/| Mario Kart PC |\

PotatoBozo Races


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Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
Im going to congratulate myself for making 3 complete mode cups, 22 quick mode cups,15 complete mode circuits, 114 quick mode circuits, and 3 battle courses
Messages 58 - Boo Boo
vs40397 pts ★ Titan
battle9013 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom

I like these Tracks but the one that I liked the most was Spring Craze. ;)
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
thx red5 pizza
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?i=6149 This map is called Rainbow night
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
https://mkpc.malahieude.net/map.php?cid=1557 This is my new complete cup called what in the world
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
[url]https://mkpc.malahieude.net/circuit.php?id=10664[/url] This is Money Snake and it might be the best map I probably made
Messages 1580 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs29835 pts ★ Legend
battle6465 pts ★ Racer
J'ai eu une idée de GÉNIE.
Samedi (si vous avez MK7) aller dans le communauté <<Mario Cup>>
Samedi 27 Octobre de 20h à 22h
Messages 1083 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs21044 pts ★ Legend
battle5370 pts ★ Novice
Azoumix wrote:
J'ai eu une idée de GÉNIE.
Samedi (si vous avez MK7) aller dans le communauté <<Mario Cup>>
Samedi 27 Octobre de 20h à 22h

Je vais avertir un administrateur pour SPAM. La prochaine fois, crée un topic !
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
I will make new races soon
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
But in the mean time I will make a circuit contest
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
it has to be custom
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
Theme is Mushroom Kingdom
When does it start?
Messages 65 - Boo Boo
vs10065 pts ★ Champion
battle5269 pts ★ Novice
United States
Can I be in it?
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
1. Participants
I asked when does it start?
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
1st: 100 points
2nd: 90 points
3rd: 80 points
4th: 65 points
5th: 50 points
6th: 40 points
7th: 25 points
8th: 15 points
Messages 398 - Luigi Luigi
vs32809 pts ★ Legend
battle12845 pts ★ Champion
United States
I asked when does it start?

I have no idea

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