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What are these world records doing?


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Messages 15 - Koopa Koopa
vs10095 pts ★ Champion
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
When I go to "time trials," I see players continously drifting around a track. These players are named "JPG" and "Fways."
What exactly are they doing, and how exactly is it done?
Messages 108 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs27491 pts ★ Legend
battle6865 pts ★ Racer
United States
They are reverse drifting. There are also a lot of TOPICS JUST for asking "what is reverse drift?"
Drift, then repeatedly press and release back to reverse drift.
Messages 223 - Toad Toad
vs52350 pts ★ Titan
battle12635 pts ★ Champion
United States
When I go to "time trials," I see players continously drifting around a track. These players are named "JPG" and "Fways."
What exactly are they doing, and how exactly is it done?

this is called reverse drifing, and it is not hacking or cheating in any way
to reverse drift, you must do this
when you start the race, turn immediately, then press drift+brake
use ctrl to drift, back arrow to brake, and release ctrl to release the drift
(gas is not required)
if you need a more detailed explanation, i will send you a video in facebook messenger
Messages 15 - Koopa Koopa
vs10095 pts ★ Champion
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
I do not need a more detailed explanation, I understand what is happening with the players now.
Messages 38 - Koopa Koopa
vs71507 pts ★ Titan
battle8675 pts ★ Expert
When I go to "time trials," I see players continously drifting around a track. These players are named "JPG" and "Fways."
What exactly are they doing, and how exactly is it done?

they are well known cheaters that use speedhack
we are deleting their times asap but they just submit them again
if you see their times again please report it in the report topic.
Messages 4347 - King Mario King Mario
vs76296 pts ★ Titan
battle12573 pts ★ Champion
When I go to "time trials," I see players continously drifting around a track. These players are named "JPG" and "Fways."
What exactly are they doing, and how exactly is it done?

they are well known cheaters that use speedhack
we are deleting their times asap but they just submit them again
if you see their times again please report it in the report topic.

On your way to spread misinformation
Messages 158 - Bowser Bowser
vs106550 pts ★ Superstar
battle6612 pts ★ Racer
They are cheaters. Im a moderator so i will ban them
Soon. They always cheat and hack other players. They also are bully's and bad persons.they are friends with a well known molester
Messages 205 - Toad Toad
vs16778 pts ★ Master
battle5294 pts ★ Novice
United States
Vince_ wrote:
They are cheaters. Im a moderator so i will ban them
Soon. They always cheat and hack other players. They also are bully's and bad persons.they are friends with a well known molester

Isn't Fways a moderator too?
Messages 138 - Buzzy Beetle Buzzy Beetle
vs18279 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
BluePikmin wrote:
Vince_ wrote:
They are cheaters. Im a moderator so i will ban them
Soon. They always cheat and hack other players. They also are bully's and bad persons.they are friends with a well known molester

Isn't Fways a moderator too?

He was a moderator, I think you can imagine what made him lose that title...

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