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Warning!!!! Too Scary! Do Not click on this.

Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Not scary, Didnt AAAAAAAH😱

My Apologies

Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master

You said the word wow !:D

I might leave

Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
KirbyBoy wrote:
I might Leave If People Here don't Find My Memes Funny. I want to Join a Website that has People with a Sence of Humor!

Ok bye then !


Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Dietsoda wrote:
Episode 1:

The Deluzhion, a small transport ship, was flying towards a large world where people would buy snacks for loads of money. It was crewed by a small group of people.

Illuzhion: Hey, you, crewmate!
Xrunner48: yes?
Illuzhion: Why is the ship shaking?
Mistercringeh: Someone sabotaged!
Noob: Who could've done it?
Mistercringeh: I think it was him.

Cringeh points towards a drum on the floor

Noob: Yeah because a drum can sabotage the ship.

The drum jumps up

Con: bet
Noob: what? It's alive?
Illuzhion: yeah it's our emotional support drum

The ship suddenly falls into orbit of a planet

Mistercringeh: I vote the drum
Con: My name is Con.
Mistercringeh: I vote the Con
Illuzhion: We aren't voting people off.

Everyone ( other than Xrunner48 ) blacks out.

Mistercringeh Where am I?
K: You citizen, come with me.
Mistercringeh: Ok?

Cool. If that K kill me on the fanfic I will destroy the Earth Yeah very cool
Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
xrunner48 wrote:

Anyone want to join our ship? Free m&ms to anyone who joins. (also a packet of ready salted walkers crisps)

I want to join (for the m&ms)
Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Dietsoda wrote:
So basically everyone's in space. There are loads of wars all of our ships fell onto one planet and we need to find a way off-world but we don't know how to. I'll just need the classics:

Colour: The colour I use when I type your dialog
Name: your name
Species: your characters species
Weapons: 1-2 Weapons your character has
Ability: 1 ability they have (not op)
Description: Description of your character if I draw anything

Note: please choose some strange species or just take random characters from fiction.

I will also need you to select allies among the other users. These alliances will be chosen by your starting ship. These are:

Big human ship
Alien ship
Personal ship

Dietsoda: elf, large rifle and sword, good at hiding, elf with armour and cloak.
Xrunner48: Void thing?, void katana and void bow, reaction times, his pfp
Brint: Buzzy beetle, coconut weapon, can make weaponry.
K: Space marine, mechanical arms and hand flamer, go berserk, pfp but red armour

Colour: Navy
Name: MisterCringeh or Cringeh
Species: Human that have the color of... space?
Weapons: A Black Hole Orb (If it count)
Ability: Maybe can make Black Hole with the Orb (Just on the condition of having enough energy to do that otherwise it would be too easy to beat people)

And for Alliance idk

I Was Gone For 3 Days Camping, and Coopa Gets Banned?

Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
KirbyBoy wrote:
I was having a Great Time Camping, and I come home Excited To Tell Coopa And Everyone Else what Happened, and Coopa Gets Banned!raah
I Got No Message saying He Was Banned. And I'm Worried If He will be Banned Forever.

I don't want this to Be a Useless Topic, but I just want to Explain what happened.

Is useless messages in example

Toad or Yoshi ?

Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
YOSHI les gays c'est la base Toad c'est de la grosse m****

Euh tu as fumé quoi pour écrire ça? Gentillement maintenant ? Mais bon moi je suis Team Yoshi aussi
Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
MysteryMan wrote:
I will forever be a Yoshi supporter. yoshi

Me too, but Toad is really good too toad
Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
me when nobody gets that im joking (skull)
also i choose toad

You revived a topic for a (unfunny?) joke?
Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Then if the topic is here :
Yoshi yoshi
Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
it has to be
Spoiler [ShowHide]
he's the best character

This topic is Toad or Yoshi ...

Server completely destroyed

Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Spamer wrote:

Really great word WOW you said the reality

Online madness GUYS

Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Post it on Private message?


Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
59Zr wrote:
I was racing as wiggler but when he REALLY turn red when he got hit.

Gif moment, its not rare to see that

what is "reversedrifting"?

Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
keyboard down arrow + Ctrl + Left/Right

what is the new purple shell item?

Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Je rêve ou tout ke monde parle d une coquille vouler ou coquille noir

Euh oui l'item du 1er Avril nommé poétiquement "🌹Carapace Violet🌹"
Mais il est pas dans le jeu ? et plus sa sert a quoi

Normal c'étais un poisson d'avril, en gros tu vois la carapace bleue qui dégomme le premier joueur? Et bah la violet dégomme le Dernier
Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
Je rêve ou tout ke monde parle d une coquille vouler ou coquille noir

Euh oui l'item du 1er Avril nommé poétiquement "🌹Carapace Violet🌹"
Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
DarkShell wrote:
the purple shell is the purple shell... duh

Purple shell is actually a blue shell with purple paint. And it actually make the shell blind and it hit the last one and not the first.8)
Messages 5067 - King Mario King Mario
vs37479 pts ★ Legend
battle16626 pts ★ Master
osc-omb wrote:
Better than aluigi fucking over the game

What did he do?

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