Challenge creation isn't working
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On 2024-12-06 at 20:16:29
Is anybody else not able to create challenges? I can set up the settings for the challenge, but the Validate button isn't working. What should I do?
On 2024-12-06 at 20:37:48
Is anybody else not able to create challenges? I can set up the settings for the challenge, but the Validate button isn't working. What should I do?
I think i may know why, see you may not be working. im not to sure rn, but maybe mkpc for challenges is having some queue due to well many players on mkpc making challenges, i don't think that is the case since norm when you make a challenge begine, you have to set the difficulty, type and then beat it, lets say said track takes 35 seconds to do, if you get 34.9 thats valid if you can beat it that means its doable, if you get like 35.1 you cant publish it since you need to beat your own challenge, but usually when publishing challenges, you don't have them instantly i think their approved by mods (im not entirely sure but i think that) so mods have to approve challenges, which usually takes a day. so if the validate isnt working, maybe beat your challenge, if you did beat it and its not working, maybe wait a day or 2 since the mods have to approve since (mods do alot so takes some time) i hope this may help you out
On 2024-12-06 at 20:49:21
Is anybody else not able to create challenges? I can set up the settings for the challenge, but the Validate button isn't working. What should I do?
I think i may know why, see you may not be working. im not to sure rn, but maybe mkpc for challenges is having some queue due to well many players on mkpc making challenges, i don't think that is the case since norm when you make a challenge begine, you have to set the difficulty, type and then beat it, lets say said track takes 35 seconds to do, if you get 34.9 thats valid if you can beat it that means its doable, if you get like 35.1 you cant publish it since you need to beat your own challenge, but usually when publishing challenges, you don't have them instantly i think their approved by mods (im not entirely sure but i think that) so mods have to approve challenges, which usually takes a day. so if the validate isnt working, maybe beat your challenge, if you did beat it and its not working, maybe wait a day or 2 since the mods have to approve since (mods do alot so takes some time) i hope this may help you out
No, I mean as in the Validate button simply isn't doing anything. I keep trying to press it, but literally nothing happens.
On 2024-12-06 at 20:55:30
Is anybody else not able to create challenges? I can set up the settings for the challenge, but the Validate button isn't working. What should I do?
I think i may know why, see you may not be working. im not to sure rn, but maybe mkpc for challenges is having some queue due to well many players on mkpc making challenges, i don't think that is the case since norm when you make a challenge begine, you have to set the difficulty, type and then beat it, lets say said track takes 35 seconds to do, if you get 34.9 thats valid if you can beat it that means its doable, if you get like 35.1 you cant publish it since you need to beat your own challenge, but usually when publishing challenges, you don't have them instantly i think their approved by mods (im not entirely sure but i think that) so mods have to approve challenges, which usually takes a day. so if the validate isnt working, maybe beat your challenge, if you did beat it and its not working, maybe wait a day or 2 since the mods have to approve since (mods do alot so takes some time) i hope this may help you out
No, I mean as in the Validate button simply isn't doing anything. I keep trying to press it, but literally nothing happens.
Hmm, Thats abit strange, I dont encounter that lol I still feel bad for you the devs will prob fix it or you could just talk to a dev like senko or fways themselves but validation not working, maybe wait a few days or just report to devs 📢
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