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Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Let's see if i can finally figure lounge out :p

Hunger Games simulator

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States

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no kills for me 😢
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Fiery wrote:
Kommisar_K wrote:
Somebody put me in one

.Bro you’re in the default template Dudzi sent lmao

Oh shi- ok
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Somebody put me in one

MKPCian Dictionary

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
-Alyssa- wrote:
Kommisar_K wrote:

Forum teen; noun - forum kid who uses age as an excuse to not be called a forum kid.

Didn't even know people did that, seems like someone would though (most likely a forum kid right after they reach 13)

*Puts on monocle*

Detailed research has revealed that certain people will claim exemption from the 'forum kid' title at age 15. However the definition applies to ages 13 to 19.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States

Forum teen; noun - forum kid who uses age as an excuse to not be called a forum kid.
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States

What; a single-word message once posted in a topic called mkpc dictionary that contributed very little to the topic

Suggestions For MKPC

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Fiery wrote:
Jey78 wrote:
Stop asking Wargor for updates. These previous ideas are unlikely to be added. Adding voices to the characters would be long and totally useless because it would be less "SNES". The N64 and GCN tracks are for the most part not found and in poor quality + the circuits of the other members exist. And no need to add them in play in doubles especially given the ton of circuits that would have to be added in these cases.

Just stop asking Wargor for useless things all the time.

Are you dumb? These are suggestions, Not commands.facepalm

See the date of that comment

I know, I was late.facepalm But I couldn't NOT say anything even though somebody already told him

I wanna cry
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
New Idea: People should be awarded for contributing to the site. For example: reporting Mistranslations on the Report a wrong Translation topic more than 5 times. (with the reports getting accepted)

For the translations you do, or anything you do that helps MKPC at all, you should be given a badge called "Contributor to the site".
Like the achievements on Lely's profile.
This would get more people to report Mistranslations, and help out with the site!

Or we'd have even more minimodding and the admins would get a backlog of messages from people desperately trying to be seen as useful just so they can get a badge.

Good idea tho! Honestly! It's good, I just have a bad habit of always playing devil's advocate :p:$
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
@BMKRacer explain why you're facepalming a bunch of ancient messages.

Aaaaand the account is deleted. It was an alt, wasn't it
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
If I was Wargor, I think we should replace every Mario character by Danganronpa characters... And I'd make this game 3D, it only lacks that to be perfect. Also community should have the power to ban anyone by their own will.

Imagine if ch*cks or HELLOOOOO or ( insert da list) started banning

Moderator think they did something 😂 😂

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Alexbeaup wrote:
But I don't know again.

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"So does the cycle of eternal strife continue. The grinding wheels of conflict crush the bodies of men and the souls of gods until all that is left is dust. Even those who fall do not know peace, for as one battle ends, another begins, and then another. To hope for a better world is to embrace futility and despair. In this world, in this cosmos, in this reality and the next, a single stark truth abides. There is only war."
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
I'll ruin this game

Our loyal veterans know what this is
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"So does the cycle of eternal strife continue. The grinding wheels of conflict crush the bodies of men and the souls of gods until all that is left is dust. Even those who fall do not know peace, for as one battle ends, another begins, and then another. To hope for a better world is to embrace futility and despair. In this world, in this cosmos, in this reality and the next, a single stark truth abides. There is only war.

I need help.

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Mario100 wrote:
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So, I i’m going to go into high school on Wednesday and I’m really not looking forward to it. My grandpa says I’ll be fine. I mean some things will be fun, but but there’s other things that I don’t wanna deal about like more work, having to worry about appearances and crap like that, dating, and most importantly, losing my childhood. Since I’m 14, I only have 4 more years to live before I’m an adult. But, I really don’t know what to do in high school so, i’m asking you guys for info and suggestions and what I should do in high school, because I really don’t feel like I will survive high school. Give me any tips about dating, finding motivation to do schoolwork, what I should and should not do, along with other things. Please help.

Well, there's a lot of change in life when you reach high school, but it's not really that bad. Honestly, I don't know why anyone worries about appearance. Like, in the US at any rate, people go to school wearing pajamas. That's not much of an appearance. If your talking about personality and like, making friends, just, you know, be yourself. Remember, everyone around you is gonna have the same hopes and worries as you. You're all in the same boat together ya know? And if you're ever getting bullied, don't try to deal with it alone. That's when it gets worse (trust me).

And about dating . . . Why bother? It can only slow you down at this age. But if you must - be yourself. People like you more if you don't pretend to be something you aren't. And uh, never take things too far. That's a sure way to lose a friendship. And on that note, don't be possessive of someone if you start going with that person regularly. That puts all kinds of pressure on both of you and sets you up for lots of stress and drama. You're in high school. Seriously. What are the chances anything will come out of this? I know they're not zero, but they're pretty low.

As for losing your childhood, it is sad. Yes. But there's really a lot of great things about this. You get respect with responsibility. It's cool.

Well, I've managed to turn this into a whole essay. I'll stop now. Good luck man. Hope it goes well! :)


Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
The_Dragon wrote:
Bonjour, si on ne peut pas créer de défi IMPOSIBLE pourquoi après extrême il y a impossible ???? il faudrait changer le nom car impossible veut dire impossible et non autre chose.yoshitoad

Ever learned about hyperbole in school? Impossible is an exaggeration, meant to be a fun title for the level of difficulty. It's figurative, not literal. this 3rd grade stuff why is it so hard to understand lol
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Couple of my challenges've been rejected recently too. They're like, hidden areas you have to get to. For example, one has a jump hidden along a yellow wall section. You have to hit that jump to reach the zone. It was rejected because "can't get to the pipe" (pipe = goal). My intent is to make people study the map a little in order to complete the challenges. Is that wrong?

PS If it sounds like I'm mad about it I'm not. Just a wanna know where I'm going wrong so I can do better challenges :).

mkpc members ruin a world map

Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
I just really want Italy to finally kick Sicily ya know? It's gonna land in the middle of the Atlantic.

Also the Philippines annex all the islands between them and Australia
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Panama takes over every neighboring country. Even they don't know why
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Atlantis resurfaces off the East Coast of Canada and a meteor wipes out the middle of Russia
Messages 733 - Mario Mario
vs28361 pts ★ Legend
battle9852 pts ★ Expert
United States
Texas and Louisiana break from the United States because yeah

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