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TheVincenzo is back!
On 2025-02-14 at 00:01:00
hello everyone , i am back , to celebrate my return im doing a give away
What are you giving away
Does anyone here speedrun actual MK games?
On 2025-02-13 at 05:04:44
I personally speedrun mk7.
A lot of top players do Time Trials for all Mario Kart games if that's what you mean, if you mean all GP then no you're not gonna find anyone
I am leaving this Site
On 2025-02-12 at 16:06:56
Wait! I want to tell you something!
That was almost a week ago bro, he's not here anymore.
Come on, I didn't know that!
So, fun fact:
You can see the date of every post above the post.
Lo que pasa es que la frase en español: "Ala, no lo sabia" No se puede traducir con facilidad!
I get that you didn't know. I'm just saying that the date and time of all posts is above them.
It's also next to the topic when you're searching it up.(on the left side I think, I don't remember)
On 2025-02-12 at 15:12:55
Wait! I want to tell you something!
That was almost a week ago bro, he's not here anymore.
Come on, I didn't know that!
So, fun fact:
You can see the date of every post above the post.

On 2025-02-12 at 13:33:18
Wait! I want to tell you something!
That was almost a week ago bro, he's not here anymore.

Favorite Characters
On 2025-02-13 at 00:11:57
Riku (Kingdom Hearts II)
Xion (Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days)
Axel (Kingdom Hearts II)
Makoto Yuki (Persona 3 MC)
Kotone Shiomi (Persona FC)
Junpei Iori (Persona 3)
Aigis (Persona 3 Reload)
Metis (Persona 3 FES/Reload)
Ryuji (Persona 3)
Goro Akechi (just kidding I hate him)
Wonder (Persona 5 : The Phantom X)
Phoenix Wright (Ace attorney)
Apollo Justice (Ace attorney)
Nagi Seishiro (Blue Lock)
Persona fans not beating the allegations
On 2025-02-12 at 20:39:00
Anyway I've got a long list of equally favorited characters:
Viridi: (Kid Icarus Uprising)
Susie: (Kirby Planet Robobot)
Akira: (Astral Chain)
Samus: (Metroid)
Rock Howard: (Fatal Fury)
Athena Asamiya: (Psycho Soldier)
Mage Sisters: (Kirby Star Allies)
Terra: (Final Fantasy 6)
Celes: (Final Fanytasy 6)
Doomslayer: (DOOM)
Every Xenoblade Party Member
Min Min: (ARMS)
Mechanica: (ARMS)
Jin Kazama: (TEKKEN 3)
Asuka Kazama: (TEKKEN 5)
Alisa Bosconovitch: (TEKKEN 6)
Reina(Mishima, let's face it): (TEKKEN 8 )
Lily: (Street Fighter 6)
Roll: (MEGAMAN(Wait which game is she even from omg))
Palette: (Monkey Ball Banana Rumble)
Panette: (Fire Emblem Engage)
Timerra: (Fire Emblem Engage)
Kyo: (King of of 'em, I don't have the time to check)
Viridi: (Kid Icarus Uprising)
Susie: (Kirby Planet Robobot)
Akira: (Astral Chain)
Samus: (Metroid)
Rock Howard: (Fatal Fury)
Athena Asamiya: (Psycho Soldier)
Mage Sisters: (Kirby Star Allies)
Terra: (Final Fantasy 6)
Celes: (Final Fanytasy 6)
Doomslayer: (DOOM)
Every Xenoblade Party Member
Min Min: (ARMS)
Mechanica: (ARMS)
Jin Kazama: (TEKKEN 3)
Asuka Kazama: (TEKKEN 5)
Alisa Bosconovitch: (TEKKEN 6)
Reina(Mishima, let's face it): (TEKKEN 8 )
Lily: (Street Fighter 6)
Roll: (MEGAMAN(Wait which game is she even from omg))
Palette: (Monkey Ball Banana Rumble)
Panette: (Fire Emblem Engage)
Timerra: (Fire Emblem Engage)
Kyo: (King of of 'em, I don't have the time to check)
On 2025-02-12 at 20:26:52

Be more original, there are more characters.
Wdym "be more original", if they say it's their fave then it's their fave.
You want more unique characters, you gotta wait for the people who aren't kids to hop online. 80% of the people here only know Mario/Pokemon/Smash & that's it.
post your custom tracks here
On 2025-02-04 at 00:09:00
On 2025-01-30 at 03:55:53
idk how to link my tracks
Go to one of your tracks, & move your cursor up to the bar at the top of your browser (where it says "" )
Right click that text & choose Copy. Come back here to a message, and press the url button. It'll generate two boxes that look like these:
"[url]" "[/url]"
Right click inbetween them & then choose Paste.
switch 2
On 2025-02-11 at 23:07:27
4K 120? On a handheld? No shot.

On 2025-02-10 at 00:14:42
Because it's old. You're gonna have to take it out back soon. Don't get too sentimental about it either, when the time comes.
My service for the MKPC community .
On 2025-01-27 at 02:53:11
How many alts does this bluestreak dude have?

On 2024-11-29 at 00:12:04
You make great points. We do need more mods. I just don't know about you, with your track record, personally.
Tbh if not him, who will?
Lely probably could, for starters. I'm sure there are other candidates too.
On 2024-11-28 at 22:19:08
I'm sorry for breaking the bit, but this shit never ceases to be fucking hilarious
I am happy to participate in your entertainment my brother.
But make no mistake !! there is alot of unpunished villains and unlawful members that are getting away with stuff lately... a quick look at online games during the day or the report topic will tell you all you need to know. They have become irrelevant .
You make great points. We do need more mods. I just don't know about you, with your track record, personally.

On 2024-11-28 at 22:03:23
I'm sorry for breaking the bit, but this shit never ceases to be fucking hilarious

Strange Things Happening in my Minecraft World
On 2025-01-26 at 16:34:11
I have a screenshot:

This is the kind of video game screenshot where Karl Jobst would be asking you to see what's wrong with it, and you'd never know until he explicitly told you.
What are we supposed to be looking at/for?
Aside from the ungodly apple sprite.
The gray sheep in the distance staring at the horizon. It's been doing that for more than 3 minutes.
Horizon is a bit of a stretch. It's just looking around. Mobs do that. It might not even be there anymore if your game is lagging badly(don't know if it is or not, but it looks like it's raining).
On 2025-01-26 at 16:12:17
I have a screenshot:

This is the kind of video game screenshot where Karl Jobst would be asking you to see what's wrong with it, and you'd never know until he explicitly told you.
What are we supposed to be looking at/for?
Aside from the ungodly apple sprite.
It’s called Spinny shell, Not blue shell
On 2025-02-01 at 22:49:08
I think Spiny Shell is a much better name tbh. Simply calling it Blue Shell makes it sound like a low tier item on a similar scale to Reds and Greens.
Also it was always called Spiny, people just said Blue because it was shorter, like how people abbreviate characters/weapons in competitive games.
Also it was always called Spiny, people just said Blue because it was shorter, like how people abbreviate characters/weapons in competitive games.
Why do the Chain Chomps run in circles?
On 2024-03-24 at 00:45:42
Anyway their name in Japanese is Wanwan, which is just barking, so the "Chain" stuff is just the usual Western bullshit.
I originally meant the waist chains you put under your shirt. You need to stop. I'm only a level 7 pervert, while you think I'm a 10 or something
Oh, we're powerscaling perversion now? I'm sorry, I didn't know.