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Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Dont rizz me, Dont come by ohio

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Its the 3rd time I did this shit:$

Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
I found Nova from Kirby:
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
@-MarioNLuigi-2 lets steal a lot some wafles together?

Anyways, i stealed all the waffes from this place:
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
@-MarioNLuigi-2 lets steal a lot some wafles together?
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
At school, I saw someone being insulted, just because he was gay. I felt bad, for him and for me (because I'm gay too).
This is horrible to be insulted, harassed, or even rejected just because of our s*xual orientation...
Do bullies even have reasons to insult them ?

Of course not, they just do that as a way of externalizing their problems (in a very wrong way) or just being annoying "for fun"
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
tendokiddo wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
Good Morning Everyone and have a great day :D

Waffle Man

Yes Indeed, I am the waffle man
don't eat me pleaseeee

I Prefer Pancakes

thank God lol

Good thing i lost apetit of wafles after.. what happened
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
tendokiddo wrote:
Alr, Paratroopa will be tortured to death as punishment, and Yoshi is free

bout to commit tax fraud after this🗣️🔥💯

Yoshi, Its time to save my baby brother again, No more Tax Fraud Time. Now let me get on your back and go! Save luigi!

You will not eat a elephant fruit again, will you?

Hmmmmmm, No.

ok then
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
tendokiddo wrote:
Alr, Paratroopa will be tortured to death as punishment, and Yoshi is free

bout to commit tax fraud after this🗣️🔥💯

Yoshi, Its time to save my baby brother again, No more Tax Fraud Time. Now let me get on your back and go! Save luigi!

You will not eat a elephant fruit again, will you?
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
SuperMega7 wrote:
[quote=tendokiddo]yoshi paratroopa

Yoshi and paratroopa have been charged with stealing Belgian waffles. Do you bail them out, or leave them in jail?


So Yoshi and Paratroopa are in jail because they stole Belgian waffles. The question is to either help them escape or to leave them in prison.

Please help me 😢😢😢😢
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Anyone knows how to make your icons for cups in Multicup? Because mines is weird, I made a cup and named it Nitro Cup, with the lightning icon, but when I checked it, It was a star instead. And all of them are just default icons, But I want my own, because I named it Like "Mushroom cup" "Shell Cup" and that stuff, and thats what it looked like! Whatever icon I named it but I want my own. Is there a solution to this?

There is a advanced options tab, you can change the icons, but dont forget to save it.
Custom icons are weird, i recomend avoiding them.
(anyone knows how to make they appear as they should?
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Guys I have a question. A really important one I couldn't even find on google...How do you make double deck items? (Seriously, I must know)

You mean double item boxes? Or is other thing?

Yes, I do mean Double Item boxes.

They are only in complete mode.

Wait, Then how to make Double Item Boxes in Complete mode?!

Hold above an item box, there will be a option "double item" click on it.
(for mobile)
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
I also habe a question: How to properly change the cup icom in the multicup? Usualy it turns into a blank image...

I really dont know, It happened to me but insted it just put its own icon. Like I put a Lighting icon for Nitro cup, but then when I checked it, it was a star instead. So I had to rename the cup.

that is weird
But once i saw one multicup and the last cup had a crown icon, working normaly
The lighting is already as a option right? And it glchted anyway....
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Guys I have a question. A really important one I couldn't even find on google...How do you make double deck items? (Seriously, I must know)

You mean double item boxes? Or is other thing?

Yes, I do mean Double Item boxes.

They are only in complete mode.
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
I also habe a question: How to properly change the cup icom in the multicup? Usualy it turns into a blank image...
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Guys I have a question. A really important one I couldn't even find on google...How do you make double deck items? (Seriously, I must know)

You mean double item boxes? Or is other thing?
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Unfortunaly i cond't finish the track yesterday, but here it is now:
I also did a custom background:
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Now just drawing the walls and it is done!
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Finally i can post images
Messages 232 - Toad Toad
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Fiery wrote:
Hope it works now:

You're just linking postimages and not the image you're tryna send

Fixing it now

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