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My TAS runs

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
OddToad2 wrote:
Mal98 wrote:
OddToad2 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
OddToad2 wrote:
Copy it and search on bing or edge or firefox (well idk if it just works because i made it)

We can't see through your files bro

ok then this topic is useless time to lock it
What Fiery meant is that you have to use an online file sharing service
for us to be able to see your files

well idk any online file sharing srevice
You can use something like Streamable, Jumpshare, or even YouTube
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
OddToad2 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
OddToad2 wrote:
Copy it and search on bing or edge or firefox (well idk if it just works because i made it)

We can't see through your files bro

ok then this topic is useless time to lock it
What Fiery meant is that you have to use an online file sharing service
for us to be able to see your files

MKPCian Dictionary

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Banned City:  A city where people stay if they are banned.
There's a place called "Ban Island" in my main fanfic which is pretty much that :p


- Wargor: The King of MKPC
- Waluigor: Wargor's evil brother
- Anti-MKPCian: An evil MKPCian on Waluigor's side
- Waluigorbot: A robot created by Waluigor (to harm MKPCians...)
- GalactiKPC: A spaceship created by the MKPCians to explore the universe

MKPC Language

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Your link doesn't work... *[

D'ailleurs Wargor !?!

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Time to lock this "nostalgic" topic...

1am MKPC thought lol

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
circuit111 wrote:
Wal68 wrote:
circuit111 wrote:
if you increment by 0.06 (1/15th of a second) you can get any number in the ones place, so yes, the timer only updates 15 times a second, but that isn't apparent unless you have multiples of 1/15 memorized.
You sure? Do you mind giving me a few examples? Because, unless I'm calculating wrong, that doesn't seem to be the case...

What time did you calculate on?
Literally any time for example if I do the calculations with Anthcny's SNES Mario Circuit 1 time of 0:‎28:904, I obtain that 28.904/(1/15)=433.56 so yeah 433.56 is not a whole number this means his time isn't a multiple of 1/15
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
circuit111 wrote:
if you increment by 0.06 (1/15th of a second) you can get any number in the ones place, so yes, the timer only updates 15 times a second, but that isn't apparent unless you have multiples of 1/15 memorized.
You sure? Do you mind giving me a few examples? Because, unless I'm calculating wrong, that doesn't seem to be the case...
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
What's even more interesting is that the last time digit (aka the number of ms) varies a lot in TT records, even though this theoretically shouldn't happen if the FPS is truly capped to 15... So, I'm wondering how this is possible, is it because device performance/lag causes the FPS to not always be constant?

Definitely can't wait to have an answer from Wargor himself.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Senko wrote:
Même si tu peux monter jusqu'à 240 fps le temps reste basé sur les 15 fps lol
Ah, ça par contre je ne le savais pas, mais ça fait du sens vu que c'était le nombre de FPS du jeu à l'origine... Intéressant!
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Typing this at around 1:40am and when I'm in this sleepy state I have random and foggy thoughts about various things, and I was wondering about the fact that MKPC calculates times at the millisecond but isn't any time unit lower than 1/240th of a second always irrelevant in this context since the game's FPS can't be set above 240 anyways?



Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Wal68 wrote:
Here is my first nearly finished complete mode multicup that I plan to transfer to my main account one day (all tracks are finished but the custom roster & challenges are still missing): FWAYS KART 2

To answer your question, just select "Time Trial" as the game mode when creating a challenge ;)


Also 5/5 I like it!

Also idk still about the time trial challenge maker. Can you show a pic or just tell me what to do
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Here is my first nearly finished complete mode multicup that I plan to transfer to my main account one day (all tracks are finished but the custom roster & challenges are still missing): FWAYS KART 2

To answer your question, just select "Time Trial" as the game mode when creating a challenge ;)

[Fanfic] SuperMega7 Party

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
I'm honestly am glad that this topic still exists.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Wal68 wrote:
SuperMega7 wrote:
So this is the design of my first 2 boards:

Skeleton Key Park:

Cuteness Desert:

didn't I already make Skeleton Key Park?
The problem is that SM7's sprite predates your version of the board, and he wrote the fanfic since the beginning based on his own design.

The episode would stop making sense if he changed the board's layout in the middle of a game that already started...

the thing is that i didn’t know that he made boards already
That's because he didn't show the sprite yet when you wrote your message, but I can assure you his sprite predates yours and was made specifically for that role.
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
SuperMega7 wrote:
So this is the design of my first 2 boards:

Skeleton Key Park:

Cuteness Desert:

didn't I already make Skeleton Key Park?
The problem is that SM7's sprite predates your version of the board, and he wrote the fanfic since the beginning based on his own design.

The episode would stop making sense if he changed the board's layout in the middle of a game that already started...
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Role: Shopkeeper
Personality: Energetic and uplifting
Color: #77259D
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
I wanna join! :D

Concours du meilleur jeu pong sur Scratch!!! / Contest for the best pong game on Scratch!!!

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
Salut bande de geeks :D

Aujourd'hui j'ai le bonheur de vous annoncer le premier concours lié à notre club informatique banane

/!\ Prend fin le 31 octobre /!\

Objectif : Créez sur scratch le meilleur Pong que vous ne puissiez imaginer ! :D ordi
Le gagnant remportera de nombreuses récompenses! :p

Pensez à signalez ici que vous participez ! :)

Voici les "prix" :
1er prix
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"Oscar du meilleur Chat informatique"

Possibilité de voir sur nos profils ( Moi, Onix et totovidéo ) le lien de votre jeu ! ( ou le cas échéant, un screenshot de votre programmation avec le titre du jeu )
Gains de nombreux personnages customs bananetoadyoshiparatroopa

2e prix
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"Oscar du second sprite du chat"

Gains de quelques personnages customs supertoad

3e prix
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Lot de consolation oui mais aussi j'ai pas d'idées

Oscar du bloc Quand ... est cliqué

un-curieux wrote:
Quels sont les critères pour gagner ? :o

Justement, parlons-en : :d

Votre jeu doit être un remake du célèbre jeu "Pong"

Son gameplay doit être riche et plein de surprises

Les sprites et les backgrounds doivent être jolis

La présence de modes seront valorisés

Tout rapports avec Halloween seront valorisés

Une fois votre jeu réalisé, envoyez sur ce topic le lien de votre jeu et nos jugent établiront une note sur 20 à partir des critères ci-dessus! :)

Nos juges :

/!\ IMPORTANT: ce concours n'est pas officiel, sauf si un admins ou un animateur ne s'en charge, les oscars devront être mis sur les profils des gagnants par eux-mêmes! Nous comptons sur votre maturité pour ne pas tricher! :d/!\

Lien de Scratch

Vidéo du jeu Pong:

Hello geeks :D

Today I have the pleasure of announcing the first competition linked to our computer club banane

/!\ Ends October 31 /!\

Objective: Create on scratch the best Pong you can imagine! :D ordi
The winner will win many rewards! :p

Remember to indicate here that you are participating! :)

Here are the “prices”:
1st prize
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"Oscar for Best Computer Cat"

Possibility of seeing the link to your game on our profiles (Me, Onix and totovideo)! (or if applicable, a screenshot of your programming with the title of the game)
Gains from many custom charactersbananetoadyoshiparatroopa

2nd prize
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"Oscar for the second cat sprite"

Gains of some custom characters supertoad

3rd prize
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Consolation prize yes but also I have no ideas

Oscar of the Block When... is clicked

un-curious wrote:
What are the criteria for winning? :o

Exactly, let's talk about it :d

Your game must be a remake of the famous game "Pong"

Its gameplay must be rich and full of surprises

Sprites and backgrounds must be pretty

The presence of modes will be valued

Everything related to Halloween will be valued

Once your game is made, send the link to your game to this topic and our judges will establish a score out of 20 based on the criteria above! :)

Our judges:

/!\ IMPORTANT: this competition is not official, unless an admin or event host takes care of it, the Oscars will have to be put on the winners' profiles by themselves! We are counting on your maturity not to cheat! :d/!\

Link from Scratch

Pong game video:


[MPM] Anthology I - The House of Terrenus

Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
I missed out too many things...
Also what happened to the map? Did an ice age just begun or what?
Messages 3087 - King Mario King Mario
vs51557 pts ★ Titan
battle20114 pts ★ Legend
But can i see my colonies? they should all have reached the projected area.
Mine too

Also, it would be nice if it was possible to update the main image...

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