fludd problem with sunhine on dolphin
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On 2025-01-09 at 18:20:29
i am playing mario sunshine on dolphin and i cant run and spray (pressing r and walking) it just makes mario stop on the spot and sray no madder how gental i am help
dolphin 4.02 32 bit
duleshock 4 controller (connected with usb)
clean rom with no hacks
dolphin 4.02 32 bit
duleshock 4 controller (connected with usb)
clean rom with no hacks

On 2025-01-09 at 19:26:02
dolphin 4.02 32 bit
duleshock 4 controller (connected with usb)
clean rom with no hacks
dont know how to fix that but i would recommend maybe not using 11 year old versions of dolphin
On 2025-01-09 at 20:23:37
dolphin 4.02 32 bit
duleshock 4 controller (connected with usb)
clean rom with no hacks
Are you tapping R while walking, or holding it down?
On 2025-01-09 at 20:39:15
dolphin 4.02 32 bit
duleshock 4 controller (connected with usb)
clean rom with no hacks
Are you tapping R while walking, or holding it down?
Holding it down but not very hard as soon as water comes out mario stops

On 2025-01-09 at 20:45:38
dolphin 4.02 32 bit
duleshock 4 controller (connected with usb)
clean rom with no hacks
Are you tapping R while walking, or holding it down?
Holding it down but not very hard as soon as water comes out mario stops
Have you tried tapping R instead?
On 2025-01-09 at 21:02:39
I have figured out how to fix it: i forgot to map R analogue to anything
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