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Warhammer coversations


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Messages 11414 - King Mario King Mario
vs35065 pts ★ Legend
battle6102 pts ★ Racer
Sometimes I giggle when I recall the fact that this is a 14 month old topic that never truly died, and at how it feels like it's kinda out of the rest of the community
Messages 28 - Koopa Koopa
vs5000 pts ★ Novice
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Reveals tommorow!

I have heard that chaos space marines will get new models so I'm hoping for a jump pack lord and raptors/warp talons so I could get some night lord models.

Also dog:

Awww he's so cute! πŸ₯° What do you think? Tomb kings pooch?

Hoping they start something to bring Vulkan back one of these days πŸ™

It would be nice but dorn would be cool
Messages 749 - Mario Mario
vs29936 pts ★ Legend
battle10373 pts ★ Champion
United States
AHAH!!! Fellow Warhammer nerds (and disinterested chaps reading this out of pure boredom), I have a bold prediction!

Ok first off I highly doubt that anything about this has been mentioned before, but I don't sift through a dozen websites every day so if you've heard this before... Well, good for you! πŸ‘πŸ˜›

Alright, a quick Warhammer history lesson. In the early days of the Imperium (galactic human empire) the Emperor of Mankind created 20 powerful beings known as the primarchs. Each was a true superhuman, possessed of astonishing intellect and immense strength and wisdom. Each of the primarchs was given a legion of augmented soldiers (called Adeptus Astartes, or simply Space Marines) to lead.

Unfortunately half the primarchs turned against the Emperor with their legions, and a huge war was fought, which in a way continues even thousands of years later, in the 41st millennium. To prevent the power of a whole legion being misused again, the loyalist legions were broken down into small autonomous armies called Chapters. All of the loyalist primarchs were either slain or vanished centuries ago, but now it seems they are returning.

Over the last few years, Games Workshop, the company that owns and operates the Warhammer games, has returned several primarchs to the Warhammer scene. Two of these, Roboute Guilliman and Lion ElJohnson, are loyalists. More will obviously show up. Come on, this is GW! Stringing out a bunch of heroes returns is gonna earn them a lot of money, so it's gonna happen.

Warhammer 40k 10th edition is here, and with it comes a new space marine codex (army rulebook). In the past there were codex supplements for certain unique space marine armies and the special units they fielded, but now most of these have been consolidated into the main space marine codex. However, special units for the Dark Angels space marines were not included in the new codex, and they recently got a codex supplement containing these special units.

So, two other Space Marines Chapters don't have any units in the main codex. The Blood Angels and the Space Wolves. Both chapters will most likely get codex supplements in the future, and the Blood Angels' primarch is dead, soooo...

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I predict that the Space Wolves primarch, Leman Russ, will be next to rejoin his Chapter. I can't think of any better explanation for why the Space Wolves would be left out of the codex, and Leman Russ is one of the most popular primarchs, so I predict that Leman Russ's return to Warhammer will be in motion by the end of 2024.

Well that took forever to get to the point lol. Hope you enjoyed this little essay, and uuuh feel free to tear apart my theory if you have a different one or are just better informed.

Cheers tching
Messages 1361 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
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AHAH!!! Fellow Warhammer nerds (and disinterested chaps reading this out of pure boredom), I have a bold prediction!

Ok first off I highly doubt that anything about this has been mentioned before, but I don't sift through a dozen websites every day so if you've heard this before... Well, good for you! πŸ‘πŸ˜›

Alright, a quick Warhammer history lesson. In the early days of the Imperium (galactic human empire) the Emperor of Mankind created 20 powerful beings known as the primarchs. Each was a true superhuman, possessed of astonishing intellect and immense strength and wisdom. Each of the primarchs was given a legion of augmented soldiers (called Adeptus Astartes, or simply Space Marines) to lead.

Unfortunately half the primarchs turned against the Emperor with their legions, and a huge war was fought, which in a way continues even thousands of years later, in the 41st millennium. To prevent the power of a whole legion being misused again, the loyalist legions were broken down into small autonomous armies called Chapters. All of the loyalist primarchs were either slain or vanished centuries ago, but now it seems they are returning.

Over the last few years, Games Workshop, the company that owns and operates the Warhammer games, has returned several primarchs to the Warhammer scene. Two of these, Roboute Guilliman and Lion ElJohnson, are loyalists. More will obviously show up. Come on, this is GW! Stringing out a bunch of heroes returns is gonna earn them a lot of money, so it's gonna happen.

Warhammer 40k 10th edition is here, and with it comes a new space marine codex (army rulebook). In the past there were codex supplements for certain unique space marine armies and the special units they fielded, but now most of these have been consolidated into the main space marine codex. However, special units for the Dark Angels space marines were not included in the new codex, and they recently got a codex supplement containing these special units.

So, two other Space Marines Chapters don't have any units in the main codex. The Blood Angels and the Space Wolves. Both chapters will most likely get codex supplements in the future, and the Blood Angels' primarch is dead, soooo...

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I predict that the Space Wolves primarch, Leman Russ, will be next to rejoin his Chapter. I can't think of any better explanation for why the Space Wolves would be left out of the codex, and Leman Russ is one of the most popular primarchs, so I predict that Leman Russ's return to Warhammer will be in motion by the end of 2024.

Well that took forever to get to the point lol. Hope you enjoyed this little essay, and uuuh feel free to tear apart my theory if you have a different one or are just better informed.

Cheers tching

Magnus did nothing wrong.

I agree it will probably be Fulgrim and Leman this edition though I would prefer Jhagati or Dorn for the loyalists.

Also love how he made 20 primarchs and ends up with 21 and 20 legions then, by the heresy, 19 primarchs and 18 legions. Very number.
Messages 1361 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Also just saying, if anyone has any questions about warhammer, be it lore, factions, what the game is and such, I will try my best to answer.

The most basic thing is that there are 3 main warhammer settings, being 40k (sci-fi, the most popular one), fantasy (fantasy of course, the original, ended in 2015 but brought back at the start of this year set about 1000/500 years before the main fantasy timeline) and age of sigmar (also fantasy, replaced fantasy in 2015)

I have a decent amount of aos knowledge but way too much regarding fantasy and 40k but should be able to answer most questions.
Messages 167 - Bowser Bowser
vs16644 pts ★ Master
battle5473 pts ★ Novice
I didn't know what Warhammer is but it seems super interesting. I'll probably start looking for more information about it
Messages 1361 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
In case anybody would like to learn about it, I'm going to post the basic lore of all 3 major settings.
Very simplified btw.

Warhammer 40k/The horus heresy:
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"In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war."

A few things you should know before reading this is that the warp is basically just hell and there are 4 major gods, known as the chaos gods, one of whom is created in events later described.

The timeline starts with a species known as the necrontyr, who almost all had skin cancer and would die at a young age, asking a group of ancient aliens known as the old ones to help make them live longer. The old ones declined and the necrontyr found some god like beings, known as the c'tan, consuming stars for their energy. These C'tan then offered them immortality, granted to them in a process where their souls were taken and consumed by the C'tan and they were placed within metallic, skeletal bodies and became known as the necrons. They declared war on the old ones for refusing to help them. During this war, the old ones made many species to help them fight. The most important of these are the eldar, space elves who feel emotion much more than any other species, and the krorks, large green fungal creatures that became stronger the more they fought. Eventually, after most of the old ones were dead, the necrons went into a 40,000 year long nap and the krorks devevolved into the orks due to less fighting.

The eldar then built up a large empire. They used secret pathways known as the webway to travel quickly. Whenever one died they would be reborn like a phoenix. This led to many starting to commit deranged acts. The first group group leave the empire are known as the exodites and they took over worlds, known as maiden worlds, where they live. The second group to leave are the craftworld eldar who left on continent sized spaceships. The empire then collapsed when their acts led to the creation of a new god known as slannesh. This caused a large warp rift to appear, killing all that were there. The only other survivors were the dark eldar, who were in a city in the webway.

Humanity had spread across the stars, using the warp as a method for ftl travel, however an AI Uprising and the opening of the great rift led to most planets losing contact with others and becoming more savage. On Earth, a man calling himself the emperor of mankind showed up and took Earth from the techno-barbarians. He then created 20 children, known as the primarchs who were basically demi-gods. Alongside them he created 20 space marine legions, each using the gene-seed of their primarch, leading to them developing traits simular to their primarchs. The primarchs got split up across space before their birth. The emperor then led "The greater crusade" where he took back the other human planets and slowly found the primarchs, one by one. 2 of the primarchs, alongside their legions, were removed from records and one primarch had been split into two.

At around the 31st millennium, the emperor gave his favoured son, Horus, the rank of warmaster while he worked on project to allow humans to access the webway so they wouldn't need to rely on the warp, which by doing they helped empower the chaos gods. Horus then git corrupted by chaos and, along with half the primarchs and legions, waged war with the loyalists in the horus heresy. There are 65 books on the horus heresy. It even has its own game system. I will not describe much more about it but in the end the emperor kills horus who mortally wounded him. The emperor now sits on the golden throne.

Now it is over 10 millennium later and the Imperium is a xenophobic empire who sends many men to their death in combat with aliens and the followers of chaos. There are no good guys, just varying shades of grey. Also a bunch of giant bugs showed up and are trying to eat everyone.

Here's a picture of the main factions. Yes, like 7 of them are just space marines and another 4 are chaos space marines, but still.

Warhammer fantasy battles/The old world:
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Coming soon

Warhammer Age of Sigmar:
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Coming soon

Will add edits when I add the other two.
Messages 749 - Mario Mario
vs29936 pts ★ Legend
battle10373 pts ★ Champion
United States
Ugh. Dude. Great rift? Before Emperor? Nah. Galactic History 101. Listen now before the inquisition reads your heretical misinformation and hunts you down.

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Human history. Bold letters indicate where you were wrong πŸ€“πŸ§

M1 - M15; Age of Terra

Mankind started pioneering space travel and settled it's home system.

M15 - M25; "Dark" Age of Technology

Humanity discovers the warp and learns to use it for ftl travel. An expensive age of colonization follows. Human psykers (people who can use the powers of the warp like magic) appear in M22. An AI rebellion occurs, and the far-flung colonies lose contact and descend into anarchy.

M25 - M30; Age of Strife

The warp overflows into real space and warp storms cover the galaxy for millenia.
Towards the end of the era, the being known as the Emperor rose to power on Terra and recolonized the galaxy.


Horus Heresy, the Great Scouring, etc. Nothing that critical until M41.

M41; Dark Imperium

999, M41. The 13th black crusade and the opening of the Great Rift.

Well you were only off by a few thousand years. Maybe they won't notice. 🀫

Messages 1361 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Ugh. Dude. Great rift? Before Emperor? Nah. Galactic History 101. Listen now before the inquisition reads your heretical misinformation and hunts you down.

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Human history. Bold letters indicate where you were wrong πŸ€“πŸ§

M1 - M15; Age of Terra

Mankind started pioneering space travel and settled it's home system.

M15 - M25; "Dark" Age of Technology

Humanity discovers the warp and learns to use it for ftl travel. An expensive age of colonization follows. Human psykers (people who can use the powers of the warp like magic) appear in M22. An AI rebellion occurs, and the far-flung colonies lose contact and descend into anarchy.

M25 - M30; Age of Strife

The warp overflows into real space and warp storms cover the galaxy for millenia.
Towards the end of the era, the being known as the Emperor rose to power on Terra and recolonized the galaxy.


Horus Heresy, the Great Scouring, etc. Nothing that critical until M41.

M41; Dark Imperium

999, M41. The 13th black crusade and the opening of the Great Rift.

Well you were only off by a few thousand years. Maybe they won't notice. 🀫

Eh, I was going for the basics. Only a few inaccuracies are fine. Also prefer the non-human history but still.
Messages 749 - Mario Mario
vs29936 pts ★ Legend
battle10373 pts ★ Champion
United States
Dietsoda wrote:
Ugh. Dude. Great rift? Before Emperor? Nah. Galactic History 101. Listen now before the inquisition reads your heretical misinformation and hunts you down.

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Human history. Bold letters indicate where you were wrong πŸ€“πŸ§

M1 - M15; Age of Terra

Mankind started pioneering space travel and settled it's home system.

M15 - M25; "Dark" Age of Technology

Humanity discovers the warp and learns to use it for ftl travel. An expensive age of colonization follows. Human psykers (people who can use the powers of the warp like magic) appear in M22. An AI rebellion occurs, and the far-flung colonies lose contact and descend into anarchy.

M25 - M30; Age of Strife

The warp overflows into real space and warp storms cover the galaxy for millenia.
Towards the end of the era, the being known as the Emperor rose to power on Terra and recolonized the galaxy.


Horus Heresy, the Great Scouring, etc. Nothing that critical until M41.

M41; Dark Imperium

999, M41. The 13th black crusade and the opening of the Great Rift.

Well you were only off by a few thousand years. Maybe they won't notice. 🀫

Eh, I was going for the basics. Only a few inaccuracies are fine. Also prefer the non-human history but still.

Yep I'm just being a nerd lol
Messages 1361 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Dietsoda wrote:
Ugh. Dude. Great rift? Before Emperor? Nah. Galactic History 101. Listen now before the inquisition reads your heretical misinformation and hunts you down.

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Human history. Bold letters indicate where you were wrong πŸ€“πŸ§

M1 - M15; Age of Terra

Mankind started pioneering space travel and settled it's home system.

M15 - M25; "Dark" Age of Technology

Humanity discovers the warp and learns to use it for ftl travel. An expensive age of colonization follows. Human psykers (people who can use the powers of the warp like magic) appear in M22. An AI rebellion occurs, and the far-flung colonies lose contact and descend into anarchy.

M25 - M30; Age of Strife

The warp overflows into real space and warp storms cover the galaxy for millenia.
Towards the end of the era, the being known as the Emperor rose to power on Terra and recolonized the galaxy.


Horus Heresy, the Great Scouring, etc. Nothing that critical until M41.

M41; Dark Imperium

999, M41. The 13th black crusade and the opening of the Great Rift.

Well you were only off by a few thousand years. Maybe they won't notice. 🀫

Eh, I was going for the basics. Only a few inaccuracies are fine. Also prefer the non-human history but still.

Yep I'm just being a nerd lol

Aren't we both? I mean, we are both in the warhammer fandom, that's already enough.
Messages 749 - Mario Mario
vs29936 pts ★ Legend
battle10373 pts ★ Champion
United States
A sample of my army. Currently going through all the miniatures and leveling up their look. (Resized the images. Hopefully not too pixelated now)

Some tactical marines
Intercessor squad
Vulkan He'stan
Adrax Agatone
Repulsor tank (gotta get some modeling putty or something for this one)
Messages 1361 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Space marine 2 is going to release soon (like 2 months) and it looks great. Can't wait to play as a night lords raptor or imperial fist bulwark.

Messages 749 - Mario Mario
vs29936 pts ★ Legend
battle10373 pts ★ Champion
United States
This topic must come out of hibernation again because this:

What is this?
Messages 1361 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Kommisar_K wrote:
This topic must come out of hibernation again because this:

What is this?

Possibly hints for the next kill team box. Rumors have said it will be scions and tau.
Messages 1361 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom

3d printed this chunky beast. That's a termagaunt for scale. Got the stl for free aswell.
(the official version is a Β£338.50 forge world resin kit)
Messages 1361 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
What are your hopes for the amazon show? I just hope it goes through so they can start making a Gotrek and Felix adaptation since the deal says after the 40k show they are allowed to make a fantasy one.

For 40k I think it would be best of it's just Ciaphus Cain or Gaunts Ghosts, since they would be easier to make and are good introductions to the setting.

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