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The letter "a" isn't allowed.

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Fiery wrote:
MysteryMan wrote:
Spoiler [ShowHide]
Fuck you.

"You thought you just did something there, didn't you? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but numerous sentences can be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon."

☕️”You might prove me wrong. but it looks like you seek the opportunity to ridicule our intelligence if the experiment results in us not succeeding  to solve the problem you think nobody experienced or through of, thus to consider yourself superior to others. I regret to inform you with the sorrowful truth, but people genuinely possess the omnipotence to write or pronounce the unlimited number of proper sequences of the corresponding linguistic units, whilst dodging the necessity to use the most common element of the phoneme system widely used in Europe, side by side the Western Hemisphere.”☕️

English or Spanish?

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Whoever moves first is @tendokiddo.
El que se mueve primero es @tendokiddo.

ah yes

share your custom emotes!

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
im just gonna post one here
ran out of thoughts

You choose an ability, first person choose a side effect

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
I would have the power to heal people

it doesn’t heal as much
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
croassung wrote:
Madifal wrote:
i get to turn any person into a furry :)

they always get near you

you know im starting to consider being a furry

you do you i guess, i have no opinion on that
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Madifal wrote:
i get to turn any person into a furry :)

they always get near you
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (wait, if i give myself a drawback, they can only give me a power!) i can only say fire in the hole

nice try, still counts as a power
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
whatever the person of my choice thinks of comes to life
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
maybe the ability to possess powers of video game characters?
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
100th comment!!!!

U lose every race online

that wasn’t even a power—-
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Dudzi wrote:
Power: Become Cube From Geometry Dash And 🤷

At the end of the day, a spike falls into your head, making you respawn at the beggining of that day, forever

Bro I can just use the other gamemodes or even just go out the way u forget?

did you even mention other gamemodes
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
power: you cant get fat

you get more skinnier each day
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
Sparc wrote:
the one above all's powers ( this is from marvel)( and yes I'm a nerd!).

(that power is also called omnipotence/pretty sure this power came from somewhere else)
can only be used for up to 10 minutes each week
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
jmeme125 wrote:
Teon5072 wrote:
Fiere wrote:
Power: When you're drawing, you can put the picture you want in your head onto the thing you're drawing on

It will look like AI "art".

it looks also badly drawn

only the first person to reply can choose a side effect. therefore, it doesn’t apply
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
I can make plants out of thin air

10 min cooldown
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
croassung wrote:
I can fly!

side effect: you can only fly every other day :p

wait that wasn’t the response I expected-
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
I can fly!
Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
yes I had this idea from a video

basically you can message an ability that’d you like, but the first person to reply to it can choose its side effect. your power cannot be immune to its side effect nor can you avoid it

I guess I’ll start
ability to construct various things

What Will Be The 64th Mario Kart Game If We Already Have Mario Kart 64??????????

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
New Super Mario Kart Advanced Drift Deluxe for the Nintendo Revolution. Releasing in 2133

Does anyone else do this?

Messages 1006 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14656 pts ★ Champion
battle7111 pts ★ Racer
does anyone immediately forget what they were gonna do when they re about to do it

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