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Center for Crivility Studies of MKPC

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Remember everyone! Only members can review applications! Acceptance is not guaranteed!
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Hey, I don't know much about this stuff, but I'd really like to join. Also if you guys think I'm doing something like a Forum kid, please tell me. I will keep an eye out for Forum kids

Hmmmmm, we'll give you a shot
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
                             The Case of @RedHotSonic

Joining the community

@RedHotSonic in the beginning was a casual person joining MKPC. After a while, I noticed he was over spamming useless topics like this; https://mkpc.malahieude.net/topic.php?topic=15093&message=1 and this https://mkpc.malahieude.net/topic.php?topic=15097&message=1 there's more that I don't wanna waste my time looking for.

Ban Reason
He made another useless topic about how he said we are annoying and we should kill ourselves. And bad bad thing...HE'S GETTING UNBANNED IN 5 DAYS!!! September 20th, 2024 is when the beast will be unleashed from the Cave of Dummies.

Reason for his "Forum Kid" Title
The reason why he was earned the title "Forum Kid" is because he is mostly on the forums all day spamming shitty and useless topics such as questions that can be easily answered in chill topics like Space for Anything, or others.

We don't have any status on him (no shit he's banned) But we better hope that he has changed when he comes back, unlike @Budze and @tendokiddo...

His overall report
-Non Deadly Forum Kid
-Loves Sonic
-Is african american just like me
-Hates @UraniumMan who he calls TitaniumBoy...?
-Is a MKPC-ex fan (evidence is on his profile description)

Deadly Forum Kid Overall Score: 6.21/10

So that was the case for @RedHotSonic! Stay tuned if there are more news on him! And stay on the lookout for Forum Kids!
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Bro @Yoshi649, Im not mad at you, Im just telling you this is studies not news. Just trying to help you
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Yoshi649 wrote:
Latest news!

@UraniumMan talking about @yellowkoopa being a kid on the forum, the fight started on 07/11/24 talking about children on the forum, in this bullshit I wasn't there because I was banned

Dude this is studies, Not news. You're supposed to study, Like, this is why you're not gonna get hired here.
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
can I join?

Well I'd love you to! You must ask @Kommisar_K though, He did start this whole program.
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Fiery wrote:
Second case on Tendo coming up soon because a lot happened with him today!

Yes! We need an instant research on this stupid kid!
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
MrSnakePro wrote:
i dont know how to remove pings

Bro, Just remove the @ from our names
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
can you guys please remove the pings? The people who are getting repeatedly pinged have got to be annoyed (including me)

True, Why dont you just ping the person your quoting, unless your not quoting the first page with all our names:)
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Yoshi649 wrote:
I went back:(

I'm sorry for writing that ugly word, because I was laughing a lot at that word, I felt like I was rejected by members who didn't like my topics,

I want to ask @senko a question

how many bullshit is banned?

Its okay:). And @Budze started going crazy in SFA and he got banned
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Even though someone already did it, Im just gonna do it again but idk. The case of @tendokiddo

@tendokiddo was a fun, nice chill dude we liked being around, until one day in SFA...Some say he joined some kind of group named UTTP, he came in an alt account and his pfp was hitler spongebob, and he started saying stuff a forum kid would say, until he said the N-Word...Yeah....His comments her deleted though, along with his account. From then we haven't heard from him. Case Closed
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
So uhhhh whats popping today?
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
We must protect MKPC from the attacks of Forum Kids at all costs (I hope im not one)
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
I studied him and this is what probably started the beef yesterday with @Yoshi649!

The case of @Yoshi649...He was a normal "friendly" dude but kinda y'know, rough bossy. But on 7/6/24 yesterday. He struck. He started becoming a forum teen we never saw him like. He made a topic and I called it useless, because it was really useless. And then I mentioned something in a different forum and he kept using the word "brainrot" into my quotes, Then he went to SFA to do the same and continue his Forum Kid chaos. Eventually it was settled when @Senko came over and saved us all (thank you senko genial!!!) and he was banned for 3, 2 days idk. Hopefully we don't have to have another Forum Kid/Teen to do the same. Case Closed.
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
So, Studiers, what shall we do now, Who is studying who?
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Yoshi649 wrote:
I think we really do need to study @Yoshi649. He keeps using the word brain rot in random quotes in the forum "MKPCian Dictionary" and just acting like, what is the nicest way to call someone stupid without getting brain rot

"what is the nicest way to call someone stupid without getting brain rot"facepalm

Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
I think we really do need to study @Yoshi649. He keeps using the word brain rot in random quotes in the forum "MKPCian Dictionary" and just acting like, what is the nicest way to call someone stupid without getting banned?
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Hey! May I make a topic based on reporting a forum kid, so we can send it here and study them?
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
Lely wrote:
BREAKING NEWS: A possible forum kid has been spotted in SFA! We are sending Crivility Studiers to investigate what happened, And Gain Information on this forum kid, @Yoshi649! And acting stupid by listing names that he thinks started this tendokiddo stuff....He listed my name, Lely, RedPikmin95 Wargor! (he's getting banned lol, jk i dont really know)

we will begin study soon
but... i think we all know that it is DANGEROUS to pin Wargor

I wouldn't recommend it but how would it be dangerous ???

Irdk (I really dont know)
Messages 597 - Mario Mario
vs14728 pts ★ Champion
battle7855 pts ★ Racer
United States
BREAKING NEWS: A possible forum kid has been spotted in SFA! We are sending Crivility Studiers to investigate what happened, And Gain Information on this forum kid, @Yoshi649! And acting stupid by listing names that he thinks started this tendokiddo stuff....He listed my name, Lely, RedPikmin95 Wargor! (he's getting banned lol, jk i dont really know)

we will begin study soon
but... i think we all know that it is DANGEROUS to pin Wargor

Wargor is approching at hammer banning speeds! He is cookedcrepe

though, he isn't really online that much, so the people that MIGHT come at Yoshi649's throat with the ban hammer is Senko, Nudge, Wal68, and more

We must let them know, if this nasty little forum kid does any more chaos here and in SFA.

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