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Dudzi's creations TBC

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
So, here are the rules:

We will rank your Tracks depending on 3 aspects, each one point (and there's also extra points, but I'll talk about that soon), also, the points work on how well you did the things, that means that if you haven't made the entire request for a point, you'll receive a fraction of the point.

1st point: Gameplay
The Track/Arena needs to be fun to play and good to race, unless you're making a Track that the original is boring/bad.

2nd point: Track Twist
The Track needs a little twist to differ it from an one to one remake, things like giving it a new theme, adding new types of shortcuts, etc. If you're remaking a QM Track in QM, you'll need to add more changes than if made in any other way.

3rd point: Track Art
No, I'm not wanting you to make the new Mona Lisa, I want you to make it good for the eyes. Also, it needs to be recognizable/look like the original Track.

Extra points:
in case you didn't get the full 3 points, you can get something with these, all the extra points together count as one point, the extra point come from:
Custom Decors and Custom Background: they need to fit with the Track, if you make a custom decor/background just so the Track has it, it'll be disregarded.

All the judges are going are to give the Tracks a rate, by the end of it, we'll get the average. (judges can send Tracks, but they can't rate their own)

(also, that's my 100th comment, hooray!)
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
So, Today marks the day I've made my 69th creation, for that special reason I thought: Why not make a TBC  where people remake my creations? Well, this topic is about that.

Dudzi's Creations TBCbanane

In this TBC you can send remakes of my Tracks/Arenas. There's just one thing...
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they need a little twist, that means that you need to add something to the Track and not only make a remake.

The Tracks I'm accepting are remakes from my newest one: Spooky Battle, to the very first thing I did: Bowser's Castle. If I post something after Spooky Battle, remakes of it will not be accepted.
(opening this parenthesis to say that, ye, the 2 Track examples I gave were made in QM, but I actually have Tracks in CM, just so you know)

The deadline for Submissions: 31 of March

Judges: Me, @Mario100.
(if you want to be a judge, ask me)

Quick Mode allowed, but if you remake a Track I did in QM, you'll need to add an considerable amount of changes.

The way we're going to rank your Tracks is yet to be thought, when I think on something I edit this part. For now just make it good.


Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
The funny thing is that he literally dissapeared after this topic

Edit: dissapear is kind of wrong, hum, let's say that, for a forum kid, he got out for quite some time

Major change with MKPC that would be for the best!

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
1.Currently, CPUs are programmed via route. However, In mariokart 8, They seem to be programmed specifically to only hit all the checkpoints and not follow a specific route. I think programming the CPU AI to do something similar to that would be better.
2.Items are determined by frequency, and place. However, Mariokart 8's "Units from first place" would make it more fair. Also, the feather would allow for a lot of creativity in custom tracks i think it should return lol
3.mission mode needs to return too

My thoughts on it:
1- That would be really bad for older complete mode Tracks, since, not all of them actually have organized checkpoints and with that, the CPUs would crash on walls, fall in holes and other things, yes we can edit the Tracks to have more checkpoints, but some of the old Tracks' creators wouldn't be able to do that because they don't come here anymore/are not as active as they were before
2.1 (item distribution)- It would be cool having it, but I would see that as an alternate distribution setting rather than making that the new base distribution for the game
2.2 (feather item)- Yes, it could be used for cool gimmicks on specific custom Tracks, the problem is the ones that this would just break the Track, for example, Tracks with walls, if you could just jump it whithout having to care on what's happening in the real Track, why would you race on it?
3-Challenges exist and yeah, there's none for the base Tracks, but for that just find the Tracks remade by other people.


Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
I Never Expected for the Main Thing That MKPC Is Known for to be Removed

Hopefully This Is Just an Early April Fools Thing...?

It's already april fools in France
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
I never tought I would laugh so hard at MKPC than I did now

Track Ideas

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Track inspired by a Mario Party board

Making other Mario Kart Tracks In MKSC

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Wii U Animal Crossing, has an perfect layout for a Super Circuit Track

if you could have any track be in EVERY Mario kart game, but with a twist which one?

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
another one:
SNES Vanilla Lake 1 but you can enter in the water, the ice cubes are now freezes and in the right side of the Track there's a cave...

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And that's how I turned SNES Vanilla Lake 1 in GCN Sherbert Land (from MK88))
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and with some changes in SNES Vanilla Lake 2 you make N64 Sherbert Land, cool
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
GCN Dino Dino Jingle, but in the last lap meteors fall in the Track, something like GBA Lakeside Park

Good day to anyone except ____

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Fiery wrote:
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Teon5072 wrote:
here wrote:
People who think that Coconut Mall & Koopa Cape & Maple Treeway were ever good tracks

but coconut mall

Is a square. And Square tracks are bad, right?

This doesn't seem like a square to me

Got him good, lad

I don't know why, but I think that the layout of Coconut Mall looks like a guy, then I started to draw it...
let's say I turned it in yoshi...
Here it is:
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Good day to everyone except minecraft spider jockey, you've made me and my friend lost our survival diary in a oneblock map, twice:}

Ideas For Tracks

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Well, I already gave ideas on other two topics of this kind, so I'm saying them again:

Nintendo already made a Track inspired in a bedroom and another in a bathroom, why don't you make a Track inspired in another part of a house?

Mario Party board

Your favorite Mario character with tail

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
The pet of the pet of the mascot of Nintendo. Poochy

Will there be a Mario Kart 50 in the future?

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
No, I'm really thinking that the Mario Kart franchise will have, one day in the very far future, a maker game, and all of the things we thought would happen to 2D Mario before wonder will happen to Mario Kart (meaning that there would be no reasons to make new games when players can do that themselves)

Emoji Kitchen

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Nice little fellas:
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Some cool (and some strange) fish combinations
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Kim_Skymin wrote:
Dudzi wrote:
Did you know that if you fuse two yellow hearts together, you get a heart with "hair"?

Wait that's actually true

Ew tf why

I think I know, for what I heard, when iPhone or some other phone thing didn't yet had colors and it was the basic black and white, the yellow heart emoji was a white heart with black dots, so when they were remaking the emojis with colors, they misundertood it and for some reason made a "hairy" heart, the mistake was quickly fixed
The fusion on the site is a REFERENCE
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Did you know that if you fuse two yellow hearts together, you get a heart with "hair"?
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20201001/u1f480/u1f480_u1f4f0.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20231113/u1f9c3/u1f9c3_u1f4a9.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20230418/u1f37d-ufe0f/u1f37d-ufe0f_u1f94c.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20231113/u1f949/u1f949_u1f951.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20230418/u1f433/u1f433_u1f999.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20231113/u1f3b0/u1f3b0_u1f480.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20231113/u26fd/u26fd_u1f33f.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20220815/u1f937/u1f937_u1f300.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20220406/u1f344/u1f344_u1f42f.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20231113/u1f9c3/u1f9c3_u1f573-ufe0f.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20220815/u1f60e/u1f60e_u1f37c.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20230803/u1faa4/u1faa4_u1f5ff.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20230803/u1f441-ufe0f/u1f441-ufe0f_u1f6e3-ufe0f.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20220815/u1f937/u1f937_u260e-ufe0f.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20230127/u1f381/u1f381_u1fac0.png https://www.gstatic.com/android/keyboard/emojikitchen/20230803/u1f438/u1f438_u1f307.png

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