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All this Drama Has to STOP!

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Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12694 pts ★ Champion
battle5145 pts ★ Novice
United States
If u guys have Been Noticing, There has Been A lot of Drama Happening Lately, And Its Starting to Upset Me.facepalm
Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12694 pts ★ Champion
battle5145 pts ★ Novice
United States
The Main Drama Im Talking About is Between These Two USers Named Wolfy10 And JackDawson1
Messages 1711 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15549 pts ★ Master
battle6049 pts ★ Racer
United States
The Main Drama Im Talking About is Between These Two USers Named Wolfy10 And JackDawson1

Fyi you are multpostung
Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12694 pts ★ Champion
battle5145 pts ★ Novice
United States
The Main Drama Im Talking About is Between These Two USers Named Wolfy10 And JackDawson1

Fyi you are multpostung
 I know
Messages 1711 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15549 pts ★ Master
battle6049 pts ★ Racer
United States
The Main Drama Im Talking About is Between These Two USers Named Wolfy10 And JackDawson1

Fyi you are multpostung
 I know

Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12694 pts ★ Champion
battle5145 pts ★ Novice
United States
The Main Drama Im Talking About is Between These Two USers Named Wolfy10 And JackDawson1

Fyi you are multpostung
 I know


But u know Im getting tired of those Two, Wolfy and Jack. they Are Starting to annoy me now
Messages 1711 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15549 pts ★ Master
battle6049 pts ★ Racer
United States
The Main Drama Im Talking About is Between These Two USers Named Wolfy10 And JackDawson1

Fyi you are multpostung
 I know


But u know Im getting tired of those Two, Wolfy and Jack. they Are Starting to annoy me now

Yes I know
Messages 3337 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
Jack is Immature and wolfy10 always cries to me about her problems :s
Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12694 pts ★ Champion
battle5145 pts ★ Novice
United States
Jack is Immature and wolfy10 always cries to me about her problems :s

yeah and they always keep coming to me, and talk to me about it.
Messages 3337 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
Jack is Immature and wolfy10 always cries to me about her problems :s

yeah and they always keep coming to me, and talk to me about it.
jack don't usually do thiis to me
Messages 1711 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15549 pts ★ Master
battle6049 pts ★ Racer
United States
I think Wolff has come to me before but that was because she wanted Nate for some reason
Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12694 pts ★ Champion
battle5145 pts ★ Novice
United States
well im just saying they always try to talk to someone and get THEM involved in the situation.
Messages 3337 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
well im just saying they always try to talk to someone and get THEM involved in the situation.
i agree no one can't go through this hell no more
Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12694 pts ★ Champion
battle5145 pts ★ Novice
United States
well im just saying they always try to talk to someone and get THEM involved in the situation.
i agree no one can't go through this hell no more
 yeah we need to stop this because i cant take it, i know u cant take it either.
Messages 3337 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
well im just saying they always try to talk to someone and get THEM involved in the situation.
i agree no one can't go through this hell no more
 yeah we need to stop this because i cant take it, i know u cant take it either.
every time thy come to me my hand cramp up literall and i can rarely type
Messages 1711 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15549 pts ★ Master
battle6049 pts ★ Racer
United States
I can get ahold of An admin tomorrow if you would like
Messages 3337 - King Mario King Mario
vs66561 pts ★ Titan
battle13296 pts ★ Champion
I can get ahold of An admin tomorrow if you would like
Messages 1711 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15549 pts ★ Master
battle6049 pts ★ Racer
United States
I can get ahold of An admin tomorrow if you would like

Okay I'll dm Ryubix tomorrow
Messages 133 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs12694 pts ★ Champion
battle5145 pts ★ Novice
United States
I can get ahold of An admin tomorrow if you would like

u can if u want
Messages 1711 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs15549 pts ★ Master
battle6049 pts ★ Racer
United States
I can get ahold of An admin tomorrow if you would like

u can if u want

Or I can shoot Wargor an email rn

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