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[Fanfic] Twilight's Object Chaos

Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
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United Kingdom
this fanfic is going to be on hiatus for some time due to school, homework, you get the gist. i really dont know how long this is going to be on hiatus for but it is going to be for quite a while, so dont expect any new episodes
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
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United Kingdom
Episode 3: The Great Wall of Fire
Screwdriver: I still can't believe Fish Tank died last time. Still upset about that
Cactus in a Pot: Yeah yeah whatever, just get over it. Twilight will probably recover him soon
Twilight: Speaking of that, I want to introduce you to something! *summons a mysterious pastel blue coloured cube out of thin air*
Screwdriver: WOAH! What's that? And what does it do?
Twilight: It's a little something I like to call "The Recovery Cube". I got it at my local Thingy Depot™ before I crash landed here.
Cactus in a Pot: Well how does it work? Do you just rub it or rapidly move it up and down?
Twilight: Quite the opposite actually. You say the name of the person you want to recover in to it and it recovers them in about a second or two. Watch. *clears throat* Fish Tank
Recovery Cube: Now reviving: Fish Tank
Fish Tank: How am I back? Is this heaven?
Twilight: No, I just used Thingy Depot™'s Recovery Cube to revive you
Fish Tank: Oh, well thanks anyways!
Lamp: Can we just get on with the elimination? I'm a bit scared that I'll be out.
Twilight: In fact, that's exactly what I was going to do! Now to just, *claps hands* there! Team B is all rounded up now.
Poster: So, what do we do. Stand on those blocks over there?
Twilight: Yeah, pretty much

Team B walks towards the blocks which are coloured according to their main colour

Twilight: Today, we start off the show with a good 4 votes. None of them go to Jizo Statue and Lamp
Jizo Statue: Does that mean we are eliminated?
Twilight: Of course it doesn't! You get prizes if you're safe!
Lamp: Sweet! What's the prize?
Twilight: Uhh I didn't really think about it much but here's a gravity coil I guess

Twilight throws a gravity coil to Jizo Statue and Lamp

Jizo Statue: Thank you
Twilight: No problem!

Clock: Nothing, like absolutely nothing.
Poster: Shut it Clock. You can't be talking when you literally killed someone.
Twilight: Anyways, enough of the chit-chat, let's see who is going to be the first one eliminated from TOC! Drumroll please

*drumroll sfx*
Twilight: And with 3 votes, Clock is the first one out! Poster survives with only 1 vote
Lamp: Sorry Clock. You betrayed our trust and killed our care for you. You deserve it
Clock: Wh- Huh? I thought that's what you do in an object show!
Twilight: Not all the time, and certainly not on the 1st challenge. Apart from that, here's a gravity coil, Poster

Twilight gives a gravity coil to Poster

Clock: So, how will I be eliminated?
Twilight: With this! *a colour changing sphere appears out of thin air* It's called "The Abyssal Sphere", which I also got from Thingy Depot™
Clock: And how does it even work?
Twilight: Well if I put it near you and then tap it, you'll be absorbed and trapped inside it. At least, that's what the instruction manual for it said. So I guess I'll do that *puts it down near Clock and taps it very gently*
Clock: Wait stop! Can I say something before I go? Please, just give me another cha-

Clock then mysteriously disappears out of nowhere

Metal Pole: Deserved. Absolutely deserved.
Twilight: Yeah, you know what, I'll just move on to the challenge. Which, speaking of that, is to outrun a large wall of fire. But before that happens, I'll just *clicks fingers* there we go! Today's challenge will be set in this long and wide metal hall full of obstacles and parkour. The first 2 teams to successfully outrun the fire are safe. Or, alternatively, the first team to have all their team members wiped out by the fire wall will be up for elimination. Now, activate the fire wall!

A loud beeping sound plays as a huge square of burning fire comes out of a metal cuboid hanging from the ceiling

Soda Can: Guys, I'm scared. I don't like this
Banana: Same. Are you sure we'll be safe Twilight?
Twilight: Don't worry about it, I've thought of a backup plan in case anything goes wrong
Kettle: Phew, that's a relief!
Cactus in a Pot: Okay, can we start now? I'm getting bored just from waiting
Twilight: Sorry, got a little off track there. 3, 2, 1, Go!

Voice: Flame Wall Activated
Fish Tank: *thinks to himself* I'm fine. This is fine. I can do this. Just get through it and don't think about anything else!
Metal Pole: Guys, I think we need to run, just a theory
Soda Can: Now's not the time MP! We need to get through this, and fast! Otherwise we'll burn!
Metal Pole: Sorry, couldn't resist it, and by it, well, let's just say- oh nevermind they're gone. Guess I'd better catch up with them
Cactus in a Pot: Yeah, no kidding Sherlock.
Metal Pole: Then why are you still here?
Cactus in a Pot: No reason, also, look behind you
Metal Pole: What do you mea- OH GOD *rapidly sprints towards his team to catch up* WAIT UP SODA CAN, WAIT UP!

Team B's progress

Lamp: Okay team, we may have lost last time, but we're not gonna lose this one.
Jizo Statue: I recommend looking in front of you
Jizo Statue: On that topic, where did Poster go?
Lamp: Judging by the burnt paper on the floor, I think he didn't look where he was going and burnt
Jizo Statue: I feel sorry for him, but there's no time to dwell on that now, the fire wall is coming towards us, and fast

Team C's Progress
BSOD: *error noises*
Screwdriver: We know BSOD!
Fish Tank: Do you even know what he's saying?
BSOD: *error noises*
Screwdriver: I'll just take that as a "No you do not know what I'm saying now please shut up"
Cactus in a Pot: That's something you need to start doing regularly, it would make this team's lives much better
Screwdriver: See this is why I only became friends with BSOD
Cactus in a Pot: *mutters under his breath* Yeah because you have none

Team A's progress

Metal Pole: When will we reach the end of this obstacle course thing? My legs are starting to hurt
Soda Can: Same bro, but we can't just take a break. Think about how painful the fire is!
Metal Pole: True

Twilight: It seems like Teams A and B are getting quite close to the end now, gotta turn off the fire wall in a sec
Kettle: Guys, we're almost at the hall's exit! We'll definitely finish first!

Twilight: And with that, Team A secures another win! Who will be last to finish and face UFE? Uhh well actually idk the answer to that
Lamp: Well, we do! It's not us!

Twilight: Well, Team C is up for elimination! Viewers, you know the drill by now, vote for who you want to be eliminated by using this poll. Voting ends in 48 hours, so be quick!
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
sorry for double post
quick reminder to vote in the poll if you havent already because votes are closing in about 24 or so hours from now
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Fiery wrote:
I voted Clock, he killed Fish Tank for his team to win and then they lost and I think karma should strike him back by eliminating him also if anyone had trouble reading Screwdriver's lines Twilight says he'll change the hex code next episode

i literally almost intended for team c to lose because they were down a team member and ciap was being a grouch but i wanted karma to strike back so team b lost
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Episode 2: New Day, New Show
???: Owch... *opens eyes* H-huh? Where am I?
Soda Can: Uhh, are you.. alright? I saw that you crash landed after hitting the edge of a cliff and I want to check if you're okay
???: Y-yeah, I'm.. fine. Just got a bit of a.. foggy memory, that's all
Screwdriver: Well, what can we do to help?
???: Nothing, just.. I have to get a little bit of time to adjust to this place, seeing as my only source of transportation has crumbled to pieces
Metal Pole: Well let's hope you can get back to where you were going so-
???: Hold on, I've only just realized, are you guys.. objects?
Screwdriver: Uhm, yeah? What about it?
???: Well I once heard of these things on Youtube called "object shows" and I was gonna ask if you guys want to participate
Soda Can and Metal Pole: Sure, we'd like to be part of this. After all, it does sound fun
Screwdriver: I'll join, but only if BSOD wants to
BSOD: *error noises*
???: ... I'll just take that as a yes
Screwdriver: Awesome! I'll go ask around to see if the others want to join

Screwdriver runs off to the river

Screwdriver: Hey! So I was just interested in knowing if you guys want to participate in an "object show" or whatever they're called
Poster: Sure I guess? Anyone else interested?
Lamp: Sounds cool, I'll join
Jizo Statue: Even though I much prefer being at peace and meditating, I'll participate
Clock: Eh, sure, why not
Screwdriver: Okay, cool! Thanks guys!

Screwdriver then runs off to find Banana and Kettle

Banana: Are you alright Screwdriver? Did something happen?
Screwdriver: No no, nothing happened at all. I just was gonna ask if you two would be interested in a lil competition thing.
Kettle: Sure! After all, nothing like this has happened in a pretty long time.
Banana: I'm interested! I'd love to compete!
Screwdriver: Good to know, thanks!

Screwdriver *thinks to himself* Okay, now I've just got to find Cactus in a Pot and Fish Ta- Oh they're right there.
Cactus in a Pot: Hm? Why are you here Screwdriver?
Screwdriver: I just need to know if you and Fish Tank would like to take part in a competition game thing
Cactus in a Pot: Yeah sure why not. My life's already boring enough anyway
Fish Tank: Look on the bright side of things Cactus! This could be a really fun thing to pass the time and stuff! I'm in!
Screwdriver: Alright, good to know

Screwdriver runs back to the odd unnamed cube

???: So, what did everyone say? Do they want to join?
Screwdriver: Fortunately, yes!
???: Cool, now lemme just *clicks fingers* and now everyone has been rounded up!
Lamp: So, what do we do, strange thing?
Twilight: Well first, let me introduce myself. My name is Twilight and I came from The Realm of Twilight in search of outer-dimensional materials, but unfortunately crash landed here, as some of you might've seen
Banana: Yeah, I remember seeing that, still good to know you're okay now though!
Twilight: I know. Anyways, whilst you're all here, could you form 3 teams of 4?
Everyone: Sure thing!

All the objects separate from each other to form their teams

Soda Can: Well, of course me and you have to stick together, right Metal Pole?
Metal Pole: Of course ^^
Banana: Hey, could me and Kettle join you guys? We want to get in a team quickly so we're not chosen last
Soda Can: Sounds reasonable. You're in!
Kettle: Thank you!
Twilight: Wow, first team formed so quickly! I'm surprised! Anyways, you guys will be Team A because I can't think of anything unique or interesting
Soda Can: Eh, I guess I can live with it

Lamp: Can we all stay together? After all, we do make the perfect team
Poster: Good thinking Lamp!
Jizo Statue: I have to agree with Lamp. We seem like pretty close friends
Clock: Couldn't agree more, friend!
Twilight: Well, second team has been made! You four will be Team B
Lamp: Okay, that's cool!

Screwdriver: Dang, people have formed their teams already? Well I guess I don't really mind being with you three
BSOD: *error noises*
Cactus in a Pot: You know, I would much rather be on a team with some ACTUALLY USEFUL people but I can't make much choice now unfortunately
Fish Tank: Why do you have to be so negative all the time?
Cactus in a Pot: Because this is boring and being here is boring, glass head
Twilight: And with that, Team C has been formed. And also with that comes the first challenge!
Poster: So what's that gonna be Twilight?
Twilight: Well, I want to start with something nice and simple seeing as this is the first challenge. So, it will be a running race!
Metal Pole: Sounds good, I like running!
Twilight: Oh, and as always, here are the rules:
1: Usage of your opponents is allowed.
2: Have fun!

Cactus in a Pot: First challenge started already? Can't be bother-
Fish Tank: *grabs CIAP* STOP BEING LAZY! LET'S GO!
Cactus in a Pot: Geez, alright

Meanwhile, Team A
Soda Can: Come on team, we can win this! Put all your strength right in to your legs!
Banana: Woohoo! Let's do this!

Suddenly, Clock grabs Metal Pole by the leg whilst running
Clock: Sorry MP, it's for the challenge
Metal Pole: Wha- Hey! Let go of me!
Clock then wacks Fish Tank with Metal Pole, causing Fish Tank to shatter and make all the water spill out of him
Clock: Thank you!
Metal Pole: I hope you lose, you annoying little brat
Cactus in a Pot: Thanks Clock, you made my life ten times better than it was before!
Clock: No problem, CIAP! I'm always here to help
Poster: Why'd you do that?! That was uncalled for!

Twilight: Let's see how Team C is doi- oh, first death already? Gotta recover him after this

Team C's progress at the moment
BSOD: *error noises*
Screwdriver: Damn it! Now that Fish Tank is dead, we're far behind the others! Unless... hey BSOD, can you glitch us to the others?
BSOD: AGREEMENT. CONSOLE RESTARTING *glitches Screwdriver and CIAP to the other 2 teams*
Screwdriver: Thanks! That means a lot to me

Kettle: Huh? How is Team C there? I swear they were way behind a few seconds ago!
Soda Can: They must've used BSOD, there is no other logical explanation
Metal Pole: No need to worry about that now! We're near the finish line anyway!
Banana: I can almost reach it!

Twilight: And Team A has reached the finish! 1 slot remains! Who's gonna finish next?

Screwdriver: Come on people, we're almost there!
Cactus in a Pot: Finally! I've been waiting for this!

Jizo Statue: I see the finish. We are nearly there team. I have a good feeling we will win
Lamp: We will win this! I know it!

And so, Team B and Team C ran as quickly as they could towards the finish.

Twilight: Wow, really close guys! But, all I can say is: the last team safe is Team C! Team B, you are up for elimination
Poster: Aw man, we were nearly there! We almost had it!

Twilight: Anyways, viewers, people reading this, whatever they're called nowadays, vote for who you want to be eliminated using this poll. Voting ends 48 hours after this is posted. (8 PM UK Time) So be quick!
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Have You Watch ANOSIMBIB? If So, Can You Add Match And Pencil Junior?

no because that would just be ripping off other shows (yes i know i included clock but thats a different clock and not the same one as bfb) and also because i dont want to add too many characters
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Coolmonkey wrote:
ADD Zesty Bar please a friend of BSODA

BSOD = Blue Screen Of Death, not BSODA :|
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Episode 1: A Mysterious Host
Soda Can: Honestly, I really don't get it! Why does Screwdriver gotta be so ego-centric all the time?!
Metal Pole: Exactly what I'm saying! We didn't do anything to him yet now he's doing all this to us! I'm so fed up with having to deal with him.
Soda Can: So true dude, so true

Near a tree where Screwdriver is sitting and staring out in to the open
Screwdriver: Ya know, sometimes I have this feeling where people are talking about me behind my back and I'm not entirely sure why. Could just be me though, right BSOD?
BSOD: *error noises*
Screwdriver: Oh right I forgot your only lines are *error noises*, gotta remember that for next time

Poster, Lamp, Clock and Jizo Statue drawing next to a river trying to entertain themselves
Poster: I don't really find drawing all that nice but this is actually really calming! Thanks for suggesting this Jizo!
Jizo Statue: No problem. It's as the master says: "To find one's inner peace, one must look deep within their heart"
Lamp: Wow, sounds awesome, I've gotta write that one down. *grabs a colouring pencil and writes the quote on her paper*
Clock: That fits really well with your drawing Lamp, I like it. And all of your drawings too. They're much better than what I can draw
Jizo Statue: Don't be so harsh on yourself Clock, you'll learn so quickly that you won't realize you ha-
Suddenly, the people next to the river spot a flying object in the sky containing a small cube shaped thing, which is then noticed by Metal Pole and Soda Can as well

Soda Can: I might be hallucinating right now but what the hell is that?
Metal Pole: Is it a bird of some sorts? Is it a plane maybe?

Banana and Kettle rush over to see what's happening

Banana: Is everything alright? I overheard you guys mention something about a... plane? Sounds odd
Soda Can: Yeah yeah, everything's fine, but I do recommend looking up right now
Kettle: What do you mean? *looks up* Oh now I see what you mean. Well let's hope it doesn't cause any harm or damage

Up in the sky

???: Oh god no no no! First I crashed in to part of a cliff and now my ship's like this. At least it can't get worse right? RIGHT?
Ship: Left wing and front damaged. Losing altitude at a rapid speed. 150 meters until hitting the ground.
???: Why is it doing this? I triple checked if I had enough fuel! I even installed reinforcements for this!
Ship: Engine has run out of fuel. 100 meters until hitting the ground. 63 meters until hitting the ground. 38 meters until hitting the ground. Caution: 20 meters until hitting the ground.
???: Well isn't this day going gre- *crashes in to the ground

Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Twilight wrote:
Note: This is just a test to see if im capable of writing a good fanfic so dont be surprised if its a bit bad
so yeah i decided to make this because well just read the note and also because i like object shows so

Soda Can
Metal Pole
Cactus in a pot (CIAP for short)
Jizo Statue
Clock (not to be confused with the one from BFB)
Fish Tank

first episode hopefully releases tomorrow or the day after

i wannaa be fish tank

im not taking applications for wanting to be the characters, sorry
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Note: This is just a test to see if im capable of writing a good fanfic so dont be surprised if its a bit bad
so yeah i decided to make this because well just read the note and also because i like object shows so

Soda Can
Metal Pole
Cactus in a pot (CIAP for short)
Jizo Statue
Clock (not to be confused with the one from BFB)
Fish Tank

first episode hopefully releases tomorrow or the day after

MKPC City: The Return

Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
TwilightGD wrote:
i want to join. my shop would be Twilight's Absolutely Not Illegal Non-pirated Game Store
edit: things you can buy in the shop
Miitopia (PAL version)
Mario Party (OoOh WoW sPoOkY aNtI pIrAcY sCrEeN)
supra mayro bross 1
Free Nintendo Switch Online (no virus working 2024)
Kirby Forgot The Land
lack of creativity: the game
Mario Maker 2.5
Stare at a brick wall for 10 hours (real)

Gimme everything pls. I want to have some games.

ok, that'll be around £500 (or 591 euros in your country)
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
having no customers coming to our shops after a long time is kinda boring tbh
i think it would be fun if we could come back to this or something idk
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Soldiers have found the aforementioned base of forum kids underground. The battle for MKPC City begins

Spoiler [ShowHide]
Welcome to ImJustLimey Illegal stuffs.

Here what I got that i stole.



Anti-tank mine.



Dangerous Laser Pointer.

Dusky Dangerous Sword.

A controller to clone anyone and yourself.

Genie lamp that gives you infinite wishes.

Super illegal shotgun Infinite bullets!


Hey Spider-Toad I got weapons that we and the others can use its free!!! superhap
Dusky: OMG BATTLE!!!:}hap Use my sword to be the shit out of them its op. ;)
Spoiler [ShowHide]
Btw me and limey decided to not fight and be enemy anymore.

Shing shing shing I love this sword!

can i help too? because i do have a pass to legalize nuclear bombs and pure uranium in liquid form
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
aight i've finished building my shop inside this (for some reason) big alleyway. idk why it's so big, i thought alleyways were meant to be small and thin but i guess not. anyways, here are all of the new items you can buy

LoNB Pass - £750
Cat Calendar - £25
Blueberry Soda - £6.75
Selection of books - £50
WarioWare FM Radio - £30
Red Orochi Plush - £20
P Switch - £2.50
P Door - £5
P Switch + Door - £7.50
Pure Uranium Energy Drink - £100 (warning: highly toxic!)
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
guys the pianta police shut down my shop because the pirated games i was selling were from the dark web so uhh i might have to set up an alleyway business so they dont catch me again
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
new items in my totally legal shop:
£750 for FREE!!!!
portable video (any video of your choice)
cactus: now with EXTRA SPIKES!!!!!!!
Glaggle and Enphoso plush bundle
B: the letter B but with 4 of the BBcodes attached to it
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Fiery wrote:
Silence Pins are now available, throw these at people you dislike (eg. forum kids) and it will automatically latch onto their clothes and it is minuscule so they will probably not notice it

can i buy one so i can throw it at fourner
Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
i want to join. my shop would be Twilight's Absolutely Not Illegal Non-pirated Game Store
edit: things you can buy in the shop
Miitopia (PAL version)
Mario Party (OoOh WoW sPoOkY aNtI pIrAcY sCrEeN)
supra mayro bross 1
Free Nintendo Switch Online (no virus working 2024)
Kirby Forgot The Land
lack of creativity: the game
Mario Maker 2.5
Stare at a brick wall for 10 hours (real)

Mon grand retour ! (Après 1 an)

Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
welcome back!

Custom Ranks

Messages 2013 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs20166 pts ★ Legend
battle6364 pts ★ Racer
United Kingdom
Rank: Moai (real!11!!1!1)
Goal: 696969696969696969

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