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What’s a game you always hated?


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Messages 272 - Toadsworth Toadsworth
vs7577 pts ★ Racer
battle5078 pts ★ Novice
For me I don’t really have a game I hate, just interested in what other people think.
Messages 1174 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs11204 pts ★ Champion
battle5118 pts ★ Novice
United States
I don't really care for hogwarts legacy (Harry Potter)

Mario game tho: lost levels for sure. No other Mario game is bad ig
Messages 775 - Mario Mario
vs19794 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
United States
Densgi wrote:
For me I don’t really have a game I hate, just interested in what other people think.

Super Mario Bros 3,Lost Levels, NSMBU and NSMB2.
Messages 314 - Peach Peach
vs15324 pts ★ Master
battle5000 pts ★ Novice
I'd have to go with the original Super Mario Bros. Or NSMBWII if I'm playing with anyone
Messages 1351 - Golden Mario Golden Mario
vs14007 pts ★ Champion
battle9374 pts ★ Expert
United Kingdom
Roblox. I don't feel I need to explain.

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