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Report a wrong translation

Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
When I ignore somebody, it says "You won't be able to send messages to him." but not her, and I ignored a girl to see if it says she but it still says him

CS:CZ Unlimited money tournament πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
Fiery wrote:
BluePikmin wrote:
How do I there?

What are you trying to say? How to apply? You know the stats I just listed? You have to tell me those. Remember, the first 2 are one each. The 3rd one costs 10 points each and the 4th one costs 20 points each. Then, pick your favourite weapon. I advise you keep multiple tabs open

Sorry, I meant to say "Get"
Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
How do I get there?

Rating your profile picture

Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
Rate mine

What track should be added to the game?

Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
It should add N64 tracks

Help! my level got deleted for no reason!

Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
It it was a oval, that's probably why it got deleted bc MKPC deletes oval tracks and idk why. Or it was a stolen track

SNES Item Roulette

Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
A new character has been created by me. The original Item Roulette from Super Mario Kart. Includes the original items plus retexturing to get more items from the Mario Kart series! Hope you like it! You can find it in the custom characters menu in character selection. :)
Items featured:
Banana (Original Sprite)
Green Shell (Original Sprite)
Fire Flower (Sprite From Cup Selection In SNES)
Mushroom (Original Sprite)
Lightning (Original Sprite)
Coin (Original Sprite)
Triple Red Shells (Retextured Red Shell)
Super Star (Original Sprite)
Fake Item Box (Did on my own)
Cape Feather (Original Sprite)
Blue Spiny Shell (Retextured Shell)
Boomerang Flower (From Hat Loving Gamer's YT Videos)
Super Leaf (Did on my own)
Red Shell (Original Sprite)
Gold Mushroom (Retextured Mushroom)
Bullet Bill (Did on my own)
Mega Mushroom (Retextured Mushroom)
Boo (Original Sprite)
Triple Bananas (Retextured Banana)
Triple Mushrooms (Retextured Mushroom)
Triple Green Shells (Retextured Green Shell)
I did more, but the rest didn't get in. Here's the original Image:
And Here's another one for when you get 1st, 2nd, or 3rd overall:
This Pixel Mario Sprite is from Super Mario Maker.

I do not own any original sprites from Nintendo! While this has many great ideas from Nintendo, it is in no way affiliated with Nintendo, or its counterparts.

Wow! It looks so good, nice job! :p


Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
Isn't there already a topic about this?

What is it with these inappropriate players?

Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
MisterToad wrote:
Invu wrote:
We do not need more mods at the moment, this has always been an issue, but just like the forum overall, it seems to be getting worse. There is nothing else we can do than banning them, renaming them, but honestly I can't be asked to rename all of them.

@MisterToad this is just stupid, we have many things to do in life, do you think we are going to refresh the website every 5 seconds to see if a new Tendo account popped up? What do you mean immediately? Do you think we're chronically online? Well maybe you are but we aren't, we have better things to do than caring about such a time consuming idiot.

...Uh okay... I just have one thing to say...
This is a public server. This kind of behavior should be expected.
I can't believe you would insult me like that. I'm normally online for an hour or less.
Now as for TendoKiddo, I'm pretty smart and probably could wrap my head around shutting down his VPN or IP masker. Not only do I have experience, I'm also very quick with pests, whether it be an insect or a person.
I'm the computer guy who knows a good bit about servers, so don't go around being an insulter of those who long for a good cause.
There are a few ways to hunt him down:
Track his location as sites have location tracking.
Find his IP for that time and ban his IP. Try to find relations in the adress: is there a constant 3 digits every IP?

DId you seriously said track his location? πŸ’€
Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
Fiery wrote:
BluePikmin wrote:
Fiery wrote:

bruv, tendo’s been banned, he just comes back and back cuz he just a retard and we have to live with that

Does he have a alt rn?

He probably has like over 100 with how much of a lifeless degenerate he is. Glad my parents don’t abandon me like his parents clearly have. Best thing to do is not mention him any longer, report shit and don’t utter his name

How about his current alt?
Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
Fiery wrote:

bruv, tendo’s been banned, he just comes back and back cuz he just a retard and we have to live with that

Does he have a alt rn?
Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
We need more mods
Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States

I showed the new bad players
Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
well if they have a vpn we cant stop them ,

best thing you can do is report asap

But they'll still come back
Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
When I play MKPC like there's always a idiot named the N-Word or other any bad words. Also there are some dumb idiots who spam N-Words and bad words like "Suck your mom" in the Online mode, and there are people who post useless messages and some even spam useless messages in the report topic, like we have to stop these bad players, it's really annoying. When a mod like @Invu, or @TheVincenzo, ban those members, they always come back with alts and even send like D**k and b**bs and spam Slurs in dms to random people, what should we do to stop them?

how do you drift like the pros and what type for drift is it called

Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
boneking wrote:
BluePikmin wrote:
I tried to do this but it was slower and I was keep banging on walls

Where you using a character that has Daisy's stats?
Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
I tried to do this but it was slower and I was keep banging on walls

Ds shoulder buttons sticking

Messages 195 - Bowser Bowser
vs16612 pts β˜… Master
battle5294 pts β˜… Novice
United States
You can just try sending it to Nintendo for a repair

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