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Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
hello yall

hi everlyn

lol it doesnt matter if u call me everlynn or august, anyways hello uhh mluigi cuz i wont type that out
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
hello yall
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
TE_mkfanYT wrote:
guys imma start a minecraft server (for java), who wanna play? (actually nvm, i'll set it up but once im comfortable ill give a couple of people the address)
NOTICE: 5 Players (owner excluded & aternos bot) Can Only Be On This Server
list of players (owner excluded & aternos bot):

i can join?

uhh sure dm me ur MC User (cracked miencraft is allowed)
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
oh wow java i totally wont transpile this into javascript in order to execute this using node.js bcuz i'm too lazy to install a jdk
public static void main(String[] args)
marvelous, so gorgeous.

ok this programming language should've never existed, im gonna try typescript
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
guys imma start a minecraft server (for java), who wanna play?

can we join on mobile or switch?

java is for computers. and the protocol for bedrock is not the same as the java protocol. idk if java is on switch though
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
guys imma start a minecraft server (for java), who wanna play? (actually nvm, i'll set it up but once im comfortable ill give a couple of people the address)

Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
oh wow java i totally wont transpile this into javascript in order to execute this using node.js bcuz i'm too lazy to install a jdk
public static void main(String[] args)
marvelous, so gorgeous.
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
UraniumMan wrote:
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Josh_ wrote:
Josh_ wrote:
Invu wrote:
Does Anybody Else Feel Like New Year's Was Only a Few Months Ago? Like Time Has Been Going Really Fast This Year? the Weird Thing Is That It Doesn't Even Feel Like I've Been Having Fun, and Yet Time Still Is Going by Very Quickly, I Don't Even Remember Any Very Notable Fun Moments This Year. All I Remember Is... July and Up. I Don't Even Remember the Months Before That Happening

That is SO true, I feel so surprised that summer is going to end in like barely 3 weeks and I feel like last summer was 1 month ago

yeah like the months went


i forgot may lol

ur still correct though- (may felt like .1 seconds for me idk why)

I dont even remember what happened in may, i only really remember last year's may because TOTK came out
idk why may is just unmemorable and sooo short
Yeah, I even keep forgetting the month even EXISTED

Nothing ever happens in May so why would anyone remember it

there isn't a single memory that i have that happened in may, may is just a blank month that barely nothing exciting happens. the only thing i have from may is notebooks that i used in school
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Josh_ wrote:
Josh_ wrote:
Invu wrote:
Does Anybody Else Feel Like New Year's Was Only a Few Months Ago? Like Time Has Been Going Really Fast This Year? the Weird Thing Is That It Doesn't Even Feel Like I've Been Having Fun, and Yet Time Still Is Going by Very Quickly, I Don't Even Remember Any Very Notable Fun Moments This Year. All I Remember Is... July and Up. I Don't Even Remember the Months Before That Happening

That is SO true, I feel so surprised that summer is going to end in like barely 3 weeks and I feel like last summer was 1 month ago

yeah like the months went


i forgot may lol

ur still correct though- (may felt like .1 seconds for me idk why)

I dont even remember what happened in may, i only really remember last year's may because TOTK came out
idk why may is just unmemorable and sooo short
Yeah, I even keep forgetting the month even EXISTED
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Josh_ wrote:
Josh_ wrote:
Invu wrote:
Does Anybody Else Feel Like New Year's Was Only a Few Months Ago? Like Time Has Been Going Really Fast This Year? the Weird Thing Is That It Doesn't Even Feel Like I've Been Having Fun, and Yet Time Still Is Going by Very Quickly, I Don't Even Remember Any Very Notable Fun Moments This Year. All I Remember Is... July and Up. I Don't Even Remember the Months Before That Happening

That is SO true, I feel so surprised that summer is going to end in like barely 3 weeks and I feel like last summer was 1 month ago

yeah like the months went


i forgot may lol

ur still correct though- (may felt like .1 seconds for me idk why)
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
hi guys
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
guys tendo found my scratch account
i deleted the acc
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
guys tendo found my scratch account
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Yoshi649 wrote:
Fiery wrote:
Mortals, Wingdings do not work on my device therefore I can see your messages


What does imao mean?

google it
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Fiery wrote:
Mortals, Wingdings do not work on my device therefore I can see your messages

Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Yoshi649 wrote:
there's a lot of available fonts in mkpc that aren't listed so here's a list of some i can name (also this might not work for some of yous based on your system font

Arial Narrow
fuck you, Wingdings
Google Sans
Noto Sans CJK HK

What the hell is this weird font
i honestly do not know but i like it
it works great for hiding secret codes!

except when someone quotes ya
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
Yoshi649 wrote:
there's a lot of available fonts in mkpc that aren't listed so here's a list of some i can name (also this might not work for some of yous based on your system font

Arial Narrow
fuck you, Wingdings
Google Sans
Noto Sans CJK HK

What the hell is this weird font
i honestly do not know but i like it
Messages 621 - Mario Mario
vs4953 pts ★ Budding pilot
battle5000 pts ★ Novice

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