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Mario Kart 64 2

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Jey78 wrote:
Alors non, je ne vais pas parler d'un jeu 64DD mais d'un...

Hack de textures !
de Mario Kart 64. Alors qu'est-ce que ça va donner ?

Déjà pas de nouvelles courses sauf si j'arrive à installer une version assez récente de Pitstop64. :(

(oui, il y a toujours un mais !)

    • Les textures du jeu seront modifiés
    • Il y aura de nouveaux personnages totalements customisés

C'est tout pour le moment. Je vais créer mon hack avec Pitstop64, mais je n'arrive pas à obtenir de versions très récentes (je suis en version donc je pourrai pas créer de nouvelles courses ni de nouvelles musiques.

Encore, une fois, ce topic n'est pas juste là pour la pub 8) car...

Vous pouvez partciper !
Pour ça, contactez moi en MP sur Discord ;)

Si vous avez une version de Pitstop64 plus récente que la, n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer le lien de téléchargement sur Discord :)
So no, I'm not talking about a 64DD game but a...

Texture Hack!
of Mario Kart 64. So what will it give?

Already no new races unless I manage to install a fairly recent version of Pitstop64. :(

(yes, there is always a but!)

     • Game textures will be changed
     • There will be new fully customized characters

That's all for the moment. I'm going to create my hack with Pitstop64, but I can't get very recent versions (I'm on version so I won't be able to create new races or new music.

Again, this topic is not just here for publicity 8) because...

You can participate!
For that, contact me in pm on Discord ;)

If you have a version of Pitstop64 newer than, feel free to send me the download link on Discord :)

Ca pourrais être cool de faire un MK642.

Organisation désorganisé :(

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer ceci :
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Je ne vois pas de bug.

Reviewing every Mario Kart Wii tracks and ranking them afterwards

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Killulely wrote:
Killulely wrote:
Hello everyone!
It's been a while since I didn't do a topic of this kind, and I felt like doing it with a game I've been playing a lot lately ; Mario Kart Wii.
Well anyways, let's get into it !

Luigi Circuit
This track is really simple. For a beginner track, it can be pleasing, fun (it's got an easy shortcut and an harder shortcut, some boosts, some nice turns), but when you start to get better at the game, you kind of lose your love for this track. It becomes very forgettable, very easy, even if it's pretty fun I guess. It's not that bad but it's still boring. 2/5.

Moo Moo Meadows
My dad thinks this course is easy since 2019 and I have more trouble racing on this than on DK Summit (and that's for real).
I seem to be attached to the Moo Moos to the point where I'm hugging them at every race. It has gotten annoying, since while I'm doing this they're eating my item. There's plenty of grass though, notably those grass patches who will always cause me trouble at the end. If you take a ramp, you won't see the patch waiting for you down below. And trust me, I lost some ranks because of this. Anyways, it's a pretty fun track, nothing to get crazy about, but still a bit more creative and a bit funnier. 3/5.

Mushroom Gorge
This track is one of the funniest Wii tracks and one of the most satisfying tracks in the whole franchise. It is really good for a Mushroom Cup track, it's fairly easy but it has got its part of challenge and the difficulty climbs during the level, as an example given the mushrooms are found in three big sections. The beginning
which is a pretty easy shortcut and a simple Mushroom to bounce on. Then it becomes a split path where you can avoid the mushrooms if you're not fine with it. It's also easier to fall. Then you end up in the cave, where you'll be obligated to touch the mushrooms whatsoever. And trust me, a bad turn or a missed jump can cost more than you think. And at the end there's cute Goombas waiting for you to cut through the grass patch or to take the turn tightly. It's really a fun and creative track, with an amazing setting and a lot of creativity. Oh, and this track would've sucked without the tricks. 5/5

Toad's Factory
I don't play much on this track. It's pretty good in terms of challenge, especially with the mud patch at the end being able to change everything in a couple of seconds. It has gotten an incredible theming, that's the least I can say. MKWii's Nitros were so creative I swear. This circuit has a great structure, starting off easily with conveyors and crushers. Then, you'll have to carefully avoid boxes going left to right and not getting dragged away by the conveyors. There's also two conveyors before the final section ; and as you pop out of the factory, a grand and exciting music pops out, ending where a huge mud patch is placed. If you miss the boosts, then you're done for ! What a fun track. Easily a 5/5.

GCN Peach Beach
Peach Beach is kinda boring tbh. But it's still a cute track. The tides slowly covering the beach, then going away  then going back... the Cataquacks, even if they're pieces of garbage (and you haven't played the Watermelon Festival yet 😂), they add some challenge. If those freaking ducks weren't here
the beach would be so empty and boring. At least it references Mario Sunshine well. And I love hearing the Pianta voices near the town. I'm a sucker for Piantas. their main error was deleting the warp pipe, but everything else is fine, even if it's kinda boring. 3/5.

DS Yoshi Falls
This track is overhated. It has gotten a gorgeous scenery and nobody has ever mentioned that. It's pretty shocking tbh. I can understand, the track is a boring loop, no variety in gameplay, not much challenges... it's still beautiful and a fun track. I mean, there is boosts, there is some ramps, some waterfalls... the scenery is beautiful... so yes, it's boring. But it's But it's very overhated. Objectively though, I'll have to go with a 2/5.

SNES Ghost Valley 2
Not an amazing track. The track is flat, okay that's for nostalgia but that's still sorta... boring. I mean, there is an interesting shortcut, some challenge without being too hard and frustrating... but aside from that, let's be honest. It's a flat bridge in the darkness with some border blocks that fall off when you hit them.

N64 Mario Raceway
Shell Cup has got everything, the one which takes what it deserves (Peach Beach), the overhated one (Yoshi Falls), the overrated one (Ghost Valley 2) and the underrated one (Mario Raceway).
I'll gladly say it again, this track is underrated. The turns are nice and are pretty challenging for a beginner and pretty easy for better players. There is actually a lot of shortcuts you can take, and I love that big pipe at the end. Sure, it's pretty boring, but it's still a sold track. 4/5.

I'll be covering other tracks tomorrow, I'm too tired to cover more today.

J'ai le jeu.

Tu n'as pas besoin d'écrire un message pour me le faire savoir, ou alors tu peux le développer un peu plus, par exemple donner ton avis sur le jeu

J'aime le jeu car il y a pleins de personnages et il les développeurs de MKWII ont remis ma course préférer.
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Killulely wrote:
Hello everyone!
It's been a while since I didn't do a topic of this kind, and I felt like doing it with a game I've been playing a lot lately ; Mario Kart Wii.
Well anyways, let's get into it !

Luigi Circuit
This track is really simple. For a beginner track, it can be pleasing, fun (it's got an easy shortcut and an harder shortcut, some boosts, some nice turns), but when you start to get better at the game, you kind of lose your love for this track. It becomes very forgettable, very easy, even if it's pretty fun I guess. It's not that bad but it's still boring. 2/5.

Moo Moo Meadows
My dad thinks this course is easy since 2019 and I have more trouble racing on this than on DK Summit (and that's for real).
I seem to be attached to the Moo Moos to the point where I'm hugging them at every race. It has gotten annoying, since while I'm doing this they're eating my item. There's plenty of grass though, notably those grass patches who will always cause me trouble at the end. If you take a ramp, you won't see the patch waiting for you down below. And trust me, I lost some ranks because of this. Anyways, it's a pretty fun track, nothing to get crazy about, but still a bit more creative and a bit funnier. 3/5.

Mushroom Gorge
This track is one of the funniest Wii tracks and one of the most satisfying tracks in the whole franchise. It is really good for a Mushroom Cup track, it's fairly easy but it has got its part of challenge and the difficulty climbs during the level, as an example given the mushrooms are found in three big sections. The beginning
which is a pretty easy shortcut and a simple Mushroom to bounce on. Then it becomes a split path where you can avoid the mushrooms if you're not fine with it. It's also easier to fall. Then you end up in the cave, where you'll be obligated to touch the mushrooms whatsoever. And trust me, a bad turn or a missed jump can cost more than you think. And at the end there's cute Goombas waiting for you to cut through the grass patch or to take the turn tightly. It's really a fun and creative track, with an amazing setting and a lot of creativity. Oh, and this track would've sucked without the tricks. 5/5

Toad's Factory
I don't play much on this track. It's pretty good in terms of challenge, especially with the mud patch at the end being able to change everything in a couple of seconds. It has gotten an incredible theming, that's the least I can say. MKWii's Nitros were so creative I swear. This circuit has a great structure, starting off easily with conveyors and crushers. Then, you'll have to carefully avoid boxes going left to right and not getting dragged away by the conveyors. There's also two conveyors before the final section ; and as you pop out of the factory, a grand and exciting music pops out, ending where a huge mud patch is placed. If you miss the boosts, then you're done for ! What a fun track. Easily a 5/5.

GCN Peach Beach
Peach Beach is kinda boring tbh. But it's still a cute track. The tides slowly covering the beach, then going away  then going back... the Cataquacks, even if they're pieces of garbage (and you haven't played the Watermelon Festival yet 😂), they add some challenge. If those freaking ducks weren't here
the beach would be so empty and boring. At least it references Mario Sunshine well. And I love hearing the Pianta voices near the town. I'm a sucker for Piantas. their main error was deleting the warp pipe, but everything else is fine, even if it's kinda boring. 3/5.

DS Yoshi Falls
This track is overhated. It has gotten a gorgeous scenery and nobody has ever mentioned that. It's pretty shocking tbh. I can understand, the track is a boring loop, no variety in gameplay, not much challenges... it's still beautiful and a fun track. I mean, there is boosts, there is some ramps, some waterfalls... the scenery is beautiful... so yes, it's boring. But it's But it's very overhated. Objectively though, I'll have to go with a 2/5.

SNES Ghost Valley 2
Not an amazing track. The track is flat, okay that's for nostalgia but that's still sorta... boring. I mean, there is an interesting shortcut, some challenge without being too hard and frustrating... but aside from that, let's be honest. It's a flat bridge in the darkness with some border blocks that fall off when you hit them.

N64 Mario Raceway
Shell Cup has got everything, the one which takes what it deserves (Peach Beach), the overhated one (Yoshi Falls), the overrated one (Ghost Valley 2) and the underrated one (Mario Raceway).
I'll gladly say it again, this track is underrated. The turns are nice and are pretty challenging for a beginner and pretty easy for better players. There is actually a lot of shortcuts you can take, and I love that big pipe at the end. Sure, it's pretty boring, but it's still a sold track. 4/5.

I'll be covering other tracks tomorrow, I'm too tired to cover more today.

J'ai le jeu.

Projet : Super Mario Galaxy 3

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Je pourrait inventer des mondes?

Quel est vôtre son d circuit préfére

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
ABDUDEL wrote:
La musique du circuit

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
ABDUDEL wrote:
Slt mes sons de circuit préfére sont

1 Circuit en 8
2 Plage Maskass
3 Desert Yoshi
4 pays crépuscule

Quel son?


Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Bienvenue sur MKPC!!!!

mario kart gouini

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
gouini wrote:
je vais creer ma multicoupe mkg il y aura de beau circuits et je vais les faire sur paint ce sera plus original que jai fait et ce sera sur paint donc ce sera plus joli qu avant.
il y aura des bataille mais je sais pas comment faire encore des bataille. jespere ca vous plaira aboner-vous au topic et a moi pour voir les circuits je sais je force xd

il y aura 2 coupes dans un premier temps pour la beta et y en aura dautres beaucoup !!! fete de smiley !!!

Je t'encourage a faire cette multicoupe.

c'est qui la personne avec laquel vous avez le plus de message privé

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion

Ask me anything - Undertaker

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Kirbolord wrote:
Hello, I’m sorry I made this type of topic, but the last one I made just sucked. So I decided to make a new one! All you have to do
is ez! Ask me anything!

Aime-tu Kirby

Quel est votre perso préféré

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion

Quel est vôtre Mario kart préféré et détester

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
adorer: Mario Kart Double-Dash

détester: Aucun


[FANFIC] MKPC Vampyre plauge

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion

Quel est vôtre circuit préfére

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
ABDUDEL wrote:
Slt quel est vôtre circuit préfére moi c désert Yoshi yoshi

Moi, c'est Aéroport Azur car j'adore la musique:


Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
gouini wrote:
j'ai finalement trouver comment faire un compte ! j'ai hate de jouer au jeu

Bienvenue sur MKPC

Quel est votre jeu vidéo préférer ?

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
En exemple Mario Maker 2

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Mario Kart Wii

the last of me

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Ok so I was planning a new game BUT I decided not to.
Never memorize these words:
I will not come back unless I have a BIG idea.

:WARNING: Don't wish me goodbye, I will never come back. :WARNING:

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Also LOVE senko.

I will become something like this:


I will become kirby.




Pourquoi part-tu?

Gif of the Day

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion

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