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On 2023-10-16 at 08:23:45
IP ban speedrun: any%
On 2023-10-16 at 08:47:17
It's probably just another one of his useless topics that he posts random stuff on.
wasn't he the overreacting dude? (sorry if my english is terrible rn im tired asf ☠️)
Yeah he would overreact quite a lot and every so often he creates new topics and just posts random stuff on it.
On 2023-10-16 at 08:36:44
It's probably just another one of his useless topics that he posts random stuff on.
Suggestion for challenges.
On 2023-10-13 at 16:34:09
I think it is a fairly good idea. Another idea could be to have a challange validator or two who just do the extreme and impossible challenges but that could be fairly useless.
MKPC Smash Bros Ultimate
On 2023-10-15 at 20:22:13
I was asking you if we should include all of those, though I suppose we should as you have added them. This just proves that you know nothing about making it and this will never be a finished project.
Then why did you say this in the first message?
But, this is an actual fangame.
On 2023-10-15 at 08:56:15
I was asking you if we should include all of those, though I suppose we should as you have added them. This just proves that you know nothing about making it and this will never be a finished project.
On 2023-10-14 at 21:28:19
100 MKPC People can be in this and 100 maps can be in this. (Are u gonna let this die?)
Way too ambitious, no way are you getting 100 people for this. But yeah, I'll sign up. What information do you need?
Your Moveset
What about the character sprite/model, the character name (as some people change usernames), any possible alternate costumes/entirely different skins (People also change their pfps quite alot), maps for each character, taunts etc.
Also why not respond to the fact this is way to ambitious and it is likely you will never manage to make this and if you did it would most likely take years to do so.
On 2023-10-14 at 08:27:28
100 MKPC People can be in this and 100 maps can be in this. (Are u gonna let this die?)
But ambitious innit? I honestly doubt any of us here could make it and if they were to it would take years.
Anyway, sure, I'll sign up. What information do you need for creating characters?
I'm bored of this "game"
On 2023-10-14 at 22:25:02
Anyway 1up83. Any last words?
Yes, I'm sry for making accounts and I'm not 1up83 I was a normal person on here and got ban but mk pc was my favorite so I couldn't wait for 1 week so I started making accounts one by one they were ban I just love this game so much and how yall know about me and how yall got information of me?
Sry guys 😔
I just want friends 😪
Could've just waited. It doesn't help with all the spam and useless messages that you make.

On 2023-10-14 at 21:22:31
Soon this "game" will be dead
Then how come it is popular enough to remain afloat and have a thriving competitive scene? The game gets updated more regularly than Nintendo games. Many updates just make additions to the track editing system, which is where much of the appeal comes from, as it is one of the most popular aspects of the game. There are also the custom characters. I can understand if you find it boring but some of your points are just plain wrong. It was also all programmed by one person and it is much easier to make it using sprites, hence why the game uses the snes style, which isn't even that bad.
If the game is so bad why are you unable to make a better one?

MKPC at school
On 2023-10-14 at 13:37:47
Sounds like a good school.

Marvel or dc? Why?
On 2023-10-13 at 16:29:06
Marvel did warhammer comics and I, of course, have an extreme warhammer bias so...

Well Guys. I Hate Nintendo from 2023 and Present.
On 2023-10-10 at 19:49:27
But Remember A New 3DS Usually Costs $180 Dollars at the Most, While a New Nintendont Switch Costs $300. A 3DS is Better And You can Get More Fun out of a 3DS.
Doesn't matter anyway as game sales are heavily weighed in the switches favour and Nintendo don't gain from keeping the servers up. Why not try and respond to every point I made with facts that can prove me wrong? Or are you unable to because I am right? Probably the second one.
I don't want to Admit the Nintendo Switch is Good. Because I Hate it.
But you acknowledge that it is factually superior and that the 3DS being better is blatantly not true from a financial standpoint?
On 2023-10-10 at 19:39:55
But Remember A New 3DS Usually Costs $180 Dollars at the Most, While a New Nintendont Switch Costs $300. A 3DS is Better And You can Get More Fun out of a 3DS.
Doesn't matter anyway as game sales are heavily weighed in the switches favour and Nintendo don't gain from keeping the servers up. Why not try and respond to every point I made with facts that can prove me wrong? Or are you unable to because I am right? Probably the second one.

On 2023-10-10 at 19:30:50
Nintendo just Killed the Popular 3DS and the Underrated Wii U, I thought Nintendo would be Nice and Keep those Online Services. But Nintendo is Being Stupid and Getting rid of the 3DS and Wii U. The 3DS is still being Bought. and It is the Son of the Most Popular Nintendo Console, the DS. But Nintendo only wants the NiNtEnDo SwItCh. The Worst Console.
Doesn't matter. All consoles have limited lifetimes. Just move on. Nintendo were probably planning on doing it for a few years now. Switch has gained many more sales and therefore, from a business stand-point, matters more and should get more stuff.
The DS Sold more than the NS. They should Discontinue the Stupid Nintendo Switch. It is Terrible.
Switch isn't near the end of it's life and the console is only around 33.82 million units away from the ds. However the best selling ds game only sold 30.8 million copies while the best selling switch game has sold 55.46 million The second best has sold 42.79 million and the third 31.77 million. That is a lot more profit from games in comparison to the ds. The 4th and 5th best selling switch games both beat the second best selling ds game. The switch is far more profitable and, as such, will be continued.
This conversation isn't even about the ds but rather the 3ds and wii u. The 3DS sold 76.2 million units while the switch sold 129.5 in 6 less years. The top 8 best selling switch games all sold more than the best selling 3ds game. They made 236.1 million more sales in those games than the best selling ds game. One of the 8 better selling games only released this year. The switch is far more profitable.
The top 21 selling switch games beat the 1st best selling Wii U game, showing how financially irrelevant the console was. Keeping the servers running costs Nintendo money and it was clearly not a good financial investment, unlike the switch servers which are very profitable. All the Wii U games added together made nearly half of what the Mario franchise games alone have sold on switch.
Servers cost money and are clearly no longer profitable.
Next time make a proper point rather than "Ds GoOd, SwItCh BaD" when the ds isn't even relevant.

On 2023-10-10 at 19:15:38
Nintendo just Killed the Popular 3DS and the Underrated Wii U, I thought Nintendo would be Nice and Keep those Online Services. But Nintendo is Being Stupid and Getting rid of the 3DS and Wii U. The 3DS is still being Bought. and It is the Son of the Most Popular Nintendo Console, the DS. But Nintendo only wants the NiNtEnDo SwItCh. The Worst Console.
Doesn't matter. All consoles have limited lifetimes. Just move on. Nintendo were probably planning on doing it for a few years now. Switch has gained many more sales and therefore, from a business stand-point, matters more and should get more stuff.

SomeGuyInThisWorld's JUICY Restaurant
On 2023-09-26 at 08:52:39
KirbyBoy's Dead Body - $1
Bubble Gum - $3
Yume - $9999999999

this abomination

Square Track - $9876
Baby Park Clone - $12
xrunner's dead body - $376892
I have returned for more, may I please have one

k itll be for free
That's some extremely bad business you're doing there. Giving out something for free. Assuming he's purchasing the sprite you will get 50 freedom figures less. Since items are priced so you can make a profit this shows you won't make one.

Who better dry bone or koopa troopa
On 2023-09-24 at 22:08:11
Dead person because it shows that Mario is a murderer. 

Which games will u buy (mario edition)
On 2023-10-03 at 15:54:23
None of them. 

Something isn't Right with Mario Kart TOUR.
On 2023-10-04 at 20:16:57
Because it's not that good of a game and people are not enjoying it. There is also no incentive if all the tours are the same.