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[OPEN] Tendo's Antiques

Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Oi lad! What do you think you're doing copying what I did! I made a shop and now all of you lads are copying me! Just kidding, I really dont mind though.

The economy of this city is broke
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
You have an pixel trophy?

Obscure Series that are Amazing

Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Avatar: The Last Airbender

Wow very obscure indeed
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Dont jugde this by it cover:
The prologue:
Aparently thia is the tipe of channel that tries to appeal to a bazillion of diferent tastes, but this one specifically is very good
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
It can be a TV show, Youtube series, anything as long it is obscure


Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
If you want to play scribble io then play it in the lobby provided by the topic creator so it isn't full when you play it.

For some reason it istill doesnt work...
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Playing skribbl Io


The room is full? Because i log in an empty one

Obscure Games You Have Played

Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Unfold the Word, it *was a puzzle game but was taken out of Apple Store..

(FANFIC) MKPC University

Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
tendokiddo wrote:
We have 6 or 5 people in the fanfic! We only need 6-5 more! Join up

Joshy (temp 2)
literaly the same but studing history istead (and thinking a bit more before saying things)
Waffles (aka drugs) were banned so all good
another skill: good at drawing (unless it is not paper, exepction being pixel art)

well that is why it is "temp 2" (if there is ever one)
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
tendokiddo wrote:
We have 6 or 5 people in the fanfic! We only need 6-5 more! Join up

Joshy (temp 2)
literaly the same but studing history istead (and thinking a bit more before saying things)
Waffles (aka drugs) were banned so all good
another skill: good at drawing (unless it is not paper, exepction being pixel art)
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
UraniumMan wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
It's been a while since I have made a Fan Fiction of MKPC, and now I feel like I could make actual Fanfics (that don't suck)
If you wanna join, list your:
What you are learning in the University
and Skill.
We need at least 12 members to join the fanfic!
it will be in French for the french members :D

Members so far:

Color: Red
Personality: Annoying, but tries to be better
What I am learning at the University: Cabinetry
Skill: Coding

Name: Joshy
Color: Cyan green
Learning: Proeid (a brazilian anti-drugs program teached in schools)
Personality: energetic, calm(when not energetic) and nice
talks everthing without thinking

light blue
Slow-learning and sort of introverted (doesn't really like to talk much)
Learning: Programming
Skill: Technology

Name: Everlynn
Color: Green
Personality: every single personality on earth,(i call it omnipersonality)
What I am learning at the University: Programming
Skill: Programming
Ça fait un moment que je n'ai pas fait de Fan Fiction de MKPC, et maintenant j'ai l'impression que je pourrais faire de vraies Fanfics (qui ne sont pas nulles)
Si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre, indiquez votre :
Nom d'utilisateur
Ce que vous apprenez à l'université
et Compétence.
Nous avons besoin d'au moins 12 membres pour rejoindre la fanfic !
ce sera en français pour les membres français :D
Membres jusqu'à présent :

Couleur : Rouge
Personnalité : Ennuyeux, mais essaie d'être meilleur
Ce que j'apprends à l'Université : l'ébénisterie
Compétence : Codage

Nom : Joshy
Couleur: vert cyan
Apprentissage : Proeid (un programme brésilien de lutte contre la drogue enseigné dans les écoles)
Personnalité : énergique, calme (quand il n’est pas énergique) et gentil
parle de tout sans réfléchir

bleu clair
Apprentissage lent et plutôt introverti (n'aime pas vraiment parler)
Apprentissage : Programmation
Compétence : Technologie

Nom : Everlynn
La couleur: verte
Personnalité : chaque personnalité sur terre (j'appelle cela l'omnipersonnalité)
Ce que j'apprends à l'université : la programmation
Compétence : Programmation

Calm but questioning.
Taking geography (more specifically mapping) and filming, plus field hockey

Geography is very cool, it is my second favorite class after History
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Everlynn wrote:
tendokiddo wrote:
It's been a while since I have made a Fan Fiction of MKPC, and now I feel like I could make actual Fanfics (that don't suck)
If you wanna join, list your:
What you are learning in the University
and Skill.
We need at least 12 members to join the fanfic!
it will be in French for the french members :D

Members so far:

Color: Red
Personality: Annoying, but tries to be better
What I am learning at the University: Cabinetry
Skill: Coding

Name: Joshy
Color: Cyan green
Learning: Proeid (a brazilian anti-drugs program teached in schools)
Personality: energetic, calm(when not energetic) and nice
talks everthing without thinking

light blue
Slow-learning and sort of introverted (doesn't really like to talk much)
Learning: Programming
Skill: Technology
Ça fait un moment que je n'ai pas fait de Fan Fiction de MKPC, et maintenant j'ai l'impression que je pourrais faire de vraies Fanfics (qui ne sont pas nulles)
Si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre, indiquez votre :
Nom d'utilisateur
Ce que vous apprenez à l'université
et Compétence.
Nous avons besoin d'au moins 12 membres pour rejoindre la fanfic !
ce sera en français pour les membres français :D
Membres jusqu'à présent :

Couleur : Rouge
Personnalité : Ennuyeux, mais essaie d'être meilleur
Ce que j'apprends à l'Université : l'ébénisterie
Compétence : Codage

Nom : Joshy
Couleur: vert cyan
Apprentissage : Proeid (un programme brésilien de lutte contre la drogue enseigné dans les écoles)
Personnalité : énergique, calme (quand il n’est pas énergique) et gentil
parle de tout sans réfléchir

bleu clair
Apprentissage lent et plutôt introverti (n'aime pas vraiment parler)
Apprentissage : Programmation
Compétence : Technologie

Name: Everlynn
Color: Green
Personality: every single personality on earth,(i call it omnipersonality)
What I am learning at the University: Programming
Skill: Programming

Aparently people really like programming (just saynin, it is actually cool)
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Name: Joshy
Color: Cyan green
Learning: Proeid (a brazilian anti-drugs program teached in schools)
Personality: energetic, calm(when not energetic) and nice
talks everthing without thinking

forgot the ability:
Eating about as much as i want ant not getting fat
(i actually dont eat a lot)
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Name: Joshy
Color: Cyan Green
Learning: Proeid (a brazilian anti-drugs program teached in schools)
Personality: energetic, calm(when not energetic) and nice
talks everthing without thinking

You choose an ability, first person choose a side effect

Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
UraniumMan wrote:
The power to be immune to the side effect

This side effect nullfies this power
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Giygas wrote:
GLaDOS wrote:
Ability: Ability to make a robot (like GLaDOS) and likes me to commit world domination

It doesn't work properly

Side effect doesen't work.
Reason: I am GLaDOS.
Oh and by the way, if you are asking me why am I speedster64, I was him, but I was actually GLaDOS in disguise! Also, [SUBJECT NAME HERE], if you wanna fight against more, perhaps you will be sentenced to deadly neurotoxin sentence.

side effect: GLaDOS was never real

Side side effect: You were never real. When saying GLaDOS was never real, I still could say this, via some strange powers creating a paradox where You said I was not real, and then I said you were not real, but if you were not real, then how was I not real?

counter point: yeah that would happen if i didn't have the powers of [SAVE STATES]

everyone is saved with you
(but something is off)
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
TwilightGD wrote:
power: i have the ability to control and manipulate the ground (for example: taking chunks out of it and throwing them)

The water rise 1 meter every ton you move.
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
The power to reply to my own comment

you lose this power
(because you already can do that)

Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
The power to reply to my own comment

you lose this power
(because you already can do that)
Messages 251 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs10749 pts ★ Champion
battle4962 pts ★ Budding pilot
Power: No

No u

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