On 2023-03-27 at 17:30:18
Yay I'm special
For now.......
Nah he gonna be special for all eternity what u going on about????😂😂😭😆😀🤨😁😉😳🥵🤓😌🥳🤔😃😱😅
Tell me you are becoming a Pianta kinnie without telling me you are becoming a Pianta kinnie
@MisterCringeh Doesn't work for French people
:P I already know. That a shame that I cant do it for French people
There is a way though...
Pas vrai ?
Am I wrong ?
Oui mais sa serais peut être un peut trouvé non?
Pas si tu ne le fais pas à outrance. Le problème de ce genre d'astuces, c'est que tout le monde les adore, et le souci, c'est que maintenant quand tu aimes quelque chose tu dois te l'approprier aussi. SuperCoppin a utilisé une astuce une fois, puis je l'ai ressortie quelques fois, pour blaguer, et maintenant tout le monde l'utilise et c'est embarrassant en quelque sorte
On 2023-03-27 at 18:30:01
Salut, ça fait longtemps (encore plus longtemps pour @gouini )
on va tous les deux êtres offline pour une durée d'une semaine à partir de Lundi prochain
On reviendra avec pleins de surprises.
Je pense aussi avancer sur le site de mon eShop sur lequel je bosse à fond l'interface. Pour vous donner une idée, j'y passe beaucoup plus de temps que l'interface de MKJ.
J'ai voulu marquer le coup avec une belle interface ronde, translucide et avec des dégradés pour un côté plus moderne.
Mario Kart J aura aussi quelques changements à mon retour mais vous pouvez déjà en savoir quelque chose avec ma photo de profil actuelle (j'en dis pas plus )
Je vais aussi créer des animations SMG4 sur ma chaîne principale (pour plus de vues) mais là encore, je veux pas dire grand chose.
Vous pouvez me poser des questions via Discord ou Guilded si vous êtes interessés
Bonne journée
on va tous les deux êtres offline pour une durée d'une semaine à partir de Lundi prochain
On reviendra avec pleins de surprises.
Je pense aussi avancer sur le site de mon eShop sur lequel je bosse à fond l'interface. Pour vous donner une idée, j'y passe beaucoup plus de temps que l'interface de MKJ.
J'ai voulu marquer le coup avec une belle interface ronde, translucide et avec des dégradés pour un côté plus moderne.
Mario Kart J aura aussi quelques changements à mon retour mais vous pouvez déjà en savoir quelque chose avec ma photo de profil actuelle (j'en dis pas plus )
Je vais aussi créer des animations SMG4 sur ma chaîne principale (pour plus de vues) mais là encore, je veux pas dire grand chose.
Vous pouvez me poser des questions via Discord ou Guilded si vous êtes interessés
Bonne journée
On 2023-03-27 at 21:49:47
Why Does My Computer Sound Like a Lawnmower?
On 2023-03-27 at 21:52:23
Why Does My Computer Sound Like a Lawnmower?
You don't have a good enough gaming chair.
On 2023-03-27 at 21:53:15
Why Does My Computer Sound Like a Lawnmower?
You don't have a good enough gaming chair.
I Thought That 100-Year-Old Wood Chairs Were Good Enough Gaming Chairs 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
On 2023-03-27 at 21:59:01
I Just Realize Something! King Boo Was Made of Mercury in MKWii and MKDD!!. That's Why He Is a Heavyweight!
This Joke Was Brought to You by the CBI
This Joke Was Brought to You by the CBI
On 2023-03-27 at 22:00:28
This Joke Was Brought to You by the CBI
1. How is it proved
2. How is it a joke
3. What is the CBI
4. No need to say "brought to you" and stuff just to look fancy
On 2023-03-27 at 22:02:13
This Joke Was Brought to You by the CBI
1. How is it proved
2. How is it a joke
3. What is the CBI
4. No need to say "brought to you" and stuff just to look fancy
It Was a Joke Because Of a Comment On This Page Saying That The MKDD!! And MKWii Characters Look Like They Are Made of Mercury.
Stop Ruining My Fun.
Also, The CBI Stands For "Coopa's Buffoons That Investigate" It Is Another FBI Ripoff
On 2023-03-27 at 22:04:14
This Joke Was Brought to You by the CBI
1. How is it proved
2. How is it a joke
3. What is the CBI
4. No need to say "brought to you" and stuff just to look fancy
It Was a Joke Because Of a Comment On This Page Saying That The MKDD!! And MKWii Characters Look Like They Are Made of Mercury.
Stop Ruining My Fun.
Also, The CBI Stands For "Coopa's Buffoons That Investigate"
"Stop Ruining My Fun." Because Lely would be the problem?
On 2023-03-27 at 22:04:33
This Joke Was Brought to You by the CBI
1. How is it proved
2. How is it a joke
3. What is the CBI
4. No need to say "brought to you" and stuff just to look fancy
It Was a Joke Because Of a Comment On This Page Saying That The MKDD!! And MKWii Characters Look Like They Are Made of Mercury.
Stop Ruining My Fun
I'm not ruining your fun. I'm just saying the joke isn't funny because how is it funny, and you said it as a fact, so I told you it wasn't proved, also I don't think that's true, and the part "This joke was brought to you" felt unnecessary. I'm sorry for calling you out that many times, I just had enough. Edit : Also creating your own "joke agency" just to look more fancy was unneccessary to me. The joke felt weird.
On 2023-03-27 at 22:31:48
This Joke Was Brought to You by the CBI
1. How is it proved
2. How is it a joke
3. What is the CBI
4. No need to say "brought to you" and stuff just to look fancy
It Was a Joke Because Of a Comment On This Page Saying That The MKDD!! And MKWii Characters Look Like They Are Made of Mercury.
Stop Ruining My Fun.
Also, The CBI Stands For "Coopa's Buffoons That Investigate" It Is Another FBI Ripoff
Stop ruining my fun with your terrible “jokes”
On 2023-03-27 at 23:04:02
Finally I got the background in lol. To make sure nobody steals my background and color, this is gonna be my new one.
I'ma go with this one
On 2023-03-27 at 23:10:16
Finally I got the background in lol. To make sure nobody steals my background and color, this is gonna be my new one.
I'ma go with this one
These Have Lots of Code Compared to The Normal Ones, I Wonder If Anyone Will Actually Regularly Talk with These 🤔
On 2023-03-27 at 23:24:26
Finally I got the background in lol. To make sure nobody steals my background and color, this is gonna be my new one.
I'ma go with this one
Ok that’s cool, but who asked?
On 2023-03-27 at 23:26:55
Finally I got the background in lol. To make sure nobody steals my background and color, this is gonna be my new one.
I'ma go with this one
Ok that’s cool, but who asked?
On 2023-03-27 at 23:31:13
I'm sorry, I hate who asked, but it seems like you haven't understood. This is getting so spammy. Like, choose a color. Good for you. People will notice it by themselves, especially if it's that fancy. No need to tell us. It just makes the topic full of useless messages and it's likely to get locked at some point. Please stop with the colors. We got it, you're amazed by the possibilities. Now there's no need to talk about it during months, it's not worth it.
On 2023-03-27 at 23:39:54
I'm sorry, I hate who asked, but it seems like you haven't understood. This is getting so spammy. Like, choose a color. Good for you. People will notice it by themselves, especially if it's that fancy. No need to tell us. It just makes the topic full of useless messages and it's likely to get locked at some point. Please stop with the colors. We got it, you're amazed by the possibilities. Now there's no need to talk about it during months, it's not worth it.
You're Right. Let's Do It on The BBCode Topic Instead
On 2023-03-27 at 23:52:42
I'm sorry, I hate who asked, but it seems like you haven't understood. This is getting so spammy. Like, choose a color. Good for you. People will notice it by themselves, especially if it's that fancy. No need to tell us. It just makes the topic full of useless messages and it's likely to get locked at some point. Please stop with the colors. We got it, you're amazed by the possibilities. Now there's no need to talk about it during months, it's not worth it.
You're Right. Let's Do It on The BBCode Topic Instead
Well, it would indeed be more appropriate. If the idea is big enough to be discussed on it's own topic then let Space for anything breathe for a moment
On 2023-03-28 at 05:48:07
Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
On 2023-03-28 at 07:22:47
Am I The Only One Who Thinks That Pizzards Look Like Wizzrobes?