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Mini tournaments on the MKPC Lounges/ Mini-tournois sur les Lounges MKPC !

In MKPC by Toad64
Published on 2021-07-05 at 19:06:57
Bonjour à tous !  hey
Cet été, nous allons vous proposer des petits évènements amicaux sur les lounges MKPC. paratroopa

C'est-à-dire qu'il n'y aura pas de récompenses ou d'enjeux, il s'agit simplement de parties pour se détendre et s'amuser.
Les tournois vont se dérouler sur des serveurs Discord particuliers.
Voici les liens des serveurs :

https://discord.gg/XtR6n3D (Pour des matchs en course VS)
https://discord.gg/SCmZ5MrCQx (Pour les matchs en mode bataille)
Si vous n'avez pas de compte Discord, il est très facile d'en créer un, alors n'hésitez pas à le faire !

Chaque week-end, il y aura un tournoi à thème. C'est-à-dire qu'il s'agira toujours de 12 courses en mode VS ou de 8 parties en mode bataille, mais certains éléments comme la cylindrée, les objets par exemple, peuvent être modifiés. :p

Le thème sera annoncé au minimum 48h avant le début de chaque tournoi. Les résultats seront envoyés sur les lounges et sur un topic créé pour l'occasion.

Le premier tournoi commencera ce week-end !  (Une date précise sera envoyée prochainement)

J'espère vous voir très prochainement ! ;)
Hello everyone!  hey
This summer, we are going to hold some friendly events on the MKPC lounges. paratroopa

This means that there will be no rewards or stakes, we will just play online parties in friendly mode to relax and have fun.
The tournaments will take place on separate Discord servers.
Here are the links to the servers:

https://discord.gg/XtR6n3D (For VS mode tournaments)
https://discord.gg/SCmZ5MrCQx (For battle mode tournaments)
If you don't have a Discord account, it's very easy to create one, so do not hesitate to do that !

Every weekend, there will be a themed tournament. This means that it will always be 12 races in VS mode or 8 games in battle mode, but some elements like the cc, items for example, can be changed. :p

The theme will be announced at least 48 hours before the start of each tournament. The results will be posted on the lounges and on a topic created for the purpose.

The first tournament will start this weekend !  (A more precise date will be announced soon)

Hope to see you soon ;)

Comments (13)
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StarDiamond Moi aussi je veux participé j'vais tout d'suite aller sur les liens Discord.
On 2021-08-11 at 19:03:02
Toad64 @coolfam13, to be verified, you need to send a link of your MKPC account.
On 2021-08-05 at 17:58:12
coolfam13 i would like to join but when i tried to join discord it says i had to verrify my account, so looks like i cant use discord for a while
On 2021-08-04 at 02:48:51
On 2021-07-09 at 19:07:48
Toad64 @MarioKartLover_Flabebseth
Lounge (Mogi Lounge to be more specific) is the competitive part of Mario Kart PC. It has a different ladder system.

A game can start at any time if there are enough players avalaible.
In that case, a member will host a private game, and the other participants will have to join it.
The points system is the same as the "local scoring" one in private games.

Then, after the 12 races (or 8 "games" in battle mode), there will be a ranking. You will win or lose lounge points according to that, your points and your opponents, which will change your position in the ranking.

But during these themed events, your position in the ranking won't change.

I hope that helped you, otherwise, you can try to play a game Smiley
On 2021-07-08 at 23:29:54
Aloxy cool c'est une bonne idée j'y participerai Smiley
On 2021-07-08 at 00:51:56
PichuLover_Flabebseth Wait, I have a question: what are lounges?
On 2021-07-07 at 04:58:53
PichuLover_Flabebseth I am looking forward to it! I just need to find the time...
On 2021-07-07 at 02:35:53
CalaSquad OK🙄
On 2021-07-06 at 16:28:20
CoolioZero I would, but I dont have the time
On 2021-07-06 at 00:29:06
ArtemisLeah If i have the time to i would love to.
On 2021-07-05 at 22:31:35
_Ashleythegamerzz_ no thanks
On 2021-07-05 at 21:19:16
ColonThree-Bye-bi awesome!
I'll play in this
On 2021-07-05 at 20:03:57

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