How do i get custom decor to work?
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On 2020-11-11 at 20:51:27
How do i get custom decor to work? I created one, and when i go to use it i press the add decor button, the press the decor i made, and it didn’t add the decor. How do i get it to work?
On 2020-11-11 at 21:46:26
How do i get custom decor to work? I created one, and when i go to use it i press the add decor button, the press the decor i made, and it didn’t add the decor. How do i get it to work?
So you need to go to this website called Piskel and then Insert the decor and then Save as GIF
On 2020-11-11 at 21:52:35
How do i get custom decor to work? I created one, and when i go to use it i press the add decor button, the press the decor i made, and it didn’t add the decor. How do i get it to work?
Did you get some text in red at the top of the import page ? Or was your decor loading indefinitely ?
On 2020-11-11 at 23:09:59
I press the decor, and brings me back to circuit editor and then reloads page. And the decor does not get added.
Edit: i realized there was the word enjoy where the word not was supposed to be in this reply. Its fixed now.
Edit: i realized there was the word enjoy where the word not was supposed to be in this reply. Its fixed now.
On 2021-12-11 at 01:59:44
go to decors editor and click some decors you want to make
On 2021-12-11 at 17:42:06
ok i got it now
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