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Cats or Dogs?


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Messages 299 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs120815 pts ★ Superstar
battle18118 pts ★ Master
Dogs are my numbawan enemy soo I prefer cats they are the best. :3
Messages 4783 - King Mario King Mario
vs13968 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
Messages 834 - Mario Mario
vs15944 pts ★ Master
battle7485 pts ★ Racer
cats kinda feel random like me, i prefer thosd
Messages 107 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs13922 pts ★ Champion
battle5058 pts ★ Novice
It seems that everyone likes cats.:o
I mean they just abandon you and go take a shit in your neighbor's garden where as dogs are actually loyal and don't just leave like that
Messages 1870 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20389 pts ★ Legend
battle6823 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
MRAP12 wrote:
It seems that everyone likes cats.:o
I mean they just abandon you and go take a shit in your neighbor's garden where as dogs are actually loyal and don't just leave like that

cats dont do that, especially not house cats. they have litter trays inside of their owner's house so they dont just go outside to do that. also, cats are extremely social as well, so they dont quote unquote "leave like that", but instead take time to bond with their owner and yk, actually spend time with them
Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
MRAP12 wrote:
It seems that everyone likes cats.:o
I mean they just abandon you and go take a shit in your neighbor's garden where as dogs are actually loyal and don't just leave like that

I feel that a dog's behaviour is dependent far too much on their owner - there are owners who I've met who have had no control over their dog and say they're friendly and the dog's been prepared to bite me to pieces, and there have even been owners who've let their dogs walk onto my porch and smother their ass along it. And there are other owners who are so abusive to their dogs that it's just sad. It's not to say that cats don't suffer abuse too, but cats are a lot more self-sufficient and tend to be calmer than dogs (as Twilight put it, they don't attack unless you're being a jackass), which is why I prefer cats.
Messages 1203 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14205 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
Bosnia and Herzegovina
MRAP12 wrote:
It seems that everyone likes cats.:o
I mean they just abandon you and go take a shit in your neighbor's garden where as dogs are actually loyal and don't just leave like that

No, they only do one of those, and dogs also do that one, they just don't hide it as much.
Messages 4783 - King Mario King Mario
vs13968 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
MRAP12 wrote:
It seems that everyone likes cats.:o
I mean they just abandon you and go take a shit in your neighbor's garden where as dogs are actually loyal and don't just leave like that

wdym i see dog shit everywhere
Messages 107 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs13922 pts ★ Champion
battle5058 pts ★ Novice
Fiery wrote:
MRAP12 wrote:
It seems that everyone likes cats.:o
I mean they just abandon you and go take a shit in your neighbor's garden where as dogs are actually loyal and don't just leave like that

wdym i see dog shit everywhere

Yeah but that's cause people don't clean it up, what I'm saying is that your neighbor's cat shits in your garden and it pisses you off. Dogs usually shit in public areas
Messages 107 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs13922 pts ★ Champion
battle5058 pts ★ Novice
What I'm saying is that cats are always going off on their own and kill birds or get run over where as dogs stay with you (usually)
Messages 1870 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20389 pts ★ Legend
battle6823 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
MRAP12 wrote:
What I'm saying is that cats are always going off on their own and kill birds or get run over where as dogs stay with you (usually)

cats stay with you as well idk what crazy stereotype shit you're on about
Messages 107 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs13922 pts ★ Champion
battle5058 pts ★ Novice
MRAP12 wrote:
What I'm saying is that cats are always going off on their own and kill birds or get run over where as dogs stay with you (usually)

cats stay with you as well idk what crazy stereotype shit you're on about

People's cats just wander of through their letterbox things and go on their own independent walk, where as dogs walk with you, by your side
Messages 1870 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20389 pts ★ Legend
battle6823 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
MRAP12 wrote:
MRAP12 wrote:
What I'm saying is that cats are always going off on their own and kill birds or get run over where as dogs stay with you (usually)

cats stay with you as well idk what crazy stereotype shit you're on about

People's cats just wander of through their letterbox things and go on their own independent walk, where as dogs walk with you, by your side

people's cats stay with their owner because, as i've said before, they're EXTREMELY (and i do mean extremely) social, meaning they dont just "wander off through their letterbox things". stereotypes smh
Messages 4783 - King Mario King Mario
vs13968 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
MRAP12 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
MRAP12 wrote:
It seems that everyone likes cats.:o
I mean they just abandon you and go take a shit in your neighbor's garden where as dogs are actually loyal and don't just leave like that

wdym i see dog shit everywhere

Yeah but that's cause people don't clean it up, what I'm saying is that your neighbor's cat shits in your garden and it pisses you off. Dogs usually shit in public areas

What if you dont have a garden? Public areas are far more annoying idk what youre on about lmao
Messages 107 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs13922 pts ★ Champion
battle5058 pts ★ Novice
Okay, but forgetting all of this which is better, cats or dogs? ( I think you all like catssnif)
Messages 4783 - King Mario King Mario
vs13968 pts ★ Champion
battle5368 pts ★ Novice
MRAP12 wrote:
Okay, but forgetting all of this which is better, cats or dogs? ( I think you all like catssnif)

Messages 1771 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11652 pts ★ Champion
battle6099 pts ★ Racer
MRAP12 wrote:
Okay, but forgetting all of this which is better, cats or dogs? ( I think you all like catssnif)

Gotta go with cats, perfect li'l fluffy bois and gurls
Messages 71 - Boo Boo
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
dogs unless the cats have big eyes. cause its holy
Messages 107 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs13922 pts ★ Champion
battle5058 pts ★ Novice

I do loves cars, I really do but I am asking 'Cats or dogs' not 'Cars or Dogs'
Messages 462 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs5101 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice

I feel like both have different groups that enjoy them, cats are for chill people, dogs are for agitated people. I like me more agitated, so I like dogs more, but I like cats a lot too

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