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Make the computer players harder in grand prix mode

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
I 100% agree, the cpus are WAY too easy

possibly adding a mode to vs like impossible or something would be very nice

Why are there no tricks in MKPC?

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
there are tricks in the game though..

all you have to do is click the drift button for the trick when you go on a ramp :P

Error 500

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
it goes down sometimes (its not that common), it'll usually fix itself in a couple of minutes though

Retro Tracks for Mario Kart 9

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States

SNES Ghost Valley 3
GBA Sunset Wilds
N64 Banshee Boardwalk

GCN Wario Colosseum
GCN Mushroom City

DS Waluigi Pinball
DS Luigi's Mansion

Wii DK Summit (DK Snowboard Cross)
Wii Moonview Highway
Wii Bowser's Castle

3DS Maka Wuhu
3DS Shy Guy Bazaar
3DS Cheep Cheep Lagoon

WiiU Dolphin Shoals
WiiU Cloudtop Cruise
WiiU Sunshine Airport

DLC? (only half based on the assumption there will be only half retro tracks in each DLC):
GBA Rainbow Road
GCN Peach Beach

The end ?

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Flying To NY in 2 weeks, my laptop is broken and i need to wait 3 months to get my pc back. might be the end for now but i will promise you i will come back asap ;)


Changes that you hate in MK 8 Deluxe

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Kraze wrote:
What exactly is wrong with the graphics? Could someone tell me? They look fine.
Its like people have forgotten what the Tour originals looked like...

The graphics just look so plastic, so effortless and so horrible.

Most of the "textures" are just solid colors, and there is very little details.

The tour tracks actually look pretty good in this game, but the reason why they looked bad on mobile is because of the fact that it is a mobile application which can have quite a few limitations, graphically.

The original tracks graphically are either

a) decent
b) oversaturated af
c) lazy and horrible
Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Lely5B wrote:
z_Waluigi wrote:
honestly, the dlc isn't as bad as I originally thought it would, in fact it has kind of been the opposite that I have expected -

I thought the tour tracks were going to look horrible, they actually looked better than the other ones (with the exclusion of Choco Mountain, maybe coconut mall if they didn't have the saturation slider at 500%). Shroom ridge is 100% unacceptable and the most lazy track of the whole DLC. it can be argued that it is worse graphically than the ds version, and it has way worse gameplay. it also reuses the trucks from toad's turnpike, and literally everything is either untextured or really bad looking. the shortcut is fun, but it can't save such a horrible track.

the tour tracks, ninja hideaway in particular, actually were very nice to look at, visually at least. I expected it to be the opposite, if im being completely honest, but I was genuinely surprised when they didn't look horrible.

I honestly wouldn't be caring *too much* about graphics, but the thing is that it is so incredibly jarring to look at a track with incredibly realistic and good graphics to a track like shroom ridge - minimal effort, grass looks worse than something that I could make. its so weird how people defend these graphics and say that they are good, when there are way better tracks in the base game and even the wiiu dlc.

I feel like its time for Mario Kart 9, but unfortunately since this DLC was probably planned like 2 days before the direct, It's going to take 2 years to get all of that content, which could mean that, worst case scenario, it will take another whole 2 years for them to start developing a new Mario Kart game, when in reality we should not have to wait nearly as long if this dlc didn't come out. honestly, they have had since 2017 to start making this dlc, that's 5 years now. obviously they weren't anticipating for the game to sell this well and for it to still be selling extremely well and at an all time high around 4 years later, but they could have started this DLC at least in 2020, and I get that there were COVID restrictions and things of that nature, but I assume that there were still games being developed during this time. then, it could have all been released by now, and a new Mario Kart could be starting in development now. this means that the earliest we will get a new Mario Kart is probably going to be in 2025, but if they keep going with this mindset, I think it could even go as far as 2028.

the dlc seems like great fun (I haven't played it but I have watched videos of the tracks and such, also know friends who have played it), but it is severely underwhelming when you have had upwards of 5 years to make these tracks, and this is what we receive?

of course the value is there, with only 25¢ a track but it's still very disappointing, when we all know that they can do a lot better - the proof is just 2 button presses away in the menu. it's crazy how the tracks from 2014 are better than the tracks from 2022, 8 years later.

The plastic textures are especially on Toad Circuit and choco mountain.
Also I love Shroom Ridge due to it's Amazing gameplay, the coconut mall remake is good but graphics can be imoroved on most of the New tracks, this is a good dlc but mk8dx is definitively business era

toad circuit is incredibly bad, can't believe I forgot that, lol

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
honestly, the dlc isn't as bad as I originally thought it would, in fact it has kind of been the opposite that I have expected -

I thought the tour tracks were going to look horrible, they actually looked better than the other ones (with the exclusion of Choco Mountain, maybe coconut mall if they didn't have the saturation slider at 500%). Shroom ridge is 100% unacceptable and the most lazy track of the whole DLC. it can be argued that it is worse graphically than the ds version, and it has way worse gameplay. it also reuses the trucks from toad's turnpike, and literally everything is either untextured or really bad looking. the shortcut is fun, but it can't save such a horrible track.

the tour tracks, ninja hideaway in particular, actually were very nice to look at, visually at least. I expected it to be the opposite, if im being completely honest, but I was genuinely surprised when they didn't look horrible.

I honestly wouldn't be caring *too much* about graphics, but the thing is that it is so incredibly jarring to look at a track with incredibly realistic and good graphics to a track like shroom ridge - minimal effort, grass looks worse than something that I could make. its so weird how people defend these graphics and say that they are good, when there are way better tracks in the base game and even the wiiu dlc.

I feel like its time for Mario Kart 9, but unfortunately since this DLC was probably planned like 2 days before the direct, It's going to take 2 years to get all of that content, which could mean that, worst case scenario, it will take another whole 2 years for them to start developing a new Mario Kart game, when in reality we should not have to wait nearly as long if this dlc didn't come out. honestly, they have had since 2017 to start making this dlc, that's 5 years now. obviously they weren't anticipating for the game to sell this well and for it to still be selling extremely well and at an all time high around 4 years later, but they could have started this DLC at least in 2020, and I get that there were COVID restrictions and things of that nature, but I assume that there were still games being developed during this time. then, it could have all been released by now, and a new Mario Kart could be starting in development now. this means that the earliest we will get a new Mario Kart is probably going to be in 2025, but if they keep going with this mindset, I think it could even go as far as 2028.

the dlc seems like great fun (I haven't played it but I have watched videos of the tracks and such, also know friends who have played it), but it is severely underwhelming when you have had upwards of 5 years to make these tracks, and this is what we receive?

of course the value is there, with only 25¢ a track but it's still very disappointing, when we all know that they can do a lot better - the proof is just 2 button presses away in the menu. it's crazy how the tracks from 2014 are better than the tracks from 2022, 8 years later.

Ask me anything I guess

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Lely wrote:
YugXiuqs wrote:
Mk64 or Mk8dx

mk64 (though i've never played it)

Wut... -_- Seriously, why you prefer this game ? (I respect your opinion but please explain)

look at my name


Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
MysteryMan wrote:
46 Mario Kart Tour ports + Coconut Mall and Shroom Ridge will be coming to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Tour Paris Promenade (why wasn't the abbreviation MKT? It sounds a lot better)
N64 Choco Mountain
3DS Toad Circuit
Wii Coconut Mall
Tour Tokyo Blur
DS Shroom Ridge
GBA Sky Garden(?)
Tour Ninja Hideaway

There will be 48 additional tracks

Also, they do not use the Mario Kart abbreviation for the retro/DLC. they use the console abbreviation (see: GCN DK Mountain instead of MKDD DK Mountain), which is why they use Tour, because saying "Mobile" is weird

Tell Your Mario kart pc secrets here (don't be shy)

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
I'm actually better than someone you expected as a pro, but I won't say more and that's the admin's work right now.

who asked

How to (properly) backwards drift in this game?

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
yes, JPG's video is very useful and I highly recommend checking it out

RD is basically just super mini turbo (orange mt) spamming, it isn't too difficult to get a hang of

Add N64 stuff

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
if you want the n64 things so badly then just make a complete mode version of the track
Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
this has an extremely small chance of happening

MKPC Creation Count

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
for all of you wondering if anyone has a screenshot of the moment, ahmad screenshotted it


going away

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
One relativley nice emote = one prayer. not sarcastic. I was gone for months, so a week is easy compared to mine.

free booster course pack coming to mario kart pc?

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
If MKPC were to add new tracks (which would be unneeded, anyway), they would probably at MK7 tracks, but I feel that the custom tracks that people make are even better like MK(O) and some others

DDE (Daisy Drift Exploit)

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
DDE is waayyyy too easy
Seriously, on some courses with wider roads it is the easiest way to almost get a WR.

If you think that you can get a WR with snaking (DDE) alone, I'm sorry to say but that is completely false
Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
It's called "snaking" as you may have seen from Mario Kart DS. It's basically just drifting optimally and all world records use it in MKPC.

My complant with the red shells

Messages 141 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs61544 pts ★ Titan
battle8383 pts ★ Expert
United States
Sap wrote:
And ? That's not OP. Don't forget they are supposed to touch the opponent.

In the regular Mk games they don't dodge over obstacles nor do they jump over them.

That's still not OP.
For me red shells are good now.
Because if we don't have this, red shells sucks

but then nobody can be strategic. what's the point of sending an item to someone if they can't dodge it? if the player is skilled enough, they should be able to have a chance to dodge it, like the spiny/blue-shell escape method with drifting in MKDS. this IS op. learn your definitions

you can still use shells and bananas to dodge red shells and honestly that works fine, being able to dodge red shells in other ways makes it WAY too weak and the way that it is right now is good.

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