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Mon circuit Minecraft

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Oui, mieux que avant (c trè gran)

Tu peux renoter?
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
J'ai mdifié mon circuit Minecraft, est-ce que ile est mieux?:

[Fanfic] ~ MKPC Archipel (2023 edition)

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Seungpup wrote:
Chapter 1 : One two three 새로운 시작이야
On the peaceful grass of Royall Raceway...
Nudge : I love doing fusion with Pokemon. I wonder if the same thing is possible with humans if we got them to fu--
Lely : Way too much information
Nudge : - kpop stan 🤓
Lely : Won't you shut up for a second
Nudge : Oh yes and I'll also put you on mute so that I can finally listen to osc-omb m--
Lely : We REALLY do NOT need to know-- wait where are you going with this tape roll?
While Nudge was battling with Lely to put tape on the mouth of the younger, Max was listening to Pink Floyd, until..
Dietsoda : Hell no I can't. Stop screaming and straining your voice, mayfly.
Ouchy : The iconic line is back !
And now it was Dietsoda against Max, Dietsoda trying to softlock Max out of YouTube.
SYK : What a boring life 🙄😒
VC : I'm fine with taking some rest tbh, I've been having troubles to sleep, notably because I wake up everytime, with the same old unending nightmare: there's a parallel world where our life is terrible...
SYK : Gurl 🤪 you sound like a fucking grandma. 🙄 Get up and get a life 😁🤭
VC : You do what you want but I'm not moving, like at all.
SYK then actually started to walk away, only to take the bus from Royal Raceway to Super Bell Subway to find vacation ideas. Little did he know that...
SYK : Hey guys, I booked a month of vacation away from this boring place! It says the place is called MKPC Archipel !
*awkward silence*
Blaze : Wait that reminds me of something-
SYK : The flight begins in 30 minutes!! 😁
VC : Guess what ? I'm still not moving either way. and I STAND by that.
SYK : Gurl ur sitting 🤪
VC : *deep sigh* what have I gotten myself into...
Once every MKPCian packed their bags...
Nudge : I hope we will find Monokuma there
But anyways, the flight began, and it was going quite well, Max even falling asleep while listening his playlist of calm songs from Muse.
Or so they thought.
*loud noises of turbulence*

Speaker : Attention everyone, the plane is meeting turbulences. I ask every person on this flight to buckle up and to let any of their activities behind for now. The plane is likely to shake, so if you have motion sickness, there are bags which can be used as options. ETA being 45 minutes including 42 minutes of turbulence. I also demand to every of the members to not move at all, even if it's to give something to someone.

Nudge : Is this a bad time to say that I really have to use the bathroom
VC : I'm very much officially DONE. YOU HEAR THAT ? I. AM DONE !

Ironically ETA by NewJeans started playing on the plane's radio... welp.

MKPC Archipel
Lely : Finally we are THERE. I can stretch my legs and go take a swim in the ocean
IlluZhion : Please don't pull a Peko on us

At the back of the plane...

VC : *sighs of relief* Wow, we made it to the archipel without any problem.
Also I thought Nudgy would be in a rush but he seems pretty calm.

Nudge : It's because I literally cannot fucking move.
VC : Want some help ?
Nudge : The opposite of no
VC : Well then.

While VC and Nudge headed to the plane's bathroom, Bj started investigating the island by itself, Dietsoda visibly doing the same. Once Nudge was finished, the plane immediately went away.
Brint : We could definitively use those trees to make fire... but are we allowed to ?
Ouchy : I agree on this, they kinda fed us to the wolves...
Dietsoda : Sure, but I think that's an opportunity to figure solutions out by ourselves and to mature. Is this an experiment or is this a vacation trip ? A little bit of both. And what's this island covered in magma that we can see from afar ? Is that..  my brother on the top of it ?
Cringeh : Bruh I don't see anything
IlluZhion : I think so yup. Anyways, I need to take pictures of this island, this is a really beautiful place. Lely ! Come here.
D4rk : I see some grass, which means I can also touch grass 😍
Cringeh : Touching grass.... it's my dream too. I'd love to do it someday.
Blaze : That's literally what you were doing on Royal Raceway 2 hours ago 💀
Cringeh : I forgor 💀
Krazey : Hey everyone, let's keep track of time and of responsibilities. Shouldn't we all team up and live together until the month is done
Noob : I'd rather not personnally... I don't know why but I feel uncomfortable about it.
ToadFan98 : I understand. We all have different views on what to do during ONE whole month on this island, so if we lived together we might have trouble agreeing on things. I personnally want to explore a bit, because oh boy this looks like there are things to see around.
Noob : You can do that if you want, but personnally I don't want to risk anything adventuring myself on the unknown parts of this island
Krazey : But at some point we need to reunite to create our own map of the island. And for that, we need to investigate, and all of the stuff around it, which means we are NOT going to rest, but let's just... rest for this evening. We want to get familiar with this island first, right ?
Max : Also what do we do if we have to use the bathroom ?
Chaz : There are bushes EVERYWHERE so obviously you call the plane so it comes all the way back and then you can use the plane bathroom !

Jk but when you know you know

Dietsoda : This sounds so mundane to have such debates about such things... I hope I will have enough mental willpower to get used to this level of intelligence.
Coolio : We're in one hell of a ride... and this is only the first day. I don't dare to imagine what's going to happen next...
But anyways, the night fell as quickly as they could spell all of their names, and SYK brought enough snacks for literally everyone. That's what they ate before going into the beach cottages that have been constructed in a very rusty way. And then they fell asleep.
Until, in the middle of the night...

*knocking noises*
Lely : *sleepy voice* Illu, it's 4 in the morning, Ruri better be sick for you to knock right now.
IlluZhion : It's not about her...
Lely : What happened then ?
IlluZhion : I heard something under the cottage...

To be continued...

Very Good;)

Mario Kart +

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion

i did it

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
i finally got gold on all cups hehe


this topic is extremely useless and i know the existence of SFA but it was a pain

the toughest one for me was flower cup of all cups

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
i finally got gold on all cups hehe


this topic is extremely useless and i know the existence of SFA but it was a pain

the toughest one for me was flower cup of all cups

Moi aussi, j'ai finis toutes les coupes:):):).

I too have finished all the cuts :) :).

Votre Route Arc-en-ciel préférée ?

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Maxxie wrote:
Quand je pose cette question, j'ai tendance a avoir toujours des réponses différentes, mais on m'explique rarement pourquoi.

Du coup j'aimerai savoir, quelle est votre Route-Arc-En-Ciel préférée ? Et pourquoi ?

La mienne est celle de la SNES, car je la trouve très simple mais fait le stricte nécessaire, elle est jolie, sa musique est intemporelle, et encore aujourd'hui sonne magnifiquement, la course en elle-même est très cool, les thwomps invincibles sont jolis et en plus permettent des sauts synchros dans les remakes récents.
Bref, je l'adore ... mais visiblement c'est pas le cas de tout le monde

Moi c'est celle de Mario kart 7 car je suis un passioné d'astronomie.;)

vos 5 jeux video preferer

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
1)Mario Kart Double-Dash
2)Mario Kart Wii
3)Super Mario 64
4)Star Fox 64
5)Simcity Créator

Mon serveur Guilded

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Je locke le topic
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Realboy wrote:
@Realboy, ça pourrais pas t'intéressé?

j'ai pas guilded :/

c'est un site
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
@Realboy, ça pourrais pas t'intéressé?
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Maskass_64 wrote:
Je ne comprends pas !

Bah... Reconnecte-toi avec un autre compte
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Maskass_64 wrote:
J'ai une question pour toi @Pingouin-64_Maker-78, pourquoi sur ton site:Quand je reviens,et que j'ai quitté je ne peux plus me connecté à mon compte?

C'est possible?
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Senko wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
Senko wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
Salut les gens!!!!
j'ai crée monn serveur Guilded. Rejoigner-moi!!:
Pour qu'il y est plus de gens Discord c'est mieux

Je ne peux pas j'ai 13 ans

Non si t'as 13 ans c'est bon normalement

ça ne marche pas
Qu'est-ce qui marche pas? De créer un serveur?

Non, de crée un compte
Ca te dit quoi quand t'essaye d'en faire un?


ah oui mais merde en France c'est supposé être 15 ans et non 13 comme dans d'autres pays, je m'étais fait avoir quand j'avais voulu créer mon premier compte discord à 14 ans 😅
Bon dcp jsp si t'as une autre adresse mail pour rééssayer (car normalement tu peux plus utiliser la première) et met un âge bcp plus grand, de toute façon sur le discord mkpc on limite juste à 13 ans sachant qu'il y a probablement des gamins plus jeunes dessus sans qu'on sache

En fait, j'ai un truc parental
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Nodac64 wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
Senko wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
Salut les gens!!!!
j'ai crée monn serveur Guilded. Rejoigner-moi!!:
Pour qu'il y est plus de gens Discord c'est mieux

Je ne peux pas j'ai 13 ans

Non si t'as 13 ans c'est bon normalement

ça ne marche pas
Qu'est-ce qui marche pas? De créer un serveur?

Non, de crée un compte
Ca te dit quoi quand t'essaye d'en faire un?

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Venez sur stream, je straem sur Guilded

Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Venez sur stream, je straem sur Guilded
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Nodac64 wrote:
Senko wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
Salut les gens!!!!
j'ai crée monn serveur Guilded. Rejoigner-moi!!:
Pour qu'il y est plus de gens Discord c'est mieux

Je ne peux pas j'ai 13 ans

Non si t'as 13 ans c'est bon normalement

ça ne marche pas
Qu'est-ce qui marche pas? De créer un serveur?

Non, de crée un compte
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
Senko wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
Salut les gens!!!!
j'ai crée monn serveur Guilded. Rejoigner-moi!!:
Pour qu'il y est plus de gens Discord c'est mieux

Je ne peux pas j'ai 13 ans

Non si t'as 13 ans c'est bon normalement

ça ne marche pas
Messages 1063 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs27640 pts ★ Legend
battle11612 pts ★ Champion
ratata wrote:
ratata wrote:
Nodac64 wrote:
ratata wrote:
Salut les gens!!!!
j'ai crée monn serveur Guilded. Rejoigner-moi!!:

je suis dessus mais je ne sais pas comment ca marche
Tu connais Discord? Si oui c'est la même chose.

non desole ca ne me dit rien

ce n'est pas grave je vais m'en passer

De mon serveur ou de Discord?

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