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Concours du meilleur jeu pong sur Scratch!!! / Contest for the best pong game on Scratch!!!

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Anthcny wrote:
What does "modes" mean in "The presence of modes will be valued"?

For example, in Mario Kart, you have the grand prix mode, the time trial mode...

Super Mario 64 - Deep Dive

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Helloween wrote:
Helloween wrote:
Bob-Omb Battlefield

Something was always pretty crazy to me when I looked at Bob-Omb Battlefield. It felt so unique, for a first level. It wasn't groundbreaking ; the setting was still grassy with a blue sky, but something felt different.

The first thing you know when arriving in Bob-Omb Battlefield is that the Pink Bob-Ombs are at war with the Black Bob-Ombs. The name of the first star is 'King Bob-Omb on the Summit' which lets you guess what the task at hand is gonna be.

You start making your way to the summit, meeting a few interesting elements on your way, such as a Chomp, a closed cannon, elevators, seesaw bridges, or rolling balls.

The layout of the stage is very particular ; it is a very linear pathway surrounded by different elements that will be explored later on. You can see large chunks of rocky ground. These are pretty empty, with only some Bob-Ombs milling around. There is also a cage, which can be opened by a purple switch. Above all of that, you can find most of the level ; there is a cannon which will be used in the level's third star, there is a cage behind the Chain Chomp that has a star inside, a section with bushes, Goombas and red coins, and finally, the entrance to the mountain.

So, BOB is pretty much a mountain surrounded by a plain. Now, let's climb the mountain, which notably has some shortcuts, such as the slope that can be found at the left extremity of the level when entering the mountain ; and a warp zone that almost takes you to the highest point of the map, which, for now, will be King Bob-Omb's arena.

Fighting him is quite simple. You have to get behind him, grab him, and throw him. When you do that, however, be careful. The battle resets if you throw him out of the arena, since he sees that as cheating (even though he does the same thing. Is this proving the hypocrisy of many authority figures?) The battle finishes and there you go, you have your first star.

The second star has you racing against Koopa the Quick, which you will meet again, some time later... The third star has you using the cannons to eeach a floating island, that's visible since it's floating in the sky. The fourth star has you exploring the stage for eight red coins ; the fifth has you flying into the sky to collect the central coin of several golden rings ; and the sixth concludes the level by requiring you to stomp on the Chain Chomp's log in order to free him and destroy the cage behind.

Now, what do I think of the level? I am gonna rate the stage in 4 categories : aesthetic, theming, layout, and the stars themselves.

Tbh, BOB looks quite nice and unique. It is a battlefield ; it has cannons, rolling balls, enemies, a Chomp, it overall is distinct from all of the other levels in this game. It is a nice beginning. 4/5

While BOB isn't groundbreaking, it has a really nice and original theming that had not really been explored before. It mixes a grassy setting, and airship-like elements. It deserves a 5/5, for a beginning stage.

I think BOB has a nice layout. As I said, it is a mountain which you have to climb, surrounded by a plain which you have to explore. It has large fields where not much is going on, but overall the space is used well, with a few shortcuts and a few warp zones to travel across the plain or climb the mountain faster. It deserves a 3.5/5.

1-1 : Nice, basic star with an easy boss that introduces the situation and level well. 4/5.

1-2 : An even better star, as it has you going the same road as before, but much faster. KTQ only allows some shortcuts like the slope or the warp zone (and he takes one himself since he can walk on the side of the Chomp's cage) but you cannot use cannons or the wing cap which I thought was well thought. 4.5/5.

1-3 : Introduces you to cannons. It is very easy, and very quick. It's pretty nice. 3/5.

1-4 : It has you exploring the entire stage to find eight red coins. While I'm not a fond of this type of mission, it's not inherently bad. 2.5/5

1-5 : Now this is the worst mission of the bunch for sure, it is tedious, especially with draw distance. You have to use the wing cap, and you can help yourself with the cannon, but even then. It takes time, precision, patience and skill, which I honestly don't like for this kind of star. 2/5.

1-6 : While it's short, it's also creative, well thought, and a bit dangerous as 3 hits from the Chomp can kill you. 4/5.

Stage Average : 3.94/5

It is, as I said, a pretty solid stage. Sure, it does have its flaws, but I think that as a beginning stage it was executed well.

Now, the lore of the stage. Well I don't think there is much here actually. KBO seems to have been reduced to the state of a rolling metal ball, and the war between the Black Bob-Ombs and the Pink Bob-Ombs seem to go in favor of the PBO as the BBO just lost their leader. There isn't much else to say.

With that, I'll be wrapping up this episode for now, and I'll see you all next time for a deep dive into one of the best Mario 64 levels!

Il y a aussi des îles flottantes qui ont 2 étoiles .


Les canons servent à atteindre ces îles flottantes :
- au dessus du "parc" à droite du Chomp
- Et c'est tout enft
- Réflexion faite , CETTE île :p

Une étoile se situe dans un bloc ? sur l'île , une autre à travers des cerceau de pièces
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Helloween wrote:
Bob-Omb Battlefield

Something was always pretty crazy to me when I looked at Bob-Omb Battlefield. It felt so unique, for a first level. It wasn't groundbreaking ; the setting was still grassy with a blue sky, but something felt different.

The first thing you know when arriving in Bob-Omb Battlefield is that the Pink Bob-Ombs are at war with the Black Bob-Ombs. The name of the first star is 'King Bob-Omb on the Summit' which lets you guess what the task at hand is gonna be.

You start making your way to the summit, meeting a few interesting elements on your way, such as a Chomp, a closed cannon, elevators, seesaw bridges, or rolling balls.

The layout of the stage is very particular ; it is a very linear pathway surrounded by different elements that will be explored later on. You can see large chunks of rocky ground. These are pretty empty, with only some Bob-Ombs milling around. There is also a cage, which can be opened by a purple switch. Above all of that, you can find most of the level ; there is a cannon which will be used in the level's third star, there is a cage behind the Chain Chomp that has a star inside, a section with bushes, Goombas and red coins, and finally, the entrance to the mountain.

So, BOB is pretty much a mountain surrounded by a plain. Now, let's climb the mountain, which notably has some shortcuts, such as the slope that can be found at the left extremity of the level when entering the mountain ; and a warp zone that almost takes you to the highest point of the map, which, for now, will be King Bob-Omb's arena.

Fighting him is quite simple. You have to get behind him, grab him, and throw him. When you do that, however, be careful. The battle resets if you throw him out of the arena, since he sees that as cheating (even though he does the same thing. Is this proving the hypocrisy of many authority figures?) The battle finishes and there you go, you have your first star.

The second star has you racing against Koopa the Quick, which you will meet again, some time later... The third star has you using the cannons to eeach a floating island, that's visible since it's floating in the sky. The fourth star has you exploring the stage for eight red coins ; the fifth has you flying into the sky to collect the central coin of several golden rings ; and the sixth concludes the level by requiring you to stomp on the Chain Chomp's log in order to free him and destroy the cage behind.

Now, what do I think of the level? I am gonna rate the stage in 4 categories : aesthetic, theming, layout, and the stars themselves.

Tbh, BOB looks quite nice and unique. It is a battlefield ; it has cannons, rolling balls, enemies, a Chomp, it overall is distinct from all of the other levels in this game. It is a nice beginning. 4/5

While BOB isn't groundbreaking, it has a really nice and original theming that had not really been explored before. It mixes a grassy setting, and airship-like elements. It deserves a 5/5, for a beginning stage.

I think BOB has a nice layout. As I said, it is a mountain which you have to climb, surrounded by a plain which you have to explore. It has large fields where not much is going on, but overall the space is used well, with a few shortcuts and a few warp zones to travel across the plain or climb the mountain faster. It deserves a 3.5/5.

1-1 : Nice, basic star with an easy boss that introduces the situation and level well. 4/5.

1-2 : An even better star, as it has you going the same road as before, but much faster. KTQ only allows some shortcuts like the slope or the warp zone (and he takes one himself since he can walk on the side of the Chomp's cage) but you cannot use cannons or the wing cap which I thought was well thought. 4.5/5.

1-3 : Introduces you to cannons. It is very easy, and very quick. It's pretty nice. 3/5.

1-4 : It has you exploring the entire stage to find eight red coins. While I'm not a fond of this type of mission, it's not inherently bad. 2.5/5

1-5 : Now this is the worst mission of the bunch for sure, it is tedious, especially with draw distance. You have to use the wing cap, and you can help yourself with the cannon, but even then. It takes time, precision, patience and skill, which I honestly don't like for this kind of star. 2/5.

1-6 : While it's short, it's also creative, well thought, and a bit dangerous as 3 hits from the Chomp can kill you. 4/5.

Stage Average : 3.94/5

It is, as I said, a pretty solid stage. Sure, it does have its flaws, but I think that as a beginning stage it was executed well.

Now, the lore of the stage. Well I don't think there is much here actually. KBO seems to have been reduced to the state of a rolling metal ball, and the war between the Black Bob-Ombs and the Pink Bob-Ombs seem to go in favor of the PBO as the BBO just lost their leader. There isn't much else to say.

With that, I'll be wrapping up this episode for now, and I'll see you all next time for a deep dive into one of the best Mario 64 levels!

Il y a aussi des îles flottantes qui ont 2 étoiles .


Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Je me suis rendu compte d'un truc , j'ai trouvé le Super Mario le moins écolo !

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Super Mario Sunchine

Avec toute l'eau utilisée , Mario favorise la sêcheresse , et l'avion dans lequel il se déplace au début n'arrange rien ! 8)
I realized something, I found the Super Mario the least eco-friendly!

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Super Mario Sunchine

With all the water used, Mario promotes drought, and the plane he travels in at the beginning doesn't help matters! 8)
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Senko wrote:
hey Salut tout l'monde ! :D

Je reviens après plusieurs mois d'absences sur Mario Kart Toto :D

J'ai beaucoup de mises à jours à faire et pensez-vous qu'il vaut mieux que je fasse un 2.0 comme Max Kart World ou que je mette simplement les mises à jours sur l'ancien et actuel Mario Kart Toto ?

Je sais vraiment pas quoi faire ( le nombre de mises à jours plûtot conséquent , ça m'obligerai à tout revoir :s )

Up pour et down contre :p
hey Hello everyone! :D

I'm back after several months of absence on Mario Kart Toto :D

I have a lot of updates to do and do you think it's better if I do a 2.0 like Max Kart World or just update the old and current Mario Kart Toto?

I really don't know what to do (the number of updates rather, that would force me to review everything :s)

Up for and down against :p

Okay première chose up/down pour quoi exactement et deuxième chose il y a jamais eu de 2.0 sur Max Kart World juste une démo avec tous les circuits remis à jour

Ah , il me semblai que y avait une ancienne et une nouvelle version :s

Du coup ce serait ou faire une autre multicoupe ou mettre à jour l'actuelle
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
hey Salut tout l'monde ! :D

Je reviens après plusieurs mois d'absences sur Mario Kart Toto :D

J'ai beaucoup de mises à jours à faire et pensez-vous qu'il vaut mieux que je fasse un 2.0 comme Max Kart World ou que je mette simplement les mises à jours sur l'ancien et actuel Mario Kart Toto ?

Je sais vraiment pas quoi faire ( le nombre de mises à jours plûtot conséquent , ça m'obligerai à tout revoir :s )

Up pour et down contre :p
hey Hello everyone! :D

I'm back after several months of absence on Mario Kart Toto :D

I have a lot of updates to do and do you think it's better if I do a 2.0 like Max Kart World or just update the old and current Mario Kart Toto?

I really don't know what to do (the number of updates rather, that would force me to review everything :s)

Up for and down against :p
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Heu ... comment j'ai fait ça moi ? :s


Inspect Element?

en fait , je sais comment j'ai fait mais je comprends pas pourquoi ça devrait marcher :p
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Heu ... comment j'ai fait ça moi ? :s

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Wesh , regardez cette vidéo incroyable sur des customs tracks mario kart 8 deluxe :p
Wesh, watch this incredible video on mario kart 8 deluxe custom tracks :p

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Happy 300th page

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
why does this only happen when i go on nudge's profile

Ça marche aussi sur le profil de @ MisterCringeh
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
je peux changer les majuscules des pseudos :o ( oui j'ai vrm pas de vie et alors c'est juste catastrophique X) )



si vous me croyez pas , vous n'avez qu'à rechercher ces 2 pseudos dans vos conversations et vous verrez la même personne :p
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Tiens , ce matin , j'ai concocté une chanson spécial noël mdr guitare noel :

Vive le vent vive le vent
Vive le vent d'hiver
Qui s'en va sifflant soufflant
Dans les bas cactus vert
Vive le temps vive le temps
Vive le temps d'hiver
Boule de sable et jour de l'an
Et demain le cimetière

Sur le long chemin
Tout blanc de sable blanc
Un vieux monsieur s'avance avec sa canne dans la main
Et tout là-haut le vent
Qui siffle dans les branches
Lui souffle la romance
Que chanterons nos petits enfants

Vive le vent vive le vent
Vive le vent d'hiver
Qui s'en va sifflant soufflant
Dans les bas cactus vert
Vive le temps vive le temps
Vive le temps d'hiver
Boule de sable et jour de l'an
Et demain le cimetière

Et le vieux monsieur
Descend vers le village
C'est l'heure où tout est sage
Et la clim menace de prendre feu
Et dans chaque maison
Suffoque une défaite
Nul part la table est prête
Et on entends la même chanson

Vive le vent vive le vent
Vive le vent d'hiver
Qui s'en va sifflant soufflant
Dans les bas cactus vert
Vive le temps vive le temps
Vive le temps d'hiver
Boule de sable et jour de l'an
Et demain le cimetière

Joyeux joie heu ... noël ?
Aux milles incendies
Quand chante dans le ciel
Toutes les alarmes incendies

Vive le vent vive le vent
Vive le vent d'hiver
Qui s'en va sifflant soufflant
Dans les bas cactus vert
Vive le temps vive le temps
Vive le temps d'hiver
Boule de sable et jour de l'an
Et demain le cimetière

Joyeux joie heu ... noël ?
Aux milles incendies
Quand chante dans le ciel
Toutes les alarmes incendies

Vive le vent vive le vent
Vive le vent d'hiver
Qui s'en va sifflant soufflant
Dans les bas cactus vert
Vive le temps vive le temps
Vive le temps d'hiver
Boule de sable et jour de l'an
Et ... demain ... le ... cimetière ...

Sinon mon anglais est toujours aussi mauvais :s

Voilà , c'était tout pour ce ( petit ? ) message :p
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Un peu de pub pour mon topic :
Je viens de commencer un nouveau projet en mode simplifié ! :p
Il s'agit d'une multicoupe collaborative dans laquelle il y aurait une coupe de chaque membres qui le désire ! :p Mais le plus spécial , c'est qu'il n'y aura AUCUN PERSONNAGES DE L'UNIVERS MARIO bananetoadah bah toad marche pas du coup XD

Pour participer , collaborez votre coupe ( aucun nom de l'univers nintendo svp ) et le personnage vous représentant !!!bananefou ( aucuns personnages de l'univers nintendo , sauf si il est personnalisé )

Si vous n'avez pas d'idées , vous pouvez juste mettre le nom de vos 4 thèmes préférés et je me charge du reste !!! :p

Voici un aperçu d'une coupe
N'hésitez surtout pas ! Plus il y aura de collaborations et plus ce sera fun !!! bananegenial;)
I just started a new project in simplified mode! :p
This is a collaborative multi-cut in which there would be a cut of each member who wants it! :p But the most special thing is that there will be NO CHARACTERS FROM THE MARIO UNIVERSE bananetoadah well toad doesn't work XD

To participate, collaborate your cut (no name from the nintendo universe please) and the character representing you!!!:banana::crazy: (no characters from the nintendo universe, unless it is personalized)

If you have no ideas, you can just put the name of your 4 favorite themes and I'll take care of the rest!!! :p

Here is a preview of a cut
Above all, do not hesitate! The more collaborations there are, the more fun it will be!!! bananegenial;)

/!\ Report / Signalements /!\

Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion

i don’t want to be that guy, but…

there’s already a report topic specifically for stolen tracks

Ah oui j'avais totalement oublié ce topic ! :p

( 2 semaines de coupures aussi , ça fait long mdr )
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Regardez , un voleur a enfin bon goût pour les maps à voler . Au lieu de voler du non connu , il s'attaque à .... très connu
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion

Allez , devinez le pseudo !
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Oui , il ne s'agit que du nom qu'il se donne lors dès publications :s

Mais on a tous la même idée , non ?
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Messages 827 - Mario Mario
vs27206 pts ★ Legend
battle11165 pts ★ Champion
Par rapport à @Yoshy64 :

Il s'agit d'un compte de un jour ( preuve ici )

Il existe aussi un @Yoshi64 , je me demande si ce n'était pas un alt ...

J'ai bien peur qu'il se connecte avec un appareil différent à chaque fois ... :(

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