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MKPC Track Nickpicks

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
To put it simply, I have an idea.(Not one that'll come to fruition anytime soon, of course)

So I'm wondering, aside from SNES & DS Rainbow Road

What are the worst tracks in this game to you, & why? Like, if you could change anything about a certain track, what would it be(besides widening it/fixing broken checkpoints ofc)?

This can be just about anything:

Bad Item Box placement(SNES Mario Circuit 1)

Not enough shortcuts(GBA & SNES Bowser Castles)

Too many hazards(Shroom Ridge)

Far too laggy(this track knows who it is)

Crazy stupid shortcut(Cheep Cheep Island)

Hard to avoid offroad(Shy Guy Beach, Choco Island 2, Sunset Wilds, Koopa Beach 2)

And everything in between!

EDIT: Also ignoring how some of them play on different ccs(And by different, I mean 200.)

Im the unluckiest player of mkwii

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
So I was playing rainbow road and I got hit by a blue shell on the corner before the cannon AND THEN GOT A SECOND ONE AROUND 4 SECONDS LATER THAT I DODGED IN THE CANNON but it came back round a full lap with the stressful siren noise playing and i THEN HAD A 3RD SHELL LAUNCHED WHILE THE 2ND ONE WAS GOING ROUND AND I GOT HIT WITH IT WHEN I WAS IN THE TUNNLE WITH THE BOOSTS THEN GOT HIT WITH THE 3RD ONE RIGHT AFTER. I had a clean lap up to the halfpipe after the cannon and i got hit by ANOTHER BLUE SHELL
Oh and after the race I got hit by another
What's the  most you have been hit by

you may want to consider coaching from @TheVincenzo and Sir CoachAndy we are looking to expand our eSports team to MKWii

How is coaching gonna help with broken RNG
It'd make them a better driver but the dysfunctional game is gonna stay dysfunctional
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
So I was playing rainbow road and I got hit by a blue shell on the corner before the cannon AND THEN GOT A SECOND ONE AROUND 4 SECONDS LATER THAT I DODGED IN THE CANNON but it came back round a full lap with the stressful siren noise playing and i THEN HAD A 3RD SHELL LAUNCHED WHILE THE 2ND ONE WAS GOING ROUND AND I GOT HIT WITH IT WHEN I WAS IN THE TUNNLE WITH THE BOOSTS THEN GOT HIT WITH THE 3RD ONE RIGHT AFTER. I had a clean lap up to the halfpipe after the cannon and i got hit by ANOTHER BLUE SHELL
Oh and after the race I got hit by another
What's the  most you have been hit by

Ha! That's nothing! Once I got hit by 20 Blue Shells in one Grand Prix! I've been playing MKWii for 9 Years and still don't have Rosalina. I decided to screw the Grand Prix's and just get 4,900 Races.

I also got hit by 2 Red Shells, 1 Blue Shell, 1 Pow, 1 Star, and 1 Lighting in less than 30 Seconds.
I fucking bought Galaxy just to get her

That's what I'm gonna have to do. Nintendo was so stupid when the Made MKWii. I Have to Fweekin buy a Game I already have on Super Mario 3D All Stars just to unlock a character.

Skill issue

Unironically, my dad bought us Galaxy just so we could get Rosalina(there were two of us so Grand Prix wasn't really an option) & it ended up being our favorite Wii game of all time. We loved it so much they bought us Galaxy 2 immediately after we 100%ed it(That's how you get games in this house. You gotta beat one completely to get another) Yes my parents are very cool

Still, skill issue. GP in Wii is free as hell unless you are playing a heavy(in which case you're asking for trouble anyway)

Also if motion is a problem GameCube controllers exist

(You could also just play the Mario Kart game that actually functions correctly instead of the notoriously broken one, but y'all aren't ready to have that conversation)

Question: Have you ever put your MKPC projects on Indefinite Hiautus, Quit, or Canceled them?

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I've canned 5(4 CM, 1 QM) projects so far. Usually from burnout. (If you never finish a project, you'll find yourself having to create all the basic beginner courses over & over: Starter Circuit, Mario Circuit, simple courses etc.) I'm almost out of ideas for a basic grass circuit atp

Send Feedback Please <3

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
The first two tracks are kinda tight, maybe make them a little wider
Also I'd recommend using the pixel pen over the paintbrush, even though it'll take longer it'll look less cloudy.

Favorite Pokémons(Allow glitched one)

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yoshi649 wrote:
;)My favorite video games are Pokemon 1st Gen
Because there are a lot of glitches, abuse these, so we can hack without any cheating/hacks!
by the way, my favorite pokemon is Glitchy Nidorino.
Also known 9パゾ9な" in Japan. they have correctly Nidorino's graphic. but glitchy one isn't Nidorino.
almost same glitch pokemon in Yellow, there are 4.
such as アオ",(no name),ゾ99ゼ9, and ▼イ"▼ゴゲ.
in overseas version, they also have Nidorino's graphics.
ok, I have a question.
What your favorite pokemon?(allows glitched one:))

Pokemon in 2024 = Horrible graphics, never ending anime and lack of old Pokemons. Palworld is much better

"Lack of old Pokemons" My guy, what the fuck are you talking about?

In the games, there are only 50 Pokemon that haven't appeared on Switch, several of which will be available in LZA(eg Furfrou), and the others are so damn irrelevant that it doesn't matter(eg the Elemental Monkeys & Patrat).

In the anime, they have focused almost solely on new Pokemon every generation since ADV era(Hoenn).

The games are ugly, but they always have been. Even back in RSE & DP this series was ugly.

Yapping about nothing.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
My favorite Pokemon are my Reborn team members(all tied)

Decidueye, Ampharos, Salamence, Meowstic, Chandelure, Azumarill, Goodra, Rhyperior, Tyranitar, Lurantis, Gardevoir, Hawlucha (Oh, and Skarmory, Tinkaton, Gengar & Baxcalibur)

Ever since I started playing MKPC, my laptop has been acting up

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Before we start doomin & gloomin, how old is your laptop?
If it's from before 2021, you should prob replace it.

I got mine in the starting of 2023

What model/OS? I doubt it's Win11, but if it is I think the answer is obvious.

nah mines chromebook but its my schools one its my own

Yh that explains a lot. Chromebooks don't have nearly as much memory as a laptop would. You probably have too much stuff open at times. Check Task Manager/Diagnostic for the memory usage.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Before we start doomin & gloomin, how old is your laptop?
If it's from before 2021, you should prob replace it.

I got mine in the starting of 2023

What model/OS? I doubt it's Win11, but if it is I think the answer is obvious.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
jmeme wrote:
Before we start doomin & gloomin, how old is your laptop?
If it's from before 2021, you should prob replace it.

OH DEAR my pc is from 2012 (12 years old)

That thing is either a unit or a potato, and I don't know which.

(Mine is from 2020 and it's failing horribly, which is why I dc so  much online)
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Before we start doomin & gloomin, how old is your laptop?
If it's from before 2021, you should prob replace it.

Please stop trying to hack into other peoples account. ITS SO ANNOYING

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I've been getting emails of people requesting a password change and although the person with the intention to hack can't do anything, just stop plz. I remember something like this happened to PRIMETIME or somebody. I have dashed out part of the link so that people can't access the password changing page.https://ibb.co/f2H8b2d

Oh, I thought that whoever it was had stopped entirely. I haven't had any emails since I changed my username.

Keep your grubby fingers off of my account please!

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Assuming that it is not normal to receive an email from MKPC telling me that "I requested a password change", I am kindly asking the person who tried to get into my account to FUCK OFF!

Thank you! ;)
Also can any mod tell me if they can see the exact time someone was last online? I have a hunch...

what if you then actually request a new password to trip them up, they'll think they know but then it doesnt work

I kinda already did that(twice). Also, they'd need my email address to access the link.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Chilli3564 wrote:
I thought this would be a bad rant
I'ma find the 💀haxxor💀 in question (probably Tendo but ya never know)

No rants: they don't deserve one. (Also I'm pretty sure it is the german guy that I reported today) Also it happened twice, so I know for a fact that it wasn't a mistake.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yoshi649 wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
Assuming that it is not normal to receive an email from MKPC telling me that "I requested a password change", I am kindly asking the person who tried to get into my account to FUCK OFF!

Thank you! ;)
Also can any mod tell me if they can see the exact time someone was last online? I have a hunch...

I received a message asking me to log in to my email and this is extremely annoying

Was it about password recovery?

someone wanted my account every time. I can't talk about my password

When was this?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Yoshi649 wrote:
Assuming that it is not normal to receive an email from MKPC telling me that "I requested a password change", I am kindly asking the person who tried to get into my account to FUCK OFF!

Thank you! ;)
Also can any mod tell me if they can see the exact time someone was last online? I have a hunch...

I received a message asking me to log in to my email and this is extremely annoying

Was it about password recovery?
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Assuming that it is not normal to receive an email from MKPC telling me that "I requested a password change", I am kindly asking the person who tried to get into my account to FUCK OFF!

Thank you! ;)
Also can any mod tell me if they can see the exact time someone was last online? I have a hunch...

Wargor might be able to access that but I certainly can't, the only logs I have are of online chat and mod actions, I dont even get logs of deleted messages

That's kinda unfortunate. It'd be nice to pin down who tf is doing this.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Assuming that it is not normal to receive an email from MKPC telling me that "I requested a password change", I am kindly asking the person who tried to get into my account to FUCK OFF!

Thank you! ;)
Also can any mod tell me if they can see the exact time someone was last online? I have a hunch...

The Items need a bit of a Rework.

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Nodac64 wrote:
Please add Invinicability Frames to this Game. Every time I get Mario Karted I Get SUPER Angry and almost throw the Computer or I want to Punch the Screen.
I also wouldn't recommend getting so angry over CPUs beating you in a Fan Mario Kart Game. You may have anger issues.

I get angry because I am unable to unlock Link. I also don't like How It's impossible to RD on Thin Tracks. I can only RD on Wide Tracks.

I can't RD at all. The fact that you can do it all is already good

Guess the song

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Word scramble might work better, but also make it too hard...

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