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CTGP PC (but good)

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
if any of these get chosen, I'll be honored (I'll be only putting the links to the Tracks, if you want collab links, ask me somewhere):
Mario Kart Stadium
Nitro Mario Circuit
Nitro City Track

/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice

And they called me the n-word
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
TwilightGD wrote:
coolmonkey wrote:
TwilightGD wrote:
@Vtgmc literally put the n word in the description of one of their tracks

heres another one:

i caught him in 4k again

Almost all of their Tracks have slurs on the description, just go to their profile and click on something unrated and you'll find it
Here's one if you want:
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Good morning, afternoon or night. Someone reposted (stoled) a remake of Wii U Mario Kart Stadium that I made without my permission.

The Track I'm reporting "made" by "jason":

The original Track (AKA, mine):

Share any websites

Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice

Thank you so much for showing me this, I did a music that I'm enjoying a lot
the music


Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Fiery wrote:
Fiery wrote:
genalpha wrote:

Hi Tendo can you pls leave this website alone

All I needed was a please

Maybe I won't come back in 5 years

And you're probably going to come back again with more dumb accounts

I'm not surprised if that happens.

No one is
Tbh, MKPC shouldn't let you self delete an account before 24 hours of its creation, or it should somehow disable VPNs off of the site
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
I'm here to announce tHat I'll be leaving MKPC for probably onE week, mostly for inside stuff that some few peopLe know. I'm Dudzi if you didn't recognize, I'll be back to the former name and pfP when I get back, but for now, good luck everyone. That was ME.
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Some icons of MKPC users for a future smash bros like project I'm making with some other people, it will have 12 playable characters, but I don't know what the other 8 could be, so if you're interested, react to this comment and you may become one of them, if you don't, you will be an assist trophy (if it has assists).
Down here I'll edit regularly who will be a player and who will be an assist.
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
The summary of what happened:
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
NyanCat wrote:
Dudzi wrote:
NyanCat wrote:
NyanCat wrote:
Sammo wrote:
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Spam? What Spam? The Only Thing I Remember Is I Turned into Eggman.
Also What Is THIS?
It Looks Like a Mobile Ad!

I love how peach is just there standing looking directly into your soulhttps://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/events/ads/mariokarting.png

she looks like as if she commited a homicide

i found the same exact image bcuz a

8)8)8) erm, actually, that's a different model in the same pose, so technically it's not same exact image 8)8)8)

i zoom in
i zoom out
i look at the image i provided
i see no diffrence :)

The model up on the red thing is a render from the DS-Wii era, the one you put was from 3D world, you can see that looking at her face, the shading that in the red thing is a pittle darker and her hair is more detailed in the one you provided
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why the hell am I dong that again?
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
NyanCat wrote:
NyanCat wrote:
Sammo wrote:
Coopa2-64 wrote:
Spam? What Spam? The Only Thing I Remember Is I Turned into Eggman.
Also What Is THIS?
It Looks Like a Mobile Ad!

I love how peach is just there standing looking directly into your soulhttps://mkpc.malahieude.net/images/events/ads/mariokarting.png

she looks like as if she commited a homicide

i found the same exact image bcuz a

8)8)8) erm, actually, that's a different model in the same pose, so technically it's not same exact image 8)8)8)
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Kommisar_K wrote:
Dudzi wrote:
Everyone, give your warm welcomes to THE ULTIMATE MKPC ICEBERG, made by me with the help of Twilight, Sencoo and Nodac64. I'm still thinking on updating it at some point, give ideas for stuff if you want, and no, I'm not putting everyone that wants to appear here.
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There are some stuff I put there as sarcasm.

Might as well ask where I am on that. And the CCS.

There are some people I forgot when I was making it, but I'm planning on making an huge update sometime soon. The Center of Crivility Studies is in the middle layer
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
safe to say, i have good taste
also dudzi i heard system of a down is your favourite band

It was some months ago, now it's my second. It was kinda obvious for me, since I like their music, but don't know many, my favorite band on the other hand, I know every music they ever dropped and know how to sing at least the chorus of every song. My favorite band is twenty øne piløts, you know, the guys who made songs like, Stressed Out, Heathens (from the bad suicide squad movie) and Ride. Out of that, yes, your music taste is good.
If someone wants to critize my music taste, I ain't caring.
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Dudzi wrote:
Everyone, give your warm welcomes to THE ULTIMATE MKPC ICEBERG, made by me with the help of Twilight, Sencoo and Nodac64. I'm still thinking on updating it at some point, give ideas for stuff if you want, and no, I'm not putting everyone that wants to appear here.
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There are some stuff I put there as sarcasm.

oh yea i found what coolmonkey meant by "senko plush"
the 1st and 3rd & 5th image look absoloutely terrifying

Yes, I actually was the first to really show it here and with that, probably the second who knew, I put it there as a joke.
Another joke is the report button on the lowest layer

How Do Only a Few People Know That the SNES Courses Had 5 Laps...?

It's not about the originals having 5 laps, it's about how once in MKPC the SNES Tracks had 5 laps for, I think, one hour
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Everyone, give your warm welcomes to THE ULTIMATE MKPC ICEBERG, made by me with the help of Twilight, Sencoo and Nodac64. I'm still thinking on updating it at some point, give ideas for stuff if you want, and no, I'm not putting everyone that wants to appear here.
There are some stuff I put there as sarcasm.
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
I'm doing something in scratch, here are some images:
Anyone wants to join the infinte torture fun?

Also, listen to my music.
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Josh_ wrote:
How do I get the third star on fnaf 1

(I deleted the save data on Andrew's fnaf game but he had a third star. I have two stars. What.)

Have you beaten the Custom Night?
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Senko wrote:
Coolmonkey wrote:

I'm legit curious what do you actually mean by "Senko plush"

I think he found a plush of that anime fox girl you used in the past as pfp
This one probably
Messages 351 - Luigi Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
I think I'm part of the bird sound trend now...

What a thing

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