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Les 3T du CM

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Je peux participer?

Pour participer c'est la version en ligne , mais elle n'a pas encore lieu :s

Mais tu peux parier le vainqueur parmi les 24 persos présents sur le jeu de base :)
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Salut la communauté ! :D

Aujourd'hui , je vous annonce la création d'une nouvelle discipline sportive :p
Les 3T du CM

Si le nom ne vous dit rien , c'est bien parce que il ne s'agit ici que d'une sorte de fanfic un peu spécial :)

Un curieux wrote:
Bah c'est quoi le truc spécial ? :o

C'est très simple , ma fanfic consiste à raconter l'histoire de cette nouvelle discipline sportive . Le narrateur sera le commentateur sportif ! :D
L'innovation , c'est que l'histoire sera tirée à chaque fois d'une histoire vrai ! C'est à dire que je vais réellement participer à cette compétition ! banane

Mais , t'as dis juste avant que la compétition n'existait pas :s

Oui , en effet , il s'agit juste de courses sur mkpc avec des fonctions un peu spéciales :) :
- Il y aura 24 ordis toad
- Difficulté maximale ( impossible ) :p
- 999cc fou
- 6 écuries ( Honda ; Peugeot ; Ferrari ; Koenigsegg ; McLaren ; Alpine ) :p
- Persos ordis pré-sélectionnés yoshi
- Aucun objets :p
- Circuits pré-sélectionnés

Cette compétition à déjà eu lieu l'année dernière :

Voici ce qui nous attends cette année :p

L'avantage avec ce topic , c'est que vous pouvez faire des paris sportifs ( sans perte de quoi que se soit ) banane

Je prévois aussi une version en ligne , mais il faudrait pouvoir cocher une fonction " sans déraper " car , oui , le dérapage est interdit :)

Un message débutant la fanfic suivra d'ici peu j'espère ;)

personnes pouvant être intéressé :

Est-il interdit de faire le parc baby en mode simplifié ? Is it forbidden to use the baby park in simplified mode ?

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
tu peux s'il y a d'autres routes et/ou des sauts, décors, accélérateurs

mais justement , je rajoutais des trucs mais rien à faire ( c'est la maaf qu'il préfèrent ) deso fallait que je lance la vanne
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
The_Dragon wrote:
en mode simplifié il n'y a pas de thème "parc baby"

oui mais je parle du tracé
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Oui , je me permets de poser cette question " Est-il interdit de faire le parc baby en mode simplifié ? "

Si cette question peut sembler étrange , il est tout autant que ce circuit ce fasse à chaque fois supprimé raah . J'aimerais savoir pourquoi mon circuit Parc baby se font à chaque fois supprimé , malgré des rajouts de routes le rendant unique . raah

Bref , ce système pour éviter trop de circuit est handicapant car il m'empêche de faire mario kart double dash!! en simplifié :s
Yes, let me ask this question: “Is it forbidden to use the baby park in simplified mode?”

If this question may seem strange, it is equally true that this circuit is deleted each time raah. I would like to know why my Parc baby circuit is deleted each time, despite the addition of routes making it unique. raah

In short, this system for avoiding too many circuits is disabling because it prevents me from doing Mario Kart Double Dash!! in simplified form:s

Un Mario kart 9 ?

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Realboy wrote:
Blah blah blah argumenté et structuré

Merci Chat GPT

En vrai c'est bien développé mais je trouve les courses nitros peux originaux yoshi

par rapport à ça , j'ai à nouveau réfléchis au sujet :)

GRAS = jeu de base
SOULIGNÉE = pas besoin de débloquer

Coupe Champignon
Circuit Mario 1
Plaine Carottin
Plage Dauphin
Champ de bataille Bob’Omb

Coupe Fleur
Autodrome Rétro
Vallée Canyon
Circuit Mario 2
Désert Arc-en-ciel

Coupe Œuf
Lac Champignon
Village Yoshi
Île Paradisiaque
Château de King K.Rool

Coupe Éclair
Pays de la Lune
Marécage Boo
Archipel Volcan
Manoir du Désespoir

Coupe Étoile
Circuit du Flocon Rapide
Château Super Mario 64
Manoir du Roi Boo
Ruines Bowser

Coupe Spécial
Citée Gâteau-fort
Île Fury
Château de Bowser
Route Arc-en-ciel

Coupe Boomerang
Square Tuyau
Circuit Waluigi
Forêt Champignon
Piscine Champignon

Coupe Fleur de Glace
Stade Glagla
Circuit Mario 3
Château de Bowser 2
Route Arc-en-ciel 2

Coupe Banane
Circuit mario 2 snes
Autodrome luigi gcn
Quartier delfino ds
Mont éboulis 3ds

Coupe Carapace
Chapidrome switch
Plaine donut 2 snes
Circuit peach gba
Circuit daisy wii

Coupe Feuille

Park baby gcn
Égout pyranhas 3ds
Manoir de luigi ds
Royaume sorbet n64

Coupe Bob-Omb
Temple ka-bang switch
Gorge champignon wii
Circuit luigi gba
Montagne choco n64

Coupe Plume
Pont champignon gcn
Jardin volant gba
Station glagla switch
Galion wario 3ds

Coupe Carapace bleue
Forêt DK 3ds
Volcan grondant wii
Château de bowser ds
Route arc en ciel snes

Coupe Lune
Lac boo gba
Ponton lugubre n64
Bateau volant ds
Château de bowser gcn

Coupe Objet
Arène d'exitebike switch
Jardin peach ds
Pic DK wii
Château de bowser 2 snes

Bon , au moins j'ai enlevé beaucoup de doublons :p
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Realboy wrote:
leoiscool wrote:

Official trailer now

Spoiler [ShowHide]

Wesh , regardez ça les gens

Genre j'ai prédis le titre si ça se trouve :o
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
je up ce topic pour vous montrer ceci :

Cette vidéo officielle montre tout les circuits qi ont étés fait sur la switch :p Dlc compris :D

Théoriquement , on peut supposer que Nintendo travaille actuellement sur Mario Kart 9/10/X :)
Il faut environ 4 ans max à Nintendo pour nous pondre la suite d'un opus Mario Kart , je suppose donc sa sortie en 2026 :p

Et vous , quand supposez-vous sa sortie ? :o
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Realboy wrote:
leoiscool wrote:

Official trailer now

Spoiler [ShowHide]

C'est une fake news qui date d'il y a 1 an :/
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Realboy wrote:
Blah blah blah argumenté et structuré

Merci Chat GPT

En vrai c'est bien développé mais je trouve les courses nitros peux originaux yoshi

J'ai encore plus détaillé mon message :p
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Allors voilà je up ce topic car j'ai ( largement ) approfondis mes idées pour un futur Mario Kart :)

Alors , vu la ( très ) grande longueur de ce message , je ne vais pas expliquer mes choix :p

Super Mario Kart X

Les modes

Alors oui , que serait Mario Kart sans ces modes qui pimentes nos courses ?! :p

Mode Histoire
Mode Grand Prix
Mode Libre
Mode Contre-la-montre
Mode Bataille
Mode Multi

Le Mode Histoire
Il serait composé de 264 niveaux répartis à travers 64 circuits et 8 arènes ! Tout les 32 niveaux circuits , il y aurait un niveau arène plus dure que les autres niveaux permettant de débloquer des éléments !:p
Chaque circuit seront composés de 4 niveaux à réaliser du plus facile au plus dure , les niveaux de difficultés sont les suivants :
Très Facile
Très difficile ( réservé aux niveaux arènes )
Le dernier niveaux d'un circuit sera toujours de terminer la course en première position , avec une difficulté ordi maximale !foutoad
En plus de ces quelques 264 niveaux , il y aurait le premier niveaux qui permettrai d'apprendre toute les techniques de bases avec son mii en combinaison standard !:p

Le Mode Grand Prix
Je pense que les explications sont évitables , ah non :)
Les coupes seraient jouables sur les cylindrées suivantes en normal et en mirroir :D
50cc :mini_champi:
100cc :champi:
150cc :2_champi:
200cc :3_champi:

Courses Nitro

Coupe Champignon
Circuit Mario 1
Plage dauphin
Autodrome Retro
Château Super Mario 64

Coupe Fleur de feu
Piscine Daisy
Circuit Mario 2
Manoir du Désespoir
Archippelles volcan

Coupe étoile
Circuit Flocon rapide 1
Lac Aquazoo
Champ de bataille Bob-Omb
Piscine Bowser

Coupe Boomerang
Vallée Canyon
Citée fortifiée
Forêt Champignon
Désert Arc-en-ciel

Coupe Mini-Champignon
Île paradisiaque
Château de Bowser 1
Marécage Boo

Coupe Lune
Pays de la nuit
Circuit Wario
Circuit Waluigi
Bateau de Kamek

Coupe Cloche
Circuit du Flocon rapide 2
Ruines Bowser
Manoir du Roi Boo
Stade Gla-Gla

Coupe Spéciale
Îles Fury
Citée Gâteau-Fort
Château de Bowser 2
Route Arc-en-ciel

Courses Retro

Coupe Banane
Circuit Mario 2 snes
Autodrome Luigi gcn
Quartier Delphino ds
Mont éboulis 3ds

Coupe Champignon UP
Champidrome wii u
Plaine Donut 2 snes
Circuit Peach gba
Circuit Daisy wii

Coupe Carapace
Park Baby gcn
Egout Pyranhas 3ds
Manoir de Luigi ds
Royaume Sorbet n64

Coupe Feuille
Temple Twomp wii u
Gorge Champignon wii
Circuit Luigi gba
Montagne Choco n64

Coupe Fleur de Glace

Pont Champignon gcn
Jardin volant gba
Station Gla-Gla wii u
Galion Wario 3ds

Coupe Oeuf
Arène d'Exitebike wii u
Jardin Peach ds
Pic DK wii
Château de Bowser 2 snes

Coupe Eclair
Lac Boo gba
Ponton Lugubre n64
Vallée Fantôme 1 snes
Château de Bowser gcn

Coupe Bill Ball
Forêt DK 3ds
Volcan grondant wii
Château de Bowser n64
Route Arc-en-ciel ds

Le Mode Libre

Voilà une nouveauté inattendu je pense :p
Le Mode Libre comme sont nom l'indique ( pas ? ) , permet de faire la course sur les circuits de son choix en pouvant choisir toutes les fonctionnalités !:d
Du joueur aux ordis , nul n'est épargnés !banane

Ainsi , vous pouvez modifier ::)

Choix manuel ou aléatoire

Choix manuel ou aléatoire , difficulté ordis , nombre total de participants

Choix manuel ou aléatoire , nombre de courses au total

Cylindrées , manuelle ou assistée

nombre de points par positions

nombre d'équipe ou absence d'équipe

Le Mode Contre-la-montre

Le Mode Contre-la-montre reviendrait au Mode Libre , mais en jouant contre son fantôme ( adios le choix des ordis x) ) . Il serait possible de choisir comme en Grand Prix la cylindrée !:D
Il y aurait bien évidemment des fantômes développeurs rassurez-vous !:)

Le Mode Bataille
Equivaudrait à un Mode Libre , mais sur les arènes !:p

Arènes Nitro

Place Wiggler
Stade Chomp
Arène de bataille du Grand Voyou
Arène de bataille du Roi Boo

Arènes Retro

Arène bataille 1 snes
Block Fort n64
Arène bataille II gba
Square Tuyau gcn
Tarte Sucrée ds
Stade Funky-Kong wii
Ruche Grabuge 3ds
Îles aux délices switch

Les modes

Chasseur de pièces
Rétro : Récoltez toutes les pièces , celui qui a le plus de pièces gagne !
Nitro : Récoltez le plus de pièces en 5 minutes !

Éclateur de ballons
Rétro : Faites exploser les ballons des autres , le dernier survivant gagne !
Nitro : Faites exploser le plus de ballon en 5 minutes !

Chasseur mixte
Récoltez un maximum de pièces en gardant le plus de ballons !

Le Mode Multi
Il serait divisé en trois catégories :

Le Mode Téléchargement
Trop connu flemme d'expliquer

Le Mode Multijoueur Local
Permet de jouer avec des personnes à proximité ( quelques mètres ) en utilisant la même console .:)

Le Mode Multijoueur Mondial
Permet de jouer avec des personnes du mondes entier !:d

Dites , vous ne trouvez pas qu'il manque ... les combinaisons ? :o

Les combinaisons seraient répartis à travers le choix du/des :


Mais avant , les statistiques ::p

La vitesse
Elle détermine la capacité de vitesse maximale de votre véhicule , plus cette statistique est élevée , plus vous pouvez aller vite !

Elle détermine le temps que met votre véhicule à atteindre sa vitesse maximale , plus cette statistique est élevée et moins vous mettez de temps à atteindre votre plus grande vitesse !

Le poids
Il détermine le poids de votre véhicule , plus cette statistique est élevée et plus vous faîtes valdinguer les autres pilotes ! De plus , elle influence aussi votre tenue de route , plus vous êtes lourds et plus vous êtes adhérent ! Cependant , plus vous êtes lourd et moins vous volez haut en deltaplane !

La maniabilité
Elle détermine la capacité à rouler vite en virage , plus cette statistique est élevée et plus vous pouvez roulez vite dans un virage serré !

Il détermine la capacité à rouler correctement en hors-piste , plus cette statistique est élevée et plus votre conduite tout terrain se rapprochera de votre conduite sur asphalte !

Le dérapage
Il détermine la capacité à accumuler de l'énergie en virage pour la redistribuer en boost , plus cette statistique est élevée et moins vous mettez de temps pour accumuler de l'énergie !

La chance
Elle détermine la capacité à obtenir de bons objets , plus cette statistique est élevée et plus vous aurez de bons objets !

Le turbo
Il détermine la capacité à rouler encore plus vite lors d'un boost , plus cette statistique est élevée et plus vos boosts seront long et puissant !

Les pilotes

Ils seraient divisés en neuf catégories ::)
Très Léger
Très bon en accélération , maniabilité , dérapages , turbo . Très mauvais en vitesse , poids , hors-piste , objet .
Capitaime Toad

Bon en accélération , maniabilité , dérapages , turbo . Mauvais en vitesse , poids , hors-piste , objet .
Bébé Mario
Bébé Luigi
Bébé Peach
Bébé Daisy
Bébé Harmonie

Assez bon en accélération , maniabilité , dérapages , turbo . Plutôt mauvais en vitesse , poids , hors-piste , objet .
Bowser.jr Squelette
Bébé Wario
Bébé Waluigi

Moyen partout .

Assez bon en vitesse , poids , hors-piste , objet . Plutôt mauvais en accélération , maniabilité , dérapages , turbo .

Bon en vitesse , poids , hors-piste , objet . Mauvais en accélération , maniabilité , dérapages , turbo .
Bowser Squelette
Bill Dozer

Très Lourd
Très bon en vitesse , poids , hors-piste , objet . Très mauvais en accélération , maniabilité , dérapages , turbo .
Roi Bob-Omb
Roi Goomba
Plante Pyranhas
Bowser Fury

Bon en vitesse , accélération , turbo , maniabilité . Mauvais en hors-piste , dérapage , objet , poids .
Mario d'Or ( Bon aussi en poids )

Bon en hors-piste , dérapage , objet , poids . Mauvais en vitesse , accélération , turbo , maniabilité .
Donkey Kong
Funky Kong
Cranky Kong
Diddy Kong ( exepté poids )
Dixie Kong  ( exepté poids )

Les véhicules
C'est quand même mieux de faire la course avec une voiture , non ?:p
Les véhicules seraient classés à travers trois catégories !:)

Bon en vitesse , poids , turbo . Mauvais en hors-piste , objet , accélération
Ectoblast 5000
Oeuf 1
Kart or

Bon en accélération , turbo , dérapage . Mauvais en poids , hors-piste , objet
Super Yoshi
Super Dry
Bill GP
Moto or

Bon en objet , hors-piste , dérapage . Mauvais en vitesse , accélération , turbo
Quad or

Les roues
Il y aurait trois catégories de roues ::D

Bon en maniabilité , accélération . Mauvais en poids , hors-piste .
Super slick
Roue or

Bon en pods , hors-piste . Mauvais en maniabilité , accélération .
Monster X

Moyen en tout avec quelques variabilités

Les deltaplanes
Il y aurait trois catégories de deltaplanes ::D

Bon en accélératon . Mauvais en poids .
Aile fleurie

Bon en poids . Mauvais en vitesse
Dragon fire
Aile Bowser
Billy fly

Moyen en tout avec quelques variabilités
Ombrelle Peach

Les élices
Alors si une nouveauté est à attendre , c'est celle-ci !:D
Eh oui , pourquoi ne pas customiser l'outil qui nous permet la conduite sous-marine comme pour l'anti-gravité ou le
deltaplane ?:o
Les élices seraient divisées en deuc catégories ::)

Les aggressives
Bonne en poids , mauvaise en maniabilité .
Osseuse plombée
Elice or

Les performantes
bonne en hors-piste , mauvaise en poids .

Alors c'est tout ( et c'est pas mal ) pour les combinaisons , passons au reste !:p

Les objets
Si vous deviez faire une course sans objets , quel serait votre réaction : dodo
Alors c'est bien pour ça que les objets sont indispensables à un Mario Kart !:)
Il y aurait :
un * indique un objet existant en triple

déjà existant

La pièce
Vous donne deux pièces et augmente un chouia votre vitesse

La banane*
Fait faire un tête à queue à celui qui roule dessus

La fausse boîte à objet
Fait faire un tête à queue à celui qui roule dessus

La carapace verte*
Part en ligne droite et fait faire un tête à queue à celui qui est percuté

La carapace rouge*
Part percuter celui devant vous pour lui faire faire un tête à queue

Le boomerang
Part en ligne droite et fait faire un tête à queue à tout ceux qui ont étés percutés

Le champignon*
Agit comme un boost en vous augmentant brièvement votre vitesse

La fleur de feu
Permet de lancer autant de boules de feu dans un temps impartit , toutes les personnes touchées partent en tête à queue

Le Boo
Vous rend temporairement invisible des autres joueurs et invulnérable , si un pilote possède un objet , vous le volez

Le bloups
Jette de l'encre sur les autres pilotes , la visibilitée revient au bout de quelques secondes

La bombe
Explose au contact d'un joueur faisant valdinguer tout les joueurs à proximité

La carapace bleue
Fonce en pôle et explose au contact du premier faisant valdinguer tout les pilotes aux alentours

Vous rend temporairement invincible et augmente légèrement votre vitesse

Fait faire un tête à queue à tout les pilotes diminuant temporairement leur taille et leur vitesse

Le chomp
Un chomp apparaît à l'avant de votre kart augmentant temporairement votre vitesse et fait faire un tête à queue aux pilotes dans le chemin du chomp . Quand la chaîne se brise , le chomp fonce tout droit et fait faire un tête à queue aux pilotes percutés

Le bill ball
Vous transforme tamporairement en bill ball vous rendant invincible et votre vitesse est au maximum . La conduite est durant ce temps automatique

Le super champignon
Permet d'utiliser autant de champignon dans un temps impartit


La fleur de bulles
Permet de lancer autant de bulles dans un temps impartit , toutes les personnes touchées sonr repéchées par Lakitu

Le champignon malus
Fait faire un tête à queue et diminue temporairement la taille et la vitesse du pilote touché

Les bonus
Quand y en a plus ... ben ... y en a encore !:s:p
Alors si les bonus ça parle pour certains et pas pour d'autres , c'est parce que cette fonction n'était présente que dans Mario Kart DS !
Les bonus permettent de customiser son kart ... avec un emblème !:D
Mais il y aurai bien d'autres fonctions ::)

Auto-école Lakitu

Il serait possible de customiser ceci avec une dimension maximale de 200X200 pixels ::p

Le véhicule

La partie avant , latérale et l'arrière peuvent être customisés

Les roues
La jante peut être customisée

Le deltaplanes
Le dos peut être customisé

Les élices
Les palmes peuvent être customisées

Les pouvoirs
Eh oui , qui dit Super Mario Bros dit transformations , pourquoi pas avec nos pilotes ?:o

Tout les pilotes seront ainsi transformable à l'aide d'un objet à débloquer , et l'objet influencera votre conduite !banane

Fleur de feu
Bonne en dérapage et turbo . Mauvaise en hors-piste et objet .


Bonne en vitesse et accélération . Mauvaise en poids et objet


Bon en maniabilité et hors-piste . Mauvais en poids et turbo

Bonne en maniabilité et dérapage . Mauvaise en objet et en poids

Fleur de métal
Bonne en vitesse et poids . Mauvaise en accélération et maniabilité

L'auto-école lakitu
En fait , je vous en ai déjà parlé dans le mode Histoire , mais pas assez !:D

Ce qui serait vraiment innovant , c'est le fait que il n'y ai plus besoin de mode d'emploi ! Vous avez juste à prendre des "cours" d'auto-école Lakitu !:p
Vous pourriez donc sélectionner des "leçons" et les mettre en execution afin de voir ce que cela donnerai en course !banane
Voici donc les différentes leçon que nous proposerait Lakitu ::)

Principes de bases

Avancer , tourner , reculer , lancer un objet

Technique de boost
Déraper , les objets boosts , super saut , boost anti-gravité

Conduite de l'extrême
Conduite sur hors-piste , deltaplane , anti-gravité , conduite sous-marine

Super timing
Départ turbo , repêchage turbo , esquive

Techniques de pros
Bouclier objet , snaking , reprise d'envol , prédictions

Et voilà c'est ( déjà ? ) terminé ! Alors si Nintendo tombe sur ce message ( je saurai pas pourquoi ) , bah ce serait super de suivre cette idée ( et c'est ce qu'on appelle une utopie super :( )
moi wrote:
Merci de votre attention !:D

moi wrote:
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Je pense qu'un Mario Kart 9 ( ou 10 ? ) devrait comporter un titre plus intéressant qu'un bête chiffre : c'est dépassé ! :s

N'oublions pas l'origine du jeu : Super Mario Kart
cela ne ressemble pas à ... Super Mario Bros ? :o

Pour le titre , je propose de construire le nom à partir de la base Super Mario Kart et d'y ajouter le bon adjectif :)

Mais QUEL adjectif utiliser ?? :s

Pour cela , réfléchissons aux nouveautés que l'on attend :d :
- Un mode histoire : ENFIN ! Je pense que c'est ce qui manquait à tout les Mario Kart , et cela inclu donc le retour du mode mission de Mario Kart ds :p
- Un mode libre : Il est clair qu'il est ragent de devoir se taper 3 circuits nuls juste pour prendre le 4e raah ! Le mode libre aurai cet avantage de choisir son circuit et ... pourquoi pas , les ordis :p
- Une sélection aléatoire : Il y a tellement de karts et combinaisons possible ! Il faudrait pouvoir choisir illico un kart sans s'endormir à regarder défiler les combinaisons dodo
- De nouveaux objet : C'est sans doutes ce qui rend un mario kart différent , tout en gardant la base des objets et ... le retour de quelques uns ( comme le chomp :p )

Bref , n'est-ce pas quelque chose de ... sublime ??

En anglais , cela donnerai Super Mario Kart Gorgeous
( Au départ , j'avais pensé à Super Mario Kart Wonder mais Nintendo m'a devancé lol )


Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Voici la première coupe !

La Coupe Fleur ( je trouvais que ça fait plus fleur que champi :p )
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
osc-omb wrote:

Collaboration Pour un Mario Kart en français
Collaboration For a Mario Kart in english 8)
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Senko wrote:
Senko wrote:
T'as littéralement ping un compte supprimé jpp (ensuite CTGP-PC Deluxe par Pixel)


sinon pas compris (ensuite CTGP-PC Deluxe par Pixel) ?


En plus je viens tout juste d'y mettre un message c'est vrai :p
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Senko wrote:
T'as littéralement ping un compte supprimé jpp (ensuite CTGP-PC Deluxe par Pixel)


sinon pas compris (ensuite CTGP-PC Deluxe par Pixel) ?
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion

J'ai décidé de faire une collaboration un peu comme CTGP-PC pour bien démarrer l'année 2024 :)

Vous connaissez sûrement le principe , il suffit d'envoyer vos créations via un lien de collaboration . Pour collaborer , rien de plus simple ! :p
Il suffit de cliquer sur " collaborer " présent en bas de la page de présentation de votre circuit et de m'envoyer le lien pour que je le mette dans cette multicoupe ( CPMK ) ( bon , j'ai pas assez de circuits pour l'instant je viens tout juste de faire ce topic :$ )

Alors , les explications pour collaborer sont faîtes , je vais vous expliquer les circuits que vous pouvez faire :)

Il est possible de réaliser des circuits NITROS , c'est à dire des circuits inédits tirés de votre imagination ! :p

Mais aussi des circuits RÉTROS , c'est à dire des circuits qui sont apparus sur un des Mario Kart ( Par exemple Mario Kart Wii :p )

L'ordre n'a pas d'importance , comme dans CTGP-PC , je mettrai tout à la suite ! :)

Bon bah ... bonne créations ! ;)

Personne pouvant être intéressés :

I decided to do a collaboration a bit like CTGP-PC to start the year 2024 off right :)

You probably know the principle, just send your creations via a collaboration link. To collaborate, nothing could be simpler! :p
Just click on "collaborate" at the bottom of the presentation page of your circuit and send me the link so that I can put it in this multicup (CFMK) (well, I don't have enough of circuits for the moment I just made this topic :$ )

So, the explanations for collaborating are done, I will explain the circuits that you can do :)

It is possible to create NITROS circuits, that is to say new circuits taken from your imagination! :p

But also RETROS circuits, that is to say circuits which appeared on one of the Mario Kart (For example Mario Kart Wii :p)

The order does not matter, as in CTGP-PC, I will put everything next! :)

Well... good creations! ;)

Person who may be interested:

Note : Discord

[Fanfic] - Danganronpa MKPC 2 : Despair at Delfino [MATURE CONTENT]

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
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Case 1, Chapter 3 : Deadly Life
Monokuma : And now, let the investigation begin !!
Nudge : One important point is that the blood that James mentioned is only around the pond, not in the pond. And there doesn't seem to be any stab wound on his body.
Max : What if he was drowned ? This is a pond... it's very much possible that the killer used that as a trap.
Nodac : Yeah but what if the killer made a stab wound on a weird place that is not visible, only to wash off the blood with the pond ?
Monokuma : Puhuhuhuhu... this is a split opinion. You will be split between two teams depending on your opinion on this situation.
He died because he was stabbed
He died because he was drowned
Max : This is a pond. He most likely has been drowned in the water.
Nodac : As I said, what if the killer used the water to wash off the blood ?
Nudge : I inspected the body and there is absolutely no stab wound
James : Maybe the stab wound is in the back of his body ?
Dietsoda : If he was stabbed, he would probably have spit blood out.
MNL : But that literally explains the blood traces right there...
D4rk : They are way too far from the body, the killer probably got his blood somewhere else
SYK : They aren't even that far plus what if the killer stabbed Noob first only to drown him later
Daisankor : That seems really unrealistic. Although it's possible, do you know what the source of blood on this island might be ?
Croassung : There is a lab but I'm telling you, the source of Noob's death is by being stabbed.
Krazey : It sounds like we aren't going to come to an agreement. Is there any file to tell us the cause of the death ?
Cringeh : Nah there is not any file I think
Lely : No, that's wrong, and it's the MonoFile, that we were supposed to be given to, but Monokuma forgot
Princess : Fair enough, but if Monokuma forgot then this debate is endless...
Veno : Exactly so there is no point in continuing to argue until Monokuma hasn't even given us the file.
Monokuma : Split debate end ! That was fun, y'all are not as bad as I thought. Anyways, I am late, but who cares ? Not like that changes a lot !
Nodac : Are you stupid that literally changes everything...
Hour of death : 5:30AM
Cause : Drowning in water
Hint to solve the case : Someone has been betrayed and it's not the victim
D4rk : I mean yeah we were right but... hint to solve the case ?
Nudge : Monokuma knows how every murder happens
Nodac : But then, that means the culprit was betrayed and that's why they decided to kill Noob ?
Lely : Be careful with those hints. What if it considers me rejecting Princess as a roommate as a betrayal ?
Veno : Well I don't know, but coming back to the split debate, two hypothesises got thrown away and they need to be looked over again. We know that SYK's hypothesis is false since it's proved by the MonoFile, but Daisankor and D4rk, both on the "He has been drowned" side, mentioned that the killer could have got his blood somewhere else. Considering the pretty large size of the blood, can't we just check out each other's arms and see if there is any lab or something on the island ?
MNL : Dirty
Dietsoda : It is not. In fact, what is dirty is your mind. Veno is only trying to come to a conclusion using only small elements that are very helpful and that nobody thought about before, and you are going into hormonal teenager mode because he said we were going to check out each other's arms. Literally, what the hell.
MNL : Hormonal teenager mode 💀
Veno : I guess I must ask... are you okay with an arm checkout ?
Many "Yes"'s were said and nobody seemed to refuse, so MNL just said yes too, in defeat.
Veno : Perfect so let me proceed.
Once Veno was done, he looked surprised.
Veno : There seems to be no mutilation. The lab seems to be a better hypothesis at the moment.
MNL : What if--
Veno : Shut up.
Nudgy who explored the island thoroughly nodded and guided everyone to something that he thought was a lab. In fact, it was a medical shop, who selled needles, band-aids... but also blood packets in case of quick and unwanted blood loss.
Nodac : Woah, so that's where the blood is from...
Monokuma : Yeah whatever. Now's the time to have fun, because the class trial starts NOW!!
Daisankor : Of course, the class trial in the official courtroom. Makes sense.
Nodac : Anyways where do we start ?
Lely : The alibis. What are your alibis for not murdering Noob during this case ?
Max : The murder happened at 5:30PM. I was still sleeping and the cameras can prove that.
Lely : I was also sleeping
Nudge : But everyone was supposed to be sleeping. How do we know who woke up when ?
Veno : No, we need to perceive it in a different way. Who is more suspicious instead of who is less.
D4rk : In this case, I suspect James, because he was late to the meeting only to tell us a lot about the murder that happened.
Croassung : That seems right, but that cannot be the conclusion. What if he was framed ? That's what I mean.
Cringeh : No I don't think he was framed. He is definitively the murderer.
Max : Well I don't know about that. "Betrayal from a close friend"...
Nodac : That definitively looks like someone who has been framed. Now I suspect Cringeh
Max : Why
Nodac : Isn't it obvious ? The betrayed person is James. He is Cringeh's friend. Cringeh could have told him to go in a place where he actually wasn't, only to distract James during the time he would go for a murder, and then James could have looked around the whole island to meet Cringeh, although that was just a trick to pinpoint the murder on him
Lely : Very good theory
Nudge : The only inconsistency is, why would James look around for Cringeh during the whole murder, then not even coming back until the meeting ?
Lely : What if Cringeh left a note where he told James to meet him at 5:30 by the lonely Pianta's island where Lily Pad Ride pipe is that James only noticed when he woke up ? James probably used a boat to arrive there. Plus, he maybe was late, and was in a hurry to go there so he didn't go anywhere else then. Also James is a kind person so there are chances he trusted Cringeh just went back to the island before the time they were supposed to meet, so he was forced to go back and that is why he was late to the meeting
MNL : You know too much. What if you were the one who orchestrated this murder, and just replaced your name, by Cringeh's one ?
Cringeh : True, I didn't frame James. You are the one betraying me.
James : NO, THAT'S WRONG !
James interrupted Cringeh like a Danganronpa protagonist. The whole room was looking at him, wondering why he finally spoke up, and also why he spoke up so late about what happened.
James : Everything Lely said is true and you know that ! I just wanted to trust you until the very end because you were a great friend of mine on this island, but when you think about it that way, everything puzzles ! Also, you didn't betray me once, but twice. You also told me yesterday "What if I committed murder to escape with you" so I tried to cover up your murder as well, because even if I trusted you, I also thought about the fact that you might have committed a murder, so I tried to cover it up, by putting the cheap cover on Noob's body, but also by defending the wrong side in the split debate, hoping that it would change the outcome and allow us to escape, because I was so gullible. So I didn't tell anyone about what happened or about my suspicions. I wanted to shield you against suspicion, but it seems like you have abused that, since after betraying me by telling me to meet - and on top of everything, ALONE, which was a red flag for murder according to Daisankor, which means you could have betrayed me there too - you pinpoint the crime on me here and say that I'm not framed. Why do you know so much about that, huh ? Well because you are the murderer and the one who framed me.
Cringeh : You literally betrayed me just now ! I am gonna get executed !
James : You deserved to be betrayed-- WHAT ? EXECUTED ?
Cringeh : That is what happens in Danganronpa ! If people find out the truth about this case and about who the murderer is, the murderer gets executed. Also, you cannot escape, since I didn't succeed my murder plan, all thanks to you. So you are going to stay in this hellhole and I'm going to die. All of that because you couldn't have kept your mouth shut ! Also, James, wanna know something ? This murder plan was quite easy to figure out, especially with people who already experienced a killing game, among us. (Pun intended.) So it's either they figure out right, or they figure out wrong, but there is no "not figuring out". If I pinpointed the murder on you, you would have been voted as the culprit, only for them to realize that no, I was, so that we could escape together. Also the other people wouldn't even be executed, as Monokuma said. We would just get to escape. You ruined everything because you panicked. Talk about a trustworthy friend.
James : N-no, t-that's wrong. E-Executed ? He w-would n-never...
Monokuma : In fact, yes, I'll do. For now, I prepared a very special punishment for Cringeh... MisterCringeh, the Ultimate Spy.
James : No... NOOOOO !!
Monokuma : Still, we have the climax and the voting to do.
Lely : Here's everything that happened in this case, the first case !
Act 1
The murder plan started last night, when the culprit told James that maybe he would murder for them to get out.
Gullible, James only trusted the culprit and wiped it off, going to sleep.
Act 2
Then when James woke up, at 5:20AM, he noticed the culprit wasn't there, but the culprit had left a note. That note said "Please meet me on the Lonely Pianta's island, where the Lily Pad Ride pipe is, by 5:30AM".
Act 3
James then went to that island via the MechaPianta boats, in a hurry because he was late. Once he arrived there, he thought the culprit would be there, but he wasn't there. And that's for a reason. The culprit, in the meanwhile, told Noob that they should explore Corona Mountain together. Noob came, sleepy, and he forgot about the fact that he was meeting up with the culprit alone.
Act 4
While James was coming back, wondering what happened, the culprit had already strangled Noob, with the blood packets he got... last night. He was the only one aware of the existence of this lab before this morning, where we all found out. He bought the blood packets "just in case" last night.
Act 5
James was looking everywhere around the island while the culprit was pouring some blood around, making us think Noob was stabbed, when actually the culprit just drowned Noob.
The culprit then just got down slowly. And since everyone was busy with something else, nobody noticed the murder, until James came back and saw it... Thinking to himself that this was the culprit's doing, he covered up Noob's body with a fake, cheap MechaPianta cover.
Act 5
But then the meeting started, and the culprit was sitting among us... and that's when James entered, after having covered up the culprit's murder.
Act 6
We then moved to the dead MechaPianta, trusting James who was surprised when he was actually behind the cover. The culprit discovered the body with us but didn't say a word. And now they are standing among us, and they are finally under the spotlight...

Isn't that right, MisterCringeh, the Ultimate Spy ?

Once Lely was done with the climax...
Krazey : Impressive, I must say.
Lely : Thank you I guess...
James : ... no...
Monokuma : Now now, we'll proceed to the voting...
1. Cringeh - Lely, Max, D4rk, Veno, SYK, Daisankor, Krazey, Dietsoda, Nodac, MNL, Croassung, Princess - 12 votes
2. James - Cringeh, James - 2 votes
3. Lely - Nudge - 1 vote
Monokuma : Well then, this voting has no appeal ! Puhuhuhuhu. Except the dumbass that tries to run away from fate, the another dumbass feeling guilty and doing stupid things in consequence, and the random person who voted another random person. IT'S... PUNISHMENT TIME ! AHAHAHAHAHAHA !
Cringeh : You should have said that earlier...
Cringeh : ... I'm sorry. 😢
Monokuma then brought Cringeh to a room where he was attached to a computer. On the computer, every world conspiracy, every cure to every sickness and every solution to every war was being shown. Cringeh saw his friends on the other side of the cage. He desperately reached out for them to tell them everything he saw, only to see that his friends were actually clones, and that's when the computer came at him at full force and pushed him to the cage, only to start floating and crush him from upwards.
Danganronpa MKPC 2 - Chapter 3

The end

C'est déjà fini ?? Je suis innocent ?? J'ai pas peur du sang ??

Plusieurs questions qui laisse comprendre l'inverse :p
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
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Case 0, Chapter 2 : Daily Life
6 in the morning. The nerds are up.
Nudge : Coming up with murder plans that are more original - Chapter 1, Page 1, Introduction. Stabbing someone or whacking them on the head is completely unoriginal. For a first murder, it is recommended to use plans that have never been used before. For example, using gas to make someone go unconscious, hanging them to a rope, and putting all the blood on the hands of someone else, by making them open the door, pull the rope and therefore hanging the person, that will become a corpse.
Croassung : If a train crosses the road at 6:00AM with a wind of 67mph, with a dead body on the tracks, how much blood will there be on the train's wheels (use liters as a value) ?
Nodac : Oh shut up I'm tryna sleep. Y'all are reading murder and math books when the sun hasn't even gotten out of its sleep. So let us rest.
Monokuma : Nah, in fact wake up bitches. I already have a motive in mind and I need to provide it to you right now.
Daisankor : What is it about ? At least it cannot be worse than the quality of these beds.
Monokuma : Siri ! Read the motive.
Siri : We're no strangers to--
Monokuma : Not that, dumb bitch ! The motive !
Siri : Now from the top, make it drop--
Monokuma : NOOOOO !!! JEEZZZ !!
Lely : That is some questionable music choice if you allow me
Monokuma : Shut up, you listen to Sayaka Maizono. Anyways, the motive is...
MNL : Can we have Kirby pancakes for breakfast?
MNL : But I'm hungry
Lely : Please just let him say the motive
MNL : alr then
Monokuma : Anyways I just finished an old book this morning and it gave me an idea. If one of you murders someone in the next 24 hours without getting caught in the class trial which will occur afterwards, then you can choose one person with you to escape with. In the meanwhile, the spotless will survive because it wouldn't be fun if the game was shortcutted after one chapter.
D4rk : Oh nice. I think I'm getting to work.
Croassung : Why did you put the darkest color next to the whitest color, this shit is going to make me blind
MNL : Is that racism ???1!111!!
James : Y'all also have dark colors, it's time someone breaks the pattern. :p
MNL : That joke flopped harder than the WiiU. OH WAIT DID I JUST SUMMON KIRBYBOY ??? AHHHHH
Krazey : That joke was a flop too.
Lely : Love in the dark night
보여줄래 내 맘 빛이 나는 순간

Max : wut
Lely : Nah don't worry I was just stopping a potential chain from happening
MNL : Well that FLOPPED, bitch
Princess : Your existence is a flop
MNL : How come you didn't figure out yet ?
Dietsoda : Time is not what matters. Results is the most important thing in the algorithm of life.
MNL : Wow chill it's not that serious
Princess : At least he has a brain, unlike you
MNL : Damn why are you so cold
Princess : Because you can't handle the heat
Lely : That behavior doesn't suit you
Princess : Enough cuteness, it's Halloween
Lely : Quit that please
Princess : Yes, once we get to escape together, out of this...
Lely : I'm not getting out of this with a murderer, I'd rather help everyone rather than just myself and the murderer
Princess : Damn, you're not fun..
Lely : At least I'm not a princess wannabe with the least elegant attitude on this island
Princess just slightly laughed and went away, leaving Lely in a mix of disbelief and anger.
Max : That's weird of her to act like that, she usually isn't that type of person
Lely : I don't know but I dearly hope that this is just a scenario to scare us. We are in a killing game, this is not the time to pull a Nagito.
Nudge : sus moment
Nodac : That girl is on crack. It's my job to be the sassy bitch.
Max : Anyways, we need to be careful. A murder could happen anytime. Plus the murderer here won't have the guilt caused by 13 dead people, but only the guilt caused by 1, so I guarantee you that this is not gonna be fun
Croassung : We should plan a meeting
D4rk : Agreed. As for the people who have already been in this killing game, can you tell us more about it ?
Nudge : It's a game where you all think you are friends at the beginning, only to realize that you can't trust anyone. The motives in particular create an usual bloodthirst that we wouldn't have normally. Except for me of course. I always like to kill people but that is another subject.
Max : Also, while emotional intelligence is sometimes important to solve cases, don't let your emotions take over you. In the first killing game, I had no talent, like SYK. I tried to help because I wanted to prove that I wasn't useless. But that, even if it might be normal... it's selfish. It makes the group's ambiance and chemistry unhealthier and you cannot be a support for others, and there are times where you need support.
Daisankor : I don't have anything emotional to say so I'm just going to tell you what I think would be the red flags for murder.
- Don't meet up with someone alone. Even if they are your friends. EVERYTHING can happen.
- Don't approach someone who overthink the motive. That often means that this person is considering to murder someone for the motive.
- When you find out about something suspicious, beware. It might be a trap of Monokuma or a killer's trap. A secret room or passage, for example.

Lely : And please... if you feel down, talk about it with someone, but NOT ALONE. Try to be here for others, and I think that they will be here for you too..
After Lely's last sentence, a silence just took over the room.
After one minute of nothing...

Nodac : Damn that's some good advice
SYK : Thank you for the advice about being talentless, I appreciate that you care about those things
Croassung : The advice about the red flags will be extremely useful, we could prevent a lot of murders with that
D4rk : Wow thank you, didn't expect that much when I first said that
Veno : Now I don't want to look like I'm overthinking the motive, but according to the bloodthirst Nudgy talked about, isn't it gonna be a cleanse somehow ? The murderer and the person who agrees to leave with the murderer might be people we don't want with us during a killing game.
Dietsoda : That is very much true.
With that said, the MKPCians went on with their day, just having fun around the island. Eventually, the night arrived.
Monokuma : Hi, I just wanted to tell you about the one rule for now. At 11:00PM, which is in five hours, you will no longer be able to leave your dorms, until 6:00AM. Also, you will be paired to sleep together - nothing sus, there are cameras - and that is pretty much it.
Lely : Do we get to choose with who ?
Monokuma : Of course you do. Why not
Princess : 👉👈
Lely : No. Do you acknowledge how much distrust you created by behaving like a mysterious weirdo ? I don't want to be killed at nighttime, thank you.
Princess : What if I kill so that we can escape
Lely : Get away from me. Monokuma, are we forced to leave the island with someone who murdered for us ?
Monokuma : Nah, of course not. The longer you stay 'round here, the happier I am. So you are welcome.
Lely : That's what I thought. You heard that right ? I am not leaving.
Max : If you don't want to be with her can you pair with me--
Lely : Sure I guess
D4rk : Who wants to watch cat videos at midnight while learning a kpop dance challenge ?
MNL : Nobody
Princess : I guess me then
Nudge : I will be pairing with Croassung since he seems to be the smartest one out of you all mathematically
Croassung : That seems about right
James : Well then. Anyone that wants to pair with me ?
Cringeh : We are both French people so why not ? :p
Dietsoda : Pfft... mayflies. Noob, do you want to pair with me ?
Noob : Oh yeah, why not ?
Nudge : 👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽
Noob : What about it
Nudge : Nah forget about it
Noob : You know, I know how to measure when I need to be serious and when I can be unserious as heck, and this is absolutely a situation where seriousness is expected
Dietsoda : Very great thing to hear
Veno : Anyone that wants to pair with me ? I'd say I'm fine with nearly anyone that does not plan to murder
Krazey : That could definitively be me
Veno : Then so be it, you seem quite chill :)
Krazey : Nice :)
Nodac : Anyone that can handle me ? :p
MNL : Me I guess :p
SYK : Well, seems like it tightened to us. Daisankor, are you okay with us pairing or not ? It's fine either way
Daisankor : Of course :)
SYK : Nice we have similar colors
After that, they just ate and went shopping for a bit. In the shops they appeared to found mechanical Piantas that reminded of Monokuma.
It eventually went fast and the night passed. They woke up at 6 again, this time not because the nerds were up but because they set their alarms to make the meeting occur.

Nudge : I'm just going to the bathroom
Max : Same
Lely : Same
D4rk : Ah, where is it ?
Nudge : On the pier below that arch
In the meanwhile, everyone just did their own thing for 5-10 minutes, and the meeting eventually happened.
Max : Is everyone here ?
Nudge : I see everyone... wait... no, James is not there.
Cringeh : I woke up and he was already not there, maybe he went to explore the island ?
Nudge : No, a lot of things could be possible, and some worse than others. Has anyone seen him ?
James : I am here. Sorry if I'm late, *pants* I just saw something weird.
Nudge : What exactly ?
James : One of the mechanical Piantas seems to be dead. He is next to the entrance of Corona Mountain. Strangely enough, I saw blood around him, even if he is mechanical, and we cannot tell if he died by being stabbed, or by being drowned. A knife is on his body and he's attached to the bottom of the hot pond. It would be better if you all came.
They arrived at the crime scene. The mechanical Pianta was laying there, lifeless. Nudge approached the body, while Lely was speechless, visibly scared.
Nudge : Hmm. I see.
Croassung : What do you see ? Don't hang up on us !
Nudge : Well, the mechanical Pianta is fake. You can see the cover folds here. Also the colors start to wash away. That can only mean one thing...
Nudge : It means it's a cover for a dead body *approaches and starts to move*. And the only person we haven't seen in a while, even if we forgot about them because we saw James's absence first...
Nudge slowly lifted the cover. All of a second, it looked very cheap and unrealistic. But the truth that nobody wanted to acknowledge because they were in complete denial... the sad reveal that appeared before their eyes... was the sight of Noob's dead body.
Max : Lely, please don't faint. We need everyone's attention here.
Lely : I'm not. I'm just literally speechless. How did this happen ? Which one of us ?
Monokuma : Well we are about to know that, since a body has been discovered. We are gonna investigate it first and then have a class trial to see who committed this murder. Puhuhuhuhu... now is the good and fun part.

wow ... j'ai survécu ! Quand vous ne me trouviez pas j'ai vraiment cru que j'étais mort raah
par contre pourquoi je trouve des meurtres bizarres moi ? :o Transformer un cadavre en mécapianta même moi je l'ai pas fait ( enfin j'espère :p )
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Ive wrote:
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Prologue :
Nudge : So are we done, or ?
Max : Wait ! I haven't checked if there is something left in the laundry room.
Nudge : Okay I'm going to the bathroom then. Tell me when you're done.
Fifteen minutes later...
Nodac : Oh come on ! We were supposed to be done at 10:00AM. Now it's literally 12:00PM. !
Max : We have to make sure everything's okay ! Stop complaining !
Nodac : Maybe I wouldn't be complaining if we stopped packing at the expected hour... we're so late.
The teenagers then headed to the harbor where a Pianta was awaiting. A strong smell of squid was covering the whole place. It smelled... bad.
croassung : Man. It stinks.
Harbor Pianta : You're right, young man. A crazy squid jumped out of the water and started to spread ink everywhere. Thankfully, a mustache man with a red cap was able to kill him by ripping off its tentacles. This is the most crowded sector so it got cleaned, but you don't want to go into the depths of the harbor. It's like a nightmare.
croassung : Yeah... according to my calculations, if the smell is this strong here, then it'll be 69 times stronger in an area of 420 meters cube...
Harbor Pianta : Don't know 'bout that, but, eh. Your ship is all set and ready to go. I'll guide you to... what is the destination again ?
Lely : Pinna Island. We're visiting a friend called Piantgor.
Harbor Pianta : Ohhhh, I remember him. We used to work on the same ship.
Lely : For real ?
Harbor Pianta : Yup. We'd steal some "extras" into the food compartiment when we were hungry. They barely fed us on the boat. Ahh, those were the good times. But we need to start heading to Pinna Island right now if we want to arrive before night.
2 hours passed once they went aboard...
Daisankor : Not to be that person, but, I've studied to become a pilot and what I see coming seems to be a whirlpool.
Harbor Pianta : Oh, yeah, you're right. Well, we should be fine if I just--
*MNL is seen flying across the boat, until he ultimately fell on the helm, which broke a little time after.
Daisankor : Oh nice. My boat security lessons will finally serve a purpose I guess. Uhhh... but I forgot them.
Max : Said by someone who couldn't handle the situation better

Nudge : Imagine having no personnality
Krazey : Shh ! The plot would suck if we acted in a rational way.
Nudge : Yeah I'm obviously acting this is a skit hahahaahahha
Krazey : ... That was not it, I'm sorry.
D4rk : I wanna meet his mom and tell her her son sucks, yeah
D4rk : It's always an appropriate time for Olivia Rodrigo. Also we are all gonna die so might as well die happily. I wanna get him back
MNL : Please shut the fuck up
Veno : Guys, guys... calm down. We need to act and think rationally if we want to find a way out--
MNL : There is no way out. HAHHAHH
Veno : So you're telling me you want to die ? Fine by me.
Hell then broke loose. The whirlpool swallowed the boat until only the remains of the boat were left.

What more could you possibly expect ?

... kidding. They're more than weak little things, huh ?

??? : Upupupupu... what do I have here... let's see.

I improved in English; I understand that you are speaking ( so I am still a bad translator, I am thinking of adding that to my talents :p)

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