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Time Trial - Global ranking

This page shows a leaderboard of top players in time trial.
This leaderboard is based on a score calculation which depends on your rank on each circuit. See this topic for further info.



Place Username Score Details
1st ae BFDI_Ahmad17 552 Preview
2nd mx ImJustLimey 450 Preview
3rd gb -Chloe- 444 Preview
4th fr Fways 428 Preview
5th us ItsLuigiBoi 418 Preview
6th es LAMINE_YAMAL 409 Preview
7th es BRE_321GOGOGOGOGOGO 407 Preview
8th ro TRISTAN_TATE 402 Preview
9th us dedmenwalk 392 Preview
10th ca EthanQc 390 Preview
11th fr DaisyFan370_MKT54 375 Preview
12th fr Pyrolen-20HP 372 Preview
13th jp Daisanko 372 Preview
14th gb Hornyt 363 Preview
15th fr Senko 361 Preview
16th jp Army 344 Preview
17th es Zooyamk 338 Preview
18th jp JPN-Shoppi 337 Preview
19th bb StillTooKrazey 336 Preview
20th gb CornyBro 336 Preview
Page : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  ...  71 

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