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Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Breaking News
The Rosa A3S was cancelled and is now being moved back to twilight's territory, and 2 megatons of caesium was artifically created in Nyanist Empire's lab and is now is being used to create a Single, HUGE Bomb called Rosa A4, it is basically the A3S but with 1 MEGATON OF CAESIUM, With High Speeds. two will be produced in carthage and kept in southeast occitania, The Artiifical Production Of Those 2 Megatons made a Giant Hole Underneath the Surface in the Nyanist Empire, And a bit of uranium was usede in the New Bomb (around 100 grams)
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Oi guys
Tell me what's going on
I missed a lot, didn't I
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
"I still don't understand why Twilight doesn't like this peace deal
I am literally handing you my nation's resources and economy and giving you money as reparations for the damage I have caused
Yet, you still persist in extending a war which could have been resolved by now
The casualties are now piling up because of your incompetence"
Messages 2008 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20006 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
"I still don't understand why Twilight doesn't like this peace deal
I am literally handing you my nation's resources and economy and giving you money as reparations for the damage I have caused
Yet, you still persist in extending a war which could have been resolved by now
The casualties are now piling up because of your incompetence"

you literally tried uniting england by force, which would've resulted in me being associated with mkzach which i dont want happening
edit: ykw i'll make peace with you but i am NOT uniting our nations
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Twilight wrote:
"I still don't understand why Twilight doesn't like this peace deal
I am literally handing you my nation's resources and economy and giving you money as reparations for the damage I have caused
Yet, you still persist in extending a war which could have been resolved by now
The casualties are now piling up because of your incompetence"

you literally tried uniting england by force, which would've resulted in me being associated with mkzach which i dont want happening
edit: ykw i'll make peace with you but i am NOT uniting our nations

Uhh, you could have just invaded him if you dislike him that much
AND win
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Well, I'm at war with mkzach now, so OK I will peace out with you, and beat him up
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
since cosmic peaced out with twilight, i'll become neutral while paying 100K Gold for reperations
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
y'all im moving my A3S from twilight realm to east occitania now that the war is over between cosmic and twilight
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
The Peace of Coventry - November 3rd 2026
- The borders have smoothed out, with the Realm of Twilight gaining around 5,000 sq km of territory.
- The English Unification Wars continue as Leicester defends against an invasion from Zachthumbria - their former ally
Messages 479 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Can someone go to Seattle or something so I can attack them
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
I got too many flags
Messages 479 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Screw it I'm bored *nukes Zachthumbria*
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Part II
The Long March

During the disasterous war with the Realm of Twilight, the Exalted Kingdom of Leicester was invaded by its northern neighbour and former friend, Zachthumbria, under the behest of foreign powers. Now, with increased fervour, the Royal Army of Leicester is set to embark on the largest military operation England has seen since the invasion of William the Conqueror - THE LONG MARCH
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
UraniumMan wrote:
Screw it I'm bored *nukes Zachthumbria*

"What the actual fu-"
*proceeds to watch the complete destruction of Burnley on Leicesterian TV*
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
UraniumMan wrote:
Screw it I'm bored *nukes Zachthumbria*

Messages 622 - Mario Mario
vs14524 pts ★ Champion
battle6138 pts ★ Racer
UraniumMan wrote:
Screw it I'm bored *nukes Zachthumbria*

where is my state with the flag
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
i have the aggressive feeling to make a Rosa A5 and annihilate someone but next thing that'll happen is humanity will be fighting with sticks and stones. :D (dw i wont bomb someone.)
Messages 673 - Mario Mario
vs19491 pts ★ Master
battle5681 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Breaking News
The Labs Of Carthage Made A Couple Of New Alloys Most Likely Used For Bombs. The Alloys Are Super Dangerous And Should Be Handled Cautiously

Green Caesium (Uranium + Caesium), This Alloy Is A Mix Of Caesium & Uranium through a 50/50 ratio, and is usually blended into a powder

Neutronic Water (Water + Neutron), Because Green Caesium Isn't Strong Enough To Start A Fission (via a Neutron) or a Chemical Reaction Between Caesium & Water at the same time, Neutronic Water (one neutron, any amount of water) Could Ignite These Two At The Same Time.

These Two Materials Should Be Handled Cautiously Due To It's High Radioactivity, And Should Not Be Released To The Public Nor Should It Be Exposed On Land Where People Can Pick It Up Or Something.

Please Note That You Should Seperate Green Caesium From Moisture

And Neutronic Water Shouldn't Be Dumped In Regular Water, As You Could Commit A Warcrime Of Poisoning Water
Messages 413 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs15302 pts ★ Master
battle7611 pts ★ Racer
SuperMega7 wrote:
So this is going to be the flag of my land:
I also think about colonising Alaska and the rest of Madagascar

I have a flag too!

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