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MKPC Update Suggestions
On 2025-03-10 at 16:22:08
The check points suck, they should be better because I just did a little corner skip and the lap didn't even count! Also their would be cool shortcuts
Meme of 2025
On 2025-02-15 at 17:12:43
I don't understand what clarifies as 'meme'
A meme is a funny clip people found in the internet and shares it to people

Happy Pi Day!
On 2025-03-14 at 19:22:15
What's pi day?
Its March 14th which is pi (3.14)
And what's the point?
On 2025-03-14 at 19:19:04
What's pi day?
Fiadh's Place
Yesterday at 18:21:42
What's Ireland like?
switch friend codes
Yesterday at 18:14:00
Object Show Fridge Logic
Yesterday at 18:16:04

Cartoons are not supposed to be too realistic
Stupid Item Ideas.
Yesterday at 18:33:40
A ultra golden mushroom that spams and never stops
what chips flavour do you think is best
Yesterday at 18:24:32
And also sour onion cream
Yesterday at 18:23:50
I really like the cheese and taki Pringles flavor
Rating your nickname
Yesterday at 18:28:01
On 2025-03-12 at 19:15:42
On 2025-03-12 at 19:14:00
OCM, short for OpulentCraftyMystic.
Nice nickname, and cool colors, 4/5

On 2025-03-12 at 17:17:34
Come on then
Very cool name and the color fits the name 4/5
sonic&thomasthetankfan (please rate my in development changing name sonic&windows95fan)
It's not bad, 3/5
On 2025-03-12 at 17:17:15
rate mine
Cool name, 4/5
On 2025-02-28 at 16:59:08
Decent name, 3/5
On 2025-02-28 at 16:52:59
What about mine?
Very good, 4/5
On 2025-02-28 at 16:10:55
What do you think of mine?
Very cool colors, and fits name, 5/5
On 2025-02-28 at 15:40:39
Decent name, 3/5