topic ideas, the friendly and fun ambiance, the jokes that made us laugh, when we need them ? Everything that is left in my mouth is a bitter taste of something going down, and it's only becoming worse and faster by the minute.  

we never had a ddos attack wdym

Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
I did not see that Coopa is banned now bruhπŸ’€πŸ’€ But for how long he is banned?
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Why Antarctica doesn't have a flag? πŸ€”

Maybe because no one live here

Penguins do! 🐧


Its just pixel so no
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Why Antarctica doesn't have a flag? πŸ€”

Maybe because no one live here

Penguins do! 🐧

Dis is not people, animal
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Why Antarctica doesn't have a flag? πŸ€”

Maybe because no one live here
Messages 5046 - King Mario King Mario
vs37826 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Dark Shells Shouldn't Be Counterable Because They Are The Opposite Of Blue Shells And Blue Shells Can Be Countered.
Also Maybe They Can Be Upside Down Instead Of Being Normal πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ‘½

Dont care + no + stop "uselec" message

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