What If MKPC had DLC?

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On 2025-01-29 at 22:00:53
Been wondering about this. I was thinking about adding the coolest custom tracks and combining them into some cool cups. Made 2 custom tracks, but they're terrible...
On 2025-01-29 at 22:04:12
How would this work

On 2025-01-29 at 22:10:41
I'd suppose having a button that says, get DLC. But if we can't do CTGP stuff, probably gonna say N64 and GCN courses instead. So, like MK8DX: New tracks, bikes, and new characters like the guest Miis.
On 2025-01-29 at 22:28:25
i think that nintendo 3DS tracks could be creat whit that second screen map, but the glide mechanics its sucks to recreat
On 2025-01-29 at 22:28:49
I'd suppose having a button that says, get DLC. But if we can't do CTGP stuff, probably gonna say N64 and GCN courses instead. So, like MK8DX: New tracks, bikes, and new characters like the guest Miis.
custom characters: allow me to introduce myself

On 2025-01-29 at 22:36:04
Could just do cannons, but the annoying problem I had with this I that I couldn't do underwater parts.
On 2025-02-02 at 03:23:36
Been wondering about this. I was thinking about adding the coolest custom tracks and combining them into some cool cups. Made 2 custom tracks, but they're terrible...
You would have to talk to the creator of the game, but I’d doubt this is possible
On 2025-02-02 at 04:11:04
We need GCN Tracks in this game and maybe 24 new characters like Pikachu, The Chimp (Do most people know who he is?)
no, you're wrong, we actually need people to know custom characters are a thing along with complete mode. JUST MAKE YOUR OWN MULTICUP WITH YOUR OWN CHARACTERS!!!

On 2025-02-02 at 06:24:11
How Could a Website Have Downloadable Content, Doesn't That Basically Defeat the Purpose of Mario Kart PC...
the Home Page Literally Says "but is playable on your browser, and for free."
the Home Page Literally Says "but is playable on your browser, and for free."

On 2025-02-02 at 06:32:14
but on a more serious note, putting something paid on a Mario fangame would surely get the radar of Nintendo and MKPC would get a lawsuit
but on a more serious note, putting something paid on a Mario fangame would surely get the radar of Nintendo and MKPC would get a lawsuit
On 2025-02-02 at 06:59:04
On 2025-02-02 at 08:03:41
Mario Kart PC uses the same base as the original games but is playable on your browser, and for free.

On 2025-02-02 at 20:57:29
Could have it as an immediate add-on for free.
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