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/!\ Report / Signalements /!\
On 2023-02-24 at 17:14:38
Bon le petit pavé de texte que j'avais fait à ce sujet est perdu, donc autant le refaire :
Je considère un "square track" illégal seulement si c'est le layout de base (sans aucune modification) ainsi que la piste totalement vide ou presque (aucun boost, aucun item, aucun saut), un autre cas de figure serait des placements de décors/items/sauts totalement aléatoire de façon disproportionnée, si tu vois ce que je veux dire
Si un square track ne remplit pas ces 2 conditions alors je ne le considère pas comme illégal
En plus les square tracks avec ZERO modification (SNES MC + aucun décor/item/saut) sont automatiquement supprimés au bout de 15 minutes à l'aide d'un script fait par Wargor, donc les signaler est inutile vu que leur sort est déjà scellé
Je considère un "square track" illégal seulement si c'est le layout de base (sans aucune modification) ainsi que la piste totalement vide ou presque (aucun boost, aucun item, aucun saut), un autre cas de figure serait des placements de décors/items/sauts totalement aléatoire de façon disproportionnée, si tu vois ce que je veux dire
Si un square track ne remplit pas ces 2 conditions alors je ne le considère pas comme illégal
En plus les square tracks avec ZERO modification (SNES MC + aucun décor/item/saut) sont automatiquement supprimés au bout de 15 minutes à l'aide d'un script fait par Wargor, donc les signaler est inutile vu que leur sort est déjà scellé
Well the little text I had done on this subject is lost, so I might as well do it again:
I consider a "square track" illegal only if it's the basic layout (without any modification) as well as the track completely empty or almost (no boost, no item, no jump), another case would be decors/items/jumps placements totally random and disproportionate, if you know what I mean
If a square track does not meet these 2 conditions then I do not consider it illegal
In addition, square tracks with ZERO modification (SNES MC + no decoration/item/jump) are automatically deleted after 15 minutes using a script made by Wargor, so reporting them is useless since their fate is already sealed
I consider a "square track" illegal only if it's the basic layout (without any modification) as well as the track completely empty or almost (no boost, no item, no jump), another case would be decors/items/jumps placements totally random and disproportionate, if you know what I mean
If a square track does not meet these 2 conditions then I do not consider it illegal
In addition, square tracks with ZERO modification (SNES MC + no decoration/item/jump) are automatically deleted after 15 minutes using a script made by Wargor, so reporting them is useless since their fate is already sealed
Bah du coup mon commentaire est inutile.
Mais qu'avez vous avec les pistes carré?
Il est beaucoup plus flexible qu'Ahmad lol, les circuits sans modification peuvent être considérés comme du spam et ce n'est que ce qu'il interdit.
On 2023-02-24 at 07:54:20
Then if it's so I'm reporting @FlameChocolate_14HC for calling Fways a bitch and a fat hamster without any reason... the proof is on my latest message on POP_Simoke, I can't take screens at the moment
@5072 I'm sorry but facepalming me is so dumb. Nobody was ever offending to you, he was just giving you you advice, maybe a little rude, and it's all Chilli's fault for not minding his business where he should have. Also calling Fways a fat hamster and a bitch is as bad as the original topic is, since it doesn't relate about smoking. Jeez !
@5072 I'm sorry but facepalming me is so dumb. Nobody was ever offending to you, he was just giving you you advice, maybe a little rude, and it's all Chilli's fault for not minding his business where he should have. Also calling Fways a fat hamster and a bitch is as bad as the original topic is, since it doesn't relate about smoking. Jeez !
Jeez to you! He should be nicer. This is the only way to [uh... i dunno a good word] Fways.
This counterpart is so bad as he was nicer than your response
So if someone is kind of rude but respectful you'll insult him
On 2023-02-23 at 23:37:07
Then if it's so I'm reporting @FlameChocolate_14HC for calling Fways a bitch and a fat hamster without any reason... the proof is on my latest message on POP_Simoke, I can't take screens at the moment
@5072 I'm sorry but facepalming me is so dumb. Nobody was ever offending to you, he was just giving you you advice, maybe a little rude, and it's all Chilli's fault for not minding his business where he should have. Also calling Fways a fat hamster and a bitch is as bad as the original topic is, since it doesn't relate about smoking. Jeez !
@5072 I'm sorry but facepalming me is so dumb. Nobody was ever offending to you, he was just giving you you advice, maybe a little rude, and it's all Chilli's fault for not minding his business where he should have. Also calling Fways a fat hamster and a bitch is as bad as the original topic is, since it doesn't relate about smoking. Jeez !
On 2023-02-23 at 22:54:05
Being toxic and I assume they have alts because their messages are always get up reactions by accounts with similar names
Being toxic and I assume they have alts because their messages are always get up reactions by accounts with similar names
I would have agreed somehow but it looks like a joke. They aren't alts, btw, they're just sharing a private joke together. Anyways, sure, it can be kinda unsettling to see this, as they're also being kinda irritating to you, but I guess letting them joke won't cause that much of a harm... take it as CuteWolf saying he is coming back ; that man is original
On 2023-02-21 at 17:42:41
dark ip ban fways plz its cheating
It's not cheating, just reverse drifting, starts use is weird to witness when you're unfamiliar with it but hey.
On 2023-02-17 at 19:28:21
Si, il a clairement spam juste pour avoir des notifs, et jusqu'à preuve du contraire le spam est interdit
Ah je n'avais pas vu, désolé. 😅 bon en même temps ge serait bien de préciser la raison du report aussi
On 2023-02-17 at 19:25:25
On 2023-02-16 at 21:14:15
It just takes you to the circuit, though I do understand why you would be concerned. I had balls of steel to click the link.
Yeah, it shortly passes by "Create an arena" in complete mode with a simple blue box, then it redirects you to the track. The URL is weird and what happens is weird, it's normal that he would be concerned. However, why did you use this complex link @JayLovesGames456 ? You could have used the regular link...
While I'm at it, the French translation of Report is "Signalements". Sorry for nitpicking, although I thought it would be beter if I included other things in the message. ^^'
Well I don't know i just copied the link that was in my address bar in the creator mode. Is there anything wrong with it? If yes then sorry i didn't know and i won't do it again, i will try to find a shorter link to my track next time.
Wait, don't worry and don't apologize ! It's fine, the link was just complex and I was surprised. If it's what appeared, no problem. Anyways, let's cut out the discussion now, if you may ^^'
On 2023-02-16 at 21:07:41
It just takes you to the circuit, though I do understand why you would be concerned. I had balls of steel to click the link.
Yeah, it shortly passes by "Create an arena" in complete mode with a simple blue box, then it redirects you to the track. The URL is weird and what happens is weird, it's normal that he would be concerned. However, why did you use this complex link @JayLovesGames456 ? You could have used the regular link...
While I'm at it, the French translation of Report is "Signalements". Sorry for nitpicking, although I thought it would be beter if I included other things in the message. ^^'
On 2023-02-14 at 11:45:37
I know I'm supposed to simply report here, but isn't that harsh to report Bluey ? For the triple post I do agree, but it's not because his memes are (eventually) unfunny and cringe that it lets you report him. I don't know, he's not breaking the rules by any means. When you think about it, it also reminds me of the square track misconception, being that nowhere it is said that it is forbidden, however, an admin back in 2021 used to delete them so it's hard to know what to do. I don't think you can report him, just unfollow the topic. I know that's annoying, but please try to deal with it without reorting him because that's not gonna fix anything.
MKPC COUNTER 7th birthday !!!
On 2023-12-04 at 18:14:56
2. Eh ben va falloir s'adapter t'es le seul à te plaindre
3. Tes dires sous-entendent ça... Tu vas vraiment chipoter ?
4. Parce que Google Traduction c'est pas mal quand t'es sur un ordi mais tu vas pas le sortir à chaque fois dans la vraie vie
1 pourquoi ? un étranger c'est tout simplement quelq'un qui vient d'un autre pays et qui généralement ne parle pas la même langue
2 en tout cas moi je le fait ici et en public
3 ?
Ce qui me dérange dans le mot étranger c'est que c'est un mot qui vaut par rapport à toi mais bon
Flemme de continuer
On 2023-12-04 at 18:09:11
@Kapt3rion de quoi ? "double post"
@Invu "un étranger" désolé mais je ne voit pas ou est l'insulte, je dis juste que c'est pénible de devoir parler une autre langue très souvent, imagine un monde ou on parlerai tous la même langue
"Ce n'est pas parce qu'ils ne parlent pas TA langue natale que ça veut dire qu'ils n'ont pas le droit d'être ici." et je n'ai jamais dit ça
"Google Traduction" XD alors pourquoi on nous fait apprendre une deuxième mangue ? sèrieusement
@Invu "un étranger" désolé mais je ne voit pas ou est l'insulte, je dis juste que c'est pénible de devoir parler une autre langue très souvent, imagine un monde ou on parlerai tous la même langue
"Ce n'est pas parce qu'ils ne parlent pas TA langue natale que ça veut dire qu'ils n'ont pas le droit d'être ici." et je n'ai jamais dit ça
"Google Traduction" XD alors pourquoi on nous fait apprendre une deuxième mangue ? sèrieusement
1. Étranger c'est pas un super mot à dire surtout sur un forum
2. Eh ben va falloir s'adapter t'es le seul à te plaindre
3. Tes dires sous-entendent ça... Tu vas vraiment chipoter ?
4. Parce que Google Traduction c'est pas mal quand t'es sur un ordi mais tu vas pas le sortir à chaque fois dans la vraie vie
Les double-posts ça reste à éviter oui
On 2023-12-04 at 18:02:23
On 2023-12-04 at 17:48:44
Si tu ne peux pas leur parler français mais que tu ne veux pas leur parler anglais alors tais toi et ne dis rien, problème réglé
Ton discours est extrêmement stupide, les "étrangers" déjà c'est des étrangers pour toi, mais pour eux sache que tu es un "étranger", est-ce que tu aimerais qu'ils te disent ça et est-ce que tu aimerais qu'on te crie à la gueule comme ça ?
Et je ne vois pas pourquoi ils n'auraient pas le droit de profiter de ce site tout autant que toi ? Ce n'est pas parce qu'ils ne parlent pas TA langue natale que ça veut dire qu'ils n'ont pas le droit d'être ici.
Le monde ne tourne pas autour de toi donc je te conseillerais de redescendre.
Et oui, je suis français aussi, mais je m'adapte, et si je ne suis pas content j'utilise Google Traduction, ou alors je me la ferme, comme tu devrais. ^^
On 2023-10-26 at 11:06:39
The fact that the 2 biggest events of MKPC occured on the same day is an absolute miracle
On 2023-10-26 at 00:09:38
Ah I didn't know that this all was your work
On 2023-10-25 at 21:20:46
On 2023-10-25 at 01:18:11
we are really not ready
we are really not ready
It's finally time for the site to go under
GGs everyone, it was fun while it lasted
I love how you decided to spread positivity today. Slay queen ! 😍 We stan an unbothered and movement-setting legend. INCREDIBLEE
On 2023-10-25 at 01:08:26
Why am I not surprised or excited
On 2023-02-28 at 22:44:35
It's been a while since I've been here. Also, I think this topic should be locked since the 6th birthday already happened and this is now useless. Plus, people might spam revive it or some shit.
Nah, it's so good as it is. The topic being old makes it kinda iconic, going from the birth of the idea back in 2018 to the celebrations of what MKPC has became with time, now in 2023. We don't need a yearly topic for every birthday... it's fine as it is, really. And people commenting short messages is uh... fine. The original topic hasn't much to it so it's one of the rare cases where we should let people react, even with very short messages...
Also reviving important topics isn't bad lmfao. You revived way more irrelevant topics that were way older. And before Pianta decides to start an army against me, the revives you did brought nothing, you just said "revive " to laugh at Max who hated that, and you didn't even try to add to the discussion, you just revived for "fun". That's not a good idea.