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What would a great fit for a crossover?

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
I'm curious about what ideas you think would be perfect for a crossover. And it doesn't have to be Mario related either. Here's one of my ideas for a crossover.

Super Mario Bros. X Vocaloid

Warning: Do not place ramps on the start near a gap in quick mode tracks!

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
UraniumMan wrote:
jamestown wrote:
The reason is because, once you fall down the gap, you will be respawned at the starting line. Once you drop down onto the ramp you will immediately jump off of it and fall onto the gap again, basically creating a softlock.

Fall down on this track here to see what I mean by that.

I don't even see the problem with the track tbh, yes it's annoying but it's ridiculously easy to escape and then it's just normal QM

Okay, yes you can escape by going to the right of this track. But just if any track has a long gap with no way of trying to escape.
Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
The reason is because, once you fall down the gap, you will be respawned at the starting line. Once you drop down onto the ramp you will immediately jump off of it and fall onto the gap again, basically creating a softlock.

Fall down on this track here to see what I mean by that.

I'm a failure

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
Yoshi649 wrote:
many people said that I only produce average things, so that means I will only be called average because sad because and people call me a highlighter, I can't make good topics to attract people, I'm a failure!

Dude, you are not a failure.


Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
Aucun problème. À tout moment.
Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
Welcome to MKPC. If you've haven't yet, please be sure to read the rules in this topic. https://mkpc.malahieude.net/topic.php?topic=2448

WANTED: Various users' identities

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
i made this topic so that people could find who this people really are and reveal their identities, i'm looking for:

Daniel Starling
and another one who has no name but stole various tracks

the reward? a custom character of me, so start hunting now!!!

Uh, what? Why do you want them revealed? You're not trying to stalk them, are you? And why are you trying to reward them with a custom character of your creation?

My Ideas For MKPC!

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
Two things.
1. The ice flower is gonna be a CUP PICTURE, not an item. What the hell were you thinking?
2. @-MarioNLuigi-2 DO THEM SMILEYS

Agree with @Twilight.

1. We don't need the ice flower as a cup picture, but you can make a custom cup with an ice flower.

2. Don't demand them to make smileys, we already have enough smileys.

Add sound effects to the green, red, and blue shell items.

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
No. I'm not saying adding sound effects on tracks. What I'm saying is that making the shells with a sound effect, for example, in MKWII, the blue shell makes a hissing sound when active, would make it easier to react to them in time.
Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
You will be so focused on the track that you won't even be able to see them or react in time to even dodge them, even if you spot them on the mini maps, you won't be able to dodge them in time. And you can even hear them. It would be nice to add sound effects on them, so you know what shell is coming.

Mario Kart Hot Takes

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
--Cosmic-- wrote:
Invu wrote:
I know this topic is mad old but - I have a hot take to share about the incoming MK.

We have reached a point with 8DX where the focus should be finding a new, original mechanic, not add new characters.

I'm kinda tired of seeing people say "we need every character and every track from the franchise !!" Because we don't. We need something refreshing, after playing with the same mechanics for ten whole years.

You're right, because every previous MK game up to this point has introduced some new concept like:
MKWii introduced bikes, 12 racers, coin runner, new items etc
MK7 introduced gliding and submersible karts, first person and kart customisation
MK8 introduced anti-gravity
MK8DX gave us asset flips and dlc that adds more asset flips

MK9 (or whatever its called) should give us a whole new mechanic instead of giving new characters and course asset flips to make more money.

MK8 also introduced ATVs. Not only that but the game also introduced Highlight Reels so you can replay every race and battle you last played.

What site does anyone use to use to make MKPC tracks?

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
I normally use Pixilart. But I always think it looks too pixelated and not good every time I try to use Pixilart, especially with the ramps, boost pads, and cannons. Plus, the tools it uses are very confusing. Are there other sites I can use?

The letter "a" isn't allowed.

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
I'll count 1 to 10.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. We c_n count 1 to 999 without using the.... well, this letter.
Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
I Wil Never Say The Letter
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I'm pretty sure it counts.  

Imagine if we had an AI track generator

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
Sigh.... never mind.... 😞. Now I think of it, this is probably an awful idea. I also don't like being called lazy...

Completely off topic, but this is my problem with toxic behavior. I post a message, next thing I know... somebody comes back negative saying awful things, cursing at me, and insult me. I absolutely hate that, and it makes me feel down.
Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
I can imagine what it would be like if MKPC featured an AI track generator. This way it'll be easier to make complete mode tracks without stress. We'll probably still have to place the required things like checkpoints, CPU routes, the start, items, walls, etc, but it'll be a really nice feature I really would like to enjoy.

Going on vacation!! 😎

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
I will be going south for a few weeks. I will still go online but will not play. 😎🍹

I'll will play again when I get back. Until then, tootles!! 😎🍹

Warning Removal

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
I hate to break it to you, but only moderators can remove warnings.


Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States

The Topic "/!\ Report / Signalements /!\" is for Reporting!!

Messages 429 - Metal Luigi Metal Luigi
vs45829 pts ★ Titan
battle8574 pts ★ Expert
United States
The topic is there to report people for doing bad things, and people who break the rules, not a place to start arguing about other things.

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