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On 2022-04-26 at 10:44:25
Euh... Vous savez, MKPC a une organisation spéciale pour les mobiles, histoire que ce soit plus facile ? Eh bien sûr mon téléphone maintenant, je suis en mode ordinateur et c'est exécrable quoi que je veuille faire ! 😭 Comment je peux revenir à la normale ?! J'ai besoin d'aide !
On 2022-04-26 at 11:49:35
Crs un bug il faut que @Wargo regle ca
On 2022-04-26 at 12:14:55
Moi aussi je mentionne @Wargor surtout parce que tu l'a mal écrit (Wargo)
On 2022-04-26 at 13:57:23
Si tu es sur Android, tu as probablement juste coché la version ordinateur.
Pour débloquer ça il suffit de décocher l'option :
Pour débloquer ça il suffit de décocher l'option :
On 2022-04-26 at 16:15:49
Wargor la version ordit est grandil y apas les commandes
On 2022-04-26 at 16:17:18
Sur android ou ios
On 2022-05-02 at 19:02:48
Euh... Vous savez, MKPC a une organisation spéciale pour les mobiles, histoire que ce soit plus facile ? Eh bien sûr mon téléphone maintenant, je suis en mode ordinateur et c'est exécrable quoi que je veuille faire ! 😭 Comment je peux revenir à la normale ?! J'ai besoin d'aide !
Lely, I have to tell you, you didn’t mean it at all and it wasn’t your fault, but you can activate and deactivate it anytime and not by default turned on.
As some mobiles have the PC mode turned by default and cannot be turned off in these devices, so, yep, in these devices, MKPC itself is practically useless on these devices, unless you have a keyboard and connect it. But I am saying that your Android is not that kind of unsupportable devices whose MKPC is only for chats and not for racing.
I am going to give a prime example of this, some time ago, Ahmad said he attempted to play MKPC on his old iPad, and yet, does not have any inbuilt buttons, because Safari on these old iOS versions are stuck on PC mode and there is no way to disable it.
And I am going to say, that mobile MKPC was very poorly designed in terms of features and significantly lacked much of the PC features, hence the name. This version of MKPC, unfortunately did not extend to all devices. I can say that older and less reliable mobiles and even game consoles that do have browsers (I even have a 2DS XL SE that has a broken LCD, that thing loads MKPC, but yet, can’t run it.) are not supported.
Lely, I hope you understand that message.
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