MK8DX Hacks

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On 2025-01-26 at 22:35:54
Hey guys! Found some crazy things while I was escaping a blue shell... if you're holding a mushroom when a blue shell comes, if you use the mushroom RIGHT BEFORE the blue shell hits, you can escape it. Did this with my usual combo of Black Yoshi, Standard ATV, GLA Tires and Cloud Glider.
On 2025-01-27 at 01:09:47
There's a few invincibility frames right after you use the mushroom in Mk8dx; blue shell hit while you were in those few frames. Blue shell mushroom dodge if you want to search it up, RTAT120 has a vid.
On 2025-01-30 at 00:14:24
uh who?
On 2025-01-30 at 00:41:45
the blue shell have dodge frame JUST for shrooms, its a mechanics from the game, and also exist on mario kart wii
shortcat explains better on his short on youtube
shortcat explains better on his short on youtube
On 2025-01-30 at 00:42:57
also, you can do this trick on mario kart pc too

On 2025-01-30 at 00:44:16
shortcat explains better on his short on youtube
Send me the link pls

On 2025-01-30 at 01:30:26
shortcat explains better on his short on youtube
Send me the link pls
On 2025-01-30 at 16:38:23
shortcat explains better on his short on youtube
Send me the link pls
this its the video that shortcat explain the dodge frames
On 2025-01-30 at 17:04:08
Hey guys! Found some crazy things while I was escaping a blue shell... if you're holding a mushroom when a blue shell comes, if you use the mushroom RIGHT BEFORE the blue shell hits, you can escape it. Did this with my usual combo of Black Yoshi, Standard ATV, GLA Tires and Cloud Glider.
I thought everyone knew of this trick

On 2025-01-30 at 17:15:07
fun fact: this trick is apparently also in MK Tour
i performed one successfully, and then the game rewarded me by giving me a few points for the blue shell dodge, so i guess this trick is official?
i performed one successfully, and then the game rewarded me by giving me a few points for the blue shell dodge, so i guess this trick is official?

On 2025-01-30 at 17:55:21
fun fact: this trick is apparently also in MK Tour
i performed one successfully, and then the game rewarded me by giving me a few points for the blue shell dodge, so i guess this trick is official?
i performed one successfully, and then the game rewarded me by giving me a few points for the blue shell dodge, so i guess this trick is official?
The challenge cards also sometimes have an Expert challenge where you have to do that, which awards you with a red colored Blue Shell badge
On 2025-01-31 at 03:00:24
I thought everyone knew of this trick
I am a rookie...

On 2025-02-02 at 00:06:50
I finally mastered this trick after 30 tries. I think I'm done. 

On 2025-02-02 at 02:24:03
Hey guys! Found some crazy things while I was escaping a blue shell... if you're holding a mushroom when a blue shell comes, if you use the mushroom RIGHT BEFORE the blue shell hits, you can escape it. Did this with my usual combo of Black Yoshi, Standard ATV, GLA Tires and Cloud Glider.
I thought everyone knew of this trick
Tbf most of the ppl on this site are really young so they wouldn't know.

On 2025-02-02 at 02:25:39
fun fact: this trick is apparently also in MK Tour
i performed one successfully, and then the game rewarded me by giving me a few points for the blue shell dodge, so i guess this trick is official?
i performed one successfully, and then the game rewarded me by giving me a few points for the blue shell dodge, so i guess this trick is official?
I mean, I don't think they would've let it go unnoticed for so long if it wasn't a glitch. They would've removed it.
There is a chance that they went sub-strafing route with blue-dodging, but I doubt it.
On 2025-02-21 at 21:02:56
shortcat explains better on his short on youtube
Shorcat is god in MK8DX
On 2025-02-21 at 21:11:18
Hey guys! Found some crazy things while I was escaping a blue shell... if you're holding a mushroom when a blue shell comes, if you use the mushroom RIGHT BEFORE the blue shell hits, you can escape it. Did this with my usual combo of Black Yoshi, Standard ATV, GLA Tires and Cloud Glider.
That's not a hack, MK8DX has invincibitity frames so you are able to escape a blue shell with a mushroom
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