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Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
If you want it so bad just buy it now its actually worth the money if you (or your parents) work

He can't buy the WiiU DLC anymore, the servers are down, the only thing you can do would be redownloading any games you previously had. He's kind of cooked as a WiiU player.

Favourite Mario kart 8 deluxe combo

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Why are we talking about Mario Kart 8 Deluxe when the new Mario Kart is near?

There isn't really much to talk about yet. All we have is blind speculation.
And people still talk about the older games all the time(look at MKWii's stuck in the past fanbase).

Do you stop talking about your favorite games just because another entry is around the corner? So once Superstars released you stopped talking about Mania? Instantly?

No I don't

So you haven't stop talking about old Sonic games.(I mean, why would you, they're(mostly) pretty solid although some haven't aged well(like Adventure 1))

I realize that Superstars is not the best argument for this because it kinda sucked compared to Mania but the idea is still the same; people love talking about old games. Especially when we can only speculate about the next game for the next two months.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Why are we talking about Mario Kart 8 Deluxe when the new Mario Kart is near?

There isn't really much to talk about yet. All we have is blind speculation.
And people still talk about the older games all the time(look at MKWii's stuck in the past fanbase).

Do you stop talking about your favorite games just because another entry is around the corner? So once Superstars released you stopped talking about Mania? Instantly?

I'm having issues with grand prix

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
MisterToad wrote:

Pretty sure this is in every game, just those games were built on the shittiest Nintendo consoles known to man

Bro whyyyyyyy...snif I loved the Wii, but I have to say, they should have used new hardware (I couldn't even play double dash with my friend that was pointless to bring my Wii)

The Wii was new harder tho. There isn't much rubber-banding in Mario Kart Double Dash & onwards because the harder was way better. It's only the first 3 that had that problem.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion

Pretty sure this is in every game, just those games were built on the shittiest Nintendo consoles known to man

Why we won't have a new smash bros

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Roxas_971 wrote:
Roxas_971 wrote:
...I got destroyed...

But, the title says it all
''Super Smash Bros Ultimate''

How can Sakurai improve the game

They can reboot it the same way Mario Kart is being rebooted. Every 64 & Melee character uses
outdated movesets. Some Brawl characters as well. They can always cut the roster back to around 50 or so, drop all the semi-clones and 3rd parties who will never return and add more. There's other stuff besides characters too, like stages and items. Ultimate released in 2018, there have been a ton of 1st party games with new characters since.
There are other ways to improve the game than just having a ton of characters. Less can be more.

Okay, very interesting but from what i heard sakurai seemed surprised by the switch 2 announcement

Besides, he said it would be difficult to make another smash

I think he is preparing a new franchise or a spiritual sequel to Smash

I mean, fo course he'd "sound suprised", he isn't allowed to confirm that he's been working on a game for it.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Also, it's only called Ultimate in English. In Japan it's just Smash Bros. Special. It's a special game that culminates the whole series up to this point. That's literally it.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Roxas_971 wrote:
...I got destroyed...

But, the title says it all
''Super Smash Bros Ultimate''

How can Sakurai improve the game

They can reboot it the same way Mario Kart is being rebooted. Every 64 & Melee character uses
outdated movesets. Some Brawl characters as well. They can always cut the roster back to around 50 or so, drop all the semi-clones and 3rd parties who will never return and add more. There's other stuff besides characters too, like stages and items. Ultimate released in 2018, there have been a ton of 1st party games with new characters since.
There are other ways to improve the game than just having a ton of characters. Less can be more.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Roxas_971 wrote:
Switch games can be played on switch 2

Wii games could be played on WiiU & we still got Sm4sh.

and GameCube Games Can be Played on the Wii, and Yet We Still Got Brawl

Only the very first version for most, tbf, also barely anyone actually owned a GameCube
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Roxas_971 wrote:
Switch games can be played on switch 2

Wii games could be played on WiiU & we still got Sm4sh.

Mario Kart 9 Track Music

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
MisterToad wrote:
Is it possible to see a tetris track?

No. It's better to have a 2D raceway, just like Mario Odyssey did with the 2D portions of the kingdoms.

How would you even play Mario Kart in 2D? You can't pass people in 2D...it'd be like playing an actual racing game where one mistake would decide the race. (Also 2D platformers work because the characters jump around and there's verticality to the levels, cars can't jump, nor do race tracks have the same level of verticality. It'd just be a straight line.(which is actually what a fair amount of Odyssey's 2D Sections are)
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
I realized that I've been a bit negative here, so I'm going to try to put down my own predictions for the course music, using examples from other video games.

Mario Bros. Circuit

This is the only track that we know for sure.
My prediction for every circuit in this game is that they'll all have dynamic music(Nintendo has been doing this more recently with their games(Xenoblade 3, Pikmin 4, Metroid Dread, BotW & TotK, etc. etc)) Heck, Mario Kart already has the front-running beats, they're definitely testing the idea. I predict the music will be more area based than position though, something like 2 Sonic where Acts have different variations of a theme, but it'll still be the same song.

So, my predictions for Mario Bros. Circuit are as follows:

Number 1: The Circuit

This song will be probably be the most basic form of the music, for obvious reasons. As for the instrumentation, I predict ye olde Western sound.
Y'know, like this (but way faster)

Eventually, we'll likely get an extended Desert road section and likely a western-styled town(maybe a farm too), which will be full on Wild West, sort of like this

Unironically this song might be too fast, but something that gives off the feeling of racing through the desert on horse back. This could also work for a train track section, but I have a better song in mind...

Lastly, the road section looks long enough to the point where I hope it also has slightly different music. (Exact music is hard to find for this vibe)

Also if we ever get the train track section:

God I love this song

Anyway, that's all for the first course. I'll be back for the next track after a while.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
MisterToad wrote:
Think this SuperStar Remix could be in MK9?

First 5 seconds already tells me it's a no, it does not matter that we do not know what kind of music the game will even have, stars in Mario Kart only last 8(?) seconds, that has way too much buildup & is way too hyper for the power up. It'll probably sound like the Wonder variation in game.

Also, whenever Mario Kart does EDM, it's in moderation. Like, take Electrodrome for example, or Berlin Byways. Singapore Speedway. These courses are few and far between, because the game is really too slow for them. It also actually helps the music stand out even more, because the other tracks in the cup are usually pretty chill or adventurous, and then your ears get hit with a rave every once in a while.

TLDR not only is that way too intense for a star, in any Mario game, it has way too much buildup, vocals(I did not expect that) and would be too much effort for something that you'll hear every race if you're struggling. It's also got that Splatoon issue where it's way too freaking loud at some points and blocks out other sounds which limit your awareness. Like, imagine somebody drops a bomb tight, like behind one of the Bangkok Rush parking lot corners, and you can't hear it being set because the mf next to you is blasting Tekken music at 600 decibels & you get bombed. Even worse if you are the one with the rave and it runs out the millisecond you really would've preferred to still have it.

If we ever got a Mario fighting game, sure thing, but even then most fighting games aren't this intense. It's only Tekken(yeah Guilty Gear is intense too, but it's not electro)with music like this, which tracks, because Tekken is a crazy game, & because the music doesn't matter as your opponent will always be on screen.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Will is a strong word for something that you don't even know will happen, but okay.

What\'s Your Opinion of Wii Sports: CLUB

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
MisterToad wrote:
TOSS OUT MY WII U!? And another thing, I really didn't like NS Sports. I mean, after Ring Fit Adventure, they didn't even add the Wii Fit Trainer, and now they replace Miis with Avatars???

Ring Fit is not Wii Fit though. It's a completely separate game.(and calling WiiFit a game is a stretch)
We really do not need the Miis in anything, they're so shoehorned into everything.

@MovieSonic623 you can still play as your Miis in Switch Sports FYI.

I get that, but the people around you are--nevermind. It's okay to be different.

1: The CPU opponents in Wii Sports were also just generic people but Miis, there's no difference bro

2: You can have Mii opponents too, just hold both shoulder buttons on a single joycon. L + ZL, R + ZR.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
MisterToad wrote:
TOSS OUT MY WII U!? And another thing, I really didn't like NS Sports. I mean, after Ring Fit Adventure, they didn't even add the Wii Fit Trainer, and now they replace Miis with Avatars???

Ring Fit is not Wii Fit though. It's a completely separate game.(and calling WiiFit a game is a stretch)
We really do not need the Miis in anything, they're so shoehorned into everything.

@MovieSonic623 you can still play as your Miis in Switch Sports FYI.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
(sighs) Nintendo Switch Sports is like a Mii's nightmare. They didn't add the actual Miis to the game, and that's why people say it's a bad game.

People say the game is bad because there's less Sports than Resort, and because the got rid of the cheese. It's like Strikers Battle League where it's better than the original but not the sequel.
Personally, Miis should've died on the WiiU, the only excuse they have for them on Switch is that no one bought the WiiU. Like, they aren't enough motion based games to keep the Miis. There's no WiiFit(RingFit is different), no Wii Play, no Wii Party, no Mii Channel...
Nothing of value would be lost, and atleast with the sports mates you can't make ugly abominations anymore. Like, if I can play a game and not see some mfer pretending to be Hitler, then that's a W.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
Awful game. Do not play it.

Switch Sports is better than it and the OG Wii Sports.

Not better than resort, but for a series reboot, Switch Sports is better.

I'd also say toss out your WiiU, but that's just me. Don't do that.

Rate my updated Smash 6 roster!

Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
meleemarth wrote:
I am very, VERY sorry for what I said about you, man.

Can't believe I just talked bad about NEVERCOOKAGAIN (I forgot to look at the username and think before raging)
Your opinions were not bad at all!

And I removed Athena because I don't really know anything about her, and we already have Mai.

Eevee would have just been on the CSS, but it would be Flareon once the battle starts.

snif sorry for all the...(what's the word?) that I made about your comment. I fixed the message at the start because of this.

It's okay, I overreacted the first time anyway.
Messages 3137 - King Mario King Mario
vs74518 pts ★ Titan
battle12470 pts ★ Champion
C'mon it wasn't even that 'angry' of a comment be serious. Also Pokemon can't devolve so Eevee wouldn't work like that even if it got in(nothing wrong with Eevee(actually there's a lot wrong with Eevee but forget about it)) but Pokemon can't devolve or re-evolve.

Your prediction was fine as it was, I just had some strong opinons(that I should've kept to myself) and I also said that the fangame characters was fine because the fangames used all the popular picks already.

Btw I never said anything was wrong with Athena, you just had her in the wrong section

TLDR I overreacted & I'm sorry. Good list!(Including the cut characters, add some of them back(and by "some of them" I mean Jigglypuff & Falco, Cuphead is also good)

EDIT: Also you misppelled Mio.

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