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new quick mode collab COLLAB KART 1

Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
also search shiver shiver jungle and haunt forest

or just put the collab link since i can't really access them
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
anyways the first cup released i guess
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
ChocoGD wrote:
guys I have a confession, all links don't work, like really they don't work :o so someone else has to use all of these tracks to make the cups... I announce... YSHI LOVER WILL DO IT! if he can't Supermega7 will if not then Choco

I like how everyone ignored this

so should i make the cups then?

yea, it would be a favor but can you cause links don't work for me? at all...

i'll try and see what i can do
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
guys I have a confession, all links don't work, like really they don't work :o so someone else has to use all of these tracks to make the cups... I announce... YSHI LOVER WILL DO IT! if he can't Supermega7 will if not then Choco

I like how everyone ignored this

so should i make the cups then?
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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i've got a few QM tracks that i'd like to see in this collab
Bone Bypass 1
Fireball Stadium
Rainbow Road

Vanilla Lake 2 QM Pieces are here!

Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
coolmonkey wrote:
-LelyTeal- wrote:
Update of the year, or at least ultimate QOL update. The VL2 pieces were needed considering land and water are completely different things ; like Riverside and Lakeside. However for Boo Lake and Broken Pier, it is the samr thing in both cases, and I don't see how KB2 would even work.
The person with light blue hair and a tophat will get forgotten.

Tf is that message ? Looks like farming to me, since it's useless but also offtopic and very random.

who are you refracing here? broken pier would have the lighter wood, holes and the other differances

well it's just a brighter version of Boo Lake, nothing much really.
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
coolmonkey wrote:
we need broken pier pieces!:D

we also need Koopa Beach 2 pieces
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Thanks for rating my comment down. :):D:):o:o:o

well the reason the SNES Bowser Castles in this game don't have any walls is to make it more challenging i think
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
You read the title right, VL2 QM pieces are in the game now :D fete
This idea was suggested many months ago by Gamer_HS and it is finally here now. Thx MKPC dev team and Wargor :)genial

Most Disturbing Things in Official Mario Media

Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Goictived wrote:
basket random

MysteryMan wrote:
Soon, I'm going to be hosting a Mario-themed competition on Discord, and one of the challenges was going to be called "Quest in the Deep." It would've had teams go on Google and search for official images of weird or disturbing things that were either created or licensed by Nintendo themselves. But then I reread the list and was like, "Most of these can be found on the front page." So I scrapped it for being too easy. But I still wanna share the crazy things I found, so I'll be making a list going from those that are more innocent and well-known to those that are... well... neither, starting with...
14. Barefoot Yoshi
Yeah, this is one of the reasons I didn't make it a Google scavenger hunt. If you look up "barefoot Yoshi" nowadays, odds are you'll be met with some fetishy stuff, but what if I told you there's an activity book from 199-something that actually reveal's Yoshi's adorable paw?
Now, with his design changing throughout the years, I highly doubt this is accurate, but it's nice to see Nintendo having the balls to do that.
13. Various characters getting drunk
In a few games from the 90's, there are quite a few examples of characters getting completely wasted. The most appropriate example for this site is Bowser chugging down a bottle of champagne if he wins in Super Mario Kart.
In one of the Wario Land games, there are also penguin enemies that'll throw beer mugs at Wario, turning him into, this is the official name, "Drunk Wario."
Unsurprisingly, these were both Japan-only.
12. A Shy Guy without its mask
Now I'm kinda cheating with this one, but it's still fascinating. Shy Guys' main thing is that they always wear masks because they're shy guys. But there are a couple of times where the masks came off, and they didn't even have to lose a singing contest. The first one is from Mario Power Tennis. If Shy Guy wins, during the cutscene where he's collecting his trophy, he'll trip and lose his mask. When he gets up, his back is turned to the viewer, but Luigi is mortified at what he sees.
Okay, that image doesn't show fear, but it's the best I could find.
There's also a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene in the Mario Movie. While the camera is speedrunning through the rave scene, you'll see a Shy Guy take off its mask to a few other soldiers, who react in the same terror Luigi did back in Mario Power Tennis. Like that game, his back is turned to us. I kinda like how we never see what's behind the mask. It helps to maintain that sense of mystery that's always been a huge part of the character.
11. Donkey Kong holding a shotgun
In Donkey Kong 64, one of the weapons DK can use is his Coconut Gun, which is made to look like some barrels slapped together. But during development, it originally looked like a realistic gun.
Once Miyamoto saw it, he immediately drew up the design we know now.
10. Mario negotiating an arms deal
Okay this, hardly anything more than a joke, but it's still weird that this exists. In a commercial for Super Mario All-Stars, a dull but fast-talking narrator is talking about how everything is Mario, such as, "Mario throwing fireballs." "Mario throwing turnips." And for what I can only hope is comedic effect, "Mario negotiating an arms deal." Why this was included? I don't know. But considering it's just a few-second gag, I put it very low on the list.

9. Daisy with a third eye
To many people, Super Smash Bros. Melee is the best Smash game ever, but something really creepy lurks within the trophy collection. While checking out Daisy's trophy, you're able to move the camera around and zoom in and out. If you move to the back of the trophy and zoom in far enough, you can see a third eye on the back of Daisy's head.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but humans are only supposed to have two eyes. Talk about eyes on the back of her head.
8. Some creepy Galaxy trees
One of the creepiest things in the Mario series. In Super Mario Galaxy 2, while you're in Shiverburn Galaxy, if you use first-person mode and zoom in on the cliffs in the background, you will see three shadowy figures just standing there menacingly.
But it gets worse. In the files, these are called "HellValleySkyTree." Did you catch that first part? "Hell Valley." What the heck? Apparently, that's the internal name of the stage, but regardless, this is nightmare-inducing.
7. Mario finding Peach's vibrator
In Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, while looking through Peach's room in her castle, if you go in between the blue chair and the fireplace, you'll see the message, "Found Toadstool's ???"
You'll also see dialog about how Peach doesn't want anyone but her grandma to know she has it, and it seems like its very private. Almost too private. While many fans speculate that it's a vibrator... I mean, nobody's said it wasn't. While I tried not to include unconfirmed fan theories on this list, come on. You try and think of a better explanation.
6. A Paper Mario murder scene
Okay, a lot of people know about this one, but it's still worth talking about. In Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, you'll enter Rogueport and be greeted with a frickin' noose smackdab in the center of the town. Like, seriously, how was that allowed? And that's not even the worst of it. In the Japanese version only, if you enter one of the buildings, you'll see an outline of a Toad, and blood on the floor.
Yep. A murder scene took place here. In a family game. Obviously, this was removed in other releases, but they still kept the noose.
5. Luigi reading a history book about Hitler
This is where things really get bad. In my mind, these top five are interchangeable, and I could never truly make up my mind on what was the worst.
In the 1990's, Nintendo and some other company released the Mario Quiz Cards. They worked like flash cards, with... fun?... Mario pictures on them, with such family-friendly topics as Prohibition, sweatshops, and Adolf Hitler. Yep. Hitler is canon in the Marioverse.
I don't even have words.
4. Mario serving in Vietnam
Back in the 80's, Nintendo didn't really know what they wanted Mario to be. Before he was out wasting his time saving non-existent princesses in the completely wrong castles, he had many other jobs such as a carpenter, a demolition worker, and a soldier in the Vietnam War. In the Game & Watch game Mario's Bombs Away, you can play as Mario fighting in a war and using bombs to defeat enemy soldiers.
While it's not confirmed to be Vietnam, due to the jungle setting and the time period, I can't understand why it wouldn't be.
3. A straight-up naked Koopa Troopa
We all know Koopa Troopas, known for their many uses of their shells. We also know that when kicked out of their shells, they have cute little shirts or boxer shorts underneath, depending on the media. Now who here remembers the Super Mario World TV show? *the crows goes wild* And not just because of Mama Luigi? *dead silence* Turns out stuff really did happen outside of that one episode. In the premiere episode Fire Sale, Rarity on cocaine Kootie-Pie (aka Wendy) has taken control of an ice palace, and spends the day bossing around a poor Koopa henchman, often knocking him out of his shell. Picture for reference.
Notice how he's wearing boxers like in some of the games. Now fast forward to the end, and Kootie-Pie's trapped inside an ice block after being defeated by the Mario Bros. and Yoshi at his most annoying. While screaming at her Koopa to get her out, it zooms to him lounging around with no shell, and for some reason, no boxers either. There's also a book/magazine suspiciously placed right where his junk would be.
Look, I didn't wanna do this, but I was committed to making sure every entry on this list had a screenshot of the actual cursed bit, even if it meant going to YouTube.
This is so obscure that I've never seen anybody else talk about it other than one review guy.
Originally, this would've been no. 3 because of how much more well-known this is, but I decided to bump it up because if you read the heading, you know that this is way worse than public nudity. In a trailer for Smash Ultimate DLC, I don't exactly remember what happens, but you can see Luigi's soul leave his body, suggesting that he's officially dead.

If you think it was bad enough that Nintendo had the balls to kill off one of their most iconic characters, right after, they sent out a statement saying, "Luigi is okay." W... w-WHAT?! What the actual frick? I'm glad he's fine, but gee wiz, don't scare us like that!
1. I don't even think I can say it
This is by far one of the most obscure pieces of official Mario media. On the Satellaview, there was a "virtual magazine" called Shitamachi Ninjo Gekijo, more commonly known as the Lily Franky Theater. Despite featuring Mario plush toys as the main characters, a lot of adult stuff happens, such as smoking, murder, Mario pulling a crap-filled spoon out of his anus, do you see why something from here would be number one? In one of the final episodes, Toad convinces Peach to... do it?
Since they're plushies, it's not very graphic, but it's still something that kids shouldn't be exposed to.
Was there anything I missed? (I thought of a few things recently, so I know there is.) What was the most fascinating? Feel free to leave a comment and/or give your own examples.

I'm curious to see what other hidden gems you'll share from your Mario-related explorations. It's a testament to the enduring popularity of the franchise that even after all these years, there are still surprises to be found.

Nice revive m8

Custom QM Tiles

Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
ChocoGD wrote:
it's been a long time since i last posted here so i thought i'd share another custom tile i've just made
idrk what to call this but it's just a generic circuit piece i guess

It's an edited version of Figure-8 Circuit's QM piece

yeah, i didn't really have any ideas though :s
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
it's been a long time since i last posted here so i thought i'd share another custom tile i've just made
idrk what to call this but it's just a generic circuit piece i guess
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
SuperMega7 wrote:
There is no pieces based on the cloud section of CK2 Choco Circuit? You should probably replace at least one road piece to a piece based on the cloud section...

yeah i was thinking of doing alternate turn / straight path pieces based on the cloud section
edit: finished designing all the cloud section pieces!
CK2 Choco Circuit Cloud Section straight path piece

CK2 Choco Circuit Cloud Section Top-right turn piece

CK2 Choco Circuit Cloud Section Top-left turn piece

CK2 Choco Circuit Cloud Section Bottom-left turn piece

CK2 Choco Circuit Cloud Section Bottom-right turn piece

CK2 Choco Circuit Cloud Section Sideways straight path piece

CK2 Choco Circuit Cloud Section Crossing piece

CK2 Choco Circuit Cloud Section Non-track / hole piece
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
Finally finished the start / finish line pieces!
CK2 Choco Circuit Upwards start / finish line

CK2 Choco Circuit Downwards start / finish line

CK2 Choco Circuit Left start / finish line

CK2 Choco Circuit Right start / finish line
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
Finished some more custom QM pieces! Going to start making the finish lines later and then I'll move on to different QM pieces.
CK2 Choco Circuit Top-right turn piece

CK2 Choco Circuit Top-left turn piece

CK2 Choco Circuit Bottom-right turn piece

CK2 Choco Circuit Bottom-left turn piece

CK2 Choco Circuit sideways straight path piece

CK2 Choco Circuit crossing piece

CK2 Choco Circuit non-track / offroad piece
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
I know making a topic after you've literally just made another one an hour or two ago is a bad idea but I just thought this would be a nice thing to bring up again. Also, I know there is already a topic for this but I'm too lazy to revive it so yeah :p
Anyways, post your custom QM tiles here!
It can be either tiles for tracks from other MK games other than SMK, MKSC and MKDS, or they can be from your custom tracks!
CK2 Choco Circuit: Straight path piece
going to update this later or tomrrow


Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone, SoldamWizard21 here!

After being introduced to it by a friend of mine, (LTBPF 2013), I have played some of it, and I do like it. It'll take some time for me to get used to the controls, but once I get used to it, it'll be a lot of fun racing with you guys!

Hi! Welcome to MKPC. I hope you have a nice time here :) welcome

multicup mayhem!

Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
ok so uh Kyouki Cup i guess

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