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Le topic de DaisyandPeach
On 2022-09-18 at 21:27:55
La musique d’invincibilité de MKPC est à la base celle de Mario Kart 7
La musique du Méga Champi est celle de New Super Mario Bros. DS
Oui, je le savais, car je m'y connais en Mario (pas sur tout, mais sur pas mal de trucs), et puis j'ai ces 2 jeux, donc voilà
On 2022-09-16 at 22:01:10
Que signifie « Friendly Fire » quand on choisi les équipes dans le mode Course VS?
Merci d’avance
En gros ça détermine si tu peux infliger des dégâts à des membres de ton équipe
On 2022-09-15 at 23:12:51
Cette histoire de pseudo me rappelle Kirby Jaune, un des tous premiers joueurs de MKPC, il avait parlé sur le topic sur Mario Universalis, d'ailleurs le 54ème circuit c'est un circuit de Kirby Jaune (le 54 étant mon nombre préféré suite à une fixation sur le calcul 6×9 XD)
Moi qui croyais que MK54 était une référence à MK64, en fait c'est juste une blague d'avoir de 15 ans -_-
C'est aussi inspiré de MK64, c'est une double inspiration on va dire
POV : You proved you weren't innocent, but you're regretting it and everyone is learning about it
Euh, j'ai fait cette fixation avant de savoir que ça avait un sens... ouais, c'était il y a des années, quand j'étais encore innocent, donc pas de souci
Et je vous jure que c'est vrai
On 2022-09-15 at 23:05:17
Cette histoire de pseudo me rappelle Kirby Jaune, un des tous premiers joueurs de MKPC, il avait parlé sur le topic sur Mario Universalis, d'ailleurs le 54ème circuit c'est un circuit de Kirby Jaune (le 54 étant mon nombre préféré suite à une fixation sur le calcul 6×9 XD)
Moi qui croyais que MK54 était une référence à MK64, en fait c'est juste une blague d'avoir de 15 ans -_-
C'est aussi inspiré de MK64, c'est une double inspiration on va dire
On 2022-09-15 at 22:02:57
Cette histoire de pseudo me rappelle Kirby Jaune, un des tous premiers joueurs de MKPC, il avait parlé sur le topic sur Mario Universalis, d'ailleurs le 54ème circuit c'est un circuit de Kirby Jaune (le 54 étant mon nombre préféré suite à une fixation sur le calcul 6×9 XD)
On 2022-09-12 at 21:42:36
Quel pseudo préférez-vous?
1- DaisyandPeach (je le garde)
2- YoshiDaisy🌼
3- Keeby^^🌙
4- Rosalina⭐️
5- Pauline🌼
6- Autres
7- J’ai plus d’idées…
J’espère que ces pseudos n’ont pas été pris
Quel pseudo préférez-vous?
1- DaisyandPeach (je le garde)
2- YoshiDaisy🌼
3- Keeby^^🌙
4- Rosalina⭐️
5- Pauline🌼
6- Autres
7- J’ai plus d’idées…
J’espère que ces pseudos n’ont pas été pris
Hors sujet : Les Keeby sont des espèces de Kirby, mais jaunes. Ils sont apparus la première fois dans Kirby’s Dream Course (SNES, 1990).
Dernière apparition : Kirby’s Dream Buffet (Nintendo Switch, 2022)
Plus d’infos =>
Dernière apparition : Kirby’s Dream Buffet (Nintendo Switch, 2022)
Plus d’infos =>
C'est toi qui choisis, je ne peux pas décider à ta place
On 2022-09-12 at 14:28:31
Sinon si tu as des problèmes tu peux en parler à quelqu'un de confiance, et puis pourquoi ils te détestent les autres ?
Quelqu'un de confiance... Je n'en connais pas beaucoup...
Sinon, je ne sais pas pourquoi ils me détestent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Peut-être il y a eu une rumeur sur moi 🥲 ou quelque chose du genre
Ou alors il n'ont pas de raison qui tiennent la route et c'est juste qu'ils ne m'aiment pas (c'est une autre possibilité)
1 - Ben tes parents, tu ne leur fait pas confiance ?
2 - Si il n'y a pas de raisons c'est juste des crétins qui n'ont rien à faire de leur vie, et pour s'occuper ils se mettent à détester des personnes qui ont rien demandé, je suis "dur" mais c'est parfaitement possible
On 2022-09-12 at 14:15:55
Je vois que ce topic est en train de mourir
Juste une question : Si c'est moi qui fait ce topic, est-ce que j'ai le droit de le réanimer plusieurs semaines plus tard?
(J'attends vos réponses, je ne veux pas de mauvaises surprises)
Bref, du coup je vais au collège (en dépression) et je me fait démonter par tout le monde
J'ai que 3 amies (oui avec un "e" ) et voilà je veux être délégué sauf que tout le monde me déteste
Sinon j'ai des plutôt bonnes notes (je fais des crises quand j'ai des 17/20 )
MKPC c'est l'une des seules choses qui fait que je me sente bien, et que je n'ai pas envie de mourir
En fait, j'aime bien parler de ma vie alors que ça énerve tout le monde 🤣🤣😅
Sur ce topic, vous pouvez dire ce que vous voulez, vous pouvez même si vous le souhaitez réagir avec par exemple :mario-facepalm:
Vous pouvez donner votre avis, je vous respecterais, et il est possible que vous ne soyez pas du même avis que moi sur certaines choses, et dans ce cas je ne vous jugerais pas.
(Attention les yeux, je fais parfois des fautes)
En gros, je suis un peu un Bisounours avec les autres
Je vois que ce topic est en train de mourir
Juste une question : Si c'est moi qui fait ce topic, est-ce que j'ai le droit de le réanimer plusieurs semaines plus tard?
(J'attends vos réponses, je ne veux pas de mauvaises surprises)
Bref, du coup je vais au collège (en dépression) et je me fait démonter par tout le monde
J'ai que 3 amies (oui avec un "e" ) et voilà je veux être délégué sauf que tout le monde me déteste
Sinon j'ai des plutôt bonnes notes (je fais des crises quand j'ai des 17/20 )
MKPC c'est l'une des seules choses qui fait que je me sente bien, et que je n'ai pas envie de mourir
En fait, j'aime bien parler de ma vie alors que ça énerve tout le monde 🤣🤣😅
Sur ce topic, vous pouvez dire ce que vous voulez, vous pouvez même si vous le souhaitez réagir avec par exemple :mario-facepalm:
Vous pouvez donner votre avis, je vous respecterais, et il est possible que vous ne soyez pas du même avis que moi sur certaines choses, et dans ce cas je ne vous jugerais pas.
(Attention les yeux, je fais parfois des fautes)
En gros, je suis un peu un Bisounours avec les autres
Théoriquement tu peux remonter ton propre topic, mais bon évite d'enchaîner les
Sinon je ne vois pas le problème de pourquoi des amies et non des amis
Sinon si tu as des problèmes tu peux en parler à quelqu'un de confiance, et puis pourquoi ils te détestent les autres ?
Et tu ne nous énerve pas jusqu'à preuve du contraire
Et des fautes tout le monde en fait
On 2022-09-07 at 16:38:06
En essayant de faire le défi tout en haut de l’arène « Wii Galaxie Arèna (, je suis tombé dans un trou, je suis revenu au menu de l’arène, puis j’ai changé le défi, en prenant celui tout en bas. Une fois commencé, la map affichait la barre et la flèche avec le prénom de mon ancien personnage. Je me suis rapproché, et j’ai vu que cet élément faisait ensuite partie du terrain, c’était bizarre.
Le texte dépassait dans le trou, mais je n’ai pas essayé de m’aventurer plus loin.
J’ai réussi ce bug sur iPad, mais peut-être qu’il est faisable sur une autre plateforme.
J’ai pris une preuve vidéo, je vais essayer de l’envoyer
Je n’arrive pas à envoyer, mais j’espère que vous réussirez à le faire, même si c’est très simple😑😑
Tu parles de ça ?
Dans ce cas c'est sur l'image de l'arène donc c'est normal
On 2022-08-27 at 21:57:19
(Je rigole, je vais parler de mes futurs fangames {actuellement prototypes} etc.)
Bonne lecture!
(Si vous trouvez un topic ressemblant, ce n'est pas fait exprès)
Je vais finir par copyright le concept de mon topic XD
En vrai ça me dérange pas, mais bon
How do I unlock all the characters?
On 2023-01-15 at 14:03:07
Can i unlock bluey?
1. Don't revive old topics
2. Bluey is a member, there is one custom character named Bluey, so it doesn't need to be unlocked
3. They were talking about the official characters
Bluey est surtout le personnage d'un dessin animé pour les jeunes enfants (je me demande même si c'est pas carrément le nom du dessin animé), petite précision un peu inutile mais bon
Btw topic locked, @Williamgrave please don't do this again
Share your Custom Tracks!
On 2023-01-15 at 12:54:07
There is literally no meaning of this topic. You can already find custom tracks on the home page + there have been several topics created before this. Didn’t you also make a topic before this one, and then delete it? Why make another one?
I can do everyting i want lol
Ça ne marche pas comme ça mdr, il y a un règlement à respecter lol
Why is there only 18 available cup icons when you are making a multicup?
On 2023-01-14 at 22:57:32
Can it be increased to 24 or even 30, 18 is just not enough when making a large multicup
Just upload custom icons from another site, problem solved
/!\The rant topic/Le sujet controversé/!\
On 2023-01-02 at 14:08:04
Why does the dinosaur and monkey reaction exist? What does it mean?
The monkey is literally called "see no evil", and the dragon idk how to explain but it's used quite a bit on Discord
Hello, this is Chucks.
On 2023-01-12 at 09:02:04
When I come onto this site, it says my ban is temporary, it has been close to A month at this point and I would appreciate if my ban was lifted, or at least a moderator to say how long it is, thank you.
The thing is, your ban is actually a permanent ban. Given your actions in the past, it's legitimate, by the way, go see your topic about "Dustbowl" (which happens to be you) to see the different messages, especially those of BowserJr03 and Killulely.
[Fanfic] MKPC Gore (Current: MKPC Revival)
On 2022-10-19 at 00:19:06
this is gonna comfort me.
Me rn : Nevermind... 😭
Me rn : Nevermind... 😭
Just removed the bad part of the message. We only need positivity (small exception of murder)
No but seriously I'm literally crying because I forgot to put a number at midnight on a Discord server, I'M CRYING FOR A STUPID THING
On 2022-10-18 at 23:24:25
Max:So we have arrived at the lake
Kay: Thought it would be bigger, but the size is still good
Toady: Be careful of the liquid, since it is lava, and can burn you
Kay: K. I’ll make sure to touch the water
Luq: What are you up to Nudge?
Nudge: This
*At that moment, The T-Rex flung Luq of of it, onto wooded kingdom, but then the lost grip of the inverted pyramid and fell*
Luq: Whatevwr he’s up to, seems to have gone wrong
Lely: *crying* I guess this is over. The only company I have is you guys, and you can’t even talk to me. The place I’m in is terrifying, and I just don’t think it’s worth living anymore. Goodbye pets
Lely: What was that? Company?
*He went over, just to see what was there, only to see a T-Rex*
Lely: A-another one?
Nudge: AAAAHH!!!
Lely: Nudge? Where is he? And… where did my chain chomp go?
Lely: He sounds scared…
Lely: I should go find him
*It wasn’t long until he found him, but as much as he wanted to save him, the light spirit on the outside of him refused*
Nudge: HELP ME!!!
Lely: I want to, b-but I-I c-can’t
Lely: I want to help you, but t he re is something preventing me
*At that moment, another T-Tex came and squished the Chain Chomp*
Nudge: Thank goodness. Now to just… escape from here
Lely: How?
Nudge: Why should I tell you? I don’t need you anymore, you useless fool
Lely: Why do you hate me?
Nudge: Because you are a horrible light spirit which doesn’t deserve to exist
Lely: Please, help me out
Nudge: I think I’ll just let the T-Rex’ deal with you
Lely: You h-horrible person
Max: So, who will check where?
Kay: I’m I’ll quickly check everywhere
Toady: Oh yeah, he is speed
Max: Anyway, I’ll get ready to head over to that giant dome over there
Toady: Got it
Nudge: Ah ha. Now I just need to put this nut into one of the seed pots, and a vine will grow
Lely: There is one over there
Nudge: Thank you victim
Lely: L-leave me alone. I want to talk to nice Nudge, rather than you
*after that he just walked off, then climbed the vine he just grew*
Nudge: Nice. I’ve made it back.
Now I just need to be quiet so Luq doesn’t notice me
*He snuck over to the wooden maze, where he places a vine bellow it*
Lely: Question: what is that vine for?
Nudge: Oh, so you decided to follow me. Guess I’ll have to demonstrate in you
*He proceeded to wrap it around Lely’s neck, and pushed him off, before barely making his way back onto the inverted pyramid*
Lely: h-h-e-e-e-l-l-p
On 2022-10-14 at 19:19:35
Where do I said I wanted to end the killing game
I'm unhappy because Nudge killed himself because he killed me before, I just wanted me to be alive, and him as well
I'm unhappy because Nudge killed himself because he killed me before, I just wanted me to be alive, and him as well
Don't worry, I'll try to survive for you
On 2022-10-13 at 23:44:05
I have terrible news, which is that this is my third message on this topic in a row. I would like to apologise deeply to anyone that is offended by this act, and start the episode, knowing how this episode was such a horrible action
Episode 16: The unofficial trial
Max: S-so, how will this work?
Nudge: Just like a normal trial. The catch is, I’m the one in charge of it, so I’ll make sure to keep you focused on the goal of you ever get sidetracked
Kris: So, what should we talk about first?
Ralsei: About how Max did it
Max: W-why would you say that?
Ralsei:Dont deny it. All the evidence leads to you
Max: I-I promise you. I-I’m innocent
Ralsei: Can you prove it?
Nudge: How about we start by talking about the condition of the body. I don’t have information on it so I’ll leave you lot to do the talking
Toady: He looks like he had fallen down the stairs
Ralsei: If that is what happened, then we can call him the worlds biggest idiot
Luq: Silence. So, if he did fall down the stairs, then how?
Nudge: Maybe he was pushed down
Ralsei: Who else could have done that other than Max? He had the power, and the location
Luq: Now that we know how he died, let’s talk about alibis
Toady:I was with Ralsei
Kris: And I was with Luq
Nudge: So that leaves me, Max, and Lely… unless the murder happened after I was blown up
Toady: Not possible, unless done by Max
Nudge: So you guys stuck together after the explosion… I guess we now need to narrow done which of us three did it
Toady: We can already eliminate Lely because he is the vict-
Ralsei: You ever heard of suicide?
Toady: You ever heard of shutting up before I perform a deadly prank?
Luq: I guess I should point out how there was no sign of struggle
Nudge: That could be performed by an explosion. Honestly, I’m surprised how the explosion didn’t kill me.
Kris: Wait, shouldn’t you be in a weakened state?
Ralsei: Nope. I healed him right before we met up with you
Kris: Wait, if it was an explosion, then couldn’t anyone be the killer?
Nudge: Yep
Toady: Sorry, but I still think Lely, Nudge, Or Max did it
Ralsei: Same
Nudge: This would be the perfect time for one of the trial splits, but we can’t do that, so we will just have to debate normally
Luq: Well then, I guess I should start by saying that an explosion like that would be unlikely to kill someone’s, especially from the other room
Nudge: Not if they are undamaged, but Lely would have likely fallen down the stairs by the time the explosion went off
Ralsei: Yes but I want Max to be the culprit
Max: Why!?
Ralsei: Because you irritate me
Luq: Says the irritating one
Toady: Anyway, if the explosion didn’t kill Max, and the explosion didn’t kill Nudge, then it wouldn’t have killed Lely
Nudge: You raise a fair point
Max: Wait, if that’s true, and the killer isn’t me or Lely, then does that mean…
Nudge: Yeah. Your right. I did it
Max: So… IT’S TRUE!!!
Nudge: Of course it is
Max: But… why?!?!?!
Nudge: Because me and Lely wanted to end the killing game, and I have the information with tells me that the game need 2 more culprits, and 1 more victim. Once I’m dead, only 1 more culprit will be needed
Toady: The way you did do it isn’t clear to me. Please explain
Nudge: Alright. So, it started off after I left Ralsei’s room. Just before then, I had snuck a bomb into his room
Ralsei: So that’s where the bomb came from
Nudge: Next, I unlocked my secret room, before going to sleep. This morning, instead of going to bowser in the dark world, I went to Max’ room for a snorlax mech
Max: So you made use of my stuff for the murder on my best friend
Nudge: Oh yeah, almost forgot ti mention that after leaving Ralsei’s room, I had a private conversation with Lely about how we would scrapie’s ourselves for everyone, including the dead people
Kris: How could you help dead people?
Nudge: Because once the requirement is fulfilled, everyone will be revived, except the victims will be at war against the cult prints, each with a main rival
Kris: So I’ll get to see lemon again?!
Nudge: Yep. Moving on, after Max went to my room, he was the true one that got hit by the first explosion, and the mech suit I had was affected by the second
Ralsei: So that would explain the metal shards I saw everywhere
Nudge: At this point, I went to collect Lely, though it was more like throwing him down the stairs
Luq: So that’s how you killed Lely
Nudge: Yep. And now, it is time for my punishment, and also for someone to join me
Ralsei: NO! No one is joining you
Nudge: So you want to make it hard. I mean it doesn’t surprise me, especially baring in mind being an alive killer grants you attention
Nudge: Ralsei, your next
*As he said that, the wall opened up, revealing a giant sphere, which flew straight into Nudge, crushing him*
Episode 16: The unofficial trial
Max: S-so, how will this work?
Nudge: Just like a normal trial. The catch is, I’m the one in charge of it, so I’ll make sure to keep you focused on the goal of you ever get sidetracked
Kris: So, what should we talk about first?
Ralsei: About how Max did it
Max: W-why would you say that?
Ralsei:Dont deny it. All the evidence leads to you
Max: I-I promise you. I-I’m innocent
Ralsei: Can you prove it?
Nudge: How about we start by talking about the condition of the body. I don’t have information on it so I’ll leave you lot to do the talking
Toady: He looks like he had fallen down the stairs
Ralsei: If that is what happened, then we can call him the worlds biggest idiot
Luq: Silence. So, if he did fall down the stairs, then how?
Nudge: Maybe he was pushed down
Ralsei: Who else could have done that other than Max? He had the power, and the location
Luq: Now that we know how he died, let’s talk about alibis
Toady:I was with Ralsei
Kris: And I was with Luq
Nudge: So that leaves me, Max, and Lely… unless the murder happened after I was blown up
Toady: Not possible, unless done by Max
Nudge: So you guys stuck together after the explosion… I guess we now need to narrow done which of us three did it
Toady: We can already eliminate Lely because he is the vict-
Ralsei: You ever heard of suicide?
Toady: You ever heard of shutting up before I perform a deadly prank?
Luq: I guess I should point out how there was no sign of struggle
Nudge: That could be performed by an explosion. Honestly, I’m surprised how the explosion didn’t kill me.
Kris: Wait, shouldn’t you be in a weakened state?
Ralsei: Nope. I healed him right before we met up with you
Kris: Wait, if it was an explosion, then couldn’t anyone be the killer?
Nudge: Yep
Toady: Sorry, but I still think Lely, Nudge, Or Max did it
Ralsei: Same
Nudge: This would be the perfect time for one of the trial splits, but we can’t do that, so we will just have to debate normally
Luq: Well then, I guess I should start by saying that an explosion like that would be unlikely to kill someone’s, especially from the other room
Nudge: Not if they are undamaged, but Lely would have likely fallen down the stairs by the time the explosion went off
Ralsei: Yes but I want Max to be the culprit
Max: Why!?
Ralsei: Because you irritate me
Luq: Says the irritating one
Toady: Anyway, if the explosion didn’t kill Max, and the explosion didn’t kill Nudge, then it wouldn’t have killed Lely
Nudge: You raise a fair point
Max: Wait, if that’s true, and the killer isn’t me or Lely, then does that mean…
Nudge: Yeah. Your right. I did it
Max: So… IT’S TRUE!!!
Nudge: Of course it is
Max: But… why?!?!?!
Nudge: Because me and Lely wanted to end the killing game, and I have the information with tells me that the game need 2 more culprits, and 1 more victim. Once I’m dead, only 1 more culprit will be needed
Toady: The way you did do it isn’t clear to me. Please explain
Nudge: Alright. So, it started off after I left Ralsei’s room. Just before then, I had snuck a bomb into his room
Ralsei: So that’s where the bomb came from
Nudge: Next, I unlocked my secret room, before going to sleep. This morning, instead of going to bowser in the dark world, I went to Max’ room for a snorlax mech
Max: So you made use of my stuff for the murder on my best friend
Nudge: Oh yeah, almost forgot ti mention that after leaving Ralsei’s room, I had a private conversation with Lely about how we would scrapie’s ourselves for everyone, including the dead people
Kris: How could you help dead people?
Nudge: Because once the requirement is fulfilled, everyone will be revived, except the victims will be at war against the cult prints, each with a main rival
Kris: So I’ll get to see lemon again?!
Nudge: Yep. Moving on, after Max went to my room, he was the true one that got hit by the first explosion, and the mech suit I had was affected by the second
Ralsei: So that would explain the metal shards I saw everywhere
Nudge: At this point, I went to collect Lely, though it was more like throwing him down the stairs
Luq: So that’s how you killed Lely
Nudge: Yep. And now, it is time for my punishment, and also for someone to join me
Ralsei: NO! No one is joining you
Nudge: So you want to make it hard. I mean it doesn’t surprise me, especially baring in mind being an alive killer grants you attention
Nudge: Ralsei, your next
*As he said that, the wall opened up, revealing a giant sphere, which flew straight into Nudge, crushing him*
Don't worry if I don't say much it's because I don't really know what to say, great episode as always ^^
Thanks. Now just ignore that I killed your best friend
Ah yes it's true, but you too are dead
On 2022-10-13 at 23:30:57
I have terrible news, which is that this is my third message on this topic in a row. I would like to apologise deeply to anyone that is offended by this act, and start the episode, knowing how this episode was such a horrible action
Episode 16: The unofficial trial
Max: S-so, how will this work?
Nudge: Just like a normal trial. The catch is, I’m the one in charge of it, so I’ll make sure to keep you focused on the goal of you ever get sidetracked
Kris: So, what should we talk about first?
Ralsei: About how Max did it
Max: W-why would you say that?
Ralsei:Dont deny it. All the evidence leads to you
Max: I-I promise you. I-I’m innocent
Ralsei: Can you prove it?
Nudge: How about we start by talking about the condition of the body. I don’t have information on it so I’ll leave you lot to do the talking
Toady: He looks like he had fallen down the stairs
Ralsei: If that is what happened, then we can call him the worlds biggest idiot
Luq: Silence. So, if he did fall down the stairs, then how?
Nudge: Maybe he was pushed down
Ralsei: Who else could have done that other than Max? He had the power, and the location
Luq: Now that we know how he died, let’s talk about alibis
Toady:I was with Ralsei
Kris: And I was with Luq
Nudge: So that leaves me, Max, and Lely… unless the murder happened after I was blown up
Toady: Not possible, unless done by Max
Nudge: So you guys stuck together after the explosion… I guess we now need to narrow done which of us three did it
Toady: We can already eliminate Lely because he is the vict-
Ralsei: You ever heard of suicide?
Toady: You ever heard of shutting up before I perform a deadly prank?
Luq: I guess I should point out how there was no sign of struggle
Nudge: That could be performed by an explosion. Honestly, I’m surprised how the explosion didn’t kill me.
Kris: Wait, shouldn’t you be in a weakened state?
Ralsei: Nope. I healed him right before we met up with you
Kris: Wait, if it was an explosion, then couldn’t anyone be the killer?
Nudge: Yep
Toady: Sorry, but I still think Lely, Nudge, Or Max did it
Ralsei: Same
Nudge: This would be the perfect time for one of the trial splits, but we can’t do that, so we will just have to debate normally
Luq: Well then, I guess I should start by saying that an explosion like that would be unlikely to kill someone’s, especially from the other room
Nudge: Not if they are undamaged, but Lely would have likely fallen down the stairs by the time the explosion went off
Ralsei: Yes but I want Max to be the culprit
Max: Why!?
Ralsei: Because you irritate me
Luq: Says the irritating one
Toady: Anyway, if the explosion didn’t kill Max, and the explosion didn’t kill Nudge, then it wouldn’t have killed Lely
Nudge: You raise a fair point
Max: Wait, if that’s true, and the killer isn’t me or Lely, then does that mean…
Nudge: Yeah. Your right. I did it
Max: So… IT’S TRUE!!!
Nudge: Of course it is
Max: But… why?!?!?!
Nudge: Because me and Lely wanted to end the killing game, and I have the information with tells me that the game need 2 more culprits, and 1 more victim. Once I’m dead, only 1 more culprit will be needed
Toady: The way you did do it isn’t clear to me. Please explain
Nudge: Alright. So, it started off after I left Ralsei’s room. Just before then, I had snuck a bomb into his room
Ralsei: So that’s where the bomb came from
Nudge: Next, I unlocked my secret room, before going to sleep. This morning, instead of going to bowser in the dark world, I went to Max’ room for a snorlax mech
Max: So you made use of my stuff for the murder on my best friend
Nudge: Oh yeah, almost forgot ti mention that after leaving Ralsei’s room, I had a private conversation with Lely about how we would scrapie’s ourselves for everyone, including the dead people
Kris: How could you help dead people?
Nudge: Because once the requirement is fulfilled, everyone will be revived, except the victims will be at war against the cult prints, each with a main rival
Kris: So I’ll get to see lemon again?!
Nudge: Yep. Moving on, after Max went to my room, he was the true one that got hit by the first explosion, and the mech suit I had was affected by the second
Ralsei: So that would explain the metal shards I saw everywhere
Nudge: At this point, I went to collect Lely, though it was more like throwing him down the stairs
Luq: So that’s how you killed Lely
Nudge: Yep. And now, it is time for my punishment, and also for someone to join me
Ralsei: NO! No one is joining you
Nudge: So you want to make it hard. I mean it doesn’t surprise me, especially baring in mind being an alive killer grants you attention
Nudge: Ralsei, your next
*As he said that, the wall opened up, revealing a giant sphere, which flew straight into Nudge, crushing him*
Episode 16: The unofficial trial
Max: S-so, how will this work?
Nudge: Just like a normal trial. The catch is, I’m the one in charge of it, so I’ll make sure to keep you focused on the goal of you ever get sidetracked
Kris: So, what should we talk about first?
Ralsei: About how Max did it
Max: W-why would you say that?
Ralsei:Dont deny it. All the evidence leads to you
Max: I-I promise you. I-I’m innocent
Ralsei: Can you prove it?
Nudge: How about we start by talking about the condition of the body. I don’t have information on it so I’ll leave you lot to do the talking
Toady: He looks like he had fallen down the stairs
Ralsei: If that is what happened, then we can call him the worlds biggest idiot
Luq: Silence. So, if he did fall down the stairs, then how?
Nudge: Maybe he was pushed down
Ralsei: Who else could have done that other than Max? He had the power, and the location
Luq: Now that we know how he died, let’s talk about alibis
Toady:I was with Ralsei
Kris: And I was with Luq
Nudge: So that leaves me, Max, and Lely… unless the murder happened after I was blown up
Toady: Not possible, unless done by Max
Nudge: So you guys stuck together after the explosion… I guess we now need to narrow done which of us three did it
Toady: We can already eliminate Lely because he is the vict-
Ralsei: You ever heard of suicide?
Toady: You ever heard of shutting up before I perform a deadly prank?
Luq: I guess I should point out how there was no sign of struggle
Nudge: That could be performed by an explosion. Honestly, I’m surprised how the explosion didn’t kill me.
Kris: Wait, shouldn’t you be in a weakened state?
Ralsei: Nope. I healed him right before we met up with you
Kris: Wait, if it was an explosion, then couldn’t anyone be the killer?
Nudge: Yep
Toady: Sorry, but I still think Lely, Nudge, Or Max did it
Ralsei: Same
Nudge: This would be the perfect time for one of the trial splits, but we can’t do that, so we will just have to debate normally
Luq: Well then, I guess I should start by saying that an explosion like that would be unlikely to kill someone’s, especially from the other room
Nudge: Not if they are undamaged, but Lely would have likely fallen down the stairs by the time the explosion went off
Ralsei: Yes but I want Max to be the culprit
Max: Why!?
Ralsei: Because you irritate me
Luq: Says the irritating one
Toady: Anyway, if the explosion didn’t kill Max, and the explosion didn’t kill Nudge, then it wouldn’t have killed Lely
Nudge: You raise a fair point
Max: Wait, if that’s true, and the killer isn’t me or Lely, then does that mean…
Nudge: Yeah. Your right. I did it
Max: So… IT’S TRUE!!!
Nudge: Of course it is
Max: But… why?!?!?!
Nudge: Because me and Lely wanted to end the killing game, and I have the information with tells me that the game need 2 more culprits, and 1 more victim. Once I’m dead, only 1 more culprit will be needed
Toady: The way you did do it isn’t clear to me. Please explain
Nudge: Alright. So, it started off after I left Ralsei’s room. Just before then, I had snuck a bomb into his room
Ralsei: So that’s where the bomb came from
Nudge: Next, I unlocked my secret room, before going to sleep. This morning, instead of going to bowser in the dark world, I went to Max’ room for a snorlax mech
Max: So you made use of my stuff for the murder on my best friend
Nudge: Oh yeah, almost forgot ti mention that after leaving Ralsei’s room, I had a private conversation with Lely about how we would scrapie’s ourselves for everyone, including the dead people
Kris: How could you help dead people?
Nudge: Because once the requirement is fulfilled, everyone will be revived, except the victims will be at war against the cult prints, each with a main rival
Kris: So I’ll get to see lemon again?!
Nudge: Yep. Moving on, after Max went to my room, he was the true one that got hit by the first explosion, and the mech suit I had was affected by the second
Ralsei: So that would explain the metal shards I saw everywhere
Nudge: At this point, I went to collect Lely, though it was more like throwing him down the stairs
Luq: So that’s how you killed Lely
Nudge: Yep. And now, it is time for my punishment, and also for someone to join me
Ralsei: NO! No one is joining you
Nudge: So you want to make it hard. I mean it doesn’t surprise me, especially baring in mind being an alive killer grants you attention
Nudge: Ralsei, your next
*As he said that, the wall opened up, revealing a giant sphere, which flew straight into Nudge, crushing him*
Don't worry if I don't say much it's because I don't really know what to say, great episode as always ^^