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PPTTYO Discussion and Development

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Yeah, so basically, I created this topic because in me and @MinusOne’s DMs, we’ve been creating a Pikmin Fanon game where the bottom line is: TTYD, but Pikmin. and today, i thought *discussing this fanon game in DMs is kinda difficult, so why not create a whole topic?*

and here we are…

but why in MKPC and not Pikmin Fanon? because in June 15, they added a policy which requires for you to be 13+, otherwise, you will be banned until you are roughly 13

(oh yeah, and if anyone else has any ideas on location, characters, and overall design, we both would really appreciate it)

why cant you just lie about your age... In all 18+ games I just put I'm like 99 years old

i think it has something to do with laws (gonna react with :‌policeman: as an answer)

Ask me any question about the Andrew situation.

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Fiery wrote:
Josh can't answer any of these questions as his laptop was smashed by his father for being caught on it at night time and he lent the account to me

this true?
Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
did he enjoy the community?

Give Mario Kart Tracks A New Name!

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
get ready for lyrics (pretty easy imo):

SNES its called a road, its called a  rainbow road
N64 it is a road that you go
GC and you will know--when you get there
3DS its a road that you go when you die

mkpc members ruin a world map

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
the twin towers are rebuilt and are reinforced. REJOICE!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Coolmonkey wrote:
so this is kinda a fan topic of @--cosmic-- 's
mkpc playerbase map but this time its a map with all the countries on a wold map and your job is to tell me what to do on the world map
EG: "make a new country"
or "give country to country"
or mess with the borders or sth else!
heres the map that i'll add to
EDIT: i forgot to colour in the great lakes

breaking news: florida man fucking pollutes the entierety of the atlantic ocean
Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
someone pissed in the ocean and the entirety of the atlantic ocean is yellow now

What site does anyone use to use to make MKPC tracks?

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
ms paint. (the windows 95 one)

The letter "a" isn't allowed.

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
i own horrible news. the term "skidibi toilet" follows the rules of this topic.
Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Pigouni46 wrote:
I'm not sure this topic is of much use

my opinion is pretty close to yours in terms of this topic.
Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
pretty weird to know i've not concieved one post on this forum yet until now.

school rules

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
-Alyssa- wrote:
Depends on the individual school tbh, every school needs rules or I'll just be Princess in the middle of all the Anarchy lol. But some schools have absolutely batshit rules, according to some teachers I'm breaking the rules cause I'm transgender *[

it true but mostly because of religion

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users who fell into oblivion

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
can you add hiimandrew because of what..happened....
edit: this did not age well
Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Yoshi649 wrote:
another missing case was @osc-omb

man deleted the account and the creation becomes lost media

@Coolmonkey he left the account in June, but left the forum in May

@CaptainOlimar not records about the site's creations, but @Redpikmin95 Do you know why they were friends

osc didnt delete account, just changed their name, this is them https://mkpc.malahieude.net/profil.php?pseudo=ColonThree-Bye-bi

Cool Friday Night 'Funkin Mod Ideas

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
jeepdarcy wrote:
twiddlefinger jeepdarcy213 edition

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i will get so huge hate for this


Mario party

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
i like mario party 9


Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Josh_ wrote:
Yoshi649 wrote:
HiImAndrew wrote:
I tried. My cancer won.

lol cancer im dead

Yoshi, please stop.  I have held back everything. I could have just snapped and swore at you, but I have decided to talk about this like a mature being.
My brother is dead, my mother is dead.
and you laugh.


wait your dad doesn't live with you? (not trying to be rude)
Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
Josh_ wrote:
My thing is that cancer patients are usually sick for a while before expiring. My aunt was sick from December, all the way up until late February when she died(mind you, she was 60-ish, and I doubt that Andy was more than 15). I don't think he'd have been able to play MKPC these last couple months if he did have stage 4-5 of any cancer.
But I digress. Let's stop arguing about if he died or not. It's extremely rude to him if he did die, and extremely rude to people who have actually died of cancer if he was joking. Let's leave it at that.

yes, definiteley. It makes me uncomfortable when I talk about it. but.

To address some stuff:

Andrew HAS unfortunately died, but he would never fake his death for stupid clout.
The sad part is, i have no way to prove it. Think what you want, everyone.

Andrew wanted me to tell everyone about the cancer, he couldn't himself. I made up a stupid lie about him telling me to tell everyone after his death, but.. I was too lazy and never did it. I only got the chance to say everything before it was too late.

He was online yesterday, I went on his account to see what was going on and who was trying to see what i said was real or not.

The person who wrote the message saying 'I tried. Cancer won. Goodbye.' was me. I thought it would have been weird to go onto his account and say 'He is dead'.

I hope this adresses some stuff, if it doesn't, ask me privately, I will lock the topic for now.

why did this get a facepalm (i know people are entitled to their opinion but still)
Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
it's a joke right?

it's a joke right?

it's a joke......right?


What is the best video game in your opinion

Messages 1489 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs8372 pts ★ Expert
battle4943 pts ★ Budding pilot
United States
gartic phone

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